Rules and types of control in public catering establishments. Organization of control at public catering establishments

Administrative control at the enterprise catering carried out daily. Such control can be complex: for economic activity will be monitored not only by the head of the enterprise (general and/or executive director), but also by the production manager and chief accountant.

Catering establishments are also constantly inspected by higher organizations. Such control is departmental and is carried out through various types of inventories and audits. The main goal of departmental control is to make sure that the enterprise maintains documentation in order, uses material and commodity values, does not abuse his position, reputation, etc.

At the state level, control over the work of public catering enterprises is carried out by the State Inspectorate for the Quality of Goods in Trade. Under her responsibility: control over the quality of products and raw materials, control over compliance with the basic rules of trade and competition, control over compliance with storage conditions of products, checking the recipes of prepared dishes, compliance with technological instructions, literacy pricing policy.

State sanitary inspection bodies monitor compliance with rules and regulations of a sanitary and hygienic nature at public catering establishments during the storage of products and raw materials, their transportation, and during dispensing finished products according to the actual menu. In addition, these bodies monitor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of personnel, maintenance of equipment and premises.

Technical inspectors of trade union committees, public inspectors, labor protection commissions, various bureaus and implementation councils scientific organization labor carry out inspections of compliance with safety rules at catering establishments and labor protection rules.

Control over the activities of a public catering establishment is also carried out within the enterprise. This is done by the primary party organizations of enterprises of this kind, which elect commissions from their members. Commissions are created specifically to ensure that the management of the economic activities of public catering enterprises is partially carried out by party organizations and the role of this management is significant.

Often trade union organizations catering establishments monitor the activities of those cafes, catering establishments, bars and restaurants fast food, which are geographically located in their zone of influence. Such organizations are in close contact with commissions created under the Council of People's Deputies. Public control is mainly involved in checking the menu, product range, its quality, pricing policy, monitoring compliance with competition laws, monitoring the quality of service, etc.

Those groups that actively contribute to the people's control committees are engaged in checking financial discipline catering establishments monitor compliance with turnover plans. Such control allows you to significantly improve the level of customer service culture, identify resources that are not used by the catering enterprise, and direct the enterprise’s activities in a more efficient direction.

In order to qualitatively control the work of a public catering establishment, the Book of Suggestions and Complaints is also used. This type of control is carried out directly by clients of a particular enterprise. The book of complaints must certainly be delivered to the visitor at the first request. According to current legislation, any complaint or entry in the book must be considered by management within two days after its occurrence. The noted deficiencies must be eliminated, and a record of the results of consideration of a specific complaint or proposal must be made in the same book on the reverse side of the sheet. The catering establishment's customer will be notified accordingly of the entry.

Quality control at a catering enterprise as one of the most important types of control

Quality control at a catering establishment must be carried out at every production stage. Especially for this purpose, the enterprise creates several services: acceptance control, operational and input control.

Often, the storekeeper is responsible for monitoring the incoming quality of products at a catering enterprise. His work is checked by the deputy director. If the enterprise itself does not have its own warehouse of products, the incoming control will be carried out by a cook-foreman, technologist or production manager.

The cook-foreman and the cook of the highest category at the enterprise have the opportunity to carry out both acceptance and operational control.

At public catering establishments, it is recommended to organize product quality control at all stages of production, for which it is necessary to create services incoming, operational and acceptance control quality. The number of members and composition of services are determined in accordance with the type and staffing table enterprises. Thus, the incoming quality control service at enterprises with their own warehouse facilities can be staffed with the following composition: storekeeper, deputy director. At enterprises that do not have a warehouse, quality acceptance of products is carried out by the production manager or his deputy, an engineer or technologist, or a cook-foreman.

Operational and acceptance control at most enterprises can be carried out by a single service: a production manager (deputy production manager), an engineer or technologist, a cook-foreman, a chef of the highest category.

Incoming control service carries out control of incoming raw materials (products) and verification of compliance of its quality with the data specified in the accompanying documents, according to the organoleptic indicators set out in the regulatory documentation. In cases of doubt about the good quality or condition of the received raw materials (products), a laboratory worker (sanitary, food or technological) is called to take samples for analysis. At the same time, a representative of the supplier is invited, in whose presence the products are accepted for quality. Based on the laboratory report, claims are made to the supplier in the prescribed manner, and cases of delivery of substandard raw materials (products) are noted in the logbook for the supply of substandard and non-standard products, which is maintained by the financially responsible person receiving the goods.

The incoming control service is responsible for the quality of incoming raw materials (products). Untimely return of low-quality products and their incorrect registration, untimely provision of materials for filing a claim against suppliers, non-compliance with the rules of the commodity neighborhood, violation of sanitary standards and product sales deadlines.

When moving products from the warehouse to production, the production manager (his deputy, cook-foreman) must accept the quality of the products in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

Operational control is carried out to ensure compliance with the correct execution of technological operations, their sequence, heat treatment modes, recipes, rules for preparing and dispensing dishes and products. Conducting operational control allows for timely elimination of violations identified at individual stages of culinary production.

Operational control at individual stages technological process carried out by organoleptic evaluation (sometimes also physical and chemical), checking the compliance of the raw material set with technological maps, technical and technological maps, compliance with the technological regime and product yield by weight. Among the physicochemical indicators controlled in operational control are, for example, the content of dry substances and fat in broths and sauces, which are subsequently used for the preparation of soups and baked dishes.

Acceptance control(product quality control) is organized depending on the type of enterprise.

At enterprises selling dishes and culinary products of mass demand (in canteens, cafes, restaurants), a constant assessment of the quality of finished products is carried out by a rejection commission - based on organoleptic indicators.

Organs state supervision, in accordance with the established procedure, carry out selective quality control according to organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators.

At public catering establishments that have received a certificate of conformity, inspection control over the quality of their products is carried out.

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Control is one of the main functions of a management system. Control is carried out on the basis of monitoring the behavior of the controlled system with the aim of optimal functioning.

Based on monitoring data, the system is adapted.

Control is understood as a system for monitoring and verifying the functioning process and the actual state of the controlled object, implemented with the following goals:

  • 1. Assessing the validity and effectiveness of management decisions made.
  • 2. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of these decisions.
  • 3. Identification of deviations in the functioning of the object:
    • - from the decisions made,
    • - from established rules and regulations.
  • 4. Development of measures to overcome identified deviations.
  • 5. Development of corrective measures management processes in order to prevent destructive deviations.
  • 6. Removing obstacles to the optimal functioning of the facility.

Thus, control is a process that ensures that the system achieves its goals by comparing the actual state of the system with the desired one.

Administrative control at a catering enterprise is carried out constantly and daily. Such control can be systemic: economic activities will be monitored not only by the director of the enterprise (general and/or executive director), but also by the production manager and chief accountant.

Public catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.) are also constantly inspected by higher organizations. Such control is departmental and is carried out through various types of inventories and audits. The main goal of departmental control is to be sure that the enterprise keeps documentation in order, uses material and commodity assets wisely, and does not abuse its official position, reputation, etc.

At the state level, control over the work of public catering enterprises is carried out by the State Inspectorate for the Quality of Goods in Trade. Under her responsibility: control over the quality of products, goods and raw materials, control over compliance with the basic rules of trade and competition, control over compliance with storage conditions of products, checking the recipes of prepared and ready meals, compliance with technological instructions, literacy in pricing policy.

State sanitary inspection bodies monitor compliance with the rules and regulations of sanitary and hygienic conditions and character at a catering establishment during the storage of products and raw materials, their transportation, and when distributing finished products according to the actual menu. Also, these bodies monitor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of all personnel, maintenance of equipment and premises.

Technical inspectors of trade union committees, public inspectors, government agencies, labor protection commissions, various bureaus and councils for the implementation of scientific organization of labor carry out inspections of compliance with safety rules at public catering enterprises, and labor protection rules.

Control over the operation of a public catering establishment is also carried out within the enterprise itself. This is done by the primary organizations of enterprises of this kind, which elect commissions from their members. Commissions are created specifically to ensure that the management of the activities of public catering enterprises is partially carried out by party organizations and the role of this management is significant.

Often, trade union organizations of public catering establishments monitor the activities of those cafes, bars and fast food restaurants that are geographically located in the area of ​​their subordination. Such organizations work closely with commissions created under the Council of People's Deputies. Public control is mainly involved in checking the menu, product range, its quality, pricing policy, monitoring compliance with competition laws, monitoring the quality of service and service in general.

Those groups that actively assist public control committees check the financial discipline of public catering enterprises and monitor compliance with turnover plans. Such control allows you to significantly increase the level of customer service, identify resources that are not used by the catering enterprise, and direct the enterprise’s activities in a more efficient direction.

In order to qualitatively monitor the work of a public catering establishment, a book of reviews and suggestions is also used. This type of control is carried out directly by guests of a particular enterprise. The book of complaints must be handed over to the guest upon first request. According to the current law, any complaint or statement in the book must be considered by management within two days after it was written. The noted shortcomings must be eliminated, and a record of the results of consideration of a specific complaint or proposal must be made in the same book on the reverse side of the sheet. The guest of the catering establishment is notified accordingly about the entry.

Quality control at a catering enterprise is one of the particularly important types of control in any organization. Quality control at a catering enterprise must be carried out at each production stage. Especially for this, the organization creates several services: acceptance control service, operational control and input control.

Often, the storekeeper is responsible for monitoring the incoming quality of products at a catering enterprise. His work is checked by the deputy director. If the enterprise itself does not have its own warehouse of products, the incoming control will be carried out by a senior cook, technologist or production manager.

The senior cook and the highest-ranking cook at the enterprise have the opportunity to exercise both acceptance and operational control.

Incoming product quality control: what is checked?

When carrying out incoming control, the responsible person accepts the products that arrive at the catering establishment, checks all accompanying documentation (to what extent the quality of the incoming products corresponds to the data in the documents and standards). In case of incorrect registration of products, untimely return of products that have lost their quality, non-compliance with sanitary standards and requirements, the incoming control service at the enterprise must file appropriate claims.

Operational quality control at a catering establishment. For any restaurant, cafe or canteen, it is important that the sequence of technological operations with products, the modes of heat treatment of products, the rules for dispensing products and dishes are fully observed. It is operational control that makes it possible to promptly identify violations that occur, eliminate them in a timely manner, and prevent low-quality products from reaching the end consumer.

At certain stages of the technological process, operational control is carried out using organoleptic evaluation, inspection technological maps, sometimes physical and chemical testing. It is this kind of control that makes it possible to obtain accurate indicators that evaluate the quality of dishes.

Acceptance quality control of products is carried out in different ways. It all depends on the type of particular catering establishment.

If, for example, an enterprise is engaged in the sale of culinary products and dishes for the mass consumer, the enterprise will need to create a special rejection commission that can constantly assess the quality of already manufactured products.

If the inspection is carried out by state supervisory authorities, then, as a rule, it is a selective quality control for microbiological, physico-chemical and organoleptic indicators of the finished product.

Inspection control is often carried out at those catering establishments that have a certificate of conformity for production.

And so we found out that one of the components internal control is the creation of specially authorized bodies or commission members for its implementation. The main role of internal control, of course, is to prevent and eliminate risks associated with the preparation of food products.