Electronic educational publications. Competences of the editor of electronic publications on the example of the work of the department of electronic publications of the Ugtu-upi Electronic educational publication software

(group electronic documents), which has undergone editorial and publishing processing, is intended for distribution in unchanged form, and has output information.

GOST R 7.0.83-2013 describes different kinds electronic publications.

  • by availability of printed equivalent
  • by the nature of the underlying information

An electronic publication is a publication recorded on an information carrier designed for use with the help of electronic technical devices, which is an electronic document (a group of electronic documents) that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, is intended for distribution in an unchanged form, and has output information.

An electronic publication must be registered with FSUE NTC Informregister in the prescribed manner. An electronic publication can be in the form of a web resource or distributed on an electronic media (CD, DVD, flash).

Electronic publications include multimedia libraries, electronic magazines, books, photo albums, etc., published on CD (DVD) media or distributed via the Internet.

When developing electronic publications, the opportunities provided by the electronic form of information transfer should be used. The best illustration is a website. When developing an electronic publication, it is also necessary to think over the structure, navigation system, design, information placement, etc.

An electronic publication can be periodical (an electronic journal, a series of books, etc.).

A book, an article can be published in HTML format as a page of a WEB site. However, if this is a scientific or educational article, then it is desirable to have a PDF version. This version is especially convenient for the category of readers who prefer to read the text on paper. A complete electronic edition should contain hyperlinks , multimedia elements , interactivity elements . Of course, not all of this can be reproduced on paper. A good electronic publication in its entirety can only exist on an electronic medium or on the Internet. But a very good electronic edition must have a print version.

The preparation of the text, the design of the text of the electronic edition is noticeably different from the design of the printed version. The specifics of reading text from the screen should be taken into account. This includes the choice of font (typeface, size) and line spacing and the overall layout of the page. In order to create a comfortable environment for the reader, it is useful to use all the advantages electronic format data presentation. For example, the color in the design of a text document, the ability to enlarge an image, etc. The presence of hyperlinks and tooltips is especially important.

The first Russian platform for publishing electronic publications on iPad, iPhone, Android was created by Napoleonit. The platform was named Napoleonit Publisher. The platform was created in 2011.

Requirements, features

Registration of a bibliographic description

When making a bibliographic description for an electronic publication on the site, the following rule should be followed:

  • Material title - title of HTML - page or other document
  • Statement of responsibility, if any (responsible editor, etc.)
  • The designation // which, according to GOST, is used to indicate the publication in which the material is published, i.e., in this case, to the site.
  • The name of the site in that form. as it is indicated in the header of the site (not to be confused with the URL)
  • URL word and page address
  • Information about the date of access (date of visit) of this page. This date informs the reader about when the given material could be read on the site.

Distinguishing the typology of electronic publications according to GOST R 7.0.83-2013:

By the presence of a printed equivalent, an electronic analogue of a printed publication:

  • An electronic edition that basically reproduces the corresponding printed edition (text layout on pages, illustrations, links, notes, etc.),
  • Independent electronic edition: An electronic edition that has no printed analogues;

By the nature of the underlying information

  • Text (character) electronic edition: an electronic edition containing mainly textual information presented in a form that allows character-by-character processing.
  • Fine electronic edition: an electronic edition containing mainly electronic images of objects, considered as integral graphic entities, presented in a form that allows viewing and print reproduction, but does not allow character-by-character processing.


  • Russian newspaper - an electronic publication that mainly reproduces the corresponding printed edition.
  • The electronic catalog of the historical museum is a fine electronic publication.


  • A series of articles describing the features of the electronic edition: [The difference between the electronic edition and the printed edition. A series of articles / Institute of Sociology RAS, Grigoryeva E.I., Sitdikov I.M. // Official website of the IS RAS - 2013. 76 pages [Electronic resource]. URL:

Educational electronic edition: an electronic publication containing systematic information of a scientific or applied nature, presented in a form convenient for studying and teaching, and designed for students of different ages and degrees of education. Electronic educational publications are divided into electronic educational and methodological complexes (EUMK), electronic textbooks, electronic study guides(including reading books), electronic simulators and laboratory work, electronic databases for educational purposes, electronic systems knowledge control.

The composition of the EUMC is determined by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. 137 and includes the curriculum of an educational institution, the curriculum of the student, the program of the subject (discipline, course), the textbook on the subject (discipline, course), workshop or practical guide, test materials for quality control of mastering the material, methodological recommendations for the student on the study of the subject (discipline, training course), the organization of self-control, current control, educational (didactic) manuals and task books - allowing for the development and implementation educational program. The educational and methodological complex can be supplemented if necessary educational institution reference publications and dictionaries, periodicals, industry and socio-political publications, scientific literature, anthologies, links to databases, sites, reference systems, electronic dictionaries and network resources.

Electronic textbook - the main educational electronic publication in the educational discipline, created at a high scientific, methodological and technical level, fully compliant with the requirements and basic didactic units of the state educational standard of the specialty.

E-tutorial - an educational electronic publication created at a high scientific, methodological and technical level, partially replacing or supplementing an electronic textbook. The content of the electronic textbook must comply with the requirements for the content of the program of the educational discipline, approved in the manner prescribed by the university.

An electronic educational publication should:

Correspond to the modern scientific level, ensure creative and active mastering of knowledge, skills and abilities by students, provided for by the goals and objectives of the educational process

Distinguished by a high level of technical performance and artistic design, completeness of information, quality of teaching methods, clarity, logic and consistency of presentation of educational material.

Regardless of the content and volume of the electronic educational publication, there are three main user requirements for it: content adequacy, presentation form efficiency, economic efficiency.

Content relevance means:

Compliance with the state educational standard;

The completeness of the presentation of the educational material, sufficient for the development of the discipline (discipline section);

Support for various forms of education (correspondence, full-time, part-time, individual and collective, remote);

Support for various types of training sessions (the study of theoretical material, practical and laboratory work);

Support for various forms of knowledge control (intermediate, final, self-control);

Accounting for the latest trends in science and technology.

The effectiveness of the form of information presentation includes such requirements as simplicity and ease of use, ergonomics, support for student activity, communication with the teacher and fellow students.

Economic efficiency of the educational system largely depends on such properties of an electronic educational publication as a long service life, the possibility of modernization during operation, low cost and price, a reasonable configuration of the necessary technical and system-wide means, compliance international standard SCORM.

For the development of electronic educational publications, it is preferable to use software tools that make it possible to implement for educational purposes the hypermedia tools generally accepted in the global information system World Wide Web (as the combination of the hypertext mechanism with multimedia tools is called), which contribute to the activation of the cognition process and allow:

Use visual and sound, logical and figurative memory

Initiate student activity in the learning process

Organize a living relationship between the topics studied

Include control and self-control in the electronic educational publication

Present an electronic educational publication as an intermediary between a teacher and a student.

the modular structure of the educational material and the clarity of dividing the educational material into its component parts

presentation of each individual module and publication as a whole in the SCORM standard

· ease of selection of educational material for different categories of students by excluding or additionally introducing a set of objects of study.

Electronic educational publications should provide the student with the opportunity to work in an interactive mode, ease and simplicity of navigating through the structure of the electronic educational publication. Under navigation means the ability to quickly move from one topic to another, get the necessary help, comment, view an illustration (including videos, interactive animations, virtual models), quickly find the necessary information, go online, exchange e-mail messages with a teacher. It is recommended to use the following generally accepted methods for navigating the learning material of any course:

- page access to the material - this method, closest to the traditional use of textbooks, is used when obtaining knowledge in any discipline in all cases where consistency in the presentation of the material is important, while progressing through the text with a demonstration of all related multimedia elements

- the ability to access by sections, topics and subtopics material is important for understanding the logic of the course as a whole and is often used to re-refer to information and when using reference books

- search by keyword, phrase, string makes it possible to find the required information on the necessary concepts, even without having an idea about the logic of presenting information in this discipline

- the ability to navigate in texts by "hot" words and related topics means that when reading the text, the user can find out the meaning of the selected concepts, move to a fragment of another topic related to the presentation, at the end of the text go to one of the topics that logically continue the read

- access by media elements, contained in the learning system, facilitates the search for the necessary information, since it is more convenient for a person’s memory to operate with visual and sound images, and not with abstract concepts. Depending on the organization of the material, such media elements can be tables, graphs, charts, drawings, cartographic images, animation, sound and music fragments, photographs, film and video materials, interactive elements.

The knowledge control subsystem that implements these capabilities should ensure the preservation of the results of intermediate and final testing of the student in the database of the electronic dean's office system, available for analyzing the state of the educational process from the teacher's electronic workplace.

Educational electronic publications are also subject to state registration. In 1998, the Federal expert advice on educational electronic editions. The Council assigns a recommendation stamp to publications:

The recent trend is the creation of depositories of electronic educational publications on the websites of universities (for example, Altai state university- irbis.asu.ru/index.html) or online stores (for example, the Uchcollector store - www.uchcollector.ru).

The integration of information and educational Internet resources is carried out within the framework of the state program "Universities of Russia" and the Russian scientific and educational network RUNNet (www.runnet.ru). An important step in the development of the educational content of the Russian Internet was the creation of a system of federal educational portals, which included the Federal Portal " Russian education" (www.edu.ru) and thematic portals (in areas of knowledge and areas of educational activity). One of the important projects implemented under the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010 (FTsPRO) is the creation and development of the information system window of access to educational resources" (hereinafter referred to as the IS "Single Window" for brevity), available at http://window.edu.ru. educational portals The main components of the IS "Single Window" are an integral catalog of educational Internet resources, an electronic library of educational and teaching materials and a news subsystem that includes several news feeds on educational topics.

Thus, in terms of development, educational publications are distinguished by the use of multimedia technologies, a complex system of navigation and knowledge control. For the development of educational electronic publications, specialized software packages are used (see diagram 3.)

Scheme 3. Software products for creating electronic educational publications.

Examples of educational electronic publications:

1. Alexander and Napoleon [Electronic resource]: The history of two emperors / Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino", Intersoft. - Electron. Dan. - M.: Intersoft, sor. 1997. -1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM) : sound, color ; 12 see-System. requirements: PC with 486 DX2-66 processor; 8 MB RAM; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed CD-ROM drive; video card SVGA 256 col. ; sound 16-bit MPC card; stereo speakers or headphones. - Zagl. from the disc label.

2.Internet step by step [Electronic resource]: [interactive. textbook]. - Electron. Dan. and progr. - St. Petersburg. : PiterKom, 1997. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM) + adj. (127 p.). - System. requirements: PC from 486 DX 66 MHz; RAM 16 MB; Windows 95; sound pay; speakers or headphones. - Zagl. from the screen.

3. Learn to speak French. Module 1, Beginner level . - Cleveland (Ohio): Polyglot Media, cop. 1994. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM): sd., col. ; 12 cm. - System requirements: IBM-compatible PC ; DOS 5.0 or higher IMB RAM ; hard disk with 10 MB free space ; CD-ROM player. - Title from disc label.

Leningrad region

Leningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education


Teaching aid

Saint Petersburg

Printed by the decision of the Faculty of Informatization

education and RIS LOIRO

Reviewers: O.N. Shilova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen, N.A. Karpova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen,

Goryunova M.A., Goryukhova T.V., Kondratieva I.N., Rubashkin D.D.

Electronic educational publications. Teaching aid. St. Petersburg: LOIRO, 2003. - ??? With.

The manual aims to acquaint students with the main criteria that should be guided by the use and development of electronic educational publications (EED). The manual highlights the experience of working with students of courses on the use of educational electronic publications of various types in school practice, as well as the experience of cooperation with the methodological offices of LOIRO on the examination of educational publications. In conclusion, the concept of the development of the CEI is given, which is currently considered as the base for organizing the joint work of the authors of the content of the CEI and programmers. This does not mean that the teacher, creating his "modest" author's resource on his own, should be equal to full list criteria for educational and methodological complexes (TMC) of professional developers, but the understanding that there are reasonable psychological, pedagogical and ergonometric requirements for EOI, as well as the ability to see the prospects for further development of the resource for the author of the development is necessary.

Ó Leningrad Regional
Institute for the Development of Education
(LOIRO), 2003

Ó Goryunova M.A.

Ó Goryukhova T.V.

Ó Kondratieva I.N.

Ó Rubashkin D.D.

Introduction __________________________________________ 5

Examination of the OEI ______________________________________________ 6

Organization of the examination of the OEI in LOIRO ____________________ 10

Questionnaire for the analysis of EEI _____________________________ 10

The concept of the development of ESW ________________________________ 14

General principles for the development of educational kits. 15

The composition of the teaching materials and the purpose of its components ______________ 16

Electronic edition. ________________________________ 17

Information sections.____________________ 17

Reference sections._________________________ 17

Instrumental sections.___________________ 17

Operating modes of users with EI.____________________ 18

Preparing the teacher for the lesson.______________ 18

Work at the lesson._____________________________ 19

Independent study of the material by students.__ 19

Requirements for the content of the EI.________ 20

Requirements for text content.___________ 20

Requirements for the visual and sound range.______ 20

Requirements for test content (test tasks) 21

Requirements for the EI interface.__________________ 21

Requirements for registration of EI._________________ 22

Technical requirements to EI._________________________ 23

Legal aspects related to the publication of the EI.____________ 24

Applications ______________________________________ 25

Analysis of the disk "Professor Higgins" _____________________ 25

Analysis of the disk "Masterpieces of Architecture" __________________ 30

Feedback on computer programs in Russian ___ 34

Reviews on the Constructor of electronic educational materials of the studio "Mart" 36

annotation ________________________________________ 36

The composition of the Constructor and its main functions: ________ 37

Constructor as the basis of electronic publication _________ 38

Literature ______________________________________ 39

One of the components of informatization of the educational process is the development and use of educational electronic publications (EEI) and information resources. Currently, there is a "collapse" of electronic educational developments of a different nature: in content - from the author's narrowly focused developments to multi-volume encyclopedic publications, in terms of technical implementation - from those created by MS Office to the use of specially designed multimedia environments.

In this regard, many questions arise, among which we focus on the following:

What to look for when purchasing an OEI?

What to focus on when developing an educational electronic publication?

We will try to answer these questions based on the experience of working both with teachers - students of advanced training courses at LOIRO, employees of faculties and departments of the institute - experts in educational resources available in the LOIRO media library, as well as with some development companies of the OEI - partners in the creation of educational resources.

It should be noted that the introduction of EEI into the educational process occurs in accordance with two main directions:

1. Inclusion in the educational process as "supporting" means within the framework of traditional methods of the historically established system of education. In this case, the EEI act as a means of intensifying the educational process, individualizing learning and partially automating the routine work of teachers related to taking into account, monitoring and evaluating the knowledge of students.

2. The construction of integral courses based on the use of EIA in individual academic disciplines, which is a more complex process that leads to a change in the content of education, a revision of the methods and forms of organization of the educational process.

The vast majority of EEI belongs to the first direction of informatization of education, and it is to them that the main attention will be paid in this manual. The second direction in the LOIRO media library is represented primarily by the software products of the Hypermethod company and the Mart studio for creating electronic publications, the TesterPro test environment and the Fobus training complex. All of the above software products have earned a high appraisal of LOIRO methodologists and students.

Before creating your own OEI, it is advisable to get acquainted with existing educational resources and determine how they suit you and satisfy your goals and objectives.

Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of the inclusion of OEI in educational process depends on the quality of the resources themselves, and on the qualifications of the teachers who use them. EEI must comply with the modern possibilities of multimedia and telecommunication technologies, as well as modern pedagogical, technical, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements.

Let us take the results of research work in this direction as the starting point for talking about the quality of the EIA. federal scale. Within the framework of the FTP REOP, a group of authors led by Robert I.V., Osina A.V. and Kirabaeva N.S. developed the Concept of OEI, presented on the Internet at http:// as a report on the research work "Development of the concept of electronic textbooks in educational areas" The purpose of the development of the Concept is to create and implement in the field of education in Russian Federation scientific, methodological and regulatory framework for the effective development and certification of educational electronic publications and resources. It also provides a description of the examination of educational electronic publications and resources based on a comprehensive examination of the following characteristics:


Pedagogical (compliance with the content of the OEI educational field, methodological system and standard of education);



The criteria are based on the fact that, on the one hand, multifunctional EIOs corresponding to modern technical capabilities allow:

  • to organize various forms of students' activities for independent extraction and presentation of knowledge;
  • apply the full range of capabilities of modern information technologies in the process of performing various types of educational activities, including registration, collection, storage, processing of information, interactive dialogue, modeling of objects, phenomena, processes, functioning of laboratories (virtual, with remote access to real equipment), etc.;
  • use in the educational process the possibilities of multimedia technologies, hypertext and hypermedia systems;
  • to diagnose the intellectual capabilities of students, as well as the level of their knowledge, skills, level of preparation for a particular lesson;
  • manage learning, automate the processes of monitoring the results of educational activities, training, testing, generate tasks depending on the intellectual level of a particular student, the level of his knowledge, skills, characteristics of his motivation;
  • create conditions for the implementation of independent educational activities of students, for self-learning, self-development, self-improvement, self-education, self-realization;
  • work in modern telecommunication environments, ensure the management of information flows.

On the other hand, when implementing these possibilities, a number of requirements formulated in the presented concept should be taken into account. For brevity and clarity, we present the main of these requirements in the form of a table (Table 1).

Methodological requirements are closely related to the didactic requirements for EEI. They involve taking into account the originality and characteristics of a particular academic subject for which the EIS is designed, the specifics of the relevant science, its conceptual apparatus, and the peculiarities of the methods for studying its patterns; implementation opportunities modern methods information processing.

EIO must meet the following methodological requirements .

1. Due to the variety of real technical systems and devices and the complexity of their functioning presentation of educational material in the CEI should be built based on the relationship and interaction of conceptual, figurative and effective components of thinking.

2. EIO should provide reflection of the system of scientific concepts academic discipline in the form hierarchical structure of a high order, each level of which corresponds to a certain intradisciplinary level of abstraction, as well as to ensure that both single-level and inter-level logical relationships of these concepts are taken into account.

3. EEI should provide the student with the possibility of a variety of controlled training activities in order to gradually increase the intradisciplinary level of abstraction of students' knowledge at a level of assimilation sufficient for the implementation of algorithmic and heuristic activities. (2 pages from the file “Expertise Table A5)

Questionnaire for the analysis of EEI

The questionnaire below, developed by the employees of the LOIRO Gorokhova T.V., Goryunova M.A. and Tarasov S.V. based on the analysis of theoretical materials and similar works of the Federation of Internet Education and others educational structures, and can be useful not only for the analysis of the IEI, but also for the initial acquaintance with the main types and individual characteristics of the IEI, structured as questionnaire items.

Peer Review Questionnaire

  1. CD title _______________________________________________________________
  2. Producer (Cyril and Methodius; Kordis Media; Media House; New Disc; MultiMedia Technologies, etc.) ________________________________________________.
  3. Availability of the English version, etc.
  4. The year of publishing ________________________________.

Operating system,



Sound card,

Ability to work online

Need to install..


Demo program;


Training apparatus;

Modeling, virtual laboratory;



Educational game program;

Other (what exactly) _______________________________________________.




Computer science;

Information Technology




Social science;


Russian language;


Other (specify) _______________________________________________.



Junior school;

Middle school;

senior school;











Other (specify) ________________________________________________

  1. Application area:

Lesson for:

o explanation of the material;

o fixing the material;

o ZUN control.

For laboratory workshops;

in the lesson for additional work;

Individual independent use (by students, teacher);

To prepare your own electronic materials;

Other (specify) ________________________________________________


animation models,

interactive models,

demo material,

Video fragments.

The possibility of selective (fragmentary) use of video, audio, photo when creating your own developments;

The presence of control in the form of: tasks, testing blocks, control questions, and in what degree of complexity they differ;

What educational programs can be used (general education, gymnasium, lyceum, profile, etc.) _________________




13. Score in points from 1 to 9, where "9" corresponds to the highest degree of manifestation

14. Ability to print and copy material.

15. Difficulty of independent development:

o need help;

o training required.

16. Please write detailed answers on the following items in electronic form:

Brief annotation to the CD: ______________________________________________


Some of the results presented by the LOIRO methodologists are given in the appendix to the manual.

We also note the expediency of including employees of various departments of the LOIRO in the examination of the OEI, which contributed to

Improving the qualifications of educators in the field of ICT use;

Formation of a bank of methodological developments on the use of the EEI as a segment of the regional educational space.

The development of a serious competitive educational resource is not just a one-time job, but a process in which technological and methodological support should be provided, as well as the possibility of further improvement and updating of the resource, depending on the development of technology and pedagogical technologies.

When developing the OEI, it is advisable to provide for:

  • availability of special means to motivate trainees and maintain their attention and interest;
  • grading degrees of difficulty and complexity of the material;
  • the existence of procedures to facilitate compilation processes;
  • availability of final generalizing schemes;
  • the use of icons ("icons") and other special symbols that provide a clear distinction (specification) of the various components of the educational material;
  • maintenance of theoretical descriptions practical examples;
  • description of the connection of the educational material with additional didactic activities to support the independent cognitive activity of students (review lectures, teacher consultations, video conferences, mailing lists, forums, etc.);
  • availability and friendliness language style, its orientation to the target groups of trainees;
  • ease of navigation through the educational material;
  • preservation of generally accepted designations and terminology;
  • reference mode, containing the definition of all used objects and relations;
  • the ability for students to cancel erroneous actions during independent work.

The development of any electronic educational publication should be carried out taking into account the principles of pedagogical design. Unfortunately, neither in the pedagogical environment, nor in the teams of developers of computer educational programs, as a rule, there are specialists who are able to approach the project taking into account the pedagogical models for using the created programs in educational institutions. Therefore, in today's situation, one has to focus on the existing experience in creating electronic publications, trying to take into account the specifics of educational applications to the maximum extent. In this manual, the authors attempt to highlight the basic principles of creating electronic publications designed for their regular use in the educational process.

When starting to develop a serious educational electronic product, it is necessary to focus on the following points:

Educational-methodical kits (complexes) (hereinafter referred to as EMC) are educational electronic publications (EEI) intended for informational and methodological support of the educational process.

WCU are designed to ensure the most efficient use of modern computers and computer networks to solve educational problems in accordance with the domestic pedagogical tradition.

The basis of information content can be the materials of traditional educational publications that have been practically tested in the education system and recommended by education authorities for use in schools, as well as copyright methodological developments who have passed the examination of LOIRO or other expert educational institutions.

When creating a teaching materials, it is unacceptable to formally translate printed publications into electronic form, which does not lead to the emergence of qualitatively new forms of work with information resources; both the information series and the technological and methodological possibilities of its use should be significantly expanded and supplemented.

The use of teaching materials does not imply a rejection of traditional forms and methods of teaching; on the contrary, the development of teaching materials should ensure maximum continuity of traditional and new educational technologies. At the same time, teaching materials should provide methodological support for the use by teachers and students of new opportunities of information technologies in the educational process.

The teaching materials should be designed both for use by teachers and students in the framework of the educational process, and for independent work of students (including outside the educational institution).

The CCM should include the following main components.

- Electronic edition (EI).

The information capacity of EI is determined by the characteristics of existing computer media.

- web -support site (SP).

The joint venture must also contain updates (update) EI, including additional informational resources.

The SP should be organized in such a way that the user has the opportunity to work with the CCM, even without a permanent connection to the Internet, only periodically downloading updates on the sections of the CCM that are of interest to him.

The administration of the joint venture is carried out by methodological centers certified by the educational authorities.

Next, we offer a more detailed description of the components of the CCM, in which an attempt is made to present the range of functionality of the CCM as a whole. Which of these functions will be involved in the development of a particular publishing product will depend on the need to solve specific content and methodological problems.

Electronic edition.

Requirements for the structure and functionality of EI.

Information sections.

EI should contain a database of information objects (graphic, text, sound, animation, video, etc.) available for free copying and use, as well as a rubricator for information search.

Information pages (screens) created on the basis of a collection (database) of information objects should be provided with a menu system and pointers (indexes), as well as a search engine.

A section should be presented containing various test tasks, developing exercises and games.

Reference sections.

The reference section of the EI should contain:

Index system: alphabetical, thematic, chronological and other indices;

List of used materials and information sources;

Rules for working with EI (‘Help’);

Information about the program and its creators (‘About’).

instrumental sections.

When working with educational EI in continuing education courses, LOIRO methodologists often encounter a situation where a teacher-user of an electronic resource has a desire to slightly change the form and / or sequence of information presented in the EI or simply supplement it with their own materials using their own experience and knowledge. Interest in EI increases significantly if it has instrumental sections that allow not only using the information resources offered in EI, but also developing them by adding your own information objects or building your own methodological rulers and graphs.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider the presence in the EI of the following instrumental sections:

- Script Editor, which allows you to create and modify sequences for viewing EI resources.

- Scenario Player, which allows you to work with EI resources on the user's computer without accessing the underlying storage medium.

- Information resource database editor, which allows the user to replenish the existing collection with their own information objects, as well as create various combinations of these resources - the so-called. slides and scripts.

- test editor, allowing, based on the given mechanisms, as well as information objects located in the EI database, to create and edit your own test options.

- Test Player, which allows you to run test tasks on the user's computer without accessing the underlying media.

For the effective methodologically competent use of EI, sections are also needed that offer the teacher options for using resources, scenario solutions and other methodological support. These sections require regular updating, so they are not included in the EI, but are posted on the joint venture.

Preparing the teacher for the lesson.

When preparing for a lesson, the teacher should be given the opportunity to preview all the information resources posted on the EI and prepare his own collection of materials necessary to explain the topics of the lesson, such as:

Selection of information resources presented in the initial EI database in order to create their own logical chains.

Creation of own information objects, for their further use in the creation of the so-called. slides (various layouts of objects on the screen) and scenarios (own sequences of information screens).

Selection and layout for use in the lesson of the tests available in the EI.

Preparation of own test tasks on the basis of information objects contained in the EI database.

The ability to mark individual information resources when previewing EI materials in order to create a lesson scenario based on them - a sequence of viewing selected resources in accordance with the accepted curriculum and method of presenting the subject.

The ability to save the script as a special file on the user's computer. There should be a mode for reproducing scenarios, both with access to EI resources, and using copies of information resources previously recorded on a computer hard drive (without access to a replicated media).

Work in the classroom.

In the lesson, the teacher should provide the following opportunities for working with EI materials:

Demonstrate during the lesson materials selected in advance in the mode of computer presentation. For this, author's plots are used, as well as scenarios offered in the original version of the EI, or created by the teacher.

Conduct an explanation of the topics of the lesson using pre-selected materials in an interactive mode. At the same time, it seems important to be able to flexibly execute a pre-prepared scenario depending on the situation in the lesson (the ability to change the pace of presentation of the material, return to frames already viewed, collective execution of tests, etc.)

Offer students practical tasks (exercises and tests) for their performance in the lesson. A set of such tasks is prepared on the basis of formalized training models. The execution of test tasks is carried out using the player of test tasks placed on the base carrier of the EI or on the user's computer.

Independent study of the material by students.

The teacher can offer students materials related to the topics of the lesson for independent study. At the same time, it is necessary to organize students' access to sections of EI without recourse to the teacher's help. If it is necessary to further use the EI materials, the student could copy the resources, assemble, edit and subsequently reproduce them using the editor and scenario player offered on the EI, or standard software tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Paint, etc.)

To solve the above problems, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements at the stage of EI development.

Requirements for text content.

The text content of the EI should be based on text materials from previously published teaching aids or methodological developments that have passed the examination.

The text content of the EI must meet the requirements for traditional printing publications in terms of literary editing, proofreading and layout.

The text content of the EI should be organized according to the principle of hypertext with the ability to follow a hyperlink both within the EI and to context-related independent Internet resources.

EI should be equipped with a system of indexes that simplify the search for the required text fragment.

EI should provide the ability to search by keywords.

Visual and audio requirements.

A set of illustrations should significantly expand visual representations of the subject of EI in comparison with the illustrative content of existing printing publications. Along with static images, dynamic illustrations made in the form of multimedia clips should be used.

As an additional illustrative series, visual solutions based on three-dimensional graphics, virtual objects and panoramas, video clips can be used.

Viewing an illustrative series should be ordered by accessing images through an index system.

The selection of an illustrative series is carried out on the basis of the developer's own graphic archives or freely distributed printing publications.

In order to prevent unauthorized distribution, the EI must guarantee the impossibility for the user to receive a print-quality image file.

If necessary, audio resources illustrating textual and visual information can be included in the EI.

Listening to the music library should be streamlined by accessing audio resources through an index system.

The music library is formed on the basis of the developer's own sound archives or freely distributed audio recordings.

In order to prevent unauthorized distribution of audio recordings of EI of professional sound quality, it is necessary to ensure that the user cannot receive the file.

Requirements for test content (test tasks)

The section of test tasks should be based on program models that allow formalizing meaningful tasks, providing input of answers, processing results and evaluating user actions.

A connection should be established between the test tasks, the answers to them and the topics of the EI, the knowledge of which is being tested.

Test tasks should be structured by topic.

The offer to the user of a specific task in the testing process should be carried out using the mechanisms of random selection from a set of similar options.

Test tasks can be ranked by difficulty levels with the ability to automatically increase or decrease the difficulty level of tasks during testing.

It is desirable to provide for the possibility of performing test tasks both with and without a time limit.

The database of test items must be open for editing and expansion by the teacher. The formation of new tests is based on the standard mechanisms presented at the EI; texts, illustrations, audio and video clips for filling the test can be selected from resource base EI, downloaded from the relevant section of the joint venture, and also prepared independently.

EI interface requirements.

The interface should be organized taking into account who uses EI - a teacher or a student. As part of the EI, sections should be allocated, the interface of which is focused on children's perception. At the same time, the interface of sections intended primarily for the work of a teacher should not be overloaded with elements (tips, dynamic navigation elements, sound effects etc.), not related to the direct perception of meaningful information.

When organizing an interface, one should not, without good reason, resort to non-standard solutions in cases where the practice of using software packages, multimedia and Internet publications has formed stable standards for interface elements.

The interface must meet the requirements of intuitiveness and friendliness (user friendly). Interactive elements should be highlighted in such a way that the user can easily find the active areas of the screen.

When using large text blocks or long lists that extend beyond the screen, along with scrolling, you should use a system of hyperlinks inside the text to quickly jump to the required page, section or fragment.

The interface should include elements for setting the behavior of the EI (changing the temporal characteristics of the slide show, turning on / off the soundtrack, selecting the background music, etc.).

The interface for performing test tasks should provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the task and the rules for its implementation before the countdown of the time allotted for testing begins.

The interface for editing and updating the database of tasks should provide the teacher with the ability to change the information resources used in test tasks.

The interface of test tasks should allow selection of the testing mode (number of attempts, response time limit, etc.).

The EI navigation system should correspond to the structure of the main sections, provide transitions to any information resources for the minimum number of user actions. Navigation elements should generally be provided with textual hints to make it easier to understand how they work.

Requirements for registration of EI.

The artistic decision underlying the design of the EI should be determined by the subject orientation of the publication.

The design of the EI should be based on stylistic solutions that are successive in relation to the domestic traditions of the design of educational and children's literature. When borrowing visual solutions adopted in multimedia publications from other countries, appropriate adaptation to the Russian cultural tradition is necessary.

It is unacceptable to use elements that can lead to ambiguous interpretation; aggressive, shocking, provocative visual and sound sequences.

The design should be done taking into account the fact that EI is used by both the teacher and the student. If necessary, as part of the EI, sections should be allocated, the design of which is focused on children's perception, taking into account age group that will work with this edition. At the same time, the design of sections intended primarily for the work of the teacher in preparing for the lesson should not contain elements (complex font solutions, overloaded backgrounds, animated objects, etc.) that distract from working with information resources.

The design of the EI should ensure the most effective perception by the user of textual and graphic information, which is the main content of the publication.

When developing the design of information screens, color and graphic solutions that make it difficult to read textual information should be avoided.

The set of typefaces used to display basic textual information should be limited to fonts that provide easier perception when reading from the screen. The font style should provide both easy recognition of the full set of characters (as separate elements) and the perception of any word or text block as a single visual image.

The layout of text information resources must be performed in accordance with the rules adopted in the printing industry.

The graphic and musical design of the main plots - the section proposed by the EI developer - should be based on the unity of the information content and the artistic solution.

The graphic and musical design of sections representing individual information resources (except for sound ones) should be secondary (serve as a background) for information content. At the same time, active visual and sound solutions should be avoided.

The technical implementation of EI should provide the possibility of full use of information resources both on local computer, as well as in local network educational institution.

The functioning of EI under the control of operating systems that are successive in relation to existing versions should be ensured.

The structure of the EI should ensure the extensibility of the information core in order to more full versions EI could subsequently be replicated on more capacious media (for example, on DVD-ROM).

It should be possible to update the text content, the illustrative series and the set of EI test tasks when the user's computer is connected to the SP. The updated version of the text should be written to the hard disk of the user's computer and used during subsequent launches of the EI.

Working with the EI should not require the installation on the user's computer of any programs that are not distributed as part of the EI.

The procedure for installing and removing software included in the EI from a computer should be reduced to standard procedures and should not require special qualifications from the user. The sequence of actions for installation should be described in detail in the documentation distributed with the EI, and also duplicated on the SP.

Similarly, the requirements for installing software on a local server should be described, regulating the actions of a network administrator and setting the levels of rights for various users (teacher, administrator, student) working with EI.

EI is a replicated publication of a non-commercial nature, intended for distribution solely for educational purposes.

Legal basis the use of all information resources of the EI is based on the educational nature of the publication.

Legal status information resources contained in the EI database is determined by the possibility of their uncontrolled copying and free use. The developer is not responsible for user actions that are contrary to copyright protection laws and related to the use of EI information resources.

The legal status of information resources contained in the "author's" sections of the EI (plots) and not available for copying is determined by the possibility of their legal distribution exclusively within the framework of the EI replication.

The license agreement governing the use of EI should be included in the documentation accompanying the CMD.

The developer is responsible for the license cleanliness of the software used in the preparation of the EI.

The procedure for establishing property relations between EI developers and owners of rights to information resources is regulated by documents adopted at the level of state educational authorities.

Judge: Golubenko Galina Mikhailovna, head. English language room, Leningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education.

  1. CD title Professor Higgins .
  2. Manufacturer IstraSoft.
  3. Availability of local and network version (if available) No
  4. The year of publishing 1995
  5. Specifications(if any info):

Operating system, Windows 95/ 98/ ME/ NT/ 2000/ XP

Processor from 486

RAM, 16 MB

Video card (screen resolution), 800x600

Sound card, Yes

Ability to work online No

The need for installation. Yes

- microphone, headphones or external speakers.

  1. Disc type (multiple selections possible)

- tutorial;

- training apparatus;

- directory;

  1. Subject (you can select multiple items):

- English language

  1. To whom the CD is addressed (multiple selections are possible):

- student:

- middle school;

- senior school;

- enrollee;

- student;

- teacher;

- parents;

  1. Purpose of using the CD (multiple selections are possible):

- educational;

- educational;

- methodical;

- introductory;

- developing;

  1. Application area:

- in class for:

- explanation of the material;

- fixing the material;




  1. CD content evaluation (content and ergonomics):

- absence spelling errors and typos;

Convenience of the interface: color scheme and design of the program

corresponds to the age of students and the purpose of training ,

Navigation through program sections

comfortable and easy to handle ;


the presence of interactive models increases the efficiency of using the program, demonstration material contributes to the effective introduction of new material ;

- possibility of selective (fragmentary) use audio when creating your own developments;

The presence of control in the form:

assignments, control questions, arranged by increasing degree of complexity; control affects different aspects of learning, using a variety of techniques;

Keeping a log of registration and progress; No

Within the framework of what educational program can it be used (general education, gymnasium, lyceum, profile, etc.) can be used in the framework of general education, gymnasium, lyceum programs ;

What curriculum is appropriate to use

In what sections of the programs is it appropriate to use

17. Score in points from 1 to 9, where "9" corresponds to the highest degree of manifestation

18. Difficulty of independent development:

o easily;

19. It is possible to print and copy the material. Yes

20. Please write detailed answers on the following items in electronic form:

Brief annotation to the CD:

The multimedia program consists of two courses: an English phonetics course and an English grammar course. All sections of the program are voiced by a native speaker. A feature of the program is the ability to compare your own pronunciation with the reference not only by ear, but also visually, using a specially designed system for graphical display of sound on the monitor screen. The English grammar course is presented in the form of interactive exercises and consists of a theoretical section and a practical one. The program notes the progress of the student, if necessary, prompts .

Conclusion (opinion on the appropriateness of using in the educational process):

can be used in the framework of general education, gymnasium, lyceum programs;

appropriate to use in the framework of training programs on English language for the standard model, English programs for the extended learning model, programs for English as a second foreign language

it is advisable to use at the initial stage of training in the formation of hearing and pronunciation skills, at all stages of training in the formation and improvement of grammatical skills;

The multimedia program "Professor Higgins" is designed for those who want to improve their skills in English phonetics and grammar. The program can be used with students from 10 to 17 years old at different stages of learning and in different learning models.

The learning process for the program can be built in several ways.

1. The program can be used as a monotechnology within the framework of an elective course, in the classroom at an educational resource center or with independent individual development without the help and guidance of a teacher.

2. Part of the program "Course of English Phonetics" can be used as a penetrating technology at the initial stage of learning in the educational process in English as a subject of the basic curriculum.

3. The program can be used fragmentarily both in class and in extracurricular activities for teaching English.

The program consists of two courses: an English phonetics course and an English grammar course.

The course of English phonetics includes the acquaintance and development of the English alphabet, which involves the integrated formation and improvement of hearing and pronunciation skills on the one hand, and reading aloud skills on the other hand. The course also includes exercises for working out stress in words and phrases and exercises for the formation and improvement of intonational skills. Sections such as "Training by ear" and "Dictation" contribute to the improvement of auditory pronunciation and spelling skills. The sections "Proverbs", "Patters" and "Poems" perform not only an educational function, but also a developing and cognitive function, because they introduce the literature of English-speaking countries. It is most expedient to use the material of this course at the stages of "Phonetic exercise", "Practice of hearing and pronunciation skills". The section "Dialogues" can be used at the stage of the formation of skills in dialogic speech, because. it includes an average of 16 mini-dialogues on 17 everyday topics. The work on the dialogues is aimed at the formation of intonation skills.

“The English grammar course contains theoretical material and practical tasks on all grammatical aspects included in the mandatory minimum content of education in English. Work on each portion of the grammatical material contains from two to eight tasks, arranged in increasing degree of difficulty. This part of the program can be used as additional work in the lesson.

Section usage algorithm

"Patterns" in the lesson

(on the example of the tongue twister "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck" .


Educational- practicing sounds [w],

Educational- development of artistic abilities

Cognitive- introduction to oral folk art Great Britain

Stage of the lesson, time

Working mode



Phonetic exercises (2 - 3 min)

1. Listening to tongue twisters at the first speed.

T Cl



2. Reading a tongue twister without listening first

S(cl), S-S(cl),

(independent work, individual and in pairs)

( frontal )


3. Practicing tongue twisters without recording on a recording device (2-3 times).

S(cl), S-S(cl), S,S,S


4. Recording your own pronunciation and comparing with the recording standard at the first speed.

S ( cl )


This stage can be combined with the previous stage if not every student in the class is equipped with a personal computer.

Expert: Balashov Mikhail Evgenievich, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Fine Arts, Leningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education.

  1. CD title Masterpieces of architecture
  2. Manufacturer MNG.
  3. Availability of local and network version (if available) No
  4. Availability of an English version (other foreign languages)
  5. The year of publishing _ 1997.
  6. Specifications (if any):

Operating system, Windows 95

CPU, Pentium

RAM, 16 MB

Video card (screen resolution), 640x480

Sound card, 16 bit

Ability to work online No

The need for installation. Yes

7. Disk type (multiple selections possible)

- tutorial;

- demo program;

- testing;

- encyclopedia;

- developing game program;

  1. Subject (you can select multiple items):

- ISO;

- story;

- literature;

- mathematics;

- music;

- MHC;

Other (specify) History and culture of the city; linguistic and regional studies (foreign language)

  1. To whom the CD is addressed (multiple selections are possible):

- student:

- middle school;

- senior school;

- other.

- enrollee;

- student;

- teacher;

- parents;

Other (specify) workers additional education; UVR specialists.

  1. Purpose of using the CD (multiple selections are possible):

- educational;

- educational;

- introductory;

- developing;

Other (specify) general culture; learning profile.

  1. Application area:

- in class for:

- explanation of the material;

- fixing the material;

- in the classroom for extra work;

- individual independent use (by students, teacher);

- to prepare your own electronic materials;

Other (specify) frontal work with the help of a multimedia projector.

  1. CD content evaluation (content and ergonomics):

No spelling errors or typos; not found

Convenience of the interface (navigation, design, color scheme, ease of use); Yes


- animation models,

- demo material,

Possibility of selective (fragmentary) use of video, audio, photo - when creating your own developments;

Availability of methodological support or support via the Internet;

The presence of control in the form: assignments , testing blocks, control questions , and in what degree of complexity they differ;

Keeping a log of registration and progress;

What educational programs can be used (general education, gymnasium, lyceum, profile and etc.) schools with in-depth study of humanitarian subjects; _specialized schools; specialized technologies, physical and technical (as an integration material), humanitarian .

Within which training programs it is advisable to use Fine Arts: programs by B.M. Nemensky, B.P. Yusov, N.P. Poluyanov; MHK: programs of Predtechenskaya, Chemist, Marantsman. Additional material for Solodovnikov's textbook.

In what sections of the programs is it appropriate to use sections: Man in space; Artistic and urban environment; Architecture; design; man and tradition

21. Score in points from 1 to 9, where "9" corresponds to the highest degree of manifestation

22. Difficulty of independent development:

o easily;

23. Ability to print and copy material. Maybe

24. Please write detailed answers on the following items in electronic form:

Brief annotation to the CD:

The program presents the development of architecture from ancient times to the end XX century. It widely presents the stylistic features of the architecture of various historical and ethnographic traditions, gives ideas about the concepts of the development of architecture in the last century. The proposed material is systematized and presented in tables. The text part is illustrated in various ways (individual sections are sufficiently detailed and of high quality). The program contains various tasks that control the assimilation of the content of the program by students. The program contains reference materials and musical accompaniment.

Conclusion (opinion on the appropriateness of using in the educational process):

It is advisable to use the disc both as a reference tool and as a means of enhancing cognitive activity. The disc is interesting as an integration material that combines the content of several academic subjects; can be used in the system of specialized and additional education.

This program successfully combines both demonstration and training and game functions. Accordingly, the teacher using the program can plan classes based on it in accordance with the named functions. The program also includes a multi-level task system, on the basis of which the teacher can control the assimilation of the content of the program by students.

A wide coverage of historical and art history material, as well as a rather voluminous selection of reproductions, allows organizing a variety of students' work with the proposed CD. Here are some types of work:

- find an analogy between text and image;

- filling in the tables of chronology in the creation of a work of art;

- work with the terminological apparatus;

- virtual tour "through the cultures of the past" or "the history of the era";

- comparative analysis of works of architecture of different eras;

- identification of general trends or general principles in shaping in different eras;

- determining the style or time of construction;

- game "city-museum", "reconstruction by fragments", etc.

The CD itself contains a system of tasks that develops the observation and horizons of students: the exclusion of unnecessary architectural details in the image, which gives the right to move to the next higher level of complexity.

In the case of individual use of a CD, it is advisable to solve search tasks, prepare a visual package for the design of research papers, abstracts, essays, etc.

Working with a CD can give results in classes organized on the basis of the integration of academic subjects. For example: "The image of the world in literature and art."

Expert: Popkova Vera Yuryevna, methodologist of the Russian Language and Literature Department, Leningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education.

"1C: Tutor. Russian language". Firm "1C": Moscow. – 1999.

The program, two-level, designed for high school students, is convenient for students to work independently in preparation for final and entrance exams. Level 2 - more difficult - allows you to prepare for the oral exam in Russian for admission to the philological and language faculties.

The program requires the student to be computer literate; It seems convenient that you can work with both the keyboard and the mouse.

The advantages of this program include the following:

1. Opportunity independent mastering the subject.

2. Information saturation. For example, the section "For University Applicants" contains extensive reference material, including instructions and training on various forms of the exam, criteria for checking written work, and information about Moscow universities.

3. The presence of the sections "Dictionary of Linguistic Terms", "Interactive Tables", "Dictionary of Examples", "Demonstration Lessons", "Historical Reference" contributes to broadening the horizons, deepening into the material, and developing the cognitive activity of students.

4. Organization of the "Workshop" section. To develop literate writing skills, texts are used that are rich in spelling and punctograms, informative in terms of content, which are quotations on moral and philosophical topics or statements by famous linguists and writers about the language. It is important that the solution to the problem (insert missing letters and punctuation marks) is not limited in time, you can complete the task in any mode: correct, replace, return to what you have done, you can first work on spelling, and then on punctuation and vice versa. Along with the task, a briefing on its implementation always appears in the window and the “Help” option is offered - the correct answer or comments on a separate spelling (it should be noted that the wording is given that expands the scope of the school approach to spelling rules - most exceptions are indicated, almost all difficult cases are explained ). The student has the right to choose which way to go: simpler, using a hint in advance, or complex, using this option, verifying himself. The work is preceded by an announcer's reading, which allows you to independently practice another important skill for the examinee - listening, that is, in unfamiliar reading, listening to the intonational features of the text. Correct assignment design: the inserted letters are highlighted in bold, the incorrect one is underlined in red at the end of all work with this page, therefore, the student has the opportunity to evaluate his knowledge himself.

5. Serious training - a large didactic material presented in different sections of this program, allowing you to cover all the most important aspects of preparing for the Russian language exam.

6. Convenience of working with the material, since in any theoretical calculation there are highlighted auxiliary concepts that, if necessary, you can click on and immediately understand what was not clear, this feature is duplicated in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms.

7. Thoughtfulness of additional sections, first of all, this is the "Album", which gives a detailed list of spellings and punctograms of the Russian language, as well as the "Dictionary of examples" and "Russian language in tables" (interactive drop-down tables for all sections of the "Textbook").

8. Possibility of control in various forms, including in the form of a special practical test.

9. Design of the "Recreation Room": on the one hand, the materials presented in this section are an opportunity to get distracted and relax a bit, on the other hand, funny stories, aphorisms, anecdotes, incidents, riddles are associated with linguistics, that is, they are also aimed at instilling interest and the development of a flair for the language, they are taught to think logically.

10. The ability to constantly update the program, use the latest version of it.

11. A convenient system for tracking worked out topics through the options "Diary", "Bookmark", "History of movements", which allows both the student and the teacher to plan and reflect on the work done.

12. Ability to print the desired material.

Mastering the difficult construction of the “Tutor” material, using the capabilities of the “Search” system for this, the student both develops literate writing skills, tests knowledge of theory, and improves skills in working with a computer - this is undoubtedly another plus of this program.

Difficulties in working with the program may arise due to the fact that the authors approach some theoretical issues and their practical solution, relying on textbooks edited by M.V. a methodological set edited by V.V. Babaitseva, in which not all interpretations coincide with the classical (standard). By itself, such an approach, of course, is acceptable, but the disadvantage is the lack of references to the variability of solutions.

It is good to have the "Tutor" program in all secondary educational institutions: firstly, this program will help the student to independently prepare for the final and entrance exams in the Russian language; secondly, the demonstration material presented in the "Album" can be used in the lessons of explaining the new in high school, "Historical Reference" will provide additional information for individual creative work.

Educational electronic edition: an electronic publication containing systematic information of a scientific or applied nature, presented in a form convenient for studying and teaching, and designed for students of different ages and degrees of education. Electronic educational publications are divided into electronic educational and methodological complexes (EUMK), electronic textbooks, electronic teaching aids (including anthologies), electronic simulators and laboratory work, electronic databases for educational purposes, electronic knowledge control systems.

The composition of the EUMC is determined by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. 137 and includes the curriculum of an educational institution, the curriculum of the student, the program of the subject (discipline, course), the textbook on the subject (discipline, course), workshop or practical guide, test materials for quality control of mastering the material, methodological recommendations for the student on the study of the subject (discipline, training course), the organization of self-control, current control, educational (didactic) manuals and problem books - allowing to ensure the development and implementation of the educational program. The educational and methodological complex can, if necessary, be supplemented by an educational institution with reference publications and dictionaries, periodicals, industry and socio-political publications, scientific literature, anthologies, links to databases, websites, reference systems, electronic dictionaries and network resources.

Electronic textbook - the main educational electronic publication in the educational discipline, created at a high scientific, methodological and technical level, fully compliant with the requirements and basic didactic units of the state educational standard of the specialty.

E-tutorial - an educational electronic publication created at a high scientific, methodological and technical level, partially replacing or supplementing an electronic textbook. The content of the electronic textbook must comply with the requirements for the content of the program of the educational discipline, approved in the manner prescribed by the university.

An electronic educational publication should:

Correspond to the modern scientific level, ensure creative and active mastering of knowledge, skills and abilities by students, provided for by the goals and objectives of the educational process

Distinguished by a high level of technical performance and artistic design, completeness of information, quality of teaching methods, clarity, logic and consistency of presentation of educational material.

Regardless of the content and volume of the electronic educational publication, there are three main user requirements for it: content adequacy, presentation form efficiency, economic efficiency.

Content relevance means:

Compliance with the state educational standard;

The completeness of the presentation of the educational material, sufficient for the development of the discipline (discipline section);

Support for various forms of education (correspondence, full-time, part-time, individual and collective, remote);

Support for various types of training sessions (the study of theoretical material, practical and laboratory work);

Support for various forms of knowledge control (intermediate, final, self-control);

Accounting for the latest trends in science and technology.

The effectiveness of the form of information presentation includes such requirements as simplicity and ease of use, ergonomics, support for student activity, communication with the teacher and fellow students.

The economic efficiency of a training system largely depends on such properties of an electronic educational publication as a long service life, the possibility of upgrading during operation, low cost and price, a reasonable configuration of the necessary technical and system-wide tools, and compliance with the SCORM international standard.

For the development of electronic educational publications, it is preferable to use software tools that make it possible to implement for educational purposes the hypermedia tools generally accepted in the global information system World Wide Web (as the combination of the hypertext mechanism with multimedia tools is called), which contribute to the activation of the cognition process and allow:

Use visual and sound, logical and figurative memory

Initiate student activity in the learning process

Organize a living relationship between the topics studied

Include control and self-control in the electronic educational publication

Present an electronic educational publication as an intermediary between a teacher and a student.

the modular structure of the educational material and the clarity of dividing the educational material into its component parts

presentation of each individual module and publication as a whole in the SCORM standard

· ease of selection of educational material for different categories of students by excluding or additionally introducing a set of objects of study.

Electronic educational publications should provide the student with the opportunity to work in an interactive mode, ease and simplicity of navigating through the structure of the electronic educational publication. Under navigation means the ability to quickly move from one topic to another, get the necessary help, comment, view an illustration (including videos, interactive animations, virtual models), quickly find the necessary information, go online, exchange e-mail messages with a teacher. It is recommended to use the following generally accepted methods for navigating the learning material of any course:

- page access to the material - this method, closest to the traditional use of textbooks, is used when obtaining knowledge in any discipline in all cases where consistency in the presentation of the material is important, while progressing through the text with a demonstration of all related multimedia elements

- the ability to access by sections, topics and subtopics material is important for understanding the logic of the course as a whole and is often used to re-refer to information and when using reference books

- search by keyword, phrase, string makes it possible to find the required information on the necessary concepts, even without having an idea about the logic of presenting information in this discipline

- the ability to navigate in texts by "hot" words and related topics means that when reading the text, the user can find out the meaning of the selected concepts, move to a fragment of another topic related to the presentation, at the end of the text go to one of the topics that logically continue the read

- access by media elements, contained in the learning system, facilitates the search for the necessary information, since it is more convenient for a person’s memory to operate with visual and sound images, and not with abstract concepts. Depending on the organization of the material, such media elements can be tables, graphs, charts, drawings, cartographic images, animation, sound and music fragments, photographs, film and video materials, interactive elements.

The knowledge control subsystem that implements these capabilities should ensure the preservation of the results of intermediate and final testing of the student in the database of the electronic dean's office system, available for analyzing the state of the educational process from the teacher's electronic workplace.

Educational electronic publications are also subject to state registration. In 1998, the Federal Expert Council for educational electronic publications was established under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The Council assigns a recommendation stamp to publications:

A recent trend is the creation of depositories of electronic educational publications on the websites of universities (for example, Altai State University - irbis.asu.ru/index.html) or online stores (for example, the Uchcollector store - www.uchcollector.ru).

The integration of information and educational Internet resources is carried out within the framework of the state program "Universities of Russia" and the Russian scientific and educational network RUNNet (www.runnet.ru). An important stage in the development of the educational content of the Russian Internet was the creation of a system of federal educational portals, which included the Federal Portal "Russian Education" (www.edu.ru) and thematic portals (in areas of knowledge and areas of educational activity). One of the important projects implemented under the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010 (FTsPRO) is the creation and development of the information system "Single Window for Access to Educational Resources" (hereinafter, for brevity, referred to as the IS "Single Window"), available at http://window.edu.ru. These works have been carried out since 2005 and have become a further development of the direction of activity for the integration of resources associated with the system of educational portals. The main components of the IS "Single Window" are an integral catalog of educational Internet resources, an electronic library of educational and teaching materials and a news subsystem that includes several news feeds on educational topics.

Thus, in terms of development, educational publications are distinguished by the use of multimedia technologies, a complex system of navigation and knowledge control. For the development of educational electronic publications, specialized software packages are used (see diagram 3.)

Scheme 3. Software products for creating electronic educational publications.

Examples of educational electronic publications:

1. Alexander and Napoleon [Electronic resource]: The history of two emperors / Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino", Intersoft. - Electron. Dan. - M.: Intersoft, sor. 1997. -1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM) : sound, color ; 12 see-System. requirements: PC with 486 DX2-66 processor; 8 MB RAM; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed CD-ROM drive; video card SVGA 256 col. ; sound 16-bit MPC card; stereo speakers or headphones. - Zagl. from the disc label.

2.Internet step by step [Electronic resource]: [interactive. textbook]. - Electron. Dan. and progr. - St. Petersburg. : PiterKom, 1997. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM) + adj. (127 p.). - System. requirements: PC from 486 DX 66 MHz; RAM 16 MB; Windows 95; sound pay; speakers or headphones. - Zagl. from the screen.

3. Learn to speak French. Module 1, Beginner level . - Cleveland (Ohio): Polyglot Media, cop. 1994. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM): sd., col. ; 12 cm. - System requirements: IBM-compatible PC ; DOS 5.0 or higher IMB RAM ; hard disk with 10 MB free space ; CD-ROM player. - Title from disc label.

S. L. Myakishev, R. Yu. Makarov


The article discusses educational opportunities, classification, composition, principles and stages of creating electronic educational publications. This information can be used by teachers and publishing specialists in the preparation of this type of publications.

Educational opportunities, classifications, contents, principles and stages of creating electronic educational aids are considered in the article. Its materials can be used by teachers and publishing specialists in preparing editions of this kind.

Keywords: electronic educational publications, training system.

KeywordS: electronic educational aids, training system.

The ubiquity of computer technology entails changes in various areas of our lives, including education. Behind last years Computers and information technologies have not only strengthened their position in improving the efficiency of the educational process, but have also become an integral part of it. Already today, the growing pace of informatization contributes to an increase in the share of electronic publications both in the book market and in the collections of libraries of educational institutions, which in turn leads to an increase in the interest of teachers in this type of publications.

One of the most common forms of electronic publications are electronic educational publications. Their preparation and replication do not require spending huge amounts of money; the information in such publications can be updated. Readers of the electronic library can choose and read any electronic textbooks. Electronic editions are thematically organized texts with many illustrations, tables, multimedia and interactive components. Often they contain elements of self-control and feedback. These possibilities of electronic publications attract educators and initiate the process of creating their own electronic educational materials.

It should be noted that electronic publications are widely used in higher educational institutions, but the possibility of their creation and use is limited. We attribute this to several reasons:

© Myakishev S. L., Makarov R. Yu., 2011 20

The problem with the transfer of exclusive copyrights to the library of the university for a long period;

The lack of software tools at the university for creating the shell of educational electronic publications by staff and teachers;

Lack of uniform requirements, standards and recommendations for the development and implementation of publications of this type in the educational process of the university.

The introduction of electronic educational publications into the educational process includes a comprehensive solution to the above problems. In this article, we will focus on the latter in more detail. Consider the concept of an electronic educational publication.

An electronic educational publication is usually a software and methodological complex that allows you to independently master a training course or its section and often combines a textbook, a reference book, a task book and a laboratory workshop. This type of publication is an addition to the currently existing forms of education and does not replace the student's work with traditional books, notes, collections of tasks and exercises, etc.

There are several definitions for this type of publication. So, S. G. Grigoriev and V. V. Grinshkun believe that an electronic educational publication is a publication containing systematized material on the relevant scientific and practical field of knowledge, providing creative and active mastering of knowledge, skills and abilities by students and students in this areas.

An electronic educational publication is a software and information system consisting of programs that implement scenarios of educational activities and knowledge prepared in a certain way (structured information and a system of exercises for its comprehension and consolidation).

The educational opportunities of electronic educational publications include:

Adaptation to the individual parameters of the student, the choice of an individual learning path - a variable presentation of the material;

The use of additional interactive means of influencing the student, visual representation of objects and processes in dynamics, representation of objects and processes that are inaccessible for direct observation, sound comments by authors, etc.;

The presence of navigation tools - the organization of contextual tips, hyperlinks, bookmarks, work history, etc.;

Computer modeling of processes and objects that require unique or expensive equipment and materials for their study;

Fast implementation of complex calculations with the presentation of results in digital or graphical form;

Automation of knowledge level control when performing exercises, tests, etc.

At different times, separate attempts were made to classify electronic educational publications according to various criteria, but now there is no single classification. According to V. P. Demkin and G. V. Mozhaeva, the classification of electronic educational publications can be based on generally accepted methods for classifying educational publications, electronic publications and software.

So, for example, electronic educational publications should be distinguished:

1) on a functional basis that determines their significance and place in the educational process:

Program-methodical (curricula and curricula);

Educational and methodological (guidelines, manuals containing materials on the methodology of teaching the academic discipline, studying the course, performing term papers and theses);

Educational (textbooks, teaching aids, lecture texts, lecture notes);

Demonstration and simulation (means of visualization of the studied objects, phenomena, processes for the purpose of their research and study);

Auxiliary (workshops, collections of tasks and exercises, anthologies, books for reading);

Laboratory (means of conducting experiments on virtual equipment);

Game (means of organizing students' leisure, developing students' memory, reaction, attention and other qualities);

Communication (means of organizing interpersonal communication between teachers, administration, students, parents, specialists and the public);

Controlling (testing programs, databases).

2) in the form of presentation:

Convection educational publications that implement the information function of learning;

Programmed educational publications based on training in the "stimulus-response" system;

Problem educational publications;

Combined, or universal, educational editions.

Electronic educational publications form an educational and methodological complex, the basis of which is a learning system that works in an interactive mode and is designed to manage cognitive activity. In its composition:

An electronic textbook containing theoretical material on a specific subject and examples of problem solving;

Electronic reference book - an information retrieval reference system for organizing the presentation of the content of educational material and its analysis;

Training complex - computer models, constructors and simulators;

Electronic problem book - a tool that allows you to create many options for verification work with different levels of task complexity;

Electronic laboratory practice - tools for simulation and mathematical modeling, used in experiments and research work, in modeling measuring installations and research objects;

The control system is a means for monitoring and measuring the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, designed to control knowledge using tests, contains tools for statistical processing of results.

The uniqueness of the system presented above lies in the fact that the training course can include several training systems in various subjects, which, in particular, can be interconnected, and the student can study any of the proposed subjects. This technique is used in distance learning.

Traditionally, an electronic educational publication has the following structure:

1) introductory part (program and structure of the course, general recommendations on the order of study, etc.);

2) main content (basic abstract, lecture notes, materials for in-depth study).

Each topic of the main content should be accompanied by examples and tasks illustrating the presentation, and tasks for independent solution and control questions.

In every possible way, a problem-oriented presentation of the material is encouraged and recommended, where possible, when the student gets acquainted with the problem, fact or phenomenon not according to the traditional scheme (theoretical material - solution methods - illustrating task), but as a result of setting and solving specific task(example).

Each main content section may include:

The theoretical part, which is based on hypertext with pictures, tables, audio and video clips embedded in it, etc. Visual computers are an addition to hypertext.

ternary models illustrating the studied objects or processes in dynamics, with the possibility of varying certain parameters in order to study their influence on the object or process;

The practical part, which presents step-by-step solutions of typical tasks and exercises for this training course with the issuance of minimal explanations and links to the relevant sections of the theoretical course. Visual computer models are offered as an analogue of traditional laboratory work (a laboratory workshop can be separated into an independent software product);

Control part - a set of tests, including both questions on the theoretical part, and solving problems and exercises (it is possible to introduce hints in case of an incorrect answer with a suggestion to try to solve the problem again);

Reference part, which may include a subject index (search system); tables of basic constants, dimensions, physical and chemical properties, etc.; summaries of basic formulas; other necessary information in graphical, tabular or any other form;

Help system containing a description of the rules for working with a computer textbook and methodological recommendations;

3) a list of references and a glossary - they are provided with appropriate links from the main text.

Consider the features of the development of electronic educational publications. The process of their creation usually contains the following steps:

1) preparation of a draft version of the text. A feature of the electronic educational publication is that in the process of writing the author has to face pedagogical difficulties associated with the transformation of the author's knowledge into the knowledge of the reader or student.

The process of knowledge transformation is realized indirectly through the text according to the scheme "author's knowledge" - text - "reader's knowledge" and allows for irreversible loss of information. At the same time, “live” communication between the teacher and the student is excluded. Therefore, it is necessary to facilitate the work of the student with the publication as much as possible. For each section, the student must represent its goal, objectives, be aware of contradictions and problems, and only then receive a solution mechanism. It is also necessary to anticipate the most likely questions of students and include tests in the content to control the assimilation of the material;

2) development of a "script" for the interaction of individual parts of the publication with hyperlinks, preparation of audio and video stories, illustrations.

The main goal at this stage is to explore the possibilities of modern information technology

logy, paying attention to audio and video fragments, ways to visualize formulas, graphs, figures, tables, etc. The main thing here is the means of transferring knowledge to the student, and not how to implement them programmatically;

3) practical implementation of the publication. At this stage, there is a joint work of the teacher and the specialist in information technology, when all the above fragments of the preliminary work are repeatedly corrected for practical implementation.

The developed electronic educational edition must meet the following requirements:

Applicability on various platforms,

online training,

Interactive learning aid,

Support for individual and collective forms of education,

Possibility to choose an arbitrary sequence of studied sections,

Printing files, graphs, large diagrams on standard pages,

Glossary work,

Support for creating and using bookmarks,

Recording the actions of trainees, etc.

For example, O. V. Zimina identifies a number of principles that should be followed when creating an electronic textbook.

The principle of quantization is the breakdown of the material into sections, consisting of modules that are minimal in volume, but closed in content.

The principle of completeness - each module must have the following components:

theoretical core,

Control questions on theory,


Tasks and exercises for independent solution,

Control questions throughout the module with answers,


Context help (Help),

Historical comment.

The principle of visibility - each module should consist of a collection of frames with a minimum of text and visualization that facilitates the understanding and memorization of new concepts, statements and methods.

Branching principle - each module should be connected by hypertext links to other modules so that the user has the choice of going to any other module.

The principle of regulation - the student independently manages the change of personnel, has the opportunity to call up any number of examples on the screen, decide the number of tasks he needs

tasks of a level of difficulty set by him or determined by the teacher, as well as test yourself by answering Control questions and doing test given level of difficulty.

The principle of adaptability - an electronic textbook should allow adaptation to the needs of a particular user in the learning process, allow varying the depth and complexity of the material being studied and its applied focus depending on the student's future specialty, generating additional illustrative material in relation to the needs of the user.

The principle of computer support - at any time the student can receive computer support, which frees him from routine work and allows him to focus on the essence of the material being studied at the moment, consider more examples and solve more problems.

The principle of collection - electronic textbooks should be made in formats that allow them to be assembled into single electronic complexes, expand and supplement them with new sections and topics, and also form digital libraries in individual disciplines.

When creating electronic learning materials, a number of technical design parameters should be taken into account:

Typeface, size and style of individual characters;

Text placement and free space;

Types of illustrations and graphics used;

Readability, logical structure and other linguistic qualities of electronic text;

Features of the user's reaction to electronic material (on how the material is classified, the connection between the user's awareness of the material and its presentation, etc.).

E-learning publications should predominantly use short, clear sentences and concise paragraphs, allowing the user to scan the screen as quickly as possible, looking for necessary information. Shorter chapters correspond to smaller computer screen pages than book pages, each section corresponding to the lower level headings should be broken into discrete fragments, each of which contains the necessary and sufficient material on a specific narrow issue.

With the advent of the hypertext format of documents and the development of frame structures, it became possible to conveniently structure educational publications. The orientation of the student in the educational publication, as in the printed one, is carried out with the help of headings. The rubrication of the electronic

The throne edition is characterized by greater depth (a large number of levels) than that of the printed one. Another orientation option is associated with the use of headers and footers. When frame structure is applied in the Table of Contents frame, the selected section is marked in a different color than all the remaining ones.

The listed means of orientation are the most common, although some others can be used, for example, in the form of a tooltip containing the name of the section, or even in the form of an on-screen representation of a fragment of the rubric graph, which indicates the name of the section under study. The following frames are traditional for an electronic educational publication:

Title, or title;

Main content - this frame has the largest dimensions necessary to place two or three paragraphs of text, a picture or hyperlinks (additional literature, animation, audio and video files containing a dynamic description of processes or phenomena, author's explanations and illustrative video material);

Glossary or list of definitions, transition to terms comes from the main text;

A subject or alphabetical index that allows you to jump from terms to the main text;

Directory containing contact information.