Improving the personnel career management system at technoavia. Measures to improve recommendations and form business career management Improvement of employees' business career management

An analysis of the problems in career management of employees of Technoavia LLC showed that the organization lacks a career management system, an effective career motivation system and, as a result, inefficient staff training.

It is proposed to develop a complete career management system.

The career management system should include related goals, functions, technologies, structure and career management personnel.

The goals of career process management should be based on the general goals of the personnel management system, but at the same time have a feature of this area of ​​activity of the organization in the field of human resource management and may include:

  • - the formation, development and appropriate use of the professional potential of each manager and the organization as a whole;
  • - ensuring the continuity of professional experience and culture of the organization;
  • - achieving mutual understanding between the organization and the manager on the issues of its development and promotion;
  • - creation favorable conditions for the development and promotion of personnel within the organizational space.

Career map for sales manager.

For each new employee, an individual career map is drawn up, which roughly looks like this.

Table 7 - Career Map

Job title

Sales Manager

Length of service in the company


3 years after receiving higher education in the specialty "Management of the organization"

Additional certificates

Courses "1C: Accounting 8.2"

Professional Accountant Certificate

Professional skills

active / direct sales skills;

negotiation skills;

sales planning skills;

Skills in finding new reliable suppliers;

objection handling skills

skills in preparing commercial proposals;

knowledge of office programs: MS Word, Excel;

knowledge of 1C;

ability to convince;

Personal qualities

active life position;

analytic mind;

fast learner;

high efficiency;

willingness to take responsibility;

grammatically correct speech;


desire to work and earn;




Desired career position


career steps

Intern - Assistant Manager - Sales Manager - Senior Manager - Administrator - Deputy - Manager

Figure 9 - Proposed managerial career

Of course, each new manager climbs the career ladder in different ways and stops at his stage, but climbing up in the organization is possible only according to this scheme.

To enter a new step on the career ladder, you must:

  • - meet the standards (revenue per day, stability of results);
  • - get trained.

Table 8 - Main goals of formation and use personnel reserve

Importance of purpose

Criteria for evaluation

Planned results

Optimize recruitment costs

Percentage of reduction in recruitment costs

After 6 months after the implementation of the program, reduce recruitment costs by 20%

Continuous replenishment of managers

Percentage of employees included in the talent pool

The number of employees included in the reserve must correspond to the number of positions to be provided by the reserve

Employee career motivation

Number of employees with individual career programs

100% of the personnel reserve participants must have individual career programs

Reducing the level of staff turnover among the most promising employees

Percentage of those who left the personnel reserve

No more than 10%

Integral indicator of satisfaction of reservists

Not less than 35%

Timely filling of vacancies for managerial positions

Percentage of staff appointments from the talent pool

Not less than 80%

Raising the educational level and professional qualifications of promising employees

Percentage of reservists covered by the development program

100% of personnel reserve participants

Reservist training frequency

At least 1 event per month

Number of internships per employee included in the reserve

At least 1 internship within 6 months

Percentage of those who passed the assessment center procedure

Not less than 70%

Percentage of compliance with the model of managerial competencies

Not less than 70%

Establishment of the organization as a socially oriented enterprise, improvement of the organization's image as an employer

Completeness of the solution of the assigned tasks within the established period

At least 70% of the surveyed employees should rate the organization as a stable, socially oriented participant in the labor market

Sign in

Cost limit for training one reservist

The maximum allowable excess of the budget of expenses - 20%

In any circumstances, all goals set must be set in certain units of measurement: rubles, percentages, and so on.

By specifying the units of measurement, you can establish quantitative indicators of 100% completion of various tasks.

After setting quantifiable goals, indicators should be identified that affect the effect of career management activities.

Scheme of functional relationships in the management process business career in the organization is shown in Table 9.

Table 9 - Functional relationships in the process of managing a business career

Control functions


Chief Accountant

Head of Sales Department

Drawing up plans for managing a business career and personnel reserve

Taking incentives or penalties for the work performed on the personnel reserve

Improving the organization of personnel replacement

Conducting competitions for filling vacancies

Advanced training of employees enrolled in the reserve

Registration in the reserve and movement by position

Organization of accounting for business career management and reserve

Studying the placement and use of specialists, as well as the business qualities of employees

Creation of personnel reserves for promotion

Monitoring the performance of business career management and personnel reserve by the heads of departments

Frame Movement Study

Ensuring reporting on business career management and talent pool

Elaboration of replacement schemes and individual business career development plans

Monitoring the implementation of training plans for specialists selected for the personnel reserve

Implementation of the program of work with the personnel reserve

Conventional designations.

P - makes decisions, approves the document

О - is responsible for the implementation, organizes, draws up the final document.

Y - participates in the performance of this function

P - represents the initial data for executing the function.

Career planning is the process of comparing hidden opportunities, goals and abilities of a person with the requirements of the organization, strategy and plans for its development, which is expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

Once every 3 years, the organization conducts certification of employees for compliance with the position held.

For such certification, officials and employees of the organization who have worked for more than a year are involved.

To develop and implement an effective motivation system, it is necessary to implement three stages: to diagnose the motivational environment in the organization, to develop a segmented motivation system in which to comprehensively apply material and moral means of motivation, to regularly monitor and correct the motivational system.

The first stage: diagnostics of the motivational environment of the organization (system of stimulating conditions). At this stage, the following activities are implemented:

  • - development of methods for objective and unambiguous measurement of the results of employees' work.
  • - availability for employees of official information about the desired result (how to work and what results to have).
  • - assessment of the degree of achievability of the desired results. When a task is too difficult or too easy, the motivation of employees tends to decrease.
  • - taking into account the principles of incentives: the presence of motivation conditions common to all, a reasonable assessment system, the availability of precise criteria for measuring results, the simplicity and clarity of the means for evaluating results, the relationship between results and incentives, measuring results and remuneration of all employees according to the results of their work.

The second stage of developing a motivation system is the stage of building a segmented motivating system and taking into account the psychological characteristics of employees.

At the second stage, it is necessary to conduct a personal survey of employees in order to identify certain groups and develop a segmented motivation system.

In the second stage, you can also psychological testing employees within each group in order to take into account their expectations and implement an individual approach according to the psychotypes of individual employees.

At the second stage, taking into account the selected groups of employees and data on their individual psychological characteristics, it is necessary to introduce the principle of complexity, that is, to apply not only material, but also moral incentives:

  • - assessment and recognition of personal merits of individual employees: public assessment at meetings, improvement of the interior of the office, photographs or messages on special stands and "Honor Boards", honorary orders from senior management, badges of honor and awards.
  • - assessment and recognition of the merits of the department: informing about the achievements of the department at meetings and in the internal corporate press, organizing gala dinners in honor of certain employees, sending employees to a certain conference (seminars, exhibitions, meetings), sending a group for training, a group trip on an excursion or to tourist trip, awarding badges of distinction.
  • - personal recognition of the merits of employees by the management: verbal expression of gratitude, written expression of gratitude, gifts, conversation with the head.

The third stage in the development of a motivation system is monitoring and correction. At this stage, employees are constantly questioned about once every six months and the motivating factors are changed in accordance with the information received about their attitude to working conditions in the organization.

The main requirement for the motivation system is the most complete accounting official duties sales staff.

For example, the material motivation of the sales staff may be as follows.

Manager for work with corporate clients. The remuneration consists of the following indicators: "salary" + "bonus" + "bonus for each developed order" + "client development bonus" + "long service bonus" + "qualification bonus".

Senior manager. Compensation consists of the following indicators: "salary" + "bonus for overfulfillment of the plan in the amount of 1% from all invoices exceeding the monthly sales plan" + "bonus for each developed order" + "longevity bonus" + "qualification bonus" .

Head of Sales Department. Remuneration consists of the following indicators: "salary" + "0.1% of department sales" + "one-time bonuses for opening a new branch" + "long service bonus" + "qualification bonus".

The next requirement for the motivation system is its transparency. In the case of bias or incomprehensibility, the opposite effect will be observed - demotivation. Each employee must be convinced of the fairness of rewards and punishments. In other words, he can influence the amount of wages by the results of his work.

Figure 10 - The process of developing effective career motivation

Thus, in order to develop effective motivation for the career growth of employees, it is necessary to perform a number of activities at each stage of development. (Figure 10)

Similar standards are set for each sales manager.

In order to implement a personnel career management system, an effective career motivation system, as well as for personnel development, it is recommended to conduct annual training for managers and employees.

In this regard, it is proposed to train a personnel manager, a sales manager, as well as a deputy chief accountant for the following programs:

I. The role of training and development of personnel in the overall system for improving the efficiency of the organization:

  • 1. Professional training and development in the overall management system of the organization:
    • - efficiency and effectiveness of work as the main requirement for personnel in the organization;
    • - the role of professional training and development in the overall performance management system.

II. Comprehensive personnel development programs in the organization:

  • 1) Targeted training programs for specialists;
  • 2) "young fighter" courses (adaptation programs);
  • 3) Career development programs;
  • 4) Programs for the development of management and the formation of a reserve of leading personnel.

III. Organization of training in the company:

  • 1. Training planning:
    • - Technology for drawing up training plans for the organization;
    • - Determination of the necessary resources (methodological materials, technical equipment, etc.).
  • 2. Budgeting for development and training activities.
  • 3. Administration of training activities. Basic requirements for the organization of control over the passage of training programs.

The organizers of this seminar, as well as its leaders - coaches, must provide all the materials for effective work on career management and staff development.

The main directions for improving the process of career management in OJSC CB "Accept". To improve the process of managing the career of specialists in OJSC CB "Accept", the following measures can be recommended. Development of a regulation on career management at JSC CB "Accept", which will contain the following sections:

a common part

Goals and objectives of career management

Career management organization

Personnel assessment in the career process

The procedure for preparing and making a decision on career management issues

Documentation system used

This provision will systematize the process of career management in the bank.

Develop a general plan for the intraorganizational movement of personnel based on the knowledge that there is an optimal tenure of persons in a particular position.

An HR manager needs to improve their knowledge and skills in career management. To do this, you can offer the organization to send him to special training courses in personnel career management technologies. This will allow you to properly organize the career management process in the bank, and thus increase its efficiency.

Professional consulting for bank specialists on career management issues. The purpose of this event is to create the interest of employees in developing their careers, as well as provide them with the tools to start career management.

Let's calculate the commercial economic efficiency of the proposed measures (Table 3.1.).

Table 4

Calculation of commercial economic efficiency proposed activities for career management of specialists.

Name of performance indicator

Calculation formula

The value of the indicator, rub.

1. One-time costs for the implementation of activities

1.1. Costs for developing Career Management Regulations

Z1.1. \u003d W / pmonthChiMonthKsots. fear.Kop. salary = 17000121.341.0

1.2. HR manager training costs

2. Current expenses for the implementation of activities (per month)

2.1. Stationery, telephone expenses

3. Savings and income from the implementation of activities (per month)

3.1. Reducing staff turnover:

3.1.1. Increasing production volumes by reducing the loss of working time

3.1.2. Reducing recruitment costs

Calculate the annual flow of real money from the implementation of the proposed activities: 54000*12-(60560 + 1000*12)=575440 rubles

The project is economically feasible - it pays off in the first year of implementation, and its commercial efficiency is 575,440 rubles. in year.

Consider the social effectiveness of the proposed activities (Table 4).

Table 5

Social efficiency of the proposed measures to improve the career management system of specialists.

Positive social change

Prevented negative social changes

Reducing staff turnover, increasing job satisfaction, ensuring that the content of work meets the interests and individual characteristics of employees, increasing the professional level of employees, increasing the validity of decisions on issues of intra-organizational relocations, improving the moral and psychological climate, stabilizing the team.

The deterioration of the moral and psychological climate caused by staff turnover, staff dissatisfaction with work due to the inconsistency of the incentives offered by the organization with the motives of employees, the damage caused to the individual due to the inconsistency of work with the individual characteristics and interests of the employee.

Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed measures to improve the career management process are expedient and will bring a positive economic and social effect to OJSC CB "Accept".

The goals of career management in the institution are to designate:

    the use of the career factor as an assessment of the employee's merits, a fundamental incentive in the employee's activities;

    rationally use the professional abilities of employees in order to achieve the goals of education management activities;

    ensuring a relatively stable composition of staff capable of accumulating professional experience and corporate culture of education management

    provide an employee of the institution with a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore provides moral satisfaction

    an employee of the education administration to occupy a position that enhances his professional capabilities and develops them;

    employees to work in a specialty or occupy a position that allows them to achieve a certain degree of independence.

Also in this provision it is necessary to define the tasks of managing the career of the organization's personnel:

    determine the criteria and portraits of employees;

    develop the abilities, skills, abilities of staff;

    formation of a team leader capable of managing a group; use of the principle of equal and fair opportunities for employees in moving up the "career ladder";

    formation of a team of employees capable of acting in modern conditions, with success for all education management;

    creation of a single social organism of the institution.

The main objectives of the formation of a personnel reserve are:

    formation of a quality personnel Administration of the urban settlement, its departments;

    stimulation of increasing professionalism, service activity;

    timely replacement of vacant positions in the municipal service;

    ensuring the right to promotion;

    purposeful advanced training and retraining of municipal employees in the reserve.

The main principles for the formation of a personnel reserve are:

    equal access of citizens to enrollment in the reserve in accordance with their abilities and professional training;

    objectivity in assessing the quality and results of performance of persons enrolled in the reserve;

    voluntary inclusion in the reserve;

    planning work on the formation of a personnel reserve of municipal employees;

    publicity in work with the reserve;

    unity of the basic requirements for nomination;

    creation of conditions for the professional growth of candidates for nomination, the creative performance of their duties.

The personnel reserve is formed to fill the leading and senior positions of the municipal service in the Administration of the urban settlement, its departments, from among the municipal employees replacing the positions of the municipal service in the Administration of the urban settlement, the Administration of the Solecki municipal district, heads and specialists of organizations, institutions (hereinafter referred to as candidate specialists), meeting the requirements set forth in paragraph 1 of this Procedure on the basis of:

    proposals of the Head of the urban settlement, recommendations of the Deputy Head of the urban settlement, heads of departments of the Administration of the urban settlement and at least one recommendation the head of the organization in which the specialist candidate works (Appendix 1);

    results of the next certification of municipal employees;

    the results of studying the materials of a personal file municipal employee;

    the results of studying the materials of the performance of a municipal employee, specialist candidate, their training, retraining, advanced training and other documents.

If there are several candidates that meet the requirements set forth in paragraph 1 of this Procedure, for inclusion in the reserve for filling the position of the municipal service, the employer (representative of the employer) decides on their inclusion in the reserve for the vacant position of the municipal service. The formed personnel reserve is drawn up in the form of a list, which is compiled by a specialist in personnel work Administration of the urban settlement (Appendix 2) to this Procedure. The list of the personnel reserve is approved annually by June 1 by order of the Administration of the urban settlement. Within 10 days from the date of approval of the list of the personnel reserve, the specialist in personnel work of the Administration of the urban settlement submits the list for familiarization to municipal employees, candidate specialists included in the personnel reserve.

During the year, it is possible by order of the Administration of the urban settlement to include additional candidates in the list of personnel reserve. Exclusion from the list of personnel reserve is made by order of the Administration of the urban settlement in the event of:

    appointments to the appropriate position of the municipal service in the order of promotion;

    reaching the maximum age of stay in the municipal service;

    a written application of a person in the reserve for exclusion from the personnel reserve;

    the onset and (or) discovery of circumstances that prevent a citizen from entering the municipal service or performing municipal service;

    layoffs in the municipal service.

The employer (representative of the employer), when a vacant position in the municipal service appears, has the right to decide on its replacement from among the persons included in the personnel reserve. If there are several candidates in the reserve for filling the position of the municipal service, the employer (representative of the employer) decides to appoint one of them to the vacant position of the municipal service, based on the results of consideration of the personal file and the results of the interview.

The highly productive work of the organization depends not only on the quality of the staff of Gallery-ALEX LLC, but also on the management of its current and potential professional opportunities, professional experience. In an organization, it is important not only to know who can do what and who is capable of what, but also to make sure that the talent and professional qualities of a person are noticed and demanded in time.

Business career - the progressive advancement of a person in any field of activity, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, fame, enrichment.

Career growth as such, characterized not only by the promotion of employees "vertically", but also by qualitative ( personal growth employees (intra-position and inter-position movements within the same management level) are not carried out.

Hence - the dissatisfaction of the staff with the lack of opportunities to develop their own abilities and other personal qualities; system wages equalizing the opportunities of each individual worker; inconsistency between the goals of the organization and the expectations of employees.

We consider it expedient for the management of Gallery-ALEX LLC to carry out career planning activities for employees who have a good potential to perform managerial functions. An employee, with the support of the top management of the enterprise, must accurately represent the possibilities of his own development and his ultimate goal in this organization.

In this case, you can use the following methods of intra-organizational career growth.

Vertical career - a consistent rise to a higher level in the organizational structure

This type of career growth is actually present in the organization "Gallery-ALEX". But in this case, vertical promotion is not carried out purposefully (it is not planned in advance), but is forced as soon as there is a need for a new qualified employee. At the same time, the employee himself, not clearly imagining his future "fate", does not work purposefully, he is not motivated, which means that the effectiveness of his work does not increase.

The most important element of career growth - a horizontal career - can be traced in moving to another functional area, or in performing a certain role that is not rigidly fixed in the organizational structure.

In this situation, it is proposed to organize creative teams from "reservists", for example, a group for "effective work to strengthen the position in the consumer market." At the same time, employees will acquire skills that are very valuable for a future leader: working with information, making decisions, interacting with business partners, etc.

A centripetal career is the least obvious career growth for an employee with great abilities and knowledge. Such promotion of an employee is characterized by obtaining employee access to various sources of information, introducing the employee to the number of participants in informal meetings. Such actions on the part of senior management, as a rule, are accompanied by the appointment of an employee to a higher position.

In addition, in order to promote employees in Gallery-ALEX LLC, it is necessary to develop a special supporting development program that would help these employees, along with acquiring formal authority in the process of career growth (promotion), gain informal authority in the team.

This program should teach such workers the ability to manage themselves, to acquire firm, permanent and timely personal management principles and values; clarify questions about the purpose of their personal and business life; find the reasons that prevent a novice leader from achieving success in life and evaluate the success of others; to acquire the ability for dynamic development, as a result of which to realize their potential own abilities; acquire skills in problem solving; develop a creative approach to management; develop the ability to receive support from others, to influence them; acquire leadership skills, the ability to train, form a team.

Thus, the professional growth of a manager must be considered in unity with the process of professional formation and development of a specialist. In market conditions, the main form of managing a manager's career is, first of all, individual work with each employee of the organization.

In the process of implementing a career, it is important to ensure the interaction of all types of careers. This interaction involves the following main tasks:

achieving the relationship between the goal of the restaurant and the individual employee;

ensuring career planning for a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs;

ensuring the openness of the career management process;

elimination of "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;

studying the career potential of employees;

providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;

determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

For OOO "Gallery-ALEX" the priority should be a typical and sustainable form of individual career strategy. This can be achieved if there is a system and mechanism for managing the career of personnel. They are designed to ensure and determine the determination of the career of personnel solely by the level of professionalism, personal qualities and performance results. These are the criteria that predetermine the value of an employee for the organization, society and the state.

Planning and control of a business career should consist in the fact that from the moment the employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

The presence of a well-thought-out and scientifically based job structure Gallery-ALEX LLC - necessary condition and the most important factor in the implementation of career management technology. They set a formal career space in which the official status of an employee changes, the need for the necessary professions and specialties is formed, and the professional experience and abilities of the staff are accumulated.

Effective business career management has a positive impact on performance, as illustrated in Figure 8.

Rice. eight.

We believe that the career management system at Gallery-ALEX LLC should ensure the formation of the most optimal typical career movement schemes, their openness for familiarization, promotion conditions, material and moral rewards. In addition, it is recommended to provide in the career management system for the personal responsibility of the personnel department for creating and maintaining the impeccable reputation of the organization and the overall authority of the enterprise in case of violation of established procedures and career management rules.

In order to effectively manage personnel, the role of the personnel department of Gallery-ALEX LLC should be changed, first of all, its status should be upgraded.

Thus, an important condition for personnel career management should be the availability of trained personnel specialists who would be perfectly aware of the content of this personnel technology. Major efforts in personnel policy should focus on creating a well-prepared pool of candidates for the positions of managers of Gallery-ALEX LLC in a short time to master a new area of ​​work and provide an effective solution to the challenges they face production tasks. At the same time, the emphasis should be placed on creating a reserve not of “generally” trained candidates, but on leaders of a certain type and level of management, taking into account new approaches to organizing work.

In terms of its qualitative and quantitative composition, the reserve of managerial personnel should correspond to the current organizational and staffing structures of Gallery-ALEX LLC, taking into account the prospects for their development. The reserve is created for all, without exception, the positions of managers exercising management functions at a specific level.

The preparation of the personnel reserve of Gallery-ALEX LLC is a living organizational work, the essence of which should be a serious study of people, their education, timely promotion to a job where they the best way can show themselves. In order to increase the efficiency of training of specialists included in the personnel reserve of Gallery-ALEX LLC, it is advisable to draw up individual training plans.

These plans should include activities carried out as part of the training and advanced training of a candidate listed in the reserve lists. At the same time, the types, forms, terms and specialization of training are clearly defined.

Publicity and collegiality play an important role in managing the process of formation and use of the personnel reserve of Gallery-ALEX LLC. It is advisable to announce the lists of candidates for the reserve, creating an opportunity for each employee to express their comments and suggestions on candidates.

We believe that this requires the presence of feedback, i.e. taking into account the opinions of candidates for the reserve contributes to further strengthening and development, it is necessary to take into account the reserve coefficient - the number of candidates included in the reserve per each position. This should be determined based on the specific conditions and capabilities of the enterprise. At the same time, it is advisable to have at least two or three candidates for each managerial position, regardless of the quality of the work of the leader working in it.

In our opinion, when forming and using the personnel reserve of Gallery-ALEX LLC, it is necessary to make two factors manageable: the time spent in the reserve and appointment to a position. Moreover, work with candidates nominated for the reserve should be carried out individually, taking into account the personal capabilities and professional abilities of a person.

Thus, all this indicates that a clear regulation of the total period of stay in the reserve for each individual candidate is needed.


1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS of management, scientific and methodological foundations of business career

2 The concept of business career management

3 Business career management as part of the personnel management system

2. Business career management at SPS "Rudensk"

2.1 a brief description of organizations

2 Analysis of personnel career approach factors

3 Evaluation of the career growth of the organization's personnel by the method of questionnaire survey

3. Ways to further improve the quality assurance of business career management

3.1 Organization of production and technical training courses for personnel

2 Calculation of the economic efficiency of the implemented measure


List of sources and literature



The relevance of the research topic is determined by the high social and economic significance of the problem of analyzing and managing the business career of personnel in organizations at the present stage of Russia's development. In the conditions of growing competition, increasing the role of the human factor, the success of managing an organization directly depends on the effectiveness of the processes of formation, use and development of its management personnel. This is confirmed by the experience of successful foreign corporations, who have long realized the importance of how and who advances in the structure of the organization's hierarchy and manages its resources, and pays great attention to the formation of the business career of the organization's personnel.

In personnel policy management decisions on the distribution of personnel according to relevant opportunities are key and involve the planning and development of the business career of each employee. HR managers must pay constant attention to the development of the professional skills of their employees, the professional promotion of personnel and their retention in the appropriate workplaces. As the production activity of the enterprise changes and its organizational structure, the composition and quality of personnel is changing. That is why all employees, especially managers, must take care of their own career advancement, since they are more interested in achieving the main goals of their business career, including the ways that lead to these goals. Career planning and promotion of personnel should be based on the joint participation of employees and managers in organizing the process of continuous development and promotion of personnel to higher positions.

The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations and guidelines for the analysis of the business career of personnel in an organization. In accordance with the goal, the following main tasks are defined:

1. consider the concept of a business career of personnel, the main goals and rules for its construction;

2. to study the stages of the business career of an employee of the organization;

Review the main directions for improving the business career of the organization's personnel;

For example specific organization to analyze the effectiveness of personnel business career management;

On the basis of the identified problems, develop a project for improving the management of a business career in the organization under study and justify it economically;

The object of the study is the business career of the personnel as an element of increasing the efficiency of enterprise management of RIVE JOHN SILVER LLC. The subject of the study is the process of improving the efficiency of enterprise management on the basis of improving the management of a business career in the organization under study. The theoretical basis of the study was the provisions and principles of management theory, the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of labor economics, personnel management, sociology and career psychology.

In the course of the analysis of the enterprise's activities, the following research methods were used:

Quantitative: methods for comparing relative, absolute and average values, groupings, methods for optimizing the solution of economic problems, etc.

Qualitative: methods of expert assessments, questioning, testing, observation, etc.

1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS of management, scientific and methodological foundations of business career

1.1 The concept and content of business career management

Contacting recent times to the problem of the career of a large number of researchers in various fields of activity has given rise to many definitions of the concept of "career".

Career is a dynamic phenomenon, that is, a constantly changing and developing process. A career can be viewed in both a narrow and a broad sense. In a broad sense, the concept of "career" is defined as "the general sequence of stages of human development in the main areas of life (family, work, leisure)". A career is not only promotion. You can talk about the career of housewives, mothers, students.

In a narrow sense, career is associated with labor activity man, with his professional life. An employee's career in an organization is the sum of two terms: the employee's desire to realize their own professional potential and the company's interest in promoting this particular employee. A career is understood as purposeful official and professional growth, "progressive promotion through the ranks, changes in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the employee's activities." All this has to do with the organizational aspect of a career.

The personal aspect involves the consideration of this phenomenon from the position of a person of personality, reveals the features of the vision of a career by its leader. Related to this is the expression by the individual of a subjective assessment (self-assessment) of the nature of the course of his career process, the intermediate results of the development of his career, personal feelings that are born on this occasion. "Career is an employee's subjectively conscious own judgments about his labor future, the expected ways of self-expression and job satisfaction", it is "an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person's working life."

We can also single out the social aspect of the idea of ​​a career from the point of view of society. Firstly, these are career paths worked out in the process of the development of society, "trodden" paths to achieve certain success in one or another sphere of professional activity, in one or another area of ​​public life. Secondly, these are well-established ideas about the nature of movement along these paths, associated with speed, swiftness, the trajectory of a career, the degree of its take-off, and the methods used. These developed general schemes for moving towards success, as well as the specifics of their implementation in life, influence society's assessment of the private careers of individuals, acting as a kind of benchmark for comparison.

In general, the definition of an employee's career can be represented as the employee's conscious own judgments about his labor future, the expected ways of self-expression and job satisfaction. This is a progressive promotion up the career ladder, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the employee's activities, moving forward along the once chosen path of activity.

The main goal of career planning and implementation is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers.

This interaction involves the implementation of a number of tasks, namely:

  • achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee;
  • ensuring that career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations;
  • ensuring the openness of the career management process;
  • elimination of "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;
  • improving the quality of the career planning process;
  • studying the career potential of employees;
  • providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;
  • determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

When classifying a business career, the following types of career are distinguished:

Interorganizational career characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his professional activities, working in different organizations, goes through various stages of development:


Applying for a job

Professional growth

Support for individual professional abilities


This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

Career Specialized - It is characterized by the fact that the employee goes through all stages of development in different organizations, but within the framework of the profession and field of activity in which he specializes. For example, the head of the sales department of one organization became the head of the sales department of another organization. Such a transition is associated either with an increase in the amount of remuneration for work, or with a change in content, or with the prospects for promotion.

Career non-specialized- this kind of career is widely developed in Japan. The Japanese firmly believe that the manager should be a specialist capable of working in any area of ​​the company, and not in any particular function. Climbing the corporate ladder, a person should be able to look at the company from different angles, not beyond

In this section, on the example of a specific study, the psychological features of a career in a major industrial enterprise. The leading career factors, the hierarchy of "career anchors" are considered and recommendations for career development are proposed.

Career advancement in the enterprise, its opportunities, distinctive features, psychological aspects are considered on the example of the personnel of the large mining and metallurgical complex "Dalpolimetall". In 2004-2005, within the framework of a comprehensive study of the characteristics of a career in various fields of activity, a study of the psychological factors of a career was conducted at this enterprise under the guidance of the author of the book, M. Efremov.

The study sample consisted of employees of three categories of personnel: specialists (24 employees), foremen and heads of departments (16 employees), heads of workshops and deputies CEO enterprises (1 2 employees). In total, the study involved 52 employees - men (54%) and women (46%) - aged 27 to 62 years. Three management levels were identified: the first - the level of specialists, the second - middle managers (foremen, heads of departments) and the third - the level of top management (heads of workshops, deputies of the general director).

The results of a study of the choice of "career anchors" by representatives of three groups of employees of an industrial enterprise (specialists, middle and senior managers) are given below. At the same time, the first three (key) career orientations for each category of personnel were identified.

The hierarchy of "career anchors" for specialists is as follows:

1. Professional competence.

2. Integration of lifestyles.

3. Service.

4. Stability.

5. Autonomy.

6. Management.

8. Entrepreneurship.

Middle managers (heads of departments, foremen) ranked the “career anchors” a little differently:

1. Management.

2. Service.

3. Professional competence.

4. Autonomy.

6. Entrepreneurship.

7. Integration of lifestyles.

8. Stability.

And finally, the top management of the enterprise (deputy general directors and heads of workshops) distributed the “career anchors” in this way:

2. Entrepreneurship.

3. Service.

4. Management.

5. Professional competence.

6. Integration of lifestyles.

7. Autonomy.

8. Stability.

As can be seen from the comparison of the three ranked lists, top management representatives rely mainly on modern business guidelines in their career advancement. They are ready to take on the challenges of the work environment, create new and lead production processes and staff - this is what attracts them to develop their own careers. Such a choice differs significantly from the ranking of "career anchors" by specialists who build their careers based on professional knowledge and skills. They strive to realize a high mission - to engage in useful work that is significant for their enterprise and the state as a whole, "to participate in strengthening the industrial potential of the country" (literal quote from the answers of one of the interviewed specialists to the questions of the Personnel Questionnaire).

Noteworthy is the rather high place of the career orientation "service" in all three lists, which indicates that people retain noble motives in their careers, the desire to bring tangible benefits to their city, region, country, despite the recent widespread purely pragmatic attitude to work. , professional activity.

With regard to the factors indicated by the study participants as the most significant for the implementation of a successful career, the following trends can be noted (Table 29).

1. The more low level the organizational hierarchy is occupied by the employee, the greater the importance he ascribes to the factor "relationship with the immediate supervisor".

2. For representatives of all groups under consideration, the top three career factors include “professional competence”.

3. For managers (regardless of the level of management), the top three career factors are "personal qualities", and top managers consider this factor to be key.

4. The higher the level of the organizational hierarchy an employee occupies, the more important he attaches to professional development and personal growth for career advancement.

Thus, we can conclude about the priority of personal qualities, professional competence and the desire to constantly develop it over, for example, such a factor as "connections and patronage" in the perception of the management of a large industrial enterprise. While the specialists of the same enterprise include the factor "connections and patronage" among those determining career success.

In other words, a successful career is made by the employee who relies less on patronage, but is focused primarily on the realization of his own personal potential and follows the so-called “self-made man” path (a person who has made himself). Such employees are true career subjects.

Processing of the data obtained after the questionnaire "Career Motivation" shows that top managers have a high level of career intuition (average for this group - 29.4 points) and career stability (average for this group - 32.3 points) with a low level of career involvement (the indicator was 28.5).

These data obtained in the course of empirical research confirm the current theoretical and practical position, from which it follows that employees who are not so strictly “attached” to a particular organization, enterprise (or field of activity) can make a successful career.

The results of the study also indicate a lower commitment of top managers to one organization and their lack of readiness to work all their professional lives at the once chosen enterprise. Great mobility, dynamism, readiness to quickly adapt to new tasks and conditions provide, as the results of our study show, success in career advancement both at a particular enterprise and in general throughout their professional life.

For comparison: among specialists and middle managers, a high level is typical only for such an aspect of career motivation as “career involvement” (the average indicator is 30.6 points). Translated into the language of the workers themselves, this can be interpreted as "loyalty to one's enterprise, a willingness to go through all the ups and downs with it."

A similar trend is observed in relation to indicators of general and social self-efficacy: the higher the level in the managerial hierarchy, the higher the severity of this psychological characteristic. Thus, the level of general self-efficacy is the highest among the deputy general directors and heads of departments of the enterprise and is 55.6 points (against 37.8 points for middle managers and 29.8 points for specialists).

A similar trend is also noted in the studies of domestic researchers-psychologists in other fields of activity. For example, for the system of state and municipal government Russian psychologists A. A. Derkach, A. S. Ognev, Yu. N. Goncharov (1997) note a relatively high rate of self-efficacy among top and middle managers in comparison with specialists.

The average value of the severity of the sign of self-efficacy in the field of activity among top management managers is almost twice the average value of this sign (58.2 versus 30.4), obtained as a result of normalizing the test for determining general and social self-efficacy M. Scheer, D. Maddux (1 997) on a sample of 927 people [A. A. Derkach, A. S. Ognev, Yu. N. Goncharov, 1997].

On the contrary, the lower the self-efficacy of an employee, the more he is set to fail in his career advancement, the less chances he has to realize an effective professional career. According to our study of the psychological factors of a career, employees at lower levels of the organizational hierarchy (specialists of the 1st and 2nd categories) have significantly lower indicators for the personal factor "self-efficacy in the field of activity" than those of middle and top managers. .

At the same time, a direct dependence relationship is revealed between self-efficacy in the field of activity and the level of management: a higher level of management is associated with significantly more pronounced self-efficacy. The internal mechanism of this relationship can be revealed on the basis of an analysis of career ascent from the point of view of the development of managerial abilities (Table 30).

Career ascent to a higher managerial level (from a specialist to a department head, from a department head to the head of the entire organization) requires the development of a number of abilities, skills and abilities, in particular, such as:

Ability to use a wider range of role positions;

The ability to build behavior appropriate specific task or situations;

Perseverance and consistency in solving the problems of professional activity;

Ability to timely capture and adequately respond to the challenges of the working environment;

The ability to adapt flexibly, focus on a career that would contribute to the realization of business and personal potential.

As a result of the empirical study, the following psychological features of the implementation of a career in an industrial enterprise were identified:

1. More effective, in terms of implementation and career development, employees of the enterprise, focused on modern business values: entrepreneurship, challenge, effective management. It is this group of employees that, as a rule, occupies positions in the top management of the enterprise.

2. Career reliance on factors such as “connections and patronage”, insufficiently high self-efficacy (weak self-confidence and inability to build a positive scenario for one's own career advancement), reduce career effectiveness.

3. Specialists with high career motivation, especially such developed aspects as "career insight" and "career sustainability" receive an advantage in their careers.

4. Excessive attachment to one enterprise chosen at one time according to certain criteria, the inability to flexibly take into account new trends in the labor market significantly reduce career mobility and, in general, prevent the employee from achieving the fullest possible career potential.

5. Career success is ensured by the subjective position of a professional specialist. Only then can he realize himself in a career when he becomes its subject and, along with the organization, he takes an active part in planning and implementing his own career growth and professional development.

Based on the results of the study, as well as on the data of domestic and foreign management psychologists, we can offer a number of recommendations for good governance career in an industrial enterprise.

1. Provide a variety of work requirements for skill (the possibility of self-expression). It's about about the extent to which people can “shine” their strong business and personal sides, whether they can use the entire arsenal of their knowledge and skills in the course of their professional activities, to what extent their job and functional duties correspond to the level of their professional qualifications and skills. A study of career motivation factors conducted in the early 90s by American organizational psychologists of the Center for Industrial Relations (University of Minnesota) R. Noe, E. Noe and J. Bachhuber (1990) also confirmed the importance of the self-realization factor.

On the example of 400 specialists from the fields of production and maintenance of computer equipment, finance and medicine, occupying various positions and at various stages of their careers, it was shown that the motivation for professional growth and career advancement significantly increases the ability to apply the widest range of professional and personal skills at work. abilities and skills.

2. To achieve clarity of the content of the task and convey a sense of identification with the work. If the first can be defined as a structural factor, then the second (identification, exact match of a person and his work) is an activating factor.

3. To form a clear idea of ​​the significance of the work tasks performed for the organization (their value, status]. As Finnish organizational consultants point out, "your own sense of the importance of the work and the assumption of how others imagine your work, together form a central motivation factor" [ Santalainen T., Voutilainen E., Porenne P., Nissinen I. X., 1988]. The conclusions of the previously mentioned American researchers R. Noe, E. Noe, J. Bachhuber (1990) about the maximum effect on all the main aspects of career motivation of the so-called work role salience factor.

The job role profile can be defined as an assessment of the significance of the work tasks performed and the associated measure of satisfaction with the chosen area of ​​professional activity. Employees with a high “profile” are confident in the importance of their work to the organization and, as a result, are more interested in various details and professional subtleties. Employees with a low "profile" evaluate their activities as not very valuable and significant for the organization, which leads to a decrease in interest in the work performed, less involvement in the process of their own professional growth and improvement.

4. Organize effective feedback. Information received from the immediate supervisor, work colleagues or subordinates and related to the success of work increases job satisfaction and increases motivation for professional growth and advancement.

Numerous studies have shown the high importance of the role of the leader in the professional development of subordinates. Employees have a higher level of career motivation when their managers fully use their "learning potential", that is, they implement the following managerial roles and related functions:

Mentor (clarification of the requirements for the quality of work performed);

Advisor (assistance in determining career goals and creating conditions for its implementation);

Reference person (competent advice on career planning, assistance in creating an individual career strategy, providing the employee with the necessary resources and contacts).

5.Provide the ability to work independently. The balance of power and responsibility has a positive effect on job satisfaction and increases career motivation. In other words, self-discipline is the price of freedom. Usually people are willing to pay this price.

A fundamentally important result of the study was the conclusion that the listed five factors motivate differently at different stages of being in the same position.

So, for example, during the first year of work in a certain position (and it does not matter whether it is the first or fifth place of work), the main motivating factors are the 3rd and 4th - the idea of ​​the significance of the tasks performed and feedback. Independence and opportunities for professional self-expression at this stage play a secondary role. But already from the second year to the fifth, the opportunity to work independently is a key motivating factor. The presence of feedback is of considerable interest for the first three years.

After two or three years of work in one place, the employee is in the prime of life, at the very peak of motivation, after which a gradual decline begins. After five years of working in the same position, no factor ensures job satisfaction. As a result, achievements in work are significantly reduced and there is already demotivation for professional growth and development. Thus, the duration of a person's performance of the same work that does not significantly change in content plays a decisive role in the decline in the effectiveness of professional activity.

What can the organization and the employee himself do to maintain motivation for professional advancement and development at a sufficiently high level?

Actions that support the motivation for career advancement and growth of staff on the part of the organization.

1. Systematic verification of the term of service of personnel in one position, controlled horizontal promotions and rotations at an interval of approximately three to five years. Moreover, a horizontal career can and should be made quite attractive in the eyes of the staff.

2. Specialists offer a number of job changes within the same job level, which contributes to an increase in the creative element in the work and ultimately prevents the employee from leaving the organization:

Creation of temporary working groups to solve specific problems, especially those of a complex nature and requiring deep study or long-term planning;

Construction of additional functional duties in such a way that the professionally updated activity not only incorporates elements of the old work, but also requires new knowledge and skills;

The movement of technical experts to positions that provide guidance to other technical workers;

Use of individual employees as internal consultants in various departments of the organization;

Active structural planning of the organization and the use of flexible organizational forms(project, matrix organization).

3. Implementation of new forms of intra-organizational interaction, the introduction of elements of industrial democracy. For example, regular interviews between a manager and a subordinate are an integral part of effective management.

4. Determination of professional training, development and growth of personnel as one of the priorities of the organization, creation of a well-functioning system of advanced training.

5. Providing employees with material remuneration, which would be, firstly, not lower than for the same positions in other organizations, and Secondly associated with the results of labor.

Actions on the part of the employee himself to ensure motivation for a career and professional growth.

1. Timely determination of a clear, deliberate position on the main life problems and values, correlation of life and career values, building a reasonable balance between career goals and life in general.

2. Development of self-efficacy (the results of our study prove the high importance of this psychological factor in a career).

3. Reserve enough time to achieve key career end goals.

4. Establishment of optimal business and interpersonal interaction with the immediate supervisor (leader factor).

5. Formation, preservation and strengthening of the most important organizational and human contacts related to the key goals of a professional career.

6. Responsibility for the development of one's own family and maintaining friendly relationships outside of work.