Rating of consulting companies. Leading consulting companies in Russia and the world Rossiyskaya Gazeta rating of consulting companies

Our top 10 consulting companies Russia is based on the 2015 rating of the rating agency RAEX (Expert RA).

10 Joint Stock Company "2K"

The income of this company for 2015 amounted to 3,529,287 thousand rubles. The annual increase is 6.3%. The company is a member of the International Association of Audit and consulting companies"Morison KSi". 2K's activities are quite diverse: tax and legal consulting; valuation and cost consulting; marketing research for the purpose of substantiation management decisions; preparation of development plans; audit services.

9 "RSM Rus"

The income of this company for 2015 amounted to 3,755,259 thousand rubles. The company offers services in the areas of audit & IFRS, accounting, IT Consulting, corporate finance, management consulting, legal services. The activities of RSM Rus extend to the energy, manufacturing, real estate and construction sectors.


The income of this company for 2015 amounted to 4,085,484 thousand rubles. The annual increase is 12.6%. This company offers audit services, tax and legal advice, consulting services, as well as services of groups for working with foreign companies. The company's activities extend to the automotive industry, agricultural sector, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, mining, real estate and construction, oil and gas industry, consumer sector, trade, technology, media and telecommunications, transport, infrastructure, financial sector, private equity and venture capital funds, chemical industry, energy, utilities.

7 "I-Teco"

The income of this company for 2015 amounted to 4,196,980 thousand rubles. The annual increase is 4.7%. The company provides IT services, industry-specific services and software solutions. In addition, I-Teco produces software and hardware platforms, BI products, reference information systems, control and automation systems.

6 GC "Technoserv"

The income of this group of companies for 2015 amounted to 4,739,700 thousand rubles. Technoserv's activities are focused on IT business. This group of companies has a wide range of competencies. This allows us to implement high-tech projects with high quality, taking into account the industry specifics of customers.

5 "PwC"

The income of this company for 2015 amounted to 6,892,907 thousand rubles. The annual increase is 6.4%. The company's activities include various services: PwC performs audits, analyzes and controls risks, manages personnel, etc.

4 "AT Consulting"

The income of this company for 2015 amounted to 7,026,448 thousand rubles. The annual increase is 15.3%. The company provides IT services. The activities of AT Consulting are mainly focused on the following areas: implementation and service support of complex information systems, business consulting (operational and managerial), development software to order, IT outsourcing.

3 "KROK"

The income of this company for 2015 amounted to 7,140,692 thousand rubles. The annual increase is 8.2%. The company's activities are mainly concentrated in the following areas: integrated information systems (development, implementation and service); computing systems; cloud and services; virtual reality; telecommunications infrastructure and services; information security; technical support for all solutions; engineering infrastructure and utility network services; civil works; small energy.

The income of this group of companies for 2015 amounted to 11,768,590 thousand rubles. Over the year, LANIT's income decreased by 7.1%. The group of companies specializes in providing IT services. Its activities include software production, system integration, training, and consulting. The range of IT services of this group of companies is quite wide. When implementing a project, LANIT covers a large number of stages: from development and implementation to service support and personnel training.

Studying the market structure, market prices and trends in their changes are necessary for successful business. For this reason, consulting services are in great demand.

By turning to a consulting company, you pay professionals for advice, knowledge and experience that you and your employees do not have. And also for looking from the outside and identifying problems that are difficult to see and evaluate from the inside.

Today you can get advice on almost any issue: increasing sales, optimizing taxes, automating business processes, implementing a quality management system, personnel management and much more. If you hire competent consultants, this will help you achieve your goal at lower costs and avoid many mistakes.

Example 1

The business owner is concerned about the lack of money in the company. Each individual transaction is profitable, but for some reason there is not enough money. We invited consultants who analyzed the business and found that the company lacked management accounting and cash flow management. Clients are given a deferment, and suppliers work on prepayment.

As a result, all the money gets stuck in accounts receivable and cash gaps form. The consultants advised to re-negotiate with clients and suppliers, as well as sell unnecessary stock from the warehouse, so that the money would be not only on paper, but also “in the pocket” of the company.

Example 2

The organization is being “strangled” by taxes. We invited tax consultants who proposed a number of measures: to challenge the inflated cadastral value of property in order to reduce property tax, to outsource some functions in order to save on insurance premiums, and to apply a depreciation bonus to reduce income tax.

Example 3

The company's employees cannot cope with the volume of work and there is a growing need to expand the staff. But the organization cannot afford to hire more employees, pay salaries, taxes and insurance premiums. The management decided to engage a consulting company to find a way out of this situation.

The consultants analyzed the work of the employees, suggested automating a number of tasks, and also eliminating some internal bureaucratic procedures that take up a lot of time from employees, but are meaningless and not useful.

With almost any problem or task, you can turn to consultants and solve it. A consulting firm can not only offer a solution, but also help implement it.

Professional consulting companies can save clients millions and billions of rubles, but in order for spending on consultants to be worth it, you need to be smart about choosing a contractor to solve a business problem.

Companies with multi-million dollar budgets can afford to hire world-renowned consultants. For example, from among the Big Four. They work with big business and are rightfully considered the best consulting companies in the world.

But not everyone can afford to hire expensive and famous specialists. And this is not always advisable, because the customer company simply may not have the resources to bring to life the expensive ideas of famous consultants.

We should not forget about the so-called consulting fraud, when, having paid a lot of money, under the guise of an expert opinion, the client receives a set of general phrases in the style of “to earn more, you need to work more,” or even copy-paste from laws, codes, articles from Internet or marketing textbooks.

This problem has become aggravated with the development of the information business, when, having completed a crash course and made loud advertising, newly minted entrepreneurs begin to “make money” from consulting. In fact, they have neither the appropriate education nor relevant experience behind them, but only the desire to earn money. They often know less than their clients and have little to teach. Therefore, to get the most out of your money, you should not choose a consulting firm at random.

Rating of consulting companies

The list of the largest consulting companies in Russia is posted on the website of the rating agency RAEX (Expert RA). This is the largest rating agency in Russia with a 20-year history. Engaged in assigning ratings, as well as research and communication activities.

Rankings based on the results of 2018 in the following areas are now available on the website:

  • financial consulting;
  • tax consulting;
  • legal consulting; consulting in the field of production of services and goods;
  • consulting in the field of personnel management;
  • consulting in the field strategic planning and organizational development;
  • marketing and PR consulting;
  • IT consulting (management consulting);
  • IT consulting (development and system integration);
  • appraisal activity;
  • technical audit and consulting.

A ranking differs from a rating in that it does not contain an assessment; it is built on the basis of a clearly defined criterion, in this case revenue. He will show you the leading players - the largest consulting companies in Russian market, but it cannot be concluded that the first company on the list provides better services than the second, third, etc.

Large consulting companies at the end of 2018

This is what the top consulting companies in the field of accounting outsourcing look like according to the RAEX agency at the end of 2018:

  1. BDO Unicon Outsourcing
  2. Sber Solutions
  4. 1C-WiseAdvice
  5. TMF Group
  6. "Unistaff Peyrol Company"
  7. BCG "Informauditservice"
  8. UCMS Group
  9. "RN-Accounting"
  10. Accountor Russia

Over the course of the year, 1C-WiseAdvice rose from eighth to fourth place in the ranking of the largest groups and companies in the field of outsourcing accounting functions. The company showed the highest rate of revenue growth among market leaders and the largest increase in the number of specialists.

The ranking results are based on the total revenue that the company received from services for regular provision and support of business processes related to accounting and tax accounting, payroll and personnel records, preparation of accounting and tax reporting on domestic and international standards etc.

The general list of the largest consulting groups and companies has been headed by the LANIT group of companies, specializing in IT consulting, for several years now.

1C-WiseAdvice company rose to general list by 10 positions – from 34th to 24th place.

Of the largest international consulting companies in Russia, the best known are the so-called “Big Four” companies that provide audit and consulting services:

  • Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu;
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers;
  • Ernst & Young;
  • KPMG.

These same companies are headed by Russian list largest audit organizations based on the results of 2018.

The clients of these foreign consulting companies are large organizations with multimillion-dollar turnover that need audit reports from world market leaders with a high level of trust among reporting users.

Other leading consulting companies in the world known in their field include:

  • Accenture Consulting – consulting in the areas of strategic planning, implementation of IT technologies, optimization and organization of outsourcing of business processes, personnel management, customer relations, logistics processes;
  • Capgemini Consulting – consulting in the field of IT technologies and management;
  • Tata Consultancy Services – IT consulting;
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions – IT consulting;
  • McKinsey & Company - specializes in solving problems related to strategic management, etc.

If the company works for international markets, foreign experts can provide more competent assistance than those who work exclusively within Russia.

How to choose a consulting company

In any city there will be several consulting firms that will vie with each other to offer their services and promise excellent results. We will give some recommendations on how not to waste money on consulting.

Assess employee qualifications

There is a joke that only those who cannot do anything themselves become consultants. The joke was born thanks to would-be consultants who pour from empty to empty and do not give the client measurable results.

To avoid running into such people, do not hesitate to ask the consulting company for information about the experience and qualifications of its employees. It’s good if the staff includes graduates of reputable universities and former top managers large companies, that is, practitioners, not theorists.

It’s bad if the consulting company’s staff has only a few universal specialists without a narrow focus who take on any task for any client. You run the risk of getting unsubscribed, not good advice. It may happen that the company does not have specialists of the required profile at all, and they are brought in from outside. It is better to know in advance who will be involved in your project, and what experience and merits give him such a right.

Rate cases and find real reviews

Professional consulting companies will always be able to show completed projects and talk about their role in successfully solving client problems. Pay attention to the presence of clients from among well-known and large companies. If the company has nothing to brag about yet, consider whether it is worth being a “guinea pig”. The longer a company is on the market, the better for you.

At the same time, no company will publish negative cases and talk about a failed project when the client spent money but did not feel the benefits. Therefore it is always useful to find real reviews former clients. You can contact clients listed on the company's website and ask about their experience working with consultants. At the same time, you will find out whether the reviews are real or fictitious.

Among 1C-WiseAdvice clients small, medium and big business, including such well-known brands as Megafon, TVOE, SELA, etc. We have posted letters of recommendation on the website and provide client contacts if you would like to receive first-person feedback about working with us.

Set specific goals

The more clearly you define the task, the greater the likelihood of getting a specific result. For example, if you increase sales, then by how much and for what period. A clearly defined problem is already halfway to solving it. This also works in the case of consulting. In addition, without a strictly formulated task, it will be difficult for you to make claims to the contractor if the result does not suit you. Write down the tasks and deadlines for their completion in the contract.

Also decide in advance whether you only need ideas or help in implementing them. The budget and timing will depend on this.

Don't go for cheap

Good specialists know their worth and are expensive. Keep this in mind when choosing a performer. If a company charges inexpensively, it means it pays its employees little, and this is a reason to wonder why.

At the same time, it is better to decide in advance how much you are willing to spend on consulting. This will keep performers within limits and will not allow them to inflate the budget and impose additional services.

Don't believe the promises of mountains of gold

There are no miracles. Even the best consulting company will not solve all your problems for you. She is more likely to find the causes of these problems and suggest solutions. But the main work is yours. There will be no changes without your participation. You may have to face resistance and sabotage from employees who will not want to change and accept new things.

If a consulting firm promises you mountains of gold at the first meeting, without even studying the company’s business processes, this should alert you. Competent consultants will first look at how things are going with the customer, and only then decide what can be done about it.

Don't wait until the last minute

If the ship of your business is already sinking, it may be too late to hire a consulting firm, or you will have to pay a lot of money for the urgency and complexity. Don’t delay contacting consultants - call specialists as soon as you see that problems are brewing.

Let's summarize. A consulting company can help solve the problem if it has qualified specialists with relevant experience, and you describe the problem in detail.

Order a service

Participating in the rating largest regional and branches of federal consulting companies, the turnover from consulting activities of which is at least 20% of the total turnover. Main ranking indicator- turnover from consulting for 2013 of the company/company branch in Novosibirsk, million rubles. Additional ranking indicators (among those who provided data) - average monthly turnover from consulting per person full-time employee/per project in 2013, thousand rubles; number of clients to whom consulting services were provided in 2013

Accepted abbreviation: n/a - no data.

Rating of consulting companies 2013


Turnover from branch consulting in 2013, million rubles.

Share in total turnover in 2013,%

Share of main areas of consulting,%

Number of company/branch employees with certificates/accreditation in 2013

IT consulting - 100%

Audit - 44%, IT consulting - 15%, legal consulting - 11%, tax consulting - 10%

Legal consulting - 53%, tax consulting - 27%, financial consulting - 11%

Management consulting - 100%

Legal consulting - 40%, valuation activities - 30%

IT consulting - 100%

Implementation center "InfoSoft"

IT consulting - 60%, management consulting - 40%

Leaders in turnover from consulting per employee


Average monthly turnover from consulting per full-time employee in 2013 1, thousand rubles.

Dynamics compared to 2012,%

Number of consultants (full-time/freelance) as of 04/01/2014.

Average monthly number of hours worked by one consultant during 2013.

Average cost of one hour of consultant work during 2013, rub.

Development of business systems


Holding "People of Dela"

GC "Association "Registration"

VC InfoSoft


Leaders in cost of consulting project per client


Turnover from consulting per project in 2013, thousand rubles.

Dynamics compared to 2012,%

Total completed projects in the field of consulting in 2013

Development of business systems


VC InfoSoft


Leaders in clients from consulting services


Total clients from consulting services in 2013 

Dynamics compared to 2012,%

Structure of clients by main areas of consulting


Management consulting

Legal consulting

Financial consulting

Holding "People of Dela"


VC InfoSoft


Development of business systems

Events in the consulting market in 2013

1 | In June 2013, the People Dela Holding signed a partnership agreement with the Latvian company LAIKA STARS. The partnership allowed the companies to expand the range of services and geography of activity. LAIKA STARS is a leading corporate finance company in Latvia, an expert in business assessment and development investment projects. This is not the first partnership agreement abroad for the People of Dela holding. Its representative offices operate in England, Kazakhstan, China, the USA, and Austria.

2 | In December 2013, the ProfConsult-Group company rebranded and now operates under the ARCOM Financial and Legal Group brand. As explains general manager FIG ARCOM Alexander Reshetov, the rebranding behavior is associated with changes in the positioning of the company - ProfConsult-Group has moved to the interregional level in the field of financial and legal activities. Last year the company opened a representative office in Krasnoyarsk.

3 | Since September 2013, the Small Business Support Program of the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction in Russia began operating in the Siberian Federal District. Its goal is to promote the development of consulting services for small businesses. As part of the program, it provides information about local consultants, helps formulate requirements for the project, monitors the project, and compensates part of the costs of enterprises for the services of consulting companies. In this way, the bank helps improve the environment for small businesses, and at the same time helps consulting companies increase their client base.

Consulting market trends in 2013

1 |The consulting market is growing steadily. According to experts, the volume of services provided in the field of consulting in Novosibirsk amounted to 1.1-1.2 billion rubles, which is 15% more than in 2012. The largest share falls on IT consulting (45% of company turnover), legal (15%), strategic consulting (12%).

2 |The cost of consultants' work has increased. According to companies, in 2013, the average cost of an hour of work for a consultant was 1,400 rubles, which is 15-17% higher than in 2012. The average monthly turnover from consulting per employee was about 210 thousand rubles.

3 |The number of clients of consulting companies increased by 15%. In total, TOP list participants provided services to about 1.5 thousand companies. The largest share of clients comes from industry (25% of company turnover) and the public sector (21%). The main share of clients (48%) are companies with up to 200 employees.

4 |Average project cost has decreased. In 2013, it amounted to 1.75 million rubles. for a number of companies participating in the TOP list, which is 10-12% lower than the average for 2012. Clients prefer to solve local problems and save on the implementation of complex integrated projects, experts explain.

Consulting market development forecasts in 2014

Alexander Reshetov

General Director of FIG ARKOM

To attract clients, consulting companies will need to rely not only on efficiency and productivity, but also on deadlines, since for many customers this is more important than costs. IT consulting will remain in leadership, and due to the rising demand for reporting transformation services according to international standards, clients will turn to financial consulting.

Boris Fedosimov

General Director of the Holding "Ludi Dela"

The market as a whole is showing a downward trend in growth. Its activation can only be associated with an increase in demand for new technologies in the IT sector, the creation of new government programs and government regulation in the field of audit and consulting. Now, in fact, there is an exchange of experience between clients, analysis completed projects, selection of new consulting technologies based on successful implementation by competitors or even in related areas.

Marina Gulyaeva

General Director of the Siberian office of Intalev Group of Companies

Solutions that take into account the industry specifics of business will be in demand. In this case good competitive advantage The market will have the competencies of an implementer with experience in various industries. There will continue to be interest in the automation of financial management systems (budgeting, management accounting and treasury), as well as in systems electronic document management. Demand for automation may increase production planning and accounting, but only for those customers who have already implemented classic accounting systems. Successful manufacturing companies will invest in efficient production management.

Dara Razzhivina

Director of the representative office "Development of business systems" in Novosibirsk

The demand for strategic consulting is mainly generated by government agencies. The development of the situation in this segment will depend on what position the new administration takes in relation to development projects. Otherwise, the demand for solutions that are maximally adapted to the customer’s specific needs will remain. For the successful implementation of consulting projects, a set of competencies will be in demand: legal, financial, information technology, marketing.

The TOP list includes the largest federal and regional consulting companies of Novosibirsk, in the IT consulting and . The TOP list includes companies with a turnover of 10 million rubles or more. in 2011 from consulting services in relevant segments.

How participants were selected

At the first stage, specialists from the analytical group "DK" analyzed open sources, conducted an expert survey and outlined the circle of key players in the consulting market.

At the second stage, DK specialists sent out questionnaires to companies asking financial indicators activities. The information received by the analytical group was double-checked.

By what indicators are participants ranked?

The main ranking indicator is turnover from consulting services in 2011, million rubles. in Novosibirsk ( federal companies provided data for the Siberian Federal District). Additional ranking indicators are the number of clients served in 2011.

Accepted abbreviations

v/r - out of ranking, i.e. the company did not provide data, but according to , it is among the largest players.

z/d - closed data, i.e. provided by the company without the right of publication.

n/a - no data, i.e. the company did not provide data.

TOP list "DK" No. 16 from 08/20/2012

№№ Company / Director's name Turnover from management consulting in 2011, million rubles. Dynamics by 2010, % Share of management consulting in total turnover, % Number of controls consultants as of 08/01/2012
1 Business systems development
Razzhivina Dara Olegovna
54,7 n/a 86 7
2 Implementation center "Infosoft"
Pyaskovsky Mikhail Vladimirovich
23,7 -9 26 19
3 People of Business
Fedosimov Boris Alexandrovich
11 4 6 4
4 Sakura consulting
salary salary 94 5
v/r ASIA Consulting Group
Andrey Yurievich
n/a n/a n/a n/a


Boris Fedosimov, General Director of the People Dela Holding

Demand will increase in those consulting segments that suffered the most during the crisis: training, personnel, marketing, advertising. These are the most dynamic consulting segments in the medium term.

Mikhail Pyaskovsky, General Director of Infosoft VC

Now clients need a transparent management system, clear business processes and effective tools control. In this regard, IT consulting projects will be in demand. Expected market growth in 2012 is 20-30%. The growth driver is managers who soberly assess the company’s internal resources, set ambitious goals and are willing to attract outside consultants to achieve them.

Dara Razzhivina, director of the Business Systems Development representative officein Novosibirsk

Management processes of both government and business are becoming increasingly complex and intellectually intensive. Therefore, in the near future, any segment will be in demand if it is confirmed by intellectual content and meets the challenges facing business and government.

Larisa Ivanova, director of Sakura Consulting

The market for consulting services in Novosibirsk is stabilizing, both in terms of capacity and in terms of needs. The specializations of consulting companies will continue to be consolidated. Accordingly, the quality of services will increase, and, as a result, the price for them. At the intersections of client needs, partnerships between consulting companies that do not directly compete in the services provided will begin to form.

The Vault website has released a ranking of the most prestigious consulting firms. A bit like the Oscars in the film industry, the rankings are based on a survey of consultants who rate their peers and competitors. Vault conducted its study over six weeks in March and April and collected votes from 9,000 consultants from 65 US firms.

For the prestige of the ranking, consultants were not allowed to vote for their own firms, but were asked to rate only those consulting firms with which they were familiar. The consulting company is rated on a scale from 1 (least prestigious) to 10. The rating has been compiled for 14 years in a row, and every year McKinsey comes out on top. In fact, the top four spots are unchanged from last year: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, Bane and Deloitte Consulting.

Fifth place has moved up this year. In 2014, Booz & Company was in this place, but last spring, PricewaterhouseCoopers bought it and gave it the unfortunate name “Strategy&.” Suddenly the firm lost its name, although Booz's history was complicated even before the acquisition. Booz & Company was founded in 1914 and grew into the government consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton (where Edward Snowden worked under contract with the NSA before he leaked classified information). In 2008, Booz & Company, a corporate business consulting firm, spun off and was acquired by the Carlyle Group in 2008. Are you confused yet? In fifth place this year: Booz Allen Hamilton, up from sixth last year. Strategy& dropped to 19th place.

Why is prestige so important in the consulting business? For job seekers submitting their resumes to McKinsey or Boston Consulting, it can open up new opportunities, like The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal for a journalist. Also people just care about prestige. For many people, it defines their career. They want to work for the most prestigious consulting firms.

The ranking of consulting companies is dominated by huge firms with several thousand employees and several offices. Exception: Bridgespan Group, which is located in Boston's Copley Place. The company has 158 employees and is focused on the non-profit sector. It spun off from Bain in 1999 but retained its ties to the firm. Bain consultants can take time off to work for Bridgespan for six to 12 months.

Top 10 most prestigious consulting firms:

1. McKinsey & Company

2. The Boston Consulting Group

3. Bain & Company

4. Deloitte Consulting

5. Booz Allen Hamilton

6. PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services LLC

7. EY LLP Consulting Practice

9. KPMG LLG (Consulting Practice)

10. IBM Global Business Services

Our top 10 consulting companies in the world will tell you about a dozen well-known agencies and companies that provide consulting.

10 Manning Selvage & Lee

Manning Selvage & Lee was founded in 1938. The headquarters of this company is located in the USA. Manning Selvage & Lee has representative offices in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

9 Ketchum

Ketchum was founded in 1923. At first, this company was engaged in advertising, and then changed the direction of its activities to public relations. The headquarters of this company is located in New York, USA. Ketchum is a global public relations firm. It provides services in five areas, namely brand marketing; corporate communications; healthcare; food and nutrition; technologies. The company includes 23 offices, 46 branches and associations, which are located in North America, Latin America, Europe, the Asian region and the Western Pacific Ocean.

8 The Hoffman Agency

The Hoffman Agency was founded in 1987. The headquarters of this company is located in San Jose, California, USA. The Hoffman Agency is a global public relations firm. The company includes 9 offices located in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the USA.

7 Porter Novelli

Porter Novelli was founded in 1972. The headquarters of this company is located in New York, USA. The company's activities are focused on public relations. Porter Novelli has approximately 100 offices located in 60 countries.

6 Waggener Edstrom

Waggener Edstrom was founded in 1983. The headquarters of this company is located in Bellevue, Washington State, USA. The company's activities are focused on public relations. Waggener Edstrom has offices in many cities, including New York, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Ora, Austin, Texas, London and Munich.

5 Hill & Knowlton

The Hill & Knowlton agency, located in the USA, was founded in 1927. The company's activities include services in the field of corporate and financial communications. Basically, the Hill & Knowlton agency provides services to companies that specialize in pharmacology and healthcare, as well as on-line communications. This company includes 86 offices located in 46 countries.

4 Burson-Marsteller

Burson-Marsteller was founded in 1953. The company's headquarters is located in the USA. Activities of this global company focuses on public relations and communications. Burson-Marsteller includes 77 offices and 85 branches located in 110 countries.

3 Edelman

Edelman was founded in 1952. Its founder was Daniel Edelman, in whose honor the company got its name. The company's headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois, USA. This consulting firm provides services to the public relations and marketing industry. The company's representative offices are located in various cities of the USA (Atlanta, Dallas, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, Silicon Valley), and there are also representative offices in other countries North America, South America, Europe and Africa.

2 Weber Shandwick

Weber Shandwick was founded in 2001. Its foundation was the result of the merger of three companies: Weber Group, Shandwick International and BSMG. Weber Shandwick's headquarters are located in New York, USA. The company's activities are focused on public relations. Weber Shandwick has experience working with the following directions: journalism, law, healthcare, technology, etc. The company has representative offices in 82 cities around the world.

1 Fleishman-Hillard

Fleishman-Hillard was founded in 1946. The company's headquarters is located in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Fleishman-Hillard is an agency that provides services in two industries: public relations and marketing. The company's representative offices are located in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa.

Consulting is often necessary service for those who want to run a successful business. For this reason, there are a huge number of consulting companies in the world.