Modern personnel technologies in personnel management. HR technology

As explained in the encyclopedic dictionary, technology is an art, skill, skill, a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products in the production process. The task of technology as a science is to identify physical, chemical, mechanical and other patterns in order to determine and use in practice the most effective production processes.

Under technology V production activities understands the content, method and sequence of interaction between personnel and working machines in the process of manufacturing products, performing work and providing services, taking into account market requirements. IN modern production personnel management technology is the science and art of managing people, the mechanism of the relationship between the subject and the object of personnel management, the system of interaction between the manager and the employee, the strategy for developing decisions and the tactics for their implementation in the field of effective employment of workers in management staffing enterprises.

From a general scientific point of view, personnel technology is a mechanism for interaction between managers at all levels of management and their staff with the aim of making the most complete and effective use of the limited resources available in production. economic resources, and first of all the labor force, labor potential all categories of workers.

In modern personnel policy, personnel management technology, or personnel-technology, is characterized by multilateral functional-organizational relations.

Functionally Personnel management involves the implementation of the following activities:

Definition overall strategy personnel development;

Planning the needs of employees at the enterprise;

Recruitment, selection and evaluation of personnel;

Improvement of qualifications of workers and their retraining;

Professional movement of personnel in the enterprise;

Control business career workers;

Release of company employees, etc.

Organizationally personnel management covers ensuring labor relations and interaction of all employees and all structural divisions of the enterprise in the process of production and sale of products, which includes:

Personnel planning and placement of personnel;

Optimization of the number and structure of personnel;

Rationing of personnel labor;

Arranging payment and financial incentives;

Formation of labor culture, etc.

In personnel management there are several types personnel technologies: multi-level, communication, individual, etc. Multi-level personnel technologies provide for the implementation of a series of sequential interrelated tasks, communication - the establishment labor relations between individual employees and production departments of the enterprise, individual - specification of management actions in relation to a particular employee.

The managerial impact of personnel technology can be directed at an individual employee, a group of employees united by a common work task, as well as at factors of internal and external environment, in which the enterprise operates and the labor process is carried out.

When developing personnel technology aimed at improving personnel policy organization, the following external and internal factors must be taken into account:

Market requirements for production development;

Strategic and tactical goals;

Available financial capabilities;

Professional and qualified personnel;

The situation on the labor market in the region;

Staff employment level;

Employee productivity;

Current level wages personnel, etc.

The development and implementation of personnel technology for working with personnel in an organization usually includes seven typical stages:

Diagnostics of the personnel situation;

Making adjustments to existing provisions;

Preparation and approval of the technology project;

Approval of the developed technology;

Dissemination of the mechanism for implementing activities;

Staff training new technology;

Establishing those responsible for implementing the technology.

Methods for developing and evaluating applied management personnel technologies depend on specific production conditions and external factors. As a rule, personnel technologies are developed for the current period and more often for the future development of the enterprise. The further the planning horizon technological solutions, the higher the uncertainty of the results. This is why the development process modern personnel technologies complicated by both the presence of elements of uncertainty and the lack of accurate socio-economic information.

Humans are at the center of modern technologies and management concepts. The value of qualified and loyal staff is hard to dispute. A current trend in modern management is attention to human resources and increased investment in its development.

From this article you will learn:

Human resource management currently represents a complex of various concepts and technologies, ideas and methods for building and administering organizations and projects. Modern management influences all aspects of social life.

One of the most significant modern trends management can be considered a change in views on human resources. These changes affected not only ordinary employees, but also administrative staff. Performance indicator successful companies became the ability to master and apply methodological tools for working with personnel, to maintain a balance between technocratic and humanistic approaches. The essence of the changes in recent decades is a gradual shift in emphasis towards an integrated approach to administrative tasks. It is based on the long-term development of human resources and improving the quality of personnel. First of all, this concerns the sphere of management activities.

Trends in choosing HR technology

The reason for the changes taking place in modern Russian management, can be considered the economic reforms of recent years. They are the ones who make it possible to integrate the Russian economy into world economy. To do this, two important conditions must be met:

  • compliance of the ongoing reforms with the prevailing principles and mechanisms in the world community,
  • attention to the previous development of the economy and its current state.

Observing the dynamics of scientific and technological progress, studying the history of the world's largest corporations, we can draw a logical conclusion: a necessary condition The success of any company is a combination of effective personnel management and the use of modern technologies and methods.

Among the current trends in the field of personnel management are the following:

  • leveling the importance of social and technological innovation;
  • gradual increase in investment in human resources along with investment in technology;
  • the increasing importance of communications in the sphere of coordinating employee activity;
  • solving problem situations together with the team.

Modern HR management technologies

The choice of personnel management technology is made taking into account such significant factors as the nature of the company’s organizational structure, style of activity, strategy and personnel policy, duration of existence and form of ownership of the organization.

External factors also influence the choice:

  • socio-economic,
  • cultural,
  • political.

The effectiveness of modern technologies largely depends on the subject of management. The professionalism and competence of HR service specialists, whose area of ​​responsibility is personnel management, determines the choice of one technology or another. In the optimal case, subjects are represented widely enough and have a high level of professional competencies.

The optimal solution is rarely limited to the choice of one technique. The greatest effectiveness in practice is shown by a combination of various technologies: from time-tested to the most daring modern techniques.

Based on the origin of modern personnel management technologies, they can be conditionally combined into several groups.

Main groups of personnel management technologies:

  • Traditional. Enshrined in law, are the result professional activity and are applied at all levels of the organizational structure (for example, personnel records).
  • Industry. They provide technological support in the personnel field, based on the specifics of a particular industry.
  • Professional. They are the result of special developments by consulting agencies, take into account the specifics of the enterprise, and are created as a unique product. Among the main disadvantages are the cost and narrow range of applications.
  • Innovative. They are developed by the company’s HR specialists to solve current problems.

The choice of optimal personnel management technology is carried out taking into account the current state of the organization's resources. It is necessary to take into account the company's needs in the field of personnel selection, evaluation of their effectiveness, training and motivation.

Personnel management is becoming of great importance for managers at any level. The task of a competent manager is to set priorities in a timely manner, delegate authority, motivate subordinates to achieve results, set tasks and allocate time for their implementation.

Concepts and technologies of personnel management from foreign experience

In modern theory and practice of personnel management, four basic concepts are distinguished. The main criterion for this classification is the purpose of the technology and the role assigned to each employee.

Economic concept of the use of labor resources

“A person is one of the lines on a payroll slip”

The concept is based on theory scientific management. Its creator, American engineer Frederick Taylor, believed that the optimal administrative model is economic model, in which each employee is assigned the role of a factor of production. A person acts as an element of the labor process, and its main characteristics are reduced to the level of technical readiness, diligence and discipline. The employer's goal is to make maximum use of the labor potential of the staff, while resorting to authoritarian methods.

Organizational and administrative concept of personnel management

“Man is one of the positions in staffing table»

Technology based on this concept makes it possible to use not only the labor, but also the personal potential of workers. It is based on the theory of bureaucratic organization of the French theorist and management practice Henri Fileoya. Management corresponding to the organizational-administrative model assigns the employee the role of an element of the formal organizational structure, a company resource. The main requirements for a subordinate are compliance with his professional and personal qualities position held.

Organizational and social concept of human resource management

“Man is a non-renewable organizational resource, an element social organization»

This concept is based on the theory “ human relations» American psychologist and sociologist Elton Mayo and post-bureaucratic organization theory. To achieve the goal of maximizing the employee’s potential, it is proposed to create an optimal environment in which a person can express himself. The employee, as in other concepts, plays the role of a company resource, an element of social organization. The same basic requirements are imposed on him: the presence of the necessary professional and personal qualities. However, this concept places special emphasis on human and group factors. An employee must not only be a professional, but also correspond to the psychological climate of the company, its corporate culture.

Humanistic concept of management

“Not a person for an organization, but an organization for a person”

The basis of this concept can be considered the philosophy of Japanese management, which applies a humanistic administrative model. According to it, personnel are the main subject of any company. Every employee is a full member organizational system and there are no requirements for its characteristics. It is believed that the state of relations in a company depends only on the desires and abilities of its employees.

Recommendations for choosing HR management technology

The development trend of modern personnel management technologies can be considered their constant mutual intersection. Existing concepts and theories are rarely used in their pure form. In practice, their combinations are used. For example, in domestic management the features of Eastern and Western theories, namely American and Japanese management, are manifested. It is not possible to single out the model that has the greatest impact.

Regarding the choice of HR technology, most companies are making attempts to balance borrowing foreign experience and developing your own solutions. Make an unambiguous decision on which direction is most effective, at the moment quite difficult. To apply foreign experience, it is necessary to study the mentality and traditions of the country whose technologies are planned to be borrowed.

Using methods in their pure form, without taking into account the characteristics of a particular country, rarely leads to positive results. On the other hand, existing domestic developments, despite their extensiveness, retain a touch of the Soviet era, which makes many of them irrelevant.

Currently in Russia, many companies give preference to Japanese or American concepts. Perhaps domestic management needs more time to create its own concept. At the moment, organizations can only combine the best features of modern personnel management technologies that are applicable in each specific case.

What modern personnel management technologies are used at an enterprise depends on the presence of the following fundamental factors:

In formation effective management especially important role plays a role in the professionalism and competence of specialists working in the field of personnel management.

Modern personnel management

The current stage of development of this industry is characterized by the introduction of new definitions and concepts about personnel management technology. Such concepts as:

  • Activity format
  • Vision of prospects

The object of control, in the light latest changes, the competence of employees becomes, and the subject is the quality of activity. The main task, in a professional sense, is to create a personnel management service that would meet all modern requirements.

Components of a personnel management system

The components of the personnel management concept are:

  1. Goals.
  2. Subjects.
  3. Tasks.
  4. Means (methods and technologies).

The nature of the concept is usually determined by a number of internal and external factors. External circumstances include:

  1. The culture of the region, which determines the level of perception of management as an independent direction.
  2. Socio-economic situation of various population groups. This factor influences the level of employee demands towards the employer and sets the main vector of activity common system management.
  3. Situational features. In this case we're talking about about force majeure conditions (natural disaster, political crisis, etc.).

The most significant internal factors speakers:

  1. Form of ownership.
  2. Direction of activity.
  3. Scale and territorial organization.

Taken together, external and internal factors have a decisive influence on determining the goals, objectives and methods of activity of management subjects.

Structure of management subjects

The most common management subjects include:

  1. Direct managers.
  2. Heads of directions.
  3. Heads of organizations.
  4. Management service.

The choice of a specific personnel management technology in the organization’s system depends on how widely all management subjects are represented and how high the level of their professional (managerial) competence is.

Management service

Being self-sufficient structural unit, the personnel management service is structured, as a rule, depending on the responsibilities assigned to it. Among the main functions of this division are the following:

  1. Registration (documentary support of labor relations).
  2. Organizational (selection of qualified employees, certification, relocation).
  3. Analytical (evaluation of the result of interaction).
  4. Strategic (planning the personnel policy of the enterprise).

Control technologies

This concept covers the entire system of means, goals and methods of influencing personnel, the ultimate goal of which is to manage them. Thus, technology -) is a kind of tool,


Conventionally, all developed technologies can be divided depending on the ultimate goal pursued:

  1. Formation of personnel structure.
  2. Maintenance of performance.
  3. Stimulating innovation.

Depending on the causes of occurrence, this toolkit is divided into the group that is used to organize planned activities and that is used to ensure the effectiveness of various situational emergency measures.

Quite a lot of experts share the point of view in which technologies are classified depending on the scale of application. For example, management may be aimed at:

  • employees of the enterprise as a whole)
  • separate groups)
  • individual workers.


Today, all technologies, depending on their origin, are divided into several most common types.


They are widely used in any organizational structure since they are largely the result of professional activity and have legislative support. (For example, personnel records).


They are characterized by the fact that they are used in the activities of specialized industry bodies and services. When using this type, technological support for the industry’s activities is developed (regarding personnel issues). As a rule, the demonstration takes place on an approximate model.


New personnel management technologies belonging to this group are created on special order by consulting agencies. The advantage of this approach is that the specifics of a particular enterprise and the peculiarities of the period for which the technology is created are taken into account. Among the disadvantages of this method of organizing management are the high cost and the very narrow scope of application of the purchased product (lack of versatility).


They are created to resolve current problems by the enterprise service. To implement and implement such an approach to management, very high qualifications of specialists and service status are required.

Dependence on the means of achieving a management goal

The means used to achieve the end goal also determine the type of technology used. The following main four groups can be distinguished:


They rely on norms, rules and standards that are legally enshrined. The basis of this group is made up of separate sets of legislative documents. For example: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, instructions and rules developed by certain departments, local acts.

The main objective of this approach is to unify the attitude towards all employees of the organization and ensure objectivity when assessing their activities.


Difficulties when using this type include the absence of such regulatory and legal systems that would fully and consistently interpret certain circumstances. In this regard, administrative methods require documentary support with various recording systems that confirm the presence of certain circumstances. For example, such accounting systems include:

  • accounting records)
  • recording presence at the workplace)
  • determination of specific deadlines for completing tasks)


This technology of personnel management is associated with the use of economic benefits as a management lever. It is often formed in the form of a system of sanctions and incentives (rewards). The use of this method is justified not only by increasing labor productivity, but also by strengthening relations between company departments and increasing attention to each employee. This approach greatly stimulates the participation of all personnel in the process of ensuring the life of the organization.

Among the difficulties, one can note the need to carefully calculate the economic feasibility of implementing such an approach.


The group of technologies that are associated with the use of enterprise resources are classified as organizational. In the process of applying this group, the following can be used innovative technologies in personnel management, as flexible schedule, seminar systems, modern means communications, etc.

Among the resources used in this case are:

  • spatial)
  • temporary)
  • organization of activities)
  • organization of internal interaction.


These technologies are most beneficial to use because the medium underlying them is human relationships. Regulation social sphere in accordance with the goals of the organization, helps to form the necessary team of the enterprise. The end result of the application can be such competitive qualities of employees as loyalty to the company, loyalty, and high dedication.

Selecting the required technology

The selected final technology that will be used in the company, as a rule, contains characteristics of various classes and groups listed above. However, the most important nuance in its development and construction is an understanding of what resources the organization has.

Basic tasks such as selection and evaluation of personnel performance, intra-organizational training and provision of motivation must be defined.

Personnel training technologies

Modern production realities require that all personnel be constantly immersed in the process of advanced training and training. This need is caused mainly by the following circumstances:

  1. Changes in technology in the form of the introduction of new means of communication, office equipment and household appliances. If there is a lag in the use of innovations, there is a high probability of falling behind competitors.
  2. Update production equipment and as a consequence, the need additional training employees to work on it. This need especially arises in the case of preparation for the release of new products.
  3. Ensuring consistency of high-quality personnel. It is more profitable for an employer to train its own employees than to hire specialists from outside. New employees are always required to be given a certain period of adaptation, which is counterproductive.

HR technologies make it possible to solve personnel tasks challenges facing every organization. With their help, high efficiency of employee management is ensured.

In order for an enterprise to take a leading position in the industry, the company's team must consist of professionals. In addition, the company's management needs to pay enough attention to people management.

HR technologies will help create a modern and effective system, only then will the organization be successful in the market. First you need to find specialists and evaluate their professional knowledge. It is worth paying attention to business qualities candidates, it is important to find out the personal characteristics of future employees.

The candidate selection process takes time. It is necessary to hire the best specialists. Each employee signs employment contract, the HR department helps a person adapt to a new place.

If we talk about the content of personnel technologies, they represent a series of actions aimed at achieving two goals. The first of them is obtaining information about a specialist. This may include information about his professional knowledge and skills. The second goal is to determine the qualities and skills that the organization wants to see in its employee.

Staffing is one of the most important elements of working with specialists. The efficiency of the company’s activities, as well as how well the company’s resources will be used, depends on how experienced employees the HR specialists can find.

Hiring experienced employees and industry-renowned professionals who have made a name for themselves will be a good investment for any business. On personnel selection, if possible financial condition companies, you should not save. But mistakes when selecting new employees will be a failure, which can be very costly for the company.

For example, a company plans to start training employees. If people are not suited to the job, training them will be a waste of resources. Even for large organizations this will be a luxury. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the same situation will suffer maximum damage, because they have to work in conditions of fierce competition, and the budget of small firms is often limited. HR technologies are designed to protect the company from such expenses.

Basic elements of HR technologies

If an enterprise has hired a sufficient number of experienced specialists, this does not guarantee that the staff will provide high efficiency labor.

In order for the staff’s abilities to be aimed at achieving the goals required by the enterprise, it is necessary to competently manage employees. HR management technology should be carefully thought out; its development should not be rushed. It is necessary that management actions be aimed at assessing the qualifications of specialists. It is useful to timely move an employee to a position where his skills could be used most fully.

In addition, it is important to interest the employee in the results of work.

It is necessary not only to motivate, but also to adequately reward a specialist for high quality work.

All these management activities are closely related to HR technologies. Their main elements include the following:

  1. Personnel planning. Selection of specialists and recruitment of new employees to the enterprise.
  2. Setting wages and determining employee benefits.
  3. Career guidance for specialists, their adaptation to a new place and training.
  4. Assessment of the activities of enterprise employees. Preparation of personnel reserve. Personnel professional development management.
  5. Promoting employees, demoting them. Transfer of specialists to a new place of work, dismissal of employees.
  6. Social issues and health protection of workers. Industrial relations at the enterprise.

Structure of HR technologies

All modern personnel management technologies in an enterprise can be divided into 3 groups. The first group uses technologies that make it possible to obtain reliable information about the specialist. This may include the selection of new employees for vacancies, periodic rotation of personnel, career management of employees.

The second group is those technologies that allow you to find personnel with the required characteristics. This could be certification of specialists, qualifying exam employees, conducting individual interviews. This also includes observing how an employee working at the enterprise acts in different situations.

The third group uses personnel technologies that ensure the demand for specialist capabilities. The enterprise is forming personnel reserve, personnel planning is carried out, etc.

In order to receive personal information about an employee, the HR department can use legitimate methods that have legal basis. It is worth noting that personnel management technology assumes that all groups are interconnected. Practice shows that they cannot be realized one without the other. These personnel technologies can be called basic. But it is necessary to take into account that the groups differ significantly from each other, although they have many similarities.

Company managers must use different technologies for managing the organization's personnel. In order to obtain reliable information about the employee, an assessment is used. But personnel selection makes it possible to find out qualitative characteristics and get more information about quantitative indicators. Career management involves the use of special personnel measures.

Proper use of HR technologies creates a comfortable work environment at the enterprise and allows for the formation of the organization’s social capital. Each employee of the company has necessary for the enterprise professional skills. They constitute the professional capital of the enterprise. These resources can be managed using specific tools.

Specific management functions

To influence personnel, technologies must be chosen especially carefully. It is imperative to take into account the strategic goals of the enterprise. Firstly, HR technologies in personnel management must effectively influence the system social relations companies. This is done in order to satisfy the company's needs for the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of employees.

Secondly, each enterprise has adopted its own system of professional roles. HR technologies contribute to the inclusion of human professional skills in this system.

Thirdly, the company creates a mechanism for reproducing the employee’s professional experience.

Application of HR technologies

In any organization, personnel management technologies should be used only on a regulatory basis. All actions of HR department employees and company managers are strictly regulated.

Only those persons who have the necessary qualifications have the right to develop and use HR technologies in their work. The personal dignity of the employee during the assessment must not be infringed, human rights must not be violated and information not related to disclosure must not be disclosed. professional responsibilities person. In addition, the methodology should be explained in detail to all employees so that they do not have any questions.

One more important point is that all results obtained during the assessment must be consolidated regulations enterprises. This will increase the confidence of company employees and reduce the likelihood of subjectivity when using HR technologies.

What modern personnel management technologies are used at an enterprise depends on the presence of the following fundamental factors: Nature internal organization companies. For example: form of ownership, style of activity, period of existence. External factors that in one way or another influence the functioning of the organization. For example: socio-economic, political and cultural. Professionalism and competence play a particularly important role in building effective management HR specialists, employed in the field of personnel management.

The choice of a specific personnel management technology in the organization’s system depends on how widely all management subjects are represented. And also, on the level of their professional (managerial) competence.

All modern personnel management technologies, depending on their origin, are divided into several most common types:

· Traditional technologies, are widely used in every structure of the enterprise, since they are the result of professional activity and are enshrined in law (for example, personnel records).

· Industry technologies are characterized by the development of technological support for the activities of a specialized industry or service (in relation to personnel issues).

· Professional modern HR management technologies are created by consulting agencies on special order. The advantage is that during creation, the specifics of the company are taken into account. The downside is that the product has a very high cost and a narrow range of applications.

· Modern innovative HR management technologies help solve current problems with the help of the company's HR service.

The choice of the final technology, which combines the characteristics of all types, will largely depend on the state of the company’s resources. An indispensable condition is to determine the main tasks for selecting and assessing the effectiveness of personnel. And also, providing motivation and training to staff.

Personnel management modern organization is playing an increasingly important role. It is of particular importance for managers. After all, it is the managers of enterprises who must manage not only working time, but also the time of their subordinates. Managers, by setting priorities and delegating authority, motivate staff to achieve results. Equally important is the ability of the employee himself to effectively distribute his working hours. In addition, the employee’s activities include not only the execution of assigned tasks, but also the search for new methods for successfully solving problems, that is, his own organization.

Modern concepts personnel management (based on foreign experience)

Experts believe that modern theory and practice of personnel management are based on four concepts:

Economic concept of use labor resources.

· Organizational and administrative concept of personnel management.

· Organizational and social concept of human resource management.

· Humanistic concept of management.

If we talk about labor resource utilization concepts, then its goal is to maximize the use of employees’ labor potential. The concept is based on F. Taylor's theory of scientific management. The management model is economic (“a person is one of the lines on a salary sheet”). The role of man is reduced to a factor of production. The place of a person is an element of the labor process. The requirements for the “qualitative” characteristics of an employee are the presence of technical readiness, diligence, discipline, and the willingness to subordinate personal interests to the interests of the common cause. The typical management style is authoritarian.

Target organizational and administrative concept of personnel management– use of a person’s labor and personal potential. The concept is based on the development of the theory of bureaucratic organization by A. Fayol.

Concept management model, organizational and administrative “a person is one of the positions in the staffing table.” A person in the management system is assigned the role of an organization resource. The place of a person in the management system is an element of the formal organizational structure. The requirements for the “qualitative” characteristics of an employee - professional, qualification and personal qualities - must correspond to the position held.

Target organizational and social concept of human resource management– maximum use of employee potential by creating an optimal environment. The concept is based on Elton Mayo’s theory of “human relations” and post-bureaucratic theory of organization. Organizational-social management model – where “an employee is a non-renewable organizational resource, an element of social organization.” The role of a person in the management system is an organization resource. The place of a person in the management system is an element of social organization. The requirements for the characteristic “qualities of an employee” are the presence of professional, qualification and personal qualities corresponding to the position, as well as full compliance psychological climate, corporate culture of the organization.

Target humanistic management concept– creating conditions for human self-realization. The concept is based on the philosophy of Japanese management. The management model is humanistic: “not a person for the organization, but an organization for the person.” A person in the management system is assigned the role of the main subject of the organization. In a management system, a person is a member of an organizational system. There are no requirements for the employee regarding “qualitative” characteristics, and the state of relations within the organization depends on the desires and abilities of the employees.

19. Public administration: concepts, content, purpose and objectives

The concept of “GI” characterizes the field of scientific knowledge and type of social. management - a sphere of practical activity related to solving government problems. organization and regulation of societies. life. This organizational and regulatory influence of the state can be divided into two components - political and administrative. Within the framework of the first - political control - the questions of what, why and why are resolved? The second represents a more specific manifestation of GI itself, resolving questions of how and with what? In this sense, it is called by some authors administrative-public management.

Three structural levels of GI organization. Higher - institutional - borderline m/u political. and state control It defines the general policy and the main tasks of its implementation. Middle - administrative level - the sphere of functional management (administration). On it, any area of ​​activity is analyzed and decomposed into various organizational and managerial components - planning, organization, management, control, etc. At the third stage - technological (lowest) - there is a direct satisfaction of social needs for public utility services, transformed into specific products (results) that are used by society as a whole and individual citizens or their organizations.

The global goal of the functioning of the public administration system is to ensure optimal quality of life of citizens throughout the territory. state Management goals determine the essence of management. decisions: choice of actions using cat. goals must be achieved.

Increasing management efficiency while minimizing costs; increasing targeting of services to citizens who need them;

Creation of a state-public system for assessing the quality and monitoring the activities of institutions of all types and types of ownership, including licensing, certification, state. and societies. accreditation; ensuring unified social rights. and information space, creation of a system of laws and other regulations. right acts, cat. would organically unite the federation. legislation and legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

A clearer division of powers between the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, as well as local authorities. self-government in the region based on contracts; development of a program-targeted mechanism for management and financing; stimulation of mixed private-public finance management system;

Independence of institutions and organizations in choosing a development strategy, content of implemented programs and services, financial and economic. activities

Let's lie. GI science in our country is going through a period of formation. There are a number of problems associated with this; the most obvious of them are the lack of development of the theory of GI and the almost complete absence of specific research. As for theory, legal dogmas continue to prevail here, periodically interspersed with attempts to create a general theory of management, extendable to the state, on the basis of management as the science of enterprise management. Specific research is hampered, on the one hand, by lack of concentration in the sphere of scientific organization. research On the other hand, Russian. The administrative system remains quite closed, including for researchers. In the meantime, GI remains 90% “imported science”