Baku pigeons. Signs and characteristics of the Baku pigeon breed

Fans of flying pigeons know the Baku breed very well. Many have considered her the best among all for many years in a row. fighting species. In our country, she has developed a wide circle of admirers, which is something that people in the homeland of birds, Azerbaijan, are very proud of. Here they are a national treasure. It is important to note that the Baku breed is quite old. And although over the past centuries many varieties of the breed (color, size) have been obtained, they all retained good flying abilities.

Baku pigeons are of medium size, strong, elongated body, elongated head with a round forehead, graceful curved neck, wide back, long wings. All have dense plumage, which differs only in color. Other features may also be present, such as a forelock on the head.

The popularity of the breed also lies in the fact that pigeons are unpretentious, easily get along in a flock, train well, and have strong immunity. As they say in Azerbaijan, the bird was bred for the soul and joy. By the way, Baku birds can stay at altitude for a record long time - from 5 to 11 hours.


As we have already said, there are many varieties of the Baku fighting breed. All of them differ mainly in coloring and additional decorations. It is worth noting that poultry farmers of the Krasnodar region made a great contribution to the diversity of these pigeons. In the 70-90s they managed to breed a lot of beautiful Bakuvians. For example, then the most unusual colors were obtained, representatives with a spindle-shaped physique, with raised chests.

And although experts say that many “new” species have lost some of the unique abilities of summer, all the resulting variations are successful. For example, the well-known black, speckled (chili), black-tailed and red-tailed, marbled, poplar, neck and others. True, it is worth noting that in Azerbaijan pigeon breeders pay little attention to color and external characteristics.

There are the main flight and fighting qualities, for which only ordinary white birds are beyond competition. Their peculiarity lies in the long-term and fruitful breeding work of Baku pigeon breeders. Among whites, only varieties such as those without forelocks or with forelocks, as well as bare-legged and “with pants” are allowed.

Black-tailed Bakuns

From the name it is already clear that this variety of Baku is distinguished by the color of its tail. Yes, that's right. These are white, monochromatic birds that only have black feathers on their tail. In all operational flight qualities, black-tailed birds do not differ from the main type. There are red-tailed and black-tailed ones, as in the photo.

Chili or variegated

These are very beautiful birds, among which there are red and black colors with a motley head. Also, in addition to the head, the brushes on the legs can be variegated. Representatives with white speckles are also often found. In addition to the unusual color, this species has a slightly convex wide chest, an elongated body, and well-feathered legs. These birds also show good flying abilities, rising high in a vertical stance, and then launching into battle. See how they look in the photo provided in the photo gallery.


In color, marbled Bakuns differ little from chilies, with the exception of the presence of speckled plumage with alternating multi-colored feathers. Such birds are very popular among connoisseurs of the external beauty of pigeons. When young, marbled feathers are lighter in color, but with each molt they darken and acquire greater color intensity. Just by the brightness of the feathers you can understand how old a Baku resident is.

Baku hryvnia

At the beginning of the 20th century, a certain pigeon lover Schmidt created an unusual and at that time very original variety of Baku pigeons - grivuns. They completely retained the flight qualities of ordinary representatives of the breed, but received a striking feature in their appearance.

They have dense plumage that is solid white or slightly matte, but with a bright spot on the back of the neck. The pattern on the nape can be red, black, gray or yellow. At the same time, the standard shimmer on the front of the neck is maintained. If a pigeon has a forelock, then its front part remains white and only the back part is colored. Also several colored feathers are present in the tail.


Another popular variety of Baku pigeons, which, like hryvnias, are distinguished by some kind of decoration on the neck. In particular, these birds can be found in many cities of our country. These birds have colored necks as well as colored tail feathers. The main body has a uniform color. Basically, the necks are toothless and do not have the usual bend of the neck. Watch the video to see how Baku residents fly.

Photo gallery

Video “Baku fighters in flight”

In this video you can see the beautiful unusual flight of these birds, watch their graceful movements and the famous vertical stance.

All . is a fighting breed of pigeons bred in Azerbaijan, in the city of Baku. In Azerbaijan, they do not pay enough attention to the color of the plumage and pattern; the fighting performance of pigeons is more important. Baku fighting pigeons fly very high and for a long time, fly very well into the post and perform well in battle. In terms of flight duration, Baku pigeons are undisputed record holders; flight time can range from 2 to 12 hours. At the same time, the flight is accompanied by a very beautiful fight. The battle can be completely different: both tape and pillar. Pigeons rise to a very impressive height and quickly disappear from the field of view of the pigeon breeder. Purebred Baku pigeons are capable of covering distances of up to several hundred kilometers, while being perfectly oriented in space. There is even a story about how pigeon breeders from the Astrakhan region bought a large population of Baku pigeons in Baku and brought them to Astrakhan. Accordingly, they were impatient to let them out for a walk, and the pigeons flew away. So what was the surprise of the pigeon breeders when a few days later they learned that the pigeons had flown to their old home, having covered a distance of about five hundred kilometers by sea. In Azerbaijan, Baku fighting pigeons are considered a real national treasure.

Baku fighting breed pigeons are very unpretentious to the conditions of keeping and feeding. They have excellent fertility, the parents sit very well on eggs and raise pigeons. These pigeons can also be used as feeders.

Pigeons are very strong, hardy, have a strong body constitution, but they are not very large.

It is necessary to describe a little the exterior qualities of Baku fighting pigeons. The head is slightly oblong, sometimes smooth and with a forelock, the forehead has a rounded shape. The beak is white. Thin, straight, although slightly curved at the end. The cere is poorly developed, white and smooth. The neck is of short length, with a very slight bend. The back is very wide in the shoulder area. The body is very dense, slightly elongated. The wings are quite long, pressed to the body. The wings come together at the very end of the tail. The tail consists of twelve large feathers. The legs of pigeons can be either with or without feathers. The plumage is very dense, fits well to the body of the bird, and shimmers with a purple tint. Plumage can be very different.

Photo of Baku fighting pigeons. Baku fighting pigeons look very beautiful and graceful in the photo.

Baku fighting pigeon photo
Photos of Baku fighting pigeons

Baku fighting pigeons video

This video shows some fragments from the life of Baku fighting pigeons. The video has fun music.

This video was taken from a pigeon breeder on You Tube. Throughout the entire video, he comments on the actions of the pigeons.

This video shows the flight of Baku fighting pigeons.

This video also shows the flight of young pigeons of the Baku breed.

Fighting pigeons from Baku are a popular breed among poultry farmers. The word “fighting” does not mean “related to combat,” as many beginners who want to breed flyers think, but “the characteristic sound of wings, clicks.” Baku pigeons produce these clicks when playing, that is, performing tricks.

Birds are capable of high flight and are resilient. They are also loved by pigeon breeders for their large number of species with different colors.

A description similar to the Baku breed of pigeons dates back to the 18th century in Iranian sources. There is not a single corner of Russia where representatives of this species of pigeons are not found. In the middle of the last century, they came to the Mineral Waters Ministry in the Caucasus from the city of Baku, after which they became widespread.

Since then, the breed has undergone some changes: they have a more pronounced forelock, the feathering has gone from the legs, and the “boots” have disappeared. Pigeon breeders began to conduct selective experiments with Baku pigeons themselves, for themselves and in response to market demands. This is how all the diversity of the breed appeared.

About the breed

Fascinating, wonderful fighting and play are the main advantages of Baku pigeons. To these pigeon breeders add an excellent immune system and unpretentiousness. Birds learn quickly and respond well to training, the main thing is to carry it out persistently. Genetic predisposition and the correct training regimen are the most important elements for the success of a pigeon.

Each individual is very individual. For example, the initial flight elements of the game, such as landing on the tail, during which the pigeon flaps its wings and then takes off, become available to some birds within a few weeks of training, while others become accustomed only after a year.

These individual qualities directly depend on genetics and pedigree. Baku pigeons are capable of flying from two to, according to some reports, twelve hours.

A column of black pigeons can reach 15 meters, and the birds easily perform 5-7 somersaults. When judging at competitions, the color of the pigeon is not taken into account, since the quality of the summer and its duration are considered the most important.

Although there is an opinion among pigeon breeders, supported by references in specialized literature, that of all the colors, the flight qualities are best in white Baku pigeons. They reproduce easily, have developed intelligence and good memory. Pigeons are known for their endurance. Also, few other breeds are able to stay in the air for up to twelve hours.

The female lays eggs all year. This happens even while she is molting. If this happens “unplanned” for you, then do not allow them to multiply. One of effective ways– remove from the enclosure items that can be used to build a nest.

Sharing their impressions, pigeon breeders say that when holding a Baku pigeon in your hands, it seems like you are holding a smooth stone. They are monogamous, strongly attached to the nest-home.

Video - Contents of Baku pigeons


All varieties of the breed have their differences, as well as common features, which give the right to say that the bird belongs to this breed.

Coloring and other appearance details depend on the variety. It is worth noting the excellent adaptive properties of pigeons. Without them, birds would not have such a distribution.

Video – Baku fighting pigeons

Breed characteristics

There are flight and performance characteristics of this breed that allow us to speak of Baku pigeons as leaders, occupying, if not first places, then definitely one of the top three. These are the indicators:

  • If a nest for a pair of pigeons is not equipped, then the birds themselves will build their own corner, using everything they find. It should be remembered that if a dove lays its eggs in a certain place, the couple will be forever tied specifically to this place, and subsequent relocation will be impossible.
  • Use the services of experienced and trusted pigeon breeders, since most likely you will not be allowed to check the pigeons when purchasing.
  • From all of them, choose a few of the best, selecting based on the results of training.
  • The best must be paired with the best.

Prices for bird perches

Bird perch


Some poultry farmers are confident that Baku pigeons should be underfed. This supposedly makes them more flexible, the pigeons immediately flock to the owner’s call and play better. But, judging by messages on specialized forums, not everyone adheres to this feeding tactic. But everyone is sure that there is definitely no need to overfeed pigeons.

The pigeon's body is especially sensitive to a winter lack of vitamins, so it is necessary to give the birds special nutritional vitamin supplements.

After the dove has finished molting, this happens in December-January, it sits on the hen. As soon as the pigeons hatch, they need to be fed strictly according to the schedule. A diet consisting of a variety of food and a regime in which it is given in a timely manner will allow the pigeon's crop not to stretch and not be empty. For chicks, only food with a soft consistency is suitable, which it receives at noon.

Table 1.

Feeding periods
Componentswinter timemating periodspring-summer timegrowth of young pigeonsduring transportationduring the competitionduring molting
Wheat- - 10 20 50 5 10
Barley40 20 20 20 - 20 10
Corn10 10 10 10 20 10 10
Oatmeal40 20 - - - - 20
Lentils10 - - - - - 10
Millet- 20 20 30 - 10 10
Peas- 15 20 10 - 35 20
Vetch- 15 10 10 30 10 10
Oats- - 10 - - 10 -

Grains in the diet

  • Millet. It should make up a significant part of the combined feed for Baku pigeons. Before choosing millet, you need to know that brightly colored grains contain more vitamins.
  • Wheat. Complete food for fighting pigeons, and not only for Baku pigeons. But, if wheat is used as the main feed, it should be taken into account that it contains a small amount of calcium, as a result of which it will be necessary to add mineral supplements.
  • Oats. On the one hand, the food is well digestible. On the other hand, it contains a large amount of fiber and husk, which is why pigeons are reluctant to eat it.
  • Barley. Recognized by experts as the main and best feed component. It is better to detail it before giving it to pigeons.
  • Corn. It has many useful micro and macro elements. But there is one problem - the size of the grains. Therefore, you can only use varieties whose grains are small. And even then with caution, since the consumption of large amounts of corn by pigeons leads to their obesity.
  • Rice. Healthy and nutritious. The only negative is that it is expensive.

Oilseeds in the diet

  • Flax-seed. Nutritious food for pigeons that has a laxative effect.
  • Sunflower. As a constituent element, it is introduced into almost any food. But it is rarely used in feed in quantities exceeding 10%.
  • Hemp. Birds love it very much, but it should not be given in large quantities, since its uncontrolled consumption by pigeons is harmful. It is recommended to give cannabis in small portions and in a boiled state. It is also useful during the period of active mating.

Fresh herbs

If the bird receives a sufficient amount of a variety of greens, it often does not even need feeding with vitamins. Spinach, dandelion, and lettuce leaves are well digestible. Greens should be given immediately after harvest, heavily chopped.

Bird food prices

Food for insectivores

Varieties of Baku pigeons

As mentioned above, thanks to the breeders who experimented extensively with the selection of the Baku breed of pigeons, the breed has many varieties. They may differ from each other in flight and other features, for example, appearance and color.

  • Broad-tailed. They are distinguished by their ability to fly for long periods of time. They come in any color, but most often the plumage is white, milky or ashy. The birds themselves are powerful and have an aesthetic advantage.

  • High flyers. They love to soar up and fly high. That’s why, in fact, they got such a name.

  • White. It would not be entirely correct to call the White Baku a separate subspecies, since it is rather a group of different subspecies, united by the color of their plumage.

  • Agbash. The feathers on the head are white. The legs may be bare or wear feathers, with a smooth head and pronounced voluminous forelocks. They are widely distributed geographically, as they have great adaptive abilities and acclimatize well.

  • Chile. Pigeons are colorful. May be red or black. The location of the mottled markings is on the head, tail or just on the cheeks. The peculiarity of such pigeons is their love for single, long and protracted flights, during which they take a stand. After standing, the birds prefer to perform somersaults and clicks, and they do it suddenly. They are unpretentious and do not require any special conditions of detention. The body of representatives of the chili variety is strong, the size of the bird is medium. The head is somewhat elongated and has a forelock. The eyes are light shades, yellowish predominates. The beak is absolutely straight, not wide, rather thin, white, with the exception of individuals with a dark head - then the beak will be dark in color.

    Baku pigeons - Chile

Training of Baku pigeons

Key points to pay attention to during training:

  • Spend a lot of time training, while not forgetting to give the pigeons quality food.
  • Young animals must be accustomed to training starting from 30-40 days of age. It happens that this process begins later, up to two months of age, but this happens if the bird develops slowly or the conditions of its keeping do not allow it to start earlier. The fact is that the later training is started, the less chance there is of raising a champion.
  • Keep in mind that if Baku pigeons score relatively early, half a month after the first flight, then after molting they may “reconsider” their style and start playing differently. The best results are observed in birds that began to play from the age of five months.

To receive something, you must give and provide conditions. The correct living conditions and diet must be established before training begins.

  • Don’t despair if a novice fighter doesn’t get the right flips right away. It may fall over on its tail, or lose height during the summer. This will most likely pass.
  • The Baku pigeon develops its individual style of play only by the age of two or three years. Until then, it is impossible to be one hundred percent sure that the pigeon will not decide to change the entire manner of play. Most likely, gaming and flying abilities will be passed on genetically.
  • Some breeders release young individuals that have not yet learned to hit into the sky in groups of 20. But there is an opinion according to which you should not release more than eight pigeons at a time.

Experienced pigeon breeders advise that before starting training, it is necessary to first provide the pigeon with conditions under which it will develop normally and fully. This also applies to good nutrition.

Video – Training of Baku pigeons

Training rules

There is a set of rules and training that will help you avoid common mistakes. Which are allowed by new pigeon breeders.

  1. Training doves two days before and one day after egg laying is contraindicated. Also, parents cannot be taken away from the chicks until they are one week old.
  2. Three to four days before the competition, put the pigeons on a diet that excludes heavy food. It is recommended to give the pigeons water an hour before the competition.
  3. Releasing pigeons in the middle of the city is a bad idea. Need open space.
  4. When releasing pigeons, try not to mix old individuals with young ones. Also, males are most often released separately from females.
  5. During transportation, pigeons are placed in spacious special cages; they cannot be transported crowded.
  6. Do not train pigeons in fog or rain - they may get lost.

Years and game

Despite the fact that Baku pigeons have many flight patterns, they are very different when compared with their other relatives. The style of summer is scattered - the birds are individualists. Baku pigeons can soar into the sky so high that they are completely lost from sight. If training is done correctly, birds will almost always return to you. A pigeon can fly for a long time, up to twelve hours. They sometimes say about these that the dove “defended the day in grief.”

The main indicator of a quality game is the correctness and purity with which the bird enters the post. In order for everything to be correct, the pigeon needs to do two or three somersaults with clapping.

Types of combat:

  • "Exit to the pillar." This is a type of game in which the pigeon flaps its wings quickly, actively and noisily. The bird's rise is vertical, after which it sharply throws its head back and somersaults. At the same moment, a strong clapping sound is heard from the wings. The calculation is usually this: if the takeoff is 15 meters, then during the trick there can be up to ten ascents followed by flips.
  • "Pillar with a screw." The pigeon has a shuttle stroke, and there is also a click during the somersault.
  • "Envious fight." The flight during such a flight is unhurried and slow. As if hovering, the pigeon turns over, after which it continues to rise. Somersaults are relatively slow, but they should also be accompanied by clicks.

Video - Let and the game of Baku pigeons


Disadvantages may or may not be acceptable when the pigeon cannot be considered a purebred representative of the Baku breed.


  • The crown has a slightly rounded shape.
  • There is no bend in the neck.
  • Eyelids flesh color.


  • Heterochromia eyes, they are different colors.
  • The body is too short.
  • The fingers have feathering.
  • The chest protrudes forward strongly.
  • The tail touches the surface of the earth.
  • The wings are hanging.
  • Hump ​​on the back.
  • Thick or short beak.
  • The pigeon has loose plumage.
  • The neck is too thick and/or short.

How not to lose Baku residents

By exploring thematic forums, you can find good advice, how not to lose your Baku pigeons during the rut. Pigeon breeders note that birds do not simply disappear without reason. One of the main reasons is weather conditions.

Since Baku pigeons can stay in flight for quite a long time, up to 12 hours, they can be overtaken in the sky by thunderstorms, rain, gusty winds, which can carry the birds for many kilometers and disorient them. The only advice is to follow the reports of the Hydrometeorological Center.

It has been noted that individuals that are bred in the same nursery in the third or fourth generation are almost never lost. This is explained by a well-developed genetic memory. This also applies to keeping a couple that will give birth to offspring in an enclosure. If they do not fly out, then the skills of returning home will not be passed on to their offspring.

Baku pigeons are popular and beloved by poultry farmers. Pigeons are hardy, beautiful, can play well and have a good stylish fight that cannot be confused with the fight of any other breed. They acclimatize well, so they can be bred and kept in different climatic conditions.

Pigeons have always attracted people. With its beauty and flying qualities. Over the years, breeders have worked to develop new breeds and improve existing ones. Today there are quite valuable species that have been brought to perfection and are the pride of pigeon breeders.

The history of Baku pigeons dates back to the times of the ancient Persian state. But the breed began to actively develop at the beginning of the 19th century, when breeders began to form appearance and select pigeons for high flight qualities. Pigeons gained particular popularity in northern Azerbaijan, where pigeon breeders paid maximum attention to them. It was in Baku that species with perfect color and high summer qualities were bred, which were then distributed throughout the countries of today's CIS. The Baku pigeon is highly valued not only for its speed and flight altitude, but also for its special “game” of fighting during the summer.

Description of the breed

In our time, the ancient breed of Baku pigeons has been improved. Now pigeons not only have high fighting and flying abilities, but have also acquired beautiful colors and a refined body shape.

Krasnodar breeders also worked on improving the Baku pigeons, as a result of which the birds acquired a spindle-shaped physique, an elongated head with a thin long beak, white eyelids and a raised chest. These pigeons became extremely attractive, but at the same time they failed to improve the flying abilities of the Bakuvians; on the contrary, they began to be slightly inferior to them.

Baku fighting pigeons have high performance in the following parameters, which make them leaders among game birds:

  • the body of the pigeon, about thirty-seven centimeters long, has a streamlined body, slightly elongated and fusiform;
  • a beautifully shaped head with an oblong forehead, a flattened and smooth crown and a rounded nape;
  • long beak, almost two and a half centimeters, closed with a slightly curved tip;
  • expressive eyes of medium size, framed by a delicate eyelid, are correctly and symmetrically located on the head;
  • Particularly proud is the neck of medium length with a slight bend. It is quite thin at the base of the head and widens as it passes into the body;
  • The powerful long wings that connect at the tail look no less beautiful, but they do not overlap each other, but are gracefully placed side by side, fitting tightly to the body;
  • the Baku pigeon's legs are not very tall, they are colored slightly reddish, and are completely devoid of feathers;
  • the thoracic part of the body is round in shape, of medium size, slightly raised upward;
  • the back of the bird is wide at the shoulders, oblong, straight;
  • narrow and flat tail, which is located horizontally;
  • plumage that fits tightly to the body.

It should be noted that Baku pigeons have all body parts arranged proportionally, which gives them a special aesthetic appeal. There are also species with a forelock that is white in front and multi-colored in the back. This exclusive twist gives pigeons a unique charm.

Features of the flight of Baku pigeons

Baku pigeons have excellent spatial orientation. They fly long distances and rise to great heights, but always return home. Pigeons do not fly in flocks; their peculiarity is a fascinating solitary flight with unique elements.

The Baku fighting pigeon can perform various types in-flight games. First of all, this is “exit into the pillar”. The dove rises vertically, flaps its wings quickly and noisily, and then, when it reaches the peak of its flight, it turns sharply, with a characteristic click of its wings, and returns down. A Baku resident, making his vertical flight, can make up to ten flips until he reaches the final point. This spectacle is difficult to describe in words. We recommend watching the flight of Baku pigeons on video.

Sometimes pigeons carry out a helical flight, gracefully rising upward with flips to the left or right.

An equally fascinating spectacle is the “frozen battle”. This is a type of flight when a pigeon flies slowly, hovers in the air, then turns over and continues flying again. The flight view is presented in the video.

As we can see, the flights of Baku pigeons really represent a high sporting and aesthetic value. The video shows only a few moments, but they allow you to be convinced of the eliteness of this breed.

Species diversity

Baku residents differ from each other in their color scheme and minor external features. The most popular types are:

  • Agbash are beautiful specimens, among which you can find birds with bare legs or feathers, with or without a chic forelock. Characterized by high flight abilities, they are absolutely not demanding on food and living conditions, and are also resistant to diseases. They are easily propagated at home, without causing unnecessary trouble for breeders;
  • Chile is the colorful people of Baku. There are specimens with red, black feathers and white splashes. They have a colorful feather on their head. The bird's legs are covered with dense feathers. Pigeons prefer independent flights. They rise high, making beautiful vertical flights with exquisite somersaults. Easy to care for and reproduce;
  • Baku marbled pigeons not only have a beautiful, regular body shape, but also an unusual color with multi-colored feathers that resemble a speckled pattern. In young individuals, the feathers are lighter and the inclusions are much brighter; with age, the color of the feather becomes more saturated. Marbled pigeons are available with and without forelock;
  • Bronze pigeons are perhaps the most beautiful. These Bakus are painted brass with red and black flecks;
  • Necks or hryvnias. These are pigeons that have a uniform plumage color and a clearly defined spot of a more saturated shade on the neck. Most often there are white and matte pigeons with a stripe on the neck of black, gray or red.

How to grow

The enchanting ability of pigeons of this breed to surprise with their mesmerizing flight does not just appear. Yes, the bird has the makings, but they need to be systematically supported and trained.

For constant training, the bird needs strength, which means that it needs to be provided with proper maintenance and a balanced diet.

Pigeons should take their first flight at the age of one and a half months. Therefore, as soon as the young animals reach this mark, they need to start chasing, gradually increasing the flight time. It is best to chase pigeons in numbers of no more than eight, because we remember that this bird loves solitary flights. Pigeons begin “playing” at the age of six months, after molting. The style of flight and combat is clearly formed only at the age of two to three years. Until this time, pigeons can change their style.

Training begins in the spring. In cold weather, it is better not to release pigeons, much less train them.

Baku fighting pigeons, bred in Azerbaijan, are one of the most characteristic representatives of this type of bird. They quickly and efficiently gain great height in flight, displaying a range of somersaults and flips, as well as striking the air with their heads and wings. Initially, breeders did not pay attention to their appearance, but in recent decades, lines with varied plumage colors and body structure features have been bred, which have retained the fighting qualities of real Baku residents.

From postmen to flyers

Pigeons were first brought to the territory of modern Azerbaijan in the 18th century from Iran and were used exclusively as postmen. They always delivered correspondence to recipients in a timely manner, demonstrating excellent navigation skills.

Over time, breeders paid attention to the flight characteristics of individual birds, which were able to demonstrate flips and somersaults in flight, and also actively beat their heads and wings against the air, creating a lot of noise.

Through initial selection, the Baku breed of fighting pigeons was developed, in which the birds had an unprepossessing appearance, but delighted breeders and spectators with their characteristic flying qualities.

For many years, no attention was paid to the appearance of these birds. And only in the second half of the twentieth century did the process of breeding individuals with pronounced decorative qualities begin, which immediately became extremely popular among pigeon breeders.

Today, Baku residents include hairy-legged, bare-legged, forelocked individuals of various plumage colors with a characteristic way of flying, which in the coming decades are capable of forming completely new breeds of fighting pigeons.

Individualists with summer characteristics

The main feature that sets this breed apart from dozens of others is the unique fight during flight, which attracts attention and fascinates even non-specialists. Each bird demonstrates its unique flight qualities. When released into the sky, Baku residents do not form groups, making individual flights and creating unusually beautiful chaos in the air.

The best representatives of the breed are capable of somersaults, hovering and hitting the air during a vertical rise to a height, accompanied by loud noise.

They can stay in the air for up to 12 hours during the day, returning to the nesting site only to eat and sleep. Therefore, experienced pigeon breeders try to limit the freedom of birds, especially young individuals, which can fly far and become prey to a hawk.

Short body is not acceptable

The characteristic external features of the breed are:

  • body size 34-37 cm;
  • small oval head with a flat crown and smooth or forelock plumage;
  • straight and thin, with a slight downward bend, beak up to 2.5 cm long;
  • proportional and dense spindle-shaped body with strong muscles;
  • the back is straight at the shoulders and extended towards the tail;
  • wings and horizontal tail tightly pressed to the body;
  • smooth feathers fit tightly to the body;
  • legs of medium length may be bare or covered with feathers.

Disadvantages that require immediate culling of purebred birds are roundness of the crown, raised forehead or nape, shortened body or beak, overly convex chest or hunched back, loose feathers, as well as shortened wings and tail.

Pigeons of this breed cannot be confused with others in the air due to their unique wing fighting and incredible turns. Birds do not like to stay crowded and try to stay away from each other, demonstrating the flight technique inherent in each individual.

Flight technique with exit into the pillar

Baku fighting pigeons take quite a long time to learn to fly in a characteristic way, acquiring basic skills only by 7 months (when released into the air 40-50 days after hatching from the egg). The bird masters the flight technique that is completely unique to it only at 2-3 years of life.

Experts note the flying technique of flying into a column, when a bird rising to a height of 15 meters or more performs up to 10 somersaults and flips, accompanied by noisy beating of its wings on the air.

Some side pigeons rise in a helical manner, or hover while performing somersaults, emitting clearly audible clicks. They are capable of horizontal flights with a fall and a sharp rise up, but they must periodically strike their heads and wings against the air.

Variety of drawn lines

Thanks to the many years of work of breeders and breeders, the breed of Baku fighting pigeons has undergone significant changes, having received a large number of completely new lines of individuals. They have the same flight qualities as their predecessors, but differ from them in their color and plumage.

It is quite possible that in the coming decades the International Union of Pigeon Breeders will approve the standards of new slaughter breeds, many of which were bred in modern Russia.

Marbled pigeons have gray-brown plumage interspersed with darker tones. With age, the saturation of tones increases after each molt, allowing the pigeon fancier to easily determine the age of the bird.

Black-tailed and red-tailed Baku birds have a completely white main plumage and bright tail feathers, which make these birds stand out from others during the summer.

Alternating black and white

Broad-tailed pigeons resemble individuals of the peacock breed. They are very stable in flight and can stay in the air for a long time. Chilean pigeons have brown or black plumage with variegated colors on the head and wings. They have a somewhat elongated body, and they are able to soar in the air for a long time, making very complex figures.

Very beautiful necked pigeons or hryvnias have white body plumage with black stripes on the back of the head and in the center of the tail.

Agbashi are characterized by the presence of a completely white head, and the rest of the plumage can have completely different colors.

Mirror Bakuns can have different colors, the pattern of which on the left and right sides of the body should be symmetrical to each other.

Fighting pigeons of the Baku breed are very unpretentious in keeping, but require special attention during the molting period and the cold season.

Female Baku birds are highly fertile and are able to lay eggs several times during the season, raising up to 10-12 chicks. The maternal instinct is especially evident in them during molting, when all birds are extremely weakened.

Experienced pigeon breeders, at the beginning of molting, remove from the enclosure any building materials from which pigeons can build a nest, and do not allow eggs to be laid during this period in order to preserve physical condition birds.

Chicks must be taught to fly from the age of one month so that they quickly master the flying technique. Already at 5-7 months they will learn, but you need to be prepared for the fact that after the first molt they can significantly change the way they roll, hover and fight.

The company likes to brag

Birds reach their best flight characteristics by 2-3 years, so breeders have to wait a long time, choosing for breeding only pairs that have the most beautiful years and external characteristics.

Despite the fact that these pigeons are outspoken individualists, 7-8 birds should be released into the air at a time, which, having risen, will begin to demonstrate their capabilities to each other.

Among breeders, Baku pigeons are considered one of the most famous and popular species of pigeons with fighting characteristics. They are unpretentious and reproduce quickly, love training and, as already noted, are able to stay in the air for up to 12 hours a day. In addition, during their life they acquire additional summer properties and skills.

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