Presentation dedicated to World Anti-Terrorism Day. A world without terror

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Russia against terror

The terrorist attack in Beslan - the taking of hostages at school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (North Ossetia), committed by terrorists on the morning of September 1, 2004 during a ceremonial assembly dedicated to the beginning of the school year

For two and a half days, the terrorists held more than 1,100 hostages (mostly children, their parents and school staff) in the building in the most difficult conditions, denying people even the minimum natural needs.

On the third day, explosions occurred at the school around 1:05 p.m., and a fire later broke out, causing the building to partially collapse. After the first explosions, hostages began to run out of the school, and federal forces launched an assault.

Most of the hostages were freed during the assault, but as a result of the terrorist attack, 334 people, including 186 children, were killed and over 800 were injured.

Beslan, September 2004

Monument in Moscow

"Tree of Sorrow" in Beslan

We remember! We mourn!

Memo 1. How to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack? Be careful; pay attention to strangers; do not hesitate, if something seems suspicious to you, report it to your elders. Do not touch ownerless bags, packages, packages; do not pick up any things, even valuable ones: a booby trap can be disguised as a toy, pen, mobile phone etc.

Memo 1. How to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack? Report suspicious items to the nearest police station or patrol officers. Keep an eye on abandoned rooms, attics, and basements. If possible, avoid large crowds of people where the likelihood of a terrorist attack increases.

Memo 2. How to behave when taken hostage? Remember the main thing - the goal is to stay alive. Pull yourself together as quickly as possible, suppress panic with all your might and try to calm down. Prepare for mental, physical and emotional challenges. Speak in a calm, even voice.

Memo 2. How to behave when taken hostage? Under no circumstances should you allow actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties. To endure hardships, insults and humiliation without challenge or objection. Save and maintain strength.

Memo 2. How to behave when taken hostage? Do not perform any actions, ask permission. Move less. Remember that everything necessary and possible is being done for your liberation.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

methodological development of an extracurricular event "Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism"

The event is aimed at developing a respectful attitude towards people, as well as to prevent dangerous situations, including terrorism...

Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. Beslan cannot be forgotten.

September 3, 2014 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. This day is dedicated to the tragic events that occurred in the first days of September 2004 in the city of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia...

Sections: Extracurricular activities


  • To develop in schoolchildren compassion and complicity for victims of terrorism.
  • Cause denial of terrorism as a phenomenon.
  • Learn to identify the causes of this phenomenon.
  • To bring awareness to the importance of one’s own participation in matters of the country’s security and one’s own safety.
  • Learn how to use the safety manual.
  • Teach to realize the importance of learning the lessons of history for one’s own and national future.

Equipment: PC, multimedia presentation, microphones, candles, metronome.


Music is playing. 2nd fragment of Brahms' Symphony No. 3.(Appendix 1 )

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students! We are glad to see you in the walls A x of our school, which has once again hospitably opened its doors so that you can work and study in peace. September 1, 2005 was officially declared the Day of Knowledge and World Peace Day. But this day was not always peaceful. We will look back and remember September 1, 2004, when the international community was shocked by the events that took place in the small Ossetian town of Beslan.

Presentation “Tragedy in Beslan”. View. ( Appendix 2 )

Presentation “Lesson of Peace”(Appendix 3 )

Slide 2. 32 terrorists captured 1,128 hostages and held them for 52 hours, almost three days, without food or drink, at gunpoint, in a mined school. On September 3, an explosion was heard in the gym. The terrorists shot at the backs of the fleeing children. The assault began. 331 people died, 186 of them were children, many were injured, and entire families died. These events became a wound on the heart of all humanity.

Slide 3. The terrible tragedy in Beslan became a new starting point in the 1000-year history of Russia, which had never heard anything like it. Ni Bat s y, neither the Poles, nor Napoleon, nor even the Nazis attacked children specifically and exclusively. In all of history, it is impossible to draw an analogy to this senseless and terrible massacre, when hundreds of children died in one hour. The only story that is comparable to the Beslan tragedy is a story that happened two thousand years ago, also in a small town - Bethlehem: the beating of the Bethlehem infants by Herod.
Written in St. Petersburg icon Bethlehem martyrs delivered to North Ossetia by representatives of the clergy and the Ossetian diaspora of St. Petersburg.

Slide 4. In connection with these tragic events, on September 3, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, established a memorable date, “Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.”

– Guys, what do you associate the word “Terrorism” with?

Slides 5,6. The word terrorism comes from the Latin word “terror”, which means fear, horror. Terrorism is a socially dangerous act that entails the senseless death of people, disrupting the activities of states, the life and health of people, transportation and international diplomatic relations.

Slide 7 . We cannot remain indifferent to de I niyam terrorists, so we gathered for this Peace lesson to express our attitude towards terrorism and honor the memory of its victims.

1st Reader.

Terrorism is a terrible word
This is pain, despair, fear,
Terrorism is the death of living things!
These are screams on children's lips.

2nd Reader.

This is the death of innocent people -
Old people and women, children!
This is a vile evil murder
Brutal, cruel people.

3rd Reader. Terrorism is generated by those who violate the legitimate rights of people and peoples, who preach violence and racial hatred. “An eye for an eye”, “An eye for an eye”; “For violence, violence” - these are the mottos of terrorists. But often, trying to achieve their rights and supposedly the truth, imaginary fighters “for freedom and money” violate the rights of other citizens and take the lives of innocent people and even children!

4th Reader.

Beslan - once upon a time this word was a calm town.
The hearts of people were struck by grief, and the news about him spread!
There are evil people in black masks, interfering with children in politics,
On the day of knowledge, the school was captured and a battle was fought there.

5th Reader.

And blood flowed there like a river, ending innocent lives,
The groan of people spread, cursing the child killers forever.
"Disgrace!" - we will say terrorism and brand with contempt those
Who does not appreciate the importance of life and hates children's laughter.

Slides 8-16.

Leading. A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, because it is directed, first of all, against the state. Its task is to subjugate the state, its organs, and the entire public, to force them to comply with the demands of terrorists and the individuals and organizations behind them.

  • 1999 Two residential buildings in Moscow were blown up. 200 people died.
  • Pyatigorsk, Kaspiysk, Vladikavkaz, Buynaks, Budenovsk, Kizlyar, Beslan, where many, many innocent Russian citizens suffered.
  • October 2002 - hostage taking in Moscow - Theater Center on Dubrovka.
  • February 6, 2004 - an explosion in a Moscow metro car killed about 50 people.

A surge in terrorism occurred in 2003. Among the largest and bloodiest are:

  • May 12 – explosion near residential buildings in the Nadterechny district of Chechnya. 59 people were killed, 320 were injured;
  • On July 5, an explosion in Moscow (Tushinsky market) killed 17 people, 74 were injured;
  • On December 5, an explosion in an electric train in Essentuki killed 32 people and injured 150.
  • December 9 – Moscow explosion on Manezhnaya Square(7 people were killed, 13 were injured.)

In 2004, the whole world was shaken by a new series of terrorist attacks: simultaneous explosions of two passenger planes on August 24, killing 90 people.

This is an incomplete list of terrorist attacks that occurred in our country.

Slide 17. The rampant terrorism is today not only a Russian, but also an acute international problem. This is evidenced by many facts, but especially eloquent is the explosion in New York of the World shopping center September 11, 2001, which claimed the lives of 3.5 thousand people, the combined explosions of March 11, 2004 on commuter trains in the center of Madrid (Spain), endless terrorist attacks in Israel, the Philippines, and other countries.
In 2000 alone, there were 423 terrorist attacks worldwide. 405 people were killed and 791 were injured! Over ten years, 6,500 acts of international terrorism were committed, which killed 5 thousand people and injured more than 11 thousand people!
Behind these statistics are human sacrifices, the bitterness of loss, the hopelessness of relatives and loved ones.

1st Reader.

Terrorism is an ulcer on the heart,
The pain of all the peoples of the Earth.
We remember all those who died
The guys came today.

2nd Reader.

Peaceful workers of New York,
Children killed in Beslan;
Blown up on airplanes
Dead soldiers in Chechnya.

3rd Reader.

Shot during the captures,
On all continents of the Earth.
Whose blood was shed innocently,
Whose lives were taken from us.

4th Reader.

Let's light funeral candles,
Let's all be silent for a moment, friends.
Their souls will see us from heaven,
How we preserve their memory!

5th Reader.

Why do we value a peaceful sky?
Our fraternal union is centuries old.
We will be with other nations

All: Living as one family in the country!

Slide 18.

Presenter: Every country has a custom of lighting candles in honor of the dead. Life is like a candle, while a person is alive, it burns with a thirst for life and gives warmth and light to people’s souls. And just as it is easy to interrupt the burning of a candle, so a person’s life can suddenly end if it finds itself in the hands of a murderer. Let the storm of terrorism never end another human life! (candles are taken out and lit).

Minute of silence (metronome).(Appendix 4 )

Slides 19, 20.

Leading: Anyone can become a hostage to criminals. Your life becomes a bargaining chip for terrorists. Seizure can occur in transport, in an institution, in an apartment. If you find yourself a hostage, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules of conduct!


1) If you find yourself hostage, know that you are not alone. Remember: experienced people are already rushing to your aid. Don’t try to run away or break out on your own - terrorists may react aggressively. Try to calm down and wait for release.
2) Prepare yourself for a long wait. It takes time for specialists to free you. They don’t waste a minute, but they must plan everything.
3) Try to mentally distract yourself from what is happening: remember the content of books, feature films, cartoons, solve problems in your mind.
4) Try not to irritate the terrorists: don’t shout, don’t cry, don’t be indignant. Do not demand immediate release either - this is impossible.
5) Do not enter into disputes with terrorists, fulfill all their demands. Remember: this is a necessary measure, you are saving yourself and those around you.
6) Remember that you may have to spend a long time without water and food - save your energy.
7) Ask permission to perform any actions (sit down, stand up, drink, go to the toilet).
8) During the operation to free you, lie on the floor face down, cover your head with your hands and do not move.

Slide 21.

Leading: Life goes on. We, now living, must maintain peace on our Earth, so that children's laughter does not stop sounding, so that we can calmly study and work, be happy people, regardless of our nationality, where we live.

1st Reader:

The sun shines for everyone
It rains for everyone!

2nd Reader:

The colors of the rainbow make me happy,
Air gives life to everyone.

3rd Reader:

Russian and Chinese,
Hungarian, Chechen, Mordovian.

4th Reader:

American and German -
To the people of the earth, to me, to you.

5th Reader:

What should we share, brothers?
Our common home is the Earth!

1st Reader:

Will open its arms to the world -
Family of fraternal peoples!

The song “Stork on the Roof” is performed by the vocalist of the studio “Izyuminka” Nazarenko A.

Slide 22.

Presenter: Everyone knows that the symbol of Peace is a dove, so our dove will become a messenger of peace.

(There is a flying dove on the screen. Its flight is accompanied by words).

1st Reader: Fly dove to heaven!

2nd Reader: Fly through the city!

3rd Reader: That we all want peace! Tell people!

4th Reader:

May there be peace on the entire planet,
Adults and children do not die!

5th Reader: And our answer to terrorism:

All: We will say loudly together: “No!”

Slide 23.

Presenter: We would like to end our event with the song “Sunny Circle”. ( Appendix 5 )

Photos from the event:

Used literature:

  1. Brass A."Cousins" or mortal enemies? Terror without borders / A. Brass. – M.: Astrel: AST, 2004.
  2. Newspaper “ABC of Security”, July 2006
  3. Orlov V. Article “War against the defenseless.” Magazine "OBZh", September 2004.
  4. Romanchenko Yu. Article “Terrorism: the current state of the problem.” Magazine "OBZh", April 2002.
  5. Terrorism is a threat to humanity in the 21st century. – M.: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 2003.
  6. Shestakov, V. Terror - world war. / V. Shestakov. – M.: OLMA-PRESS Education, 2003.
  • September 3 in Russia
  • Solidarity Day is celebrated
  • in the fight against terrorism.
  • This is the newest memorable date in Russia established federal law“About the days of military glory of Russia”
  • dated July 6, 2005.
  • She is directly related
  • with tragic events
  • in Beslan September 1-3, 2004.
  • Monument to the victims of Beslan
  • The hostage taking at school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (North Ossetia) was carried out by militants on September 1, 2004. For three days, the terrorists held more than 1,100 people in the building, mainly children, their parents and school staff, in inhumane conditions, denying the hostages even the minimum natural needs.
  • On the third day, explosions occurred at the school around 1:05 p.m., and later a fire broke out, causing a partial collapse of the building. The hostages began to run out of the school, and federal forces launched an assault. During a chaotic firefight, including civilians using sidearms, 28 terrorists were killed (one was killed during the capture and two more, including one of the suicide bombers, died on the first day).
  • The only terrorist caught alive, Nurpashi Kulaev, was arrested and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • As a result, most of the hostages were freed during the assault, but the total loss as a result of the terrorist attack was more than 330 people killed, of which 186 were children, and over 800 people wounded.
  • Blood, thousands of roses at the coffins of the dead, hundreds of crying mothers, world despair and universal sadness - is this our bright future? Think about it!
  • Tens of thousands of people have already become victims of terrorists different regions our huge country. There are no people who now, after the passage of time, do not feel compassion for the victims of terrorist attacks, for those who suffered innocently, losing their closest and dearest.
  • What makes terrorists take up arms and kill innocent people?
  • What is the reason for this senseless cruelty? These non-humans don't choose targets, they don't care who dies.
  • It is important for them to destroy our statehood, awaken fear in us, sow panic, and divide society.
  • The main target of terrorism is not those who became victims, but those who survived.
  • Its goal is not murder, but the intimidation and demoralization of the living.
  • Victims are a tool, murder is a method.
  • Terrorism is an undeclared war against Russia, against the most precious thing that we all have - our families, defenseless women, old people and children.
  • Terrorism is the creation and maintenance of panic among the population. A prerequisite for any terrorist act is public resonance. A classified, hidden or unmarked terrorist attack loses its meaning.
  • On the day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism, not only in Beslan, but throughout the country, victims of terrorist attacks, as well as law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, are remembered.
  • How can we resist this worldwide evil that is claiming thousands of human lives? Only tolerance and mutual respect will prevent the proliferation social base terrorism, will deprive criminals of hope for support in society. This is the best prevention of extremist sentiments.
  • We must remember that people of different nationalities and religions have lived together in Russia for centuries.
  • Everyone, without exception, was united by love for the Motherland, the memory of common victories and the willingness to always lend a shoulder.
  • We are a single state, a single society, a single people, and we are strong only when we unite.
  • We must fight for the security of the Fatherland together, with the participation of every citizen, each of us.
Senchenko Daria Alexandrovna
Description of material: I bring to your attention the script for a class hour for students on the topic “September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.” This event fosters a spiritual and moral personality, a sense of duty and moral responsibility to the country. The material will be of interest to teachers and class teachers for conducting a thematic event (class hour) among students.
Target: Introduction to the history of terrorism and its consequences.
- Shape personal qualities such as sympathy for victims of terrorist attacks, rejection of violence and terrorism, tolerance.
- Teach students to know and be able to act correctly and rationally in various emergency situations;
- Foster a sense of responsibility for your life and health, as well as for the lives of other people.
Presenter 1:
Good afternoon, dear students and teachers.
Presenter 2:
This class hour is dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.
(slide with the title of the class hour - Terrorism - modern problem humanity)
Presenter 1:
Terrorism is one of the global problems humanity. The problem of terrorism is global and there is not a single state in the world that can live today in complete confidence that this phenomenon will not sooner or later affect its citizens.
Presenter 2:
Every year a huge number of people die from terrorism, the most high percentage was noted in 2012, then 8,500 terrorist attacks claimed 15,000 lives worldwide.
Presenter 1:
It was record year for all the years of monitoring terrorist attacks that have been ongoing since 1970.
Terrorism, in its scale, consequences, inhumanity and cruelty, has now become one of the most terrible problems of all mankind.
Presenter 2:
IN modern Russia the most high-profile terrorist attacks are associated with the Chechen war and the activities of Chechen separatists. These are mainly explosions and hostage-takings in order to fulfill their demands.
Presenter 1:
Every year, hundreds and even thousands of people die as a result of terrorist attacks in various parts of the world. As a rule, these are peaceful citizens who have become unwitting hostages of someone’s evil will.
Presenter 2:
We want to remind you of the terrible and major terrorist attacks that occurred over the past decade.
Presenter 1:
October 15, 1970 - terrorists hijacked an An-24 with passengers on board, en route from Batumi to Sukhumi. This was the first aircraft hijacking on USSR territory.
Presenter 2:
January 8, 1977 - three explosions occurred in Moscow: at 17:33 in the metro on the stretch between the Izmailovsky Park and Pervomaiskaya stations, at 18:05 at grocery store No. 15 on Dzerzhinsky Square, at 18:10 in a cast-iron trash can near grocery store No. 5 on 25 October Street - as a result, 29 people died.
Presenter 1:
March 8, 1988 - The Ovechkin family from Irkutsk hijacked a TU-154 passenger plane flying on the Irkutsk-Kurgan-Leningrad route. The terrorists' demand is to land in London. After the plane landed at the airfield near Vyborg, the order was given for the assault, without waiting for the arrival of group “A”. As a result of the unprofessional actions of the hijacking group, three people died, including a flight attendant. Many passengers were injured. The plane was completely burned out. The only surviving terrorists were small children, 28-year-old Olga Ovechkina and 17-year-old Igor Ovechkin.
Presenter 1:
On July 28, 1994, four terrorists declared 41 passengers hostage on a regular bus traveling along the route Pyatigorsk - Stavropol - Krasnogvardeyskoye. The terrorists demanded 15 million dollars. Two hostages were killed, three more were wounded and died in the hospital. During the operation to free the hostages, one of the terrorists was killed and three were wounded. Five special forces soldiers were also injured.
Presenter 2:
June 14 - June 20, 1995 - a group of terrorists numbering 195 people, led by Shamil Basayev, took more than 1,600 hostages in a hospital in the city of Budennovsk (Stavropol Territory) in order to force the Russian authorities to stop military operations in Chechnya and enter into negotiations with the Dudayev regime. After an unsuccessful assault and negotiations, the Russian authorities agreed to give the terrorists the opportunity to leave unhindered if they released the captured hostages. Basayev's terrorist group returned to Chechnya. As a result of the terrorist attack, 129 people were killed and 415 were injured.
Presenter 1:
January 1, 1988 - explosion in Moscow at the Tretyakovskaya metro station. 3 wounded.
Presenter 2:
September 9 and September 13, 1999 - explosions of residential buildings in Moscow on Guryanov Street and on Kashirskoye Highway. 100 and 124 people died, respectively.
Presenter 2:
October 23 - October 26, 2002 - Terrorist attack on Dubrovka - a group of Chechen militants led by the Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka (Moscow). All the terrorists were destroyed during the storming of the building, the hostages were freed, but more than 120 people died from the effects of the sleeping gas used by special forces during the assault, combined with the difficult conditions in which the hostages were held (three days in a sitting position with virtually no food or water).
Presenter 1:
One of the most brutal and hateful terrorist attacks was on September 1-3 in Beslan, where a group of terrorists took over 1,300 hostages in the building of school No. 1 in Beslan (North Ossetia). The attack killed about 350 people, half of them children. Over 500 were injured. 31 terrorists were killed, 1 was arrested and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment. Shamil Basayev took responsibility for the terrorist attack.
In memory of the victims of the Beslan tragedy, in memory of all victims of terrorism - minute of silence.
Presenter 2:
It was decided not to rebuild School No. 1 after that terrible tragedy. Its walls are now a reminder of what happened then, in September 2004. A memorial sarcophagus was erected above the gym where the hostages were held so that the building, which had been badly damaged by explosions and fire, would not continue to collapse. Inside now - soft toys, water and photographs of those who were never destined to leave here.
Presenter 1:
New school built on the next street. Teachers recall that at first it was psychologically difficult for the children to return to their desks because of the horror they had experienced. But it turned out that their common grief helped unite their large school family and cope.
Presenter 2:
Those rescued remember with gratitude how special forces soldiers threw themselves at grenades, taking their blast wave upon themselves. One of the soldiers, standing at full height on the table in the middle of the dining room, extinguished the resistance of the terrorists while the hostages crawled between his legs to the window, where other special forces received them. The officers acted not according to their strict instructions, but as human beings. They simply saved the children, without thinking about themselves, exposing their breasts, shielding the children with themselves.
Presenter 1:
During the storming of the building, 10 soldiers of the FSB TsSN were killed - the largest number of losses during one operation in the entire history of Russian special forces. Among the dead were all the commanders of the three assault groups:
Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Ilyin covered the running children and the Emergencies Ministry employee diverted the terrorists’ attention to himself. Received a shrapnel wound. At the cost of his own life, he saved the members of the assault group and ensured the destruction of the remaining bandits.
Presenter 2:
Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Razumovsky (both “Vympel”) identified a new firing point and, diverting attention to himself, burst into the room from which the bandits were firing at defenseless schoolchildren. He was mortally wounded while saving the hostages. Major Alexander Perov (“Alpha”). Anticipating the explosion of a grenade, he covered 3 hostages with himself. Having received a mortal wound. He continued to direct the actions of his group as long as his heart beat.
Presenter 1:
All three were posthumously nominated for the title of “Hero of Russia”.
A year after these terrible events, a memorial dedicated to the innocent children who died was opened in Beslan.
Presenter 2:
The terrorist attack in North Ossetia left no one indifferent: memorials and monuments appeared in all corners of the world so that people would never forget about that terrible tragedy.
Presenter 1:
This is not a complete picture of the activities of international terrorism, which is increasingly trying to turn the post-Soviet space, especially Russia, into a zone of its active operations.
Presenter 2:
Only a brutal and uncompromising fight against terror will provide Russia and its citizens with confidence in the future.
Thank you for your attention!