Is it worth retaining an employee who has submitted his resignation? What to do if a valuable employee wants to quit? How to understand whether an employee is worth retaining

  • Finding out the reasons for dismissal
  • 9 tips on how to retain an employee in a company

Finding out the reasons for dismissal

In any organization, even the most high-profile, large and experienced, staff turnover is a familiar thing. When a person really knows and does his job well, then everyone needs him, and it is naive to believe that “he will not go anywhere.” It is better to prevent the loss of specialists than to persuade them to return or look for new ones. Therefore, first of all, find out the reasons for even simple conversations of subordinates on such topics. Forewarned is forearmed.

When you find out that your good employee wants to quit, the question naturally arises - how to keep him? And the first thing you should do is ask the person leaving directly. No one leaves work without a reason, and you need to figure it out if you want to avoid it. Having discovered the causes of dissatisfaction, you can analyze them and change them. In this way, it will be possible not only to save existing people, but also to create best conditions for beginners.

Very important point— a conversation with someone who wants to leave should not take place in the boss-subordinate format. If it's really important to you to understand how to keep this employee from quitting, he should feel it. When your relationship is trusting, then the person will be honest with you, and you will get real reasons that you can work on, you will be able to analyze them and eliminate them, if possible. Or, you can use a survey. As a rule, people answer questionnaires more honestly and boldly.

By collecting data and studying it, you can correct these conflict situations, both for an individual employee and for the entire staff.

Top 5 reasons for quitting

Of course, having found out from one subordinate, you will not be able to get the whole picture of what is happening, you will not know how many more of them are considering this possibility. Therefore, I have selected for you the 5 most frequently arising controversial issues that are sufficient to leave the company. So:

  • It seems to a person that his work is underestimated.This is indeed a very common reason for leaving. And this really can happen, even through no fault of the manager. Every person wants to see their importance for the company, their value. Demonstrate to your subordinates that the work they do and the results they achieve are very important for the organization and management.
  • The specialist is afraid of lack of growth.People, in general, can be ambitious, and not very ambitious. With the latter, there will be no problems in this regard - they will be satisfied with the position they occupy for a very long time, if not always. But the former always want something more, higher, more responsible - advancement on the career ladder. It is important for them to know that their superiors not only value them, but also guarantee their career growth.
  • He is afraid that he cannot cope with tasks.It happens to all of us, at different times. Some are at the beginning of their career path, others are already at the top. In all cases, there is only one way out - to suggest and help. Successfully completing a task once a second time no longer evokes such strong emotions.
  • Feels uncomfortable in a group.This happens very often, especially with beginners, and there are many reasons for it. To strengthen team spirit It is very useful to give interesting team tasks, where everyone can work on an equal footing, organize corporate events and “team building”.
  • Didn't find a common language with the manager.This can happen both through the fault of the subordinate and the boss. In any case, this frame is really important for the company, this issue will have to be resolved.
  • Financial moment.As you can see, this is not the most common reason for change of place. But it is included in the top five most common. It often happens that everything in the company is good - “the activities are interesting and useful, and the team and management are excellent, but there is not enough money. And in the next office there’s more…” There is only one way out - offer and pay more than your competitors.

In addition to a selection of reasons for leaving, I have selected for you 10 effective tips on how to retain a good subordinate.

  • Provide development.
    Your subordinate needs to know that he not only does a good job, but that you appreciate it. What is the easiest and most effective way to do this? That's right, promote a specialist.
    But this also needs to be done competently. Keep in mind that any manager will sooner or later reach his incompetent level. That is, if he copes well with any tasks in his department, it does not mean that he will be able to manage this department. Thoughtless promotion of such specialists causes harm to both them and the business.
    What should we do then? Increase your subordinate's salary and give him more complex and interesting things to do.
  • Listen.
    This is another great way to show your staff that their opinions and actions matter to you. Of course, in pursuit of retaining staff, you don’t need to do absolutely everything they advise you to do. But when these tips are rational and truly timely, then they need to be followed, and always together with the subordinate who proposed it. This way, staff will truly see their value and will strive to generate great new ideas.
  • Encourage creativity.
    By following the previous advice, you can improve your current affairs, but there is something for the future. Many people like to create something new and interesting, and believe me, there are such people in your organization. Give them the best resources and information, as well as freedom of thought, and help them be creative. This way you will not only unite the team, but also get brilliant ideas for development.
  • Get rid of ballast.
    This is not easy to do, but it is absolutely necessary. Just like there are more than enough magnificent and purposeful, ineffective and eternally dissatisfied people in any company. So we need to end our working relationship with them. Because no matter what you do - no matter how you try to improve your enterprise, create favorable conditions for the staff and a cozy microclimate in the team - such people will not have enough. What are they doing? That's right, they express dissatisfaction. But not to the management, but to their colleagues, thereby nullifying any diligence.
    Also included in this category are those employees who simply cannot cope with the assigned tasks. And say goodbye.
  • Work on intra-team friendships.
    Engage people and thereby increase productivity. Offer them competitions. Form teams, give tasks, and be sure to provide a reward for the best and fastest completion. The staff will feel the spirit of competition and will strive to do everything better than others. This is interesting and exciting for any person, and they don’t leave companies that are interesting to work for. You, in turn, will receive a decrease in staff turnover and increased performance.
  • Give creative freedom.
    Yes, that's right. You shouldn't control every step of your people. They're so suffocated. Constant control drives you crazy. They really know how to work better, how to achieve results faster and more efficiently. Follow this strategy - give the task and don’t interfere! People value freedom very much.
  • Make friends with your subordinates.
    This is a controversial point. Not all companies have the opportunity for a manager to maintain friendly relations with his staff. This may be hampered by the status of the enterprise and the management itself, or the wide geography of offices, or long-established subordination relationships within the team. But, if it seems possible for you and your company, it’s worth working with it. When your subordinates see that you see in them not only a working tool for making a profit, but also ordinary people, they will feel inner comfort. Agree, it’s nice to work with people who not only value you, but also respect you.
  • Involve your staff in your goals.
    The company has a purpose, and people may not know it. That’s why it’s worth talking about it honestly and openly, showing the desired future to everyone. A person visualizes what he is working for. This will become his goal too. In addition, the more a specialist knows about the company’s activities, the more actively he will be involved in the work.
  • Pay more than accepted.
    Employee salaries can be not only competitive compared to other companies, but also significantly higher. It's corny, but it works. Each of the top specialists will sooner or later receive an offer from competitors that will be “impossible to refuse.” But, if he already has highest income, none of the proposals offered by others will become relevant. After all, the salaries are high the best personnel— direct investment in the future of the entire company.

Well, now you've learned a lot about how to keep an employee from leaving., as many as 9 ways. Apply them in practice, all together, or selectively, and do not lose valuable personnel. Of course, don’t forget to subscribe, leave your comments and opinions, feedback is very important to me! See you soon!

It's no secret that any successful company relies on patient and responsible employees. They are the protectors against troubles, market fluctuations and crises. They are the ones who know what and how to do correctly. They can work on their days off, train newcomers, take on leadership responsibilities and help with valuable ideas at the right time. If your “golden employee” decides to leave you, you should know that problems have begun in your company. In this article, you will learn how to keep a valuable employee from leaving and prevent similar problems in the future.

Main reasons for dismissal

But then, one day, your key employee writes a letter of resignation. What to do? Responsible and serious workers never take a step into the void. They have been planning their departure from the company for months, looking for work,... It will not be possible to retain such an employee with empty chatter, since his statement is a formality, which is the final touch in the process of changing jobs. But if you give a person guarantees and a clear vision of possible changes regarding pay and working conditions, career growth, your chances of retaining a valuable employee increase.

First, find out the true motive for his decision. If a person opens up to you and reveals his reasons for leaving, then you will have a chance to influence his decision.

There are three main reasons for dismissal:

  • low wages;
  • poor working conditions;
  • lack of professional recognition and career growth.

How to prevent valuable employees from leaving

The dismissal of a good employee indicates that the situation in the company is out of control. Employees are devoted to themselves, they are not monitored, managers do not communicate with them, all their discontent and grievances remain with them. The employee sees that no one needs his problems, how to earn more money, he doesn’t know how to climb the career ladder, that’s also a question. What to do? The decision has been made - I need to change jobs, maybe they will appreciate my abilities and allow me to realize my potential.

The company's management must monitor in order to respond in a timely manner to dissatisfaction and problems that arise. This way you can prevent the departure of valuable employees long before they have the desire to quit completely and irrevocably.

Basic methods for retaining valuable employees

If your valuable employee has already decided to take such a step, it will not be easy to retain him, but there is a chance. There are two methods to retain a valuable employee:

  • Method of intimidation and promises. It is based on intimidating the employee with the uncertainty and difficulties that he may encounter when searching for a job. For example: “You’ve been working here for five years. You know everyone. You feel at home here. Why do you need complications? In company X, for example, the worst employee of the month is fired based on sales results. Have you heard of this? We don't have that. The company has invested in you in training, be grateful for it!” or “Come on, don’t rush! We have a vacancy about to open, we will consider your candidacy immediately!” or “Are you sure that you will earn as much in your new place as you do here? Are you sure that the transition is deliberate and you won’t regret it?”

This method works and is actively used in many companies. But this approach only works on soft people, and not on everyone. If an employee is confident in himself and his abilities, he cannot be stopped by such methods. The method works great for those who succumbed to momentary emotions or the influence of someone else’s opinion and thoughtlessly wrote a statement. Such arguments (see above) sober up the employee, a sense of harsh reality returns to him, and temporary indignation subsides.

  • Method of action and loyalty. If you really want to retain a valuable employee, you need to provide guarantees that will make the person think and actually stay with the company. Having identified the motive for dismissal, you can put pressure on this point and fix everything.

For example: “Okay, you’re unhappy with your salary, we’ll fix that. I apologize for the fact that we unfairly assessed your contribution to the company - we will correct that too. Let you take the application, and at the end of the day I will be ready to make you an offer, which will take effect tomorrow. I promise you will like it! Then we’ll discuss everything.” or “I agree that working late is draining and demotivating. It is very important to us that you continue to work within the walls of our company. We are ready to review your schedule and make it more flexible. We’ll redistribute the workload and provide assistants.”- this method of action and guarantees.

Beautiful, isn't it? The employer uses the method of action and loyalty when, indeed, with the departure of an employee, the company faces collapse and large financial losses. In fact, the company becomes a hostage of such an employee until a “cheaper” candidate appears.

There are several opinions regarding monetary motivation. Many HR argue that if an employee is dissatisfied with his salary, then there is no need to rush to raise it, you need to tell him what his salary consists of - a social package, corporate events, trainings. Then make sure that the salary is really the market average, and if it is lower, then, of course, level it out.

There is also an opinion that monetary motivation is one of the strongest for low and medium-paid professions. A person’s dependence on money forces him to work for two. But when he works for three people and is paid as one, even the most patient employee will not last long. If the employee really has a valuable status, pay him as much as you can, you know that he will work for this money in full. Don’t let such specialists run away from you with resentment, powerful anti-advertising and clients.

In positions where wages amount to thousands of dollars, monetary motivation stops working, as the chronic dependence on money disappears. A person no longer measures his benefits in money, but in higher categories, for example: internal fulfillment, ambition, achievements, personal comfort.


Despite your best efforts, it will be difficult for you to change the employee’s decision because he no longer trusts you, and may even be angry with the company. But the methods and methods described in this article will help you do everything possible to keep a valuable employee from leaving and prevent staff turnover.

In any company there are several especially valuable employees - those you can rely on, who will try with blood and sweat to complete the work assigned by the manager.

But it happens that such employees unexpectedly put their resignation letter on the table of the head of the company. Moreover, the reaction of management may be different - in one organization an employee will be fired due to at will without heart-warming conversations, and then he will also hear: “There are no irreplaceable people.” In another company, they will make every effort to retain an employee.

On the one hand, the person leaving may be replaced by another specialist, an even greater professional in his field. On the other hand, it is quite unwise to waste valuable personnel. A valuable employee is usually one who has worked in the company's team for quite a long time; he does not need to be trained; most likely, he is on good terms with most of his colleagues. And most importantly, you can always rely on such a subordinate, because it is on him that you can count on during a crisis, entrust a task for which a short time has been allocated, or entrust the most difficult task. That's why keeping an employee at work is the idefix of some heads of organizations.

What to do when a significant employee wants to leave the company

First of all, in order to retain company employees, the manager needs to find out the reason for dismissal. Sometimes the decision to go to work is a banal consequence of low pay or lack of mutual understanding among colleagues. But there are also reasons for dismissal that are difficult to guess. Then you cannot do without an open dialogue.

Unfortunately, not every company has a trusting relationship that allows them to talk frankly. In this case, you can call for help one of the employees with whom the person who wants to quit has a confidential contact, let an ordinary subordinate tell you how to retain the employee who is so important to you. The main thing is to find out the real reason why the resignation letter is waiting for the manager’s signature (insufficiently high salary, lack of career prospects, harassment from colleagues, personal problems, etc.). It makes no sense to promise mountains of gold without understanding the problem.

Even if you significantly increase an employee’s salary, you will keep him in the company for only a short time if his desire is connected, for example, with an uncomfortable climate in the team.

Having made every effort to keep an employee at work, you cannot always count on changing the person’s decision. However, an analysis of the reasons why the company lost a valuable specialist will allow management to avoid a new leak of smart workers in the future. It is always better to prevent dismissal than to try to persuade a person who has decided everything for himself and found a new place to stay in his position. So how do you keep an employee from leaving?

8 ways to retain a valuable employee

If you are faced with a choice - to let a subordinate go without finding out the reasons or to fight so as not to lose a highly qualified professional, think carefully and do not rush to sign his application. Firstly, several more employees may want to leave the company after him. Secondly, are you sure that the person who comes to replace the one who quit will get along with the team and cope with the job?

Before letting your subordinate go, try to find out his arguments in favor of moving to new company. If you can fix something and convince the employee not to leave the good old team, fight. If leaving is a done deal, then take steps to keep other valuable company employees from leaving in the future.

1. Increase wages.

Perhaps the departure is due to a simple lack of money. The eyes of a competent worker will quickly stop burning if his head is filled with questions about who to borrow from before payday. If wages in your company are low, then you should at least raise the financial bar a little (especially for those who do quality work);

How to do it? You don’t have any extra money in your company, but you don’t want to lose a valuable employee. There is no point in thoughtlessly (as long as he doesn’t leave) increasing his salary by 2 times. Discuss with him a different motivation system, an increased percentage of transactions, additional (or larger-scale) projects. In other words, find a way to make it work. In the end, if you think the salary is decent and competitive enough, invite the employee to speak out and give reasons. Perhaps they will be logical.

2. Add bonuses and bonuses to the employee’s basic salary.

You don’t offend your subordinates, they get enough money, but dismissals still happen. Perhaps the most worthy employees could receive special rewards from management - cash bonuses, trips, gifts. Of course, if the work of the recipients is actually performed at the highest level.

How to do it? Strengthen your corporate culture, build it from scratch if necessary. Hire a specialist to determine the needs of workers. Material stimulation is beneficial because it is irregular. But the real opportunity to get more monthly material benefits from work is a good incentive for workers.

3. Listen to employees' ideas.

Perhaps someone from the team has more than once offered you ways to solve the company’s problems, but was not heard. Try to value the opinion of every subordinate. Agree, it’s a shame to realize that your opinion is worth nothing to management.

How to do it? If you, as a leader, know more and better, and regularly show this to your employees, you will paint your company into a corner. Your job is to lead, but not be responsible for every step of your team. Accepting that an idea will fail means giving employees the opportunity to find an idea that will work. As long as a person is given ways to contribute to development and get results, he will not want to leave the company.

4. Career growth for the best employees.

When deciding how to retain an employee, most company leaders are inclined to promise salary increases. However, your subordinate may not be short of money, but feel a real dislike for boring work. If there is an opportunity to promote a valuable specialist in a position, do not miss it.

How to do it? Work is attractive as long as it allows you to develop. An employee can sit in one place for years, do everything “automatically” and receive a lot of money simply for being there. But he doesn’t see his importance for the company. This means that the time has come for a promotion, new, more serious tasks, a transition to the management team, perhaps even to another department. If there are no vacancies? Try redistributing responsibilities in the department by making him senior and changing at least partially the list of his daily tasks.

5. Increase the importance of the subordinate.

It happens that you are happy to give an employee a better position, but this is impossible for a number of reasons. Then try, for example, to increase his self-esteem - entrust the training of new employees, give him a complex project to develop (of course, for additional payment), at least ask the opinion of a truly worthwhile employee more often. Let him know that you trust and value him.

When to do it? This should not be done at the moment of receiving an application to leave the company - value your employees before they even think about leaving.

6. Analyze the climate in the team.

Think about your own attitude towards employees, find out what the mood is in the team. Be simpler and closer to people, find out if there are conflicts among your subordinates. Try not just to burden people with work, but also to strive for a good atmosphere within the organization.

How to do it? Go out into the world, arrange days of work as an ordinary manager, corporate events, conduct some projects personally with managers, not only as a leader, but also as part of a team. If the company has an internal PR department, pay special attention to its work and results.

7. Support employees during personal problems.

First of all, any employee is a person with his own tragedies. Your subordinates may suffer from the loss of loved ones, go through a divorce, or a quarrel with relatives. If you see (and even more so know) that an employee is depressed about something, “turn off” the boss and find out what the cause of the upset is. Perhaps a little attention and support (non-material) from you will “unload” his emotional state a little. As an outlet for an employee with a personal drama, you can offer, for example, a short extraordinary vacation and, of course, a sincere informal conversation.

How to do it? If the degree of trust between you and your subordinate is not high enough, entrust this task to any conscientious and quiet colleague - let him try to cheer up the depressed person. From you - give the employee the opportunity to leave work, since in such an apathetic state he will still bring little benefit.

8. Avoid familiarity.

Sometimes people fake a desire to quit in pursuit of selfish goals. For example, knowing about their value in the profession, they blackmail their superiors by leaving in order to achieve what they want (a salary increase, receiving a bonus, moving to a new position, etc.). Consider whether the employee’s claims are adequate, whether the person really wants to leave the organization or is just scaring you.

How to do it? Be alert - if you are already doing your best as a leader, then do not react to the tricks of a cunning subordinate. You are not obligated to satisfy all the blackmailer's wishes, especially if his professional skills leave much to be desired. If the employee is truly valuable, invite him to a frank conversation and, if your arguments are still not heard, you may have to say goodbye.

Unfortunately, these methods do not always help when managers are looking for ways to retain valuable employees. Perhaps the reason for dismissal lies not at all in the fact that you did not provide something to the person working in the company. If the plan called “how to retain an employee” has failed, try to part with dignity. Some employers take revenge on departing staff by delaying payment work book, tearing up resignation letters, telling tall tales about the new vacant place. If a compromise cannot be found, thank the person who pulled your company to success for the fruitful work. Perhaps more than once.

No one quits “just like that” and “for nothing”; most often the employee has internal reasons to change jobs. Having understood and eliminated them, you can remove the question of finding new personnel - when a person is satisfied with everything, there will be no need to leave the company.

To identify the motives for dismissal, it is important to understand what attracts the employee and what he is trying to avoid. What problems did he solve with ease, what projects did he take on himself, in what issues did he volunteer? Did the person work alone or in a team, managed the process, generated ideas, had the opportunity to work without supervision, on a free schedule or remotely, and received remuneration? And an employee’s story about a new place of work will help you sort out the negative aspects, even if he hasn’t found one yet. What would he like: not to take so long to get to work, not to stay late in the evenings, not to be nervous, not to stop developing? All these “don’ts” almost certainly plague the staff at the current company.

All this is clarified during the Exit Interview - a meeting with an employee, after which a lot becomes clear about the person and the atmosphere in the team. At the end, I warn that I would like to meet again for a short conversation, before which I will consider the next steps and understand the person’s value to the company, his prospects, and ways to retain him.

A person may outgrow the position, the responsibilities may seem too familiar to him, he may desire professional growth. Or he lacks the element of creativity in his daily routine. Perhaps he lost his sense of need. The motive for leaving has to be literally unearthed at the meeting. For the most part, people tend to give formal answers, which, it seems to them, are clearer to the leader than self-realization or psychological aspects.

“I want a big salary”

A salary increase is both the most common demand and the most popular employee retention measure. But, oddly enough, the least effective.

Salary increase should not be a reason to continue work, says Olga Ovchinnikova. Because if an employee is motivated only financial aspect, he will still sooner or later go to the one who pays more. And this can happen at an inopportune moment for the company - in the middle of a project or during the holidays, when it is difficult to find a replacement.

Another good reason not to make concessions when discussing salary is the need to review it not for one person, but for the entire department, division or company. After all, the rest of the employees can find out about the promotion, and then there will be no problems. However, this theory does not work if the salary in the company is truly below the market average. In this case, employees won’t last long on loyalty alone and will flock to competitors.

Offer the employee a rational option - review the remuneration system, make it more efficient and optimize the staff. Perhaps two employees will do a much better job than three if we divide the freed-up salary in half? Or divide the salary into a fixed part and a “deal”, set bonuses for fulfilling or exceeding the plan. Even if actual wages remain at the same level, the very opportunity to earn more motivates.

It would be a good idea to tell the employee about the cost. social package– free lunches, compensation mobile communications And transport costs, corporate events and training. This will help the person leaving the job to sensibly assess whether he took into account all the important factors when moving to a new job and whether the large salary is worth such losses.

“I’m bored, I’m thinking of changing my occupation”

An employee who has reached the ceiling in the company is bored and mentally thinks of what else to do. A standard promotion will not always help here, although for some it will be enough to feel their own importance and receive privileges.

Operations Director of Wyser (International HR Holding Gi Group)

If the average age of employees is 25+ (the so-called “generation Y”), then they cannot be retained by simply changing their position. It is important to give meaning to their daily activities, to show that the company values ​​them professional qualities, experience and personality traits, demonstrate development horizons and offer the necessary tools for this. If an employee lacks creative fulfillment in his daily routine, then we involve him in projects related to corporate charity or internal PR events (corporate events, promotions, competitions).

A bored employee can become a valuable personnel - precisely because “out of boredom” he figures out how to optimize the process, achieve greater results, and knows where he is most useful. It's worth listening to him, and new position will appear by itself.

"My work is useless"

Police officers, doctors and rescue workers need to be motivated to work much less than “office plankton”, because they already know what benefits they bring to people. Even teaching children new skills is much harder if they don’t see the point in it and don’t understand why they need it! What can we say about adults who do “nonsense” every day?

In this case, Olga Ovchinnikova advises transferring the employee to more global projects, events in which representative offices from different countries. This expands your professional horizons, improves communication with colleagues abroad and has a positive effect on your perception of yourself as an individual.

But even if the company does not have more global projects, a simple explanation of the value of routine operations can radically change the employee’s understanding of his responsibilities. After all, he may not realize that management values ​​him and the operations being performed.

"I can't cope"

Concerns expressed by those leaving about the proportionality of responsibilities and abilities indicate two problems: the desire to develop or simple fatigue. Talented and truly valuable employees strive to work more efficiently and better. This is precisely why they are valuable! Therefore, studying is a good alternative to leaving the company.

Olga Ovchinnikova notes that the tense state of staff is directly related to the volume professional knowledge. To remove the fear of not being able to cope, it is enough to train such an employee as part of corporate courses or from an external provider.

But in this case it’s worth being on the safe side. If a person already intended to leave the company, then after studying and improving his qualifications it will be easier for him to do this. Conclude a contract according to which, after training, the employee will be obliged to apply the acquired knowledge in your company. Refusal of such an offer will clearly reveal a selfish person who wants to make the most of it before resigning.

“I feel uncomfortable in a group”

Prevention of layoffs should be carried out from the very first day of an employee’s work in the company, and there is nothing better than warm, trusting relationships with subordinates and colleagues. A competent adaptation procedure will allow you to avoid problems and conflicts, and team building and corporate events will cost less than constant “turnover” in a team with an unhealthy atmosphere.

But there are also two extreme cases when a person is not able to get along even in a good team. It is better to isolate conflicting and aggressive employees if they are truly important to the company. The same should be done with introverts who do not want to join the team. Try to allocate to such people personal account or allow you to work remotely from home.

“I’m tired of everything!”

There are cases when, even with a trusting relationship with management, an employee cannot name the true reason for his desire to leave the company, because he himself does not know it - he simply feels that everything is going wrong, his strength is running out, and his patience is about to burst.

Operations Director of Wyser (International HR Holding Gi Group)

Usually after major projects devastation sets in, and lingering melancholy can smolder inside for a long time, without manifesting itself in any way on a daily level. In my practice, there was a case when an employee was about to leave the company, arguing that her interest in work had cooled and she wanted to change direction. professional activities. I felt that it was not a matter of dissatisfaction with responsibilities, working conditions or relationships with colleagues. We agreed that she would go on a two-month vacation, and then we would discuss the dismissal again. As a result, she returned refreshed, with a positive attitude and many new ideas that contributed to the development of the business.

The employee was retained. What's next?

After the first call - a resignation letter - you should be especially attentive to the employee. A dissatisfied person who, for some reason, made a deal with management, or rather with himself, and remained in the company, can become a carrier of the virus of dissatisfaction. And this inevitably leads to mass layoffs and the loss of valuable personnel who, it seems, had no intention of leaving.

Perhaps the manager made a mistake when identifying motivating factors and did not propose the changes that would make the employee want to work with inspiration. In this case, you can try to carefully adjust your actions. However, if an employee submits an application again and expects to be persuaded to stay again, this will develop into blackmail and manipulation. Moreover, the periods of quiet work will become less and less. Therefore, the employee retention trick works only once, and it is important to implement it correctly.

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Now I will try to consider the opposite situation. A subordinate came to you and expressed a desire to leave your organization. We assume that you need this employee as a qualified personnel, or his departure may destabilize the situation in the entrusted unit, or there is some other very important reason to persuade him to stay.

I’ll make a reservation right away: if a person has already firmly decided everything for himself, mentally burned all the bridges to retreat, and agreed to get another job, then it will be extremely difficult to convince him. Unless, for example, you get on your knees, tearfully begging to stay...

Even if the appearance of a resigning employee was not part of your plans and came as a surprise, then, first of all, you need to approach this issue humanely and remember that the employee will not work for you forever anyway. Sooner or later, the moment of dismissal may come, and you will not be able to do anything about it. At most, move the date of departure to a later or indefinite date.

So, after reflecting on the situation, weighing all the pros and cons, you came to the conclusion that it is not time yet. As a result of finding out the reasons for the employee’s dismissal, you understand that he is simply fed up with work, or he has not yet decided on future plans, or that he is going to leave you because of a trivial, completely solvable issue...

In general, you see in the employee a “shadow of doubt” about the correctness of his action. This is your chance. Only on doubt can you play and convince a person of your decision. I would say that from a “spark” of doubt you can always fan a whole “fire”.

The main thing is to choose the right arguments and shake the decision-making scales. I tried to outline the concepts of loosening techniques in the post How to impose your idea on your subordinates.

Let me give you an example.

An employee came to you and brought you resignation letter at your own request. It would be stupid if you simply sign the application without asking the reasons. If I were an employee, I would think that no one really needs me here, and I would be even more convinced of the correctness of my decision.

So we need to find out reason. It is important to remember that the cause may only be a consequence of another problem, which means that what the employee told you is just the tip of the iceberg. To find out the root cause, you will have a long conversation, but by hook or by crook you need to get to the stumbling block - the main issue tormenting the employee.

If you are able to resolve this issue, your authority will grow even more in the eyes of the employee, and he himself, having received an alternative solution to the problem that tormented him (which was the reason for his dismissal), will kindly agree to work under you for some more time.

One of the most common reasons the desire to quit is the search for a “better place”, the same reason can be equated to the state of “everything is enough”. In this case, you can try to draw prospects for a new job and compare them with your current job.

Believe me, there are many arguments in favor of him staying: a familiar, established team, long-understood principles of work, no need to retrain or retrain, a clear and predictable remuneration system, motivation systems, good schedule, overtime if possible, etc.

What's in the new place? New sensations? And how long will they last - a month, two? And then again new job? After all, with each new place of work it becomes more and more difficult to surprise us, and less and less time is spent on adaptation. Being in constant search is not an option.

How then to solve the problem of obtaining new sensations? Very simply – HOBBY! Any person accumulates negativity from work, and sooner or later he stops giving his all in the workplace. Why? This won’t surprise anyone, the manager won’t even praise you, and if you can’t see the difference, why bother… spoil your nerves? But energy needs to be spent somewhere, because we all dream about something, we all want to do great things.

And you need to start small. IN free time You can try to implement some of your own projects, which in the future can become a source of good income. Or go hunting with friends, but who knows what else you can do? After all, admit to yourself that there is something in the world that brings you pleasure.

So pay attention to THIS in your free time. Simply doing nothing on the weekend means giving up and accepting whatever may happen in your life. Water does not flow under a lying stone. Get off the couch and go do THIS through strength. Later you will realize that THIS actually gives you pleasure, and as a result of such personal work you have a feeling of satisfaction, and not of futility, as in an official job.

Again, there are a lot of reasons that lead an employee to the idea of ​​quitting. It is impossible to consider everyone, but the manager must be ready to identify them and, most importantly, solve them, because if he does not offer a practical solution, then he will not see the employee. And a qualified personnel will go to raise virgin soil in another office.

In any case, successful or not, the leader must understand that the precarious balance in which superiors and subordinates find themselves is temporary. And you shouldn't kill yourself because of failures. If you didn’t manage to dissuade this employee from firing, try your hand next time when someone else “breaks down”...