Hydraulic structures of the Chirkey hydroelectric station. The pride of Dagestan – Chirkey hydroelectric power station

Chirkey hydroelectric power station is a high-pressure dam hydroelectric power station located on the Sulak River near the village of Dubki (Buinaksky district of the Republic of Dagestan). The station is the most powerful hydroelectric power station in the North Caucasus, while its dam is the second highest in Russia, as well as the highest arch-type dam in the country.

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station is the uppermost stage of the Sulak cascade of hydroelectric power stations, and is also part of the Dagestan branch of the Russian energy company OJSC RusHydro (since January 9, 2008).

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station consists of an arch dam, a hydroelectric power station building near the dam, an operational spillway and the Tishiklinskaya dam.

The hydroelectric dam was the first doubly convex concrete arch dam in the country, the height of which is 232.5 meters, the thickness at the crest is 6 m, and at the base it is 30 m.

The main purpose of the Tishiklinskaya dam, which is located 10 km above the dam, is to protect the Shuraozen River valley from flooding. The length of the dam is 1.3 km, the maximum height is 12 m, the width at the crest is 5 m (at the base – 68 m). Loam was used during its construction.

The building of the hydroelectric power station contains 4 vertical hydraulic units with radial-axial turbines RO 230/9896-V-450 (electric power 250 MW) and hydrogenerators VGSF 930/233-30. The working pressure of the turbines is 156-207 meters, and the design pressure is 170 m (water flow through each turbine is 168 m³/s). The turbine impellers have a diameter of 4.5 m.

The pressure structures of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station formed the Chirkey reservoir, the area of ​​which is 42.5 km².

The installed capacity of the hydroelectric power station is 1000 MW, and the average annual electricity generation is 2470 million kWh (at the end of 2012, the station produced 1736 million kWh).

From hydrogenerators, electricity at a voltage of 15.75 kV is transmitted to TC-400000/330 transformers installed on the roof of the hydroelectric power station building, from which it is supplied via overhead lines to a 330 kV outdoor switchgear. Next, the electricity from the hydroelectric power station is supplied to the energy system via 2 330 kV power lines.

Work on the construction of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station began immediately after the signing of Order No. 84 by the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR (dated June 11, 1963).

The Sulak River was closed on October 29, 1967, while hydraulic unit No. 1 was put into permanent operation on December 22, 1974. The launch of hydraulic units No. 2 and 3 took place on September 28 and December 30, 1975, respectively. The fourth unit was connected to the network on June 30, 1976.

The Chirkeyskaya HPP was officially accepted into industrial operation February 9, 1981 after the selection committee signed the relevant act.

By 2015, work on replacing one of the hydroelectric generators with a prototype of an asynchronized HPP/PSP generator with variable speed should be completed at the Chirkey hydroelectric power station.

I continue to rake through tons of photo information from our Dagestan blog tour with RusHydro. And today we will talk about another pride of our hydro-construction thought, a unique hydroelectric power station located in fabulously beautiful places - the Chirkey hydroelectric power station.

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station is located on the Sulak River near the village of Dubki, in the Buinaksky region of Dagestan. It is the largest hydroelectric power station in the North Caucasus. It is part of the Sulak cascade of hydroelectric power stations, being its upper stage, regulating the entire cascade. In addition, it is the main regulating station in the United Energy System of the South of Russia. Plus, in emergency situations, it is capable of quickly replacing the missing capacity of 150-300 MW of thermal power plants. The dam of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station is the second highest (232.5 m), after the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station (245 m) and the highest arch dam in Russia.

The installed capacity of the station is 1,000 MW, the provided capacity is 950 MW, the average annual electricity generation is 2,430 million kWh.

In 1928 - 1930, the Leningrad branch of Energostroy carried out field surveys and design studies on the hydropower use of the Sulak River. The result of which was that the Chirkey hydroelectric power station will be in these places. Since 1931, the design of the station has been carried out by the Moscow branch of Glavgidroelektrostroy, which in 1933 prepared a preliminary design of a hydroelectric power station with an arched-gravity concrete dam, but it was rejected due to the need to continue survey work at the site of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station due to difficult engineering and geological conditions.

1956 - 1960 returned to this problem, but the design of the station was transferred to the Baku branch of the Hydroproject. Two options for the layout of the hydroelectric power station were considered - with arch and earth dams. The first option was chosen and approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 570 of June 8, 1962.

2. View of the Sulak Canyon from the ridge of the dam. By the way, in terms of its depth in this place (1,920 m), it significantly exceeds its famous brother, the Colorado River canyon (depth up to 1,800 m) in North America.

In practice, it turned out that not everything was so simple, so it was decided to transfer further patronage of the project to the Lenhydroproekt Institute, which, after analyzing it, made significant changes to the project, namely: the abandonment of the underground hydroelectric power station building in favor of the one near the dam due to doubts about its reliability in difficult conditions. geological conditions; designing a hydroelectric power station building with a two-row arrangement of hydraulic units, which made it possible to reduce the length of the building by half; changing the design of the construction tunnel by increasing its length from 350 m to 730 m, which made it possible to move it beyond the unstable section of the slope.

December 14, 1967 technical project The Chirkey hydroelectric power station was approved by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 2881-R, but the go-ahead to begin construction was given already on June 11, 1963 by order of the USSR Ministry of Energy No. 84. The construction of temporary roads to the hydroelectric power station construction site from Buinaksk and Kizilyurt began, as well as the power lines necessary for power supply of construction - 35 kV power transmission line from the Buinaksk substation and 110 kV power transmission line Chiryurt-Chirkey by the Chirkeygesstroy Construction Department. In August 1963, development of the station construction site began, and in November 1964, the site for the permanent settlement of Dubki hydropower workers was finally selected.

3. General view at the outdoor switchgear (open switchgear) - 330 kV, control building with an observation deck and an elevator shaft.

On October 29, 1967, the Sulak River was blocked, and on February 28, 1970, the first concrete was laid at the base of the dam (bank plugs). The work, as always at that time, proceeded according to Stakhanov’s style, record after record, and already on August 13, 1974, the dam of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station was brought under pressure. On August 7, 1974, the filling of the Chirkey reservoir began.

The first hydraulic unit of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station was launched on December 22, 1974, at an intermediate level of the reservoir and a dam built to a height of 185 m. The second and third hydraulic units were launched on September 28 and December 30, 1975, respectively. The last, fourth hydraulic unit was put into permanent operation on June 30, 1976.

The construction of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station was officially completed on February 9, 1981, with the signing of the acceptance certificate for the hydroelectric power station for commercial operation. During the construction of the Chirkey HPP, 2.686 million m³ of earth and rock work was carried out (including 2.143 million m³ of rock excavation), 1.491 million m³ of concrete and reinforced concrete were laid, and 9.8 thousand tons of metal structures and mechanisms were installed.

4. By the way, we won’t see such beauty soon. According to the plan of the RusHydro modernization program, the local 330 kV outdoor switchgear will be replaced with a modern 330 kV switchgear (complete gas-insulated switchgear)

The station's structures include an arch dam, a hydroelectric power station building near the dam, an operational tunnel spillway and the Tishiklinskaya dam (not part of RusHydro, but owned by the municipality of Chirkey Village, Buinaksky district) located 10 km above the dam and designed to protect the valley from flooding Shuraozen River.

5. General view of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station dam and reservoir. The area of ​​the Chirkey reservoir is 42.5 km², the total and useful volume is 2.78 and 1.32 km³, respectively. The concrete arch dam is divided into 18 concreting sections 16 m wide. It has a crest length of 338 m and a maximum height of 232.5 m. The dam itself consists of an arched part, a wedge-shaped plug and a right-bank abutment. The peculiarity of the dam is that it has a double curvature - it is concave not only horizontally, but also vertically. Thanks to this and its arched design, its width is only 6 meters at the crest and 30 meters at the base of the dam.

The base of the dam is a plug 48 m high, 40 m wide and 88 m long at the base, in the lower part of which there is a longitudinal cavity of an elliptical shape 21 m long and a span of 21 m. The central part of the dam, 75 m long (four sections), is a station. It contains inclined water intakes (from the upstream side) and 4 turbine water conduits (located on the downstream side of the dam).

6. Turbine water conduits have a diameter of 5.5 m and an average length of 250 m. For the convenience of monitoring the condition of the platinum, 10 galleries have been created at different levels.

8. Another panorama of the Sulak River canyon

9. When we were at the station, the water level in the reservoir was quite low, and we could observe this picture. All these items can swim :)

10. The inlet of the operational spillway of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station has a span of 22 m, and is closed by a segment gate 14 m high. The operational spillway is located on the left bank 85 m from the dam. The spillway capacity is 2,400 m³/s at NPU and 2,900 m³/s at FPU.

11. Downstream of the Chirkey hydroelectric station

13. The hydroelectric power station building is of the dam type, directly adjacent to the dam plug, has a length of 60 m and a width of 43.8 m.

17. We begin our tour of the hydroelectric power station itself and, of course, we are looking for any “raisins”. Here, for example, is one of the tunnels passing through the body of the dam.

19. And this is the machine room, where 4 vertical hydraulic units with radial-axial turbines RO 230/9896-B-450 manufactured by Kharkovsky are installed turbine plant and VGSF 930/233-30 generators with a capacity of 250 MW each produced by Uralelectrotyazhmash.

Another highlight of the station is the two-row arrangement of these same hydraulic units with a two-tier arrangement of suction pipes. This made it possible to almost halve the length of the structure. Such a revolutionary solution in hydraulic construction was implemented for the first time in Russia and there are no analogues in our country. Accordingly, the station has two parallel machine rooms.

21. As part of the modernization program, equipment is constantly being updated, so soon the last hydraulic unit No. 2 will be like new

22. And this is the Central Control Panel

25. This is, in short, what the Chirkey hydroelectric station looks like.

Many thanks to the press service of JSC RusHydro, as well as Patimat Sirazhutdinovna Khaibulaeva, head of the public relations group of the Dagestan branch of JSC RusHydro, for such an interesting and rich program.

More from my Dagestan tour with JSC RusHydro:
Gotsatlinskaya hydroelectric power station.

We will talk about the largest hydroelectric power station in the North Caucasus - the Chirkey hydroelectric station.

I had long dreamed of getting to this dam and I was lucky: I had two days at my disposal and free movement around the territory of the hydroelectric station and beyond. I managed to photograph the dam both day and night, and visit all its hard-to-reach places. I even slept on the territory of a hydroelectric power station under the noise and vibration of hydraulic units, and not somewhere in a hotel.

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station is located in a picturesque gorge on the Sulak River in the Buynaksky region of Dagestan, it is part of the Sulak hydroelectric power station cascade, being its upper stage, regulating the entire cascade. The Chirkey hydroelectric power station dam is the second highest and highest arch dam in Russia.

2. The dam has a height of 232.5 meters. Comb length - 338.

3. The dam forms the Chirkey Reservoir for long-term regulation (its capacity allows it to accumulate water in high-water years and use it in low-water years). The reservoir area is 42.5 km², the total and useful volume is 2.78 and 1.32 km³, respectively. At the time of filming, the reservoir level had not yet risen to normal levels.

4. The black stripe on the rock is the usual level of the reservoir.

The electrical power of the station is 1000 MW. These are 4 hydroelectric units of 250 MW each. They are located in the dam building of the hydroelectric power station. A special feature is the double-row arrangement of hydraulic units with a two-tier arrangement of suction pipes.

5. The hydroelectric power station building has two parallel turbine rooms due to the peculiarities of the location of the hydraulic units.

6. Turbine room

7. We go down below - the rotor of the hydrogenerator.

8. Even lower is the shaft connecting the generator rotor to the turbine.

9. Even lower is the spiral chamber - the place where water enters the turbine and spins it.

10. Reconstruction of the hydrogenerator.

12. Downstream.

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station is the largest hydroelectric power station in the North Caucasus. Having high maneuverability, it is the main control station in the United Energy System of the South of Russia, operating in the peak part of the load schedule. Also, it functions as a kind of “ambulance” in the energy system, allowing, in the event of an emergency output of 150-300 MW units at thermal power plants, to quickly replace the lost power. Thanks to the presence of a counter-regulator - the Miatlinskaya HPP - the station has no restrictions on discharge modes, having the ability to quickly change its power (and, accordingly, costs to the downstream). By deeply regulating the flow, the Chirkeyskaya HPP increases production at the downstream stations of the cascade, and also ensures reliable water supply to populated areas and irrigation.

13. Turbine water pipelines.


15. Let's return to the dam and reservoir itself.

16. Due to the fact that the reservoir level was quite low, you can see the water intakes of the hydroelectric power station. The dam has a double curvature, like a hemisphere - it is concave not only horizontally, but also vertically. This is also visible in the photographs.

17. Panorama of the complex of buildings.

18. Panorama from the dam crest. Thanks to its double curvature arched design, the dam is quite thin - only 6 meters at the crest and 30 at the base of the dam - a concrete plug 48 m high, 40 m wide and 88 m long at the base.

The dam is closed, but there are exceptions. Along the crest of the dam, sheep are moved from winter pastures to summer ones and vice versa. I didn’t see this myself, thanks to Gamzat Magomedzagidovich for the photo provided.

19. Observation deck. The cylinder is an elevator shaft.

20. The inlet of the tunnel-type operational spillway. An eerie sight. The spillway capacity is 2400 m³/s at NPU and 2900 m³/s at FPU. The entrance hole has a span of 22 m. A train could easily be dropped there. Nobody would notice.

21. The entire thickness of the water is held by such a segmental gate 14 m high. At the time of filming, the level of the reservoir was so low that the water was lower than the gate.

22. I propose to go down into the spillway tunnel and see what it looks like inside.

23. Thanks to Gamzat Magomedzagidovich, a specialist at the Chirkey hydroelectric station, I got inside the tunnel. I am grateful to this man for the fact that from the very morning until late at night he walked with me to all the hard-to-reach places and at the same time told me interesting things about the station.

24. Beginning of the inclined section.

25. The tunnel itself has a horseshoe shape, a height of 12.6 meters. I can imagine what happens here when the spillway opens.

26. At the exit from the tunnel.

27. We waited until nightfall. The station does not have decorative lighting, but is quite well illuminated by ordinary spotlights.

30. View down from the dam crest.

32. Downstream.

33. Transformer site.

34. At night, only a few people remain on duty at the station, this is enough to operate the entire station.

35. I stayed overnight at the hydroelectric power station in the hope of catching the morning fog, and the time was too late to go to the neighboring village, so I fell asleep comfortably right in the building of the hydroelectric power station amid the noise and vibration. But there was no fog, unfortunately.

36. On the second day, I, together with Mukhtar, the station operative, climbed from the lower pool to the upper one along the stairs along the entire dam.

37. There are a lot of tunnels in the body of the dam for monitoring filtration and other various parameters, so there are many balconies.

38. At one of the turbine water conduits.

39. Power lines that go to the 330 kV outdoor switchgear.

43. Tunnel, of which there are quite a lot both in the body of the dam and in the rocks.

45. A fish farm specializing in trout cultivation has been organized at the station. The trout is delicious, I tried it myself. Thanks to Bagavdin Nasrudinovich.

46. ​​The Conclusion will contain photographs of the Chirkey Gorge, the depth of which is more than 200 meters.

51. Here you can already see the Miatlinskaya hydroelectric station - the counter-regulator of the Chirkey hydroelectric station.

52. Miatlinskaya hydroelectric station, I’ll tell you about it next time.

I thank the Dagestan branch of JSC RusHydro for organizing the trip and for the warm welcome in general!

Thank you for your attention.

September 10, 2010 07:50

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station is a hydroelectric power station on the Sulak River (15 km upstream from the Miatlinskaya hydroelectric power station) in Dagestan. This is the largest hydroelectric power station in the North Caucasus and the highest arch dam in Russian Federation. Just like the Miatlinskaya hydroelectric power station, it is a stage of the Sulak cascade of hydroelectric power stations... The Miatlinskaya and Chirkey hydroelectric power stations are connected by a serpentine road through the Nadyr-Bek ridge, practically on the top of which the hydropower town of Dubki was built in the Soviet years. If you suddenly have to drive along this road, turn onto the dirt road leading to the repeater tower - literally a hundred meters from it there is a magnificent natural observation deck, from which you can see both the Miatlinskaya hydroelectric power station and the Chirkey hydroelectric power station and (if you know where to look + have good optics ) dam of the Chiryurt hydroelectric power station.

Hydropower settlement Dubki and Chirkey reservoir. Before perestroika, Dubki, like any other Soviet “scientific” town, flourished - there were branches of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, the Kuibyshev Energy College, an educational construction plant, a semiconductor plant, a garment factory, 3 cinemas, 5 kindergartens, and a large school.

In the 80s of the 20th century, right in the place where the repeater tower is now located, there was a unique wind test site - a place for testing and studying wind power generators. The location was ideal as the wind never stops here. Tushinsky wind generators were also tested here machine-building plant. In the famously troubled 90s, the wind site was abandoned. Some of the wind generators were taken away, the other part remained in the form of unnecessary majestic ruins.

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station was built in the narrow Chirkey gorge with a depth of more than 200 meters (the width of the gorge in the lower part is 15 meters, in the upper part - 300 meters). The main source of nutrition for the Sulak River is meltwater from high-mountain snow and glaciers and rainfall. Construction conditions were very difficult due to the terrain. Work on the main structures of the station began in 1966 with the excavation of a construction tunnel with a length of 728 meters and a cross-section of 13 meters.

During the construction of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station, for the first time in the USSR, the method of contour blasting with preliminary crevice formation (the so-called “smooth spalling”) was widely used. The construction of the station was prevented by an earthquake of magnitude 8 in May 1970 - work was suspended for almost six months, during which the slopes were cleared of debris after the earthquake. To secure unstable rock blocks on the left bank slope of the pit of the hydroelectric power station building, retaining walls were built in combination with prestressed metal anchors. 300 stressed anchors were installed in inclined wells up to 25 meters deep. A system of prestressed ties made of high-strength steel with a diameter of 56 mm is installed in the horizontal adits.

The main means of mechanization for supplying and laying concrete mixture into the dam blocks were three cable cranes with a lifting capacity of 25 tons and a span of 500 meters, working with cylindrical radio-controlled buckets with a capacity of 8 cubic meters. From concrete plants to cable cranes (a distance of 100 meters), the concrete mixture was delivered by BelAZ and KrAZ dump trucks. During the construction of the station, the process of installing and removing formwork was also mechanized (a special manipulator based on the E-304 excavator), the process of leveling the concrete mixture (a special machine based on the TK-53 tractor-crane), and the process of removing the cement film from the horizontal surface of concrete (self-propelled scraper machine based on the DT-20 tractor), as well as other processes and work. Thanks to the high degree of mechanization of construction, the highest productivity for that time was achieved - 12 cubic meters of concrete per 1 man-day.

The dam was pressurized on August 13, 1974. The hydraulic units were put into operation sequentially in 1974 (GA-1), 1975 (GA-2, GA-3), 1976 (GA-4). The Chirkey hydroelectric power station was put into commercial operation in 1981.

The structures of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station include: a high-rise arch dam, a hydroelectric power station building, an operational spillway, and an open switchgear with a voltage of 330 kV. The height of the dam is 232.5 meters, the length along the crest is 338 meters. The central part of the dam is the station part. The water intake structure is an inclined reinforced concrete structure placed on the upper edge of the dam. From its water intake holes originate 4 pressure turbine water pipelines with a diameter of 5.5 meters (plus 1.5 meters of reinforced concrete shell)

The top, front and profile diagrams of the Chirkeyskaya HPP were borrowed from the website of JSC RusHydro.

The building of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station (unlike the Miatlinskaya hydroelectric power station) is of the dam type and is located directly at the downstream edge of the dam plug. In order to place the units with minimal insertions into the steep walls of the gorge, a design was carried out to arrange the units in pairs (parallel 2x2 with a common installation site in the middle). Transformers are located on the roof of the turbine room. This original solution has no analogues in the practice of hydraulic construction.

Access to the hydroelectric power station building is through a road tunnel more than 800 meters long from the right bank.

The pride of Dagestan – Chirkey hydroelectric power station

To the 30th anniversary of the launch

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 1100 MW is the largest in the North Caucasus and part of the hydroelectric power stations of the Sulak cascade. It is designed to cover the peak part of the electrical load schedule of the United Energy System of the North Caucasus. The hydroelectric power station, which has a long-term regulation reservoir with a useful volume of 1.32 billion cubic meters of water, has a beneficial effect on the further development of land irrigation in the arid areas of the Prisulak lowland and water supply to the population of the republic.

The hydroelectric power station was built in a narrow Chirkey gorge with a depth of more than 200 m, a width of 12-15 m at the bottom, and 300 m at the top. The estimated seismicity of the area is 9 points on the Richter scale.

The main power source of the river. Sulak - melt water from high-mountain snows and glaciers and rainfall. The flow regime is characterized by prolonged floods (November-March). The maximum water flow in the river in May-June is 2120 m3/s. The average long-term water flow is 176 m3/s. The maximum water flow with a repeatability of once every 1000 years is 3050 m3/s.

Feature of the river Sulak has a large amount of sediment. The annual volume of sediment is 21.4 million tons.

The climate of the site area is arid. The average annual temperature is +12°C. Annual precipitation is 360 mm.

The Chirkey hydroelectric complex is of great importance for the further development of the economy, culture and well-being of the population of Dagestan, and for improving the energy supply to the entire North Caucasus. The hydroelectric complex makes it possible to comprehensively solve problems of energy, land irrigation on an area of ​​340 thousand hectares, water supply to populated areas, fisheries and flood control in the Prisulak lowland.

The Chirkey hydroelectric power station project was developed by the Lenhydroproekt design, survey and research institute.

Construction was carried out by the ChirkeyGESstroy Construction Department and specialized organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy and Electrification.

Construction of a hydroelectric power station

The conditions for the construction of the Chirkey hydroelectric complex are very complex, which is due to the mountainous terrain, the great depth and narrowness of the gorge, as well as the presence of potentially unstable rock blocks on the steep sides of the gorge, cut off from the main massif by side wall cracks (the total volume of unstable blocks is about 300 thousand m2 ).

During the construction of the Chirkey hydroelectric complex, the following volumes of construction and installation work were completed:

rock excavation, thousand m

including underground - 362

embankment and riprap, thousand m

laying concrete and reinforced concrete, thousand m
including underground - 129
cementation, thousand linear m - 245
installation of metal structures and mechanisms, thousand tons - 12.3

installation of electromechanical equipment, thousand tons - 11

Work on the main structures of the hydroelectric complex began in 1966 with the excavation of a construction tunnel with a length of 728 m and a cross-section of 13D m2.

Rock works

The development of the waterworks pit was carried out from the upper elevations by installing temporary drives from the upstream side. Drilling and blasting of the next tier of development was carried out to a depth of 10-20 m, after which the rock was loaded into 27-ton BelAZ-540 dump trucks using EKG-4 excavators and transported to the dump.

During the construction of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station, the method of contour blasting with preliminary crevice formation (smooth spalling) was widely used for the first time. The insertion of the arch dam and the slopes of the pit of the hydroelectric power station building were entirely made using smooth spalling. Deviations from the design contour of the tie-in do not exceed 1.0 - 1.5 m.

After the magnitude 8 earthquake in May 1970, no work was carried out in the pit for about 6 months. At this time, mainly the removal of slopes from talus after the earthquake was carried out.

One of the important stages of construction was the blocking of the river bed. Sulak by collapsing a rock mass with an explosion. To place the explosive charge, three adits were drilled in which chamber charges were placed, and contour spalling wells and loosening wells were drilled. The total weight of the explosive charge was 37 tons.

The explosion was carried out with three stages of deceleration at an interval of 25 ms. More than 65 thousand m3 of rock were collapsed. The water flow in the river at the time of the closure was 130 m/s.

After blocking the river bed and passing water through the construction tunnel, it became possible to dump rock down from the sides of the pit and then transport it to the dump.

To secure unstable rock blocks on the left bank slope of the pit of the hydroelectric power station building, retaining walls were built in combination with prestressed metal anchors. 300 stressed anchors are installed in inclined wells up to 25 m deep. A system of prestressed ties made of high-strength steel with a diameter of 56 mm is installed in the horizontal adits.

Concrete works

The main means of mechanization for supplying and laying concrete mixture into the dam blocks were three cable cranes with a lifting capacity of 25 tons and a span of 500 m, working with cylindrical radio-controlled buckets with a capacity of 8 m3.

The concrete mixture from concrete plants was delivered by BelAZ-540 dump trucks with a converted body and KrAZ-256 with an increased body capacity over a distance of up to 100 m and was reloaded into buckets.

For the formwork of the blocks, a two-tier unified cantilever formwork was used.

The entire range of work in the block, including installation and dismantling of formwork, was completely mechanized, for which a set of special machines was created during construction.

A manipulator for rearranging formwork was designed and manufactured on the basis of the E-304 excavator. Its difference from similar mechanisms is that it not only mounts and rearranges the panels, but can also pre-tear them from the vertical surface of the concrete.

A concrete paver was manufactured on the basis of an electric tractor with crane equipment TK-53, which levels and vibrates the concrete mixture within a radius of 6 m, including hard-to-reach places. In addition to compacting the concrete mixture, it is possible to use the unit for other auxiliary work.

To remove a cement film from a horizontal concrete surface, a self-propelled cleaning machine with a capacity of 600 m2 of concrete surface per shift was created on the basis of the DT-20 tractor.

Thanks to the use of cable cranes and specialized machines for intrablock mechanization of construction work, high productivity was achieved - up to 12 m3 of concrete per person-day.

The dam was put under pressure on August 13, 1974.

The first hydraulic unit of the hydroelectric power station was put into operation on December 22, 1974.

Main structures of the waterworks

The structures of the Chirkey hydroelectric power station include:

§ high arch dam,

§ hydroelectric power station building,

§ operational spillway,

§ open switchgear with voltage 330 kV,

§ protective Tishiklinskaya earthen dam with irrigation water outlet.

Concrete arched dam consists of an arched part, a wedge-shaped plug and a right-bank abutment. The maximum construction height of the dam is 232.5 m, the length along the axis of the crest is 338 m. The arch of biconvex curvature is symmetrical in outline, elastically embedded along the contour into the base. The thickness of the arched part of the dam varies from 6 m at the crest to 30 m at the contact with the plug. The width of the plug when connected to the building is 40 m, the length at the base is 88 m, the height of the plug is 48 m, the height of the arched part of the dam is 184.5 m.

The central part of the dam, 75 m long, is the station part. The water intake structure of the hydroelectric power station is an inclined reinforced concrete structure 57.5 m high, placed on the upper edge of the station part of the dam.

Four metal pressure turbine water conduits with a diameter of 5.5 m (final diameter - 4.5 m) originate from the water inlet openings. The reinforced concrete shell of the water conduits is 1.5 m thick. The lower part of the water conduits and elbows runs in a concrete plug.

Water intake device located in the central part of the dam and is a reinforced concrete structure adjacent to the upper edge of the dam with a height of 64.5 m and a width of 20 m. It contains shields equipped with hydraulic lifts and sanders.

Hydroelectric power station building of the dam type is located directly at the downstream edge of the dam plug. To accommodate the building with minimal intrusions into the steep sides of the gorge, a two-row arrangement of units with two-tier placement of suction pipes was adopted. The double-row arrangement of units and suction pipes is an original technical solution that has no analogues in the practice of hydraulic construction. The massive underwater concrete houses four hydraulic turbines, part of the pressure conduits, metal spiral chambers, suction pipes and pumping stations.

The above-water part of the hydroelectric power station building has two parallel turbine rooms. In order to reduce the length of the installation site and provide the required area, the machine rooms in this part are combined so that during installation it is possible to use a common assembly site. The transfer of the generator rotor weighing about 560 tons is carried out by two cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 tons, connected by a common crossbeam.

To transfer overhead cranes from one machine room to another, a niche with a rolling trolley is provided in the right-bank wall of the hydroelectric power station building.

Transformers and switchgears generator voltage are located on the ceiling of the machine room.

Hydroelectric power station outlet channel passes through a rock excavation, connecting the pit of the hydroelectric power station building with the natural riverbed. Along the right bank of the tailwater there is a station platform in which the oil production facility is located. Access to the hydroelectric power station building is through an 800 m long tunnel along the right bank road.

Control housing located on the right bank of the canyon and connected to the hydroelectric power station building by a vertical cable shaft.

Operational spillway tunnel type with an open drain chute is located on the left bank of the gorge 85 m from the dam and ensures the passage of discharge flow rates in a free-flow mode at a normal flow rate of 2400 m3/s and a test flow rate of 2900 m3/s. The inlet opening with a span of 22 m is equipped with a segmental gate 14 m high. Adjacent to the spillway is an inclined section of a horseshoe-shaped tunnel with a bottom width of 9.2 m and a height of 12.6 m, a length of 158 m, which turns into a slightly inclined part 350 m long, and then into an open chute , ending with a springboard with a side drain - damper. The total length of the open part of the spillway is 221 m.

Characteristics of the reservoir

Mirror area at NPU, km2 - 42.5

Volume, km3

full - 2.78

useful - 1.32

Reservoir length, km - 40

Maximum width, km - 5

Seasonal and long-term flow regulation

Characteristics of the main power equipment


Type........................ RO 230/9896 V-450

Net head, m:




Flow rate at design pressure, m3/s 168

Rated rotation speed, rpm.................................................... .........

Power, MW:



Manufacturer Kharkov Turbine Plant


Type TC-400000/30

Manufacturer Zaporozhye

transformer plant


Type …………………….. VGSF 930/233-30

Power, MW……………………… 275

Voltage, V……………...15750

Rotor current, A...........................


Flying moment, tm2…………………

Manufacturer: Uralelectrotyazhmash plant

Control and automation

In addition to conventional technological automation devices that provide automation of start-up, shutdown and normal operation of hydraulic units, as well as the operation of auxiliary mechanisms without the intervention of duty personnel, comprehensive automation of the operating mode of hydroelectric power plants is provided.

For this purpose, there is an auto operator who starts or stops the corresponding number of units in order to obtain the maximum efficiency of the power plant, and group control systems maintain the set values ​​of power and voltage on the 330 kV buses.

The telemechanization of the hydroelectric power station is carried out to the extent that ensures the efficiency of dispatch control.

The power plant has implemented emergency and warning alarms about equipment damage or abnormal operating conditions using new devices based on semiconductor logic elements of the Logic series. This system can significantly improve the quality of information provided to duty personnel.

Technical and economic indicators

Annual electricity production, million kW/h - 2430

Installed power, thousand kW - 1100

Number of hours of use

installed capacity per year (hour

Electricity consumption for own needs, million kW/h - 6.0

Industrial and production personnel, people

Operation of the waterworks

During the period of operation, a large amount of scientific and practical developments have been carried out to increase the reliability and efficiency of the hydraulic system. The cooling and excitation system of hydrogenerators, the cooling system of transformers were reconstructed, fluoroplastic bearings were introduced, accelerated repair of SF6 gas switches VGU-330 was introduced; an ultrasonic concrete testing method has been introduced; methods have been developed to relieve internal overstresses in the blades of hydraulic turbine impellers; hydraulic units were modernized with an increase in power by 10% and efficiency by 1.5%. An automated control system has been introduced technological processes(APCS).

Since the beginning of operation as of 01/01/2004. The Chirkey hydroelectric power station generated more than 62 billion kWh of electricity.

In 2003 the cost of electricity was 2.3 kopecks/kW/h against the target of 3.15 kopecks/kW/h.

The station has a friendly, competent team. Over 30 years of operation, the station has not had any major accidents due to the fault of personnel.

The main workshops (electrical and turbine) are constantly searching for implementation new technology and equipment. Currently, work is underway to replace water-cooled thyristor excitation with more reliable air-cooled ones. Replacement has already been made on 2 units; in 2004, converters on 2 more units will be replaced.

A large amount of work has been completed to improve the station area and aesthetically design the offices.

The stone protection gallery at the entrance to the hydroelectric power station building was continued. A large amount of work has been carried out to repair roads on the station territory. Every year, the station staff carried out major repairs of units using their own resources (1 unit per year) with excellent quality.

In the coming years, a lot of work remains to be done to replace speed controllers as obsolete, and to replace current and voltage transformers on ORU-330.

Hydroelectric power station production units

Director of the Chirkey hydroelectric station - Abakar Rasulovich Abakarov, Honored Power Engineers of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan. He has been working at the station for only 30 years.

Deputy Director of ChHPP - Gamzat Magomedzagidovich Gamzatov.

Chief Engineer – Sharabudin Abdulakhitovich Mutaev, Honored Power Engineer of the Republic of Dagestan.

Deputy chief engineer - Abakar Abdulakhitovich Abdulakhitov.

Chief accountant – Salamat Ismailovna Zulpukarova.

Electrical shop(head of the workshop - Magomed Musievich Bahuliev) carries out operational and maintenance, repair, modernization and testing of electrical equipment and communications. The main tasks of the electrical shop are to ensure reliable, trouble-free and economical operation of all electrical equipment of the hydroelectric power station, maintaining the equipment in constant readiness for operation, supplying electricity to the power system in accordance with the dispatch load schedule, maintaining the nominal parameters of the supplied electricity, etc.

Turbine shop(head of the workshop - Kadiraga Mutaigadzhievich Atagadzhiev) operates the hydromechanical part of the hydroelectric power station, as well as all types of repairs, testing, adjustment and reconstruction of hydraulic power, hydromechanical and handling equipment. The main tasks of the workshop are to ensure reliable, trouble-free operation of the turbine shop equipment, maintain the equipment in a state of constant readiness for operation, and achieve the most favorable technical and economic performance indicators of the workshop and the hydroelectric power station as a whole.

Hydro workshop(the head of the workshop is Shamil Bagavdinovich Gamzatov, he used to be the foreman of this workshop, he became the boss last year when his father, who had previously headed the workshop, retired) carries out the operation and repair of hydraulic structures and hydroelectric power station buildings, makes field observations of hydraulic structures and buildings , operation of a biological wastewater treatment plant, as well as all types of repair and construction work on hydraulic structures, buildings and auxiliary facilities of the station. The main tasks of the hydraulic workshop are to ensure the safe condition and reliable operation of the State Customs Committee of the hydroelectric power station, and the implementation of the production and economic plan of the workshop. The hydraulic workshop includes a group for monitoring hydraulic structures (KIA) and a section for the operation of hydraulic structures and buildings.

Other services

Automation, relay protection and measurement service(ARZI), headed by Deputy. chief engineer Abakar Abdulakhitovich Abdulakhitov, provides automation, protection control, measurement and thermal control. The ARZI service includes 4 sections:

Automatic control systems (ACS) – chief;

Relay protection and automation (RPA) – chief;

Automation and excitation (A&V) – chief;

Prepared by Public Relations Department

press service of the Chirkey hydroelectric station

Contact numbers:

Internet addresses: www. *****,

E-mail: *****@***ru

Editor of the issue G. Beibutova