The procedure for the use of purchased products. Application

7.1 VI is compiled according to forms 6 and 6a of Appendix A on the basis of a protocol for authorizing the use of purchased products.

Permission protocols are not attached to VI.

7.2 The VI includes only those products for which the "Protocols for the authorization of the use of purchased products" are issued according to # M12291 1200004401 GOST 2.124 # S.

7.3 Columns VI are filled in as follows:

In the column "Name" indicate the name, as well as the code or symbol of the purchased product permitted for use. The entry is made in the manner established for the "List of purchased products";

In the column "Document designation" indicate the designation of the technical document according to which the product is supplied;

In the column "Organization that issued the permit" indicate the name of the enterprise (organization) of the manufacturer or the holder of the original, from which the permit for the use of the purchased product was received;

In the column "N of the authorization protocol and date" indicate the number and date of the authorization protocol, which allowed the use of the purchased product;

In the column "Which includes (designation)" indicate the designation of the drawing (diagram) of the product, as well as, if necessary, the position or position designation of the purchased product;

In the "Note" column indicate additional data related to the purchased items being recorded.

Note - It is allowed not to develop a list of permissions for the use of purchased products, in this case, the entry in the list of purchased products (VP) in the "Note" column is given: "Protocol N ... from ...".

8 List of original holders

8.1 DPs are compiled on the basis of all specifications and statements of reference documents for products in forms 7 and 7a.

8.2 At the beginning of the statement, a set of design and reference documents is recorded, the originals of which are stored at the enterprise that holds the original specification of the product for which the DP is drawn up.

Documents for the component parts of the product;

Reference documents.

The name of the sections is written in the form of headings in the column "Name" and underlined.

At the end of the DP, the location of the original statement of the technological documents of the product (according to # M12291 1200012131 GOST 3.1201 # S) of the parent company of the manufacturer is indicated.

8.3 A set of original design and reference documents stored at the enterprise - the holder of the original, is recorded under the designation of the main design document of the product, without listing the design and reference documents included in it.

8.4 In the section "Documents for the component parts of the product" indicate the main design documents of the component parts of the product without listing the design and reference documents included in them.

Documents within the section are recommended to be written in alphabetical order by combinations of the initial letters of the codes of the developing organizations, within these codes - in ascending order of the classification characteristic, with the same classification characteristic - in ascending order of the registration number.

8.5 In the "Reference documents" section, reference documents are recorded, grouping them into subsections: "Documents for purchased products" and "Other reference documents".

In the subsection "Documents for purchased products" indicate the documents recorded in the sections "Standard products" and "Other products" of the specification, with the exception of products that are widely consumed (fasteners, paints, varnishes, shovels, etc.).

8.6 Columns DP are filled in as follows:

In the column "Designation" indicate the designation of the document;

In the column "Name":

for a set of design and reference documents of the product for which the DP is made, an entry is made: "Distributor PCT-8. A set of documents, with the exception of those recorded below";

for documents on the component parts of the product, the name of the product is given in accordance with the name indicated in the main inscription of the main design document;

for reference documents, the full name of the reference documents is given, for example: "Ceramic enamel coating. Instruction", "PT switch. Specifications";

In the column "Number of sheets" indicate the number of physical sheets in the document set on the day the DP was drawn up. The date of preparation of the document is indicated in the heading of the column. The column is filled in only for documents, the originals of which are stored at the enterprise - the holder of the originals of the main design document of the product for which the DP is drawn up. Subsequent changes in the number of sheets of DP are not made;

In the column "Holder of the original" indicate the name of the enterprise (organization) - the holder of the original;

In the column "Note" indicate, if necessary, additional information.





Official edition

stand rtmnform


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State unitary enterprise"All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH). Autonomous non-profit organization Research Center for CALS-technologies "Applied Logistics"

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and metrology (Rosstai-

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes dated November 14, 2014 Nv 72-P)

Short name of non-country by MK<ИСО 3166) 004-97

Code of the country

according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body


Zeta and Da Rt

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan









Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine

4 Order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated June 15, 2015 No. 715-st interstate standard GOST 2.124-2014 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from July 1, 2016

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 2.124-85

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted on the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standartinform. 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Sequence of purchased products application

Introduction Detail - 2016-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes a uniform procedure for all industries for the use of purchased products of domestic and foreign production in the objects under development.

The standard does not regulate the delivery of purchased products.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards on the procedure for using purchased products, depending on the specifics of objects of specific types of equipment.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards.

GOST 2.051-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.103-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Development stages

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system for design documentation. Text Documents

GOST 2.601-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Operating documents

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards". Which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the part not affecting that reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

8 of this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

product: A product is any item or set of items to be manufactured in an enterprise.

[GOST 2.101-68, paragraph 2]

Official edition

design document: A document that, individually or in combination with other documents, defines the design of a product and has a substantive and requisite part, including established signatures.

[GOST 2.001-2013. point 3.1.2)

design documentation: A set of design documents containing data. necessary for the design (development), manufacture, control, acceptance, delivery, operation, repair, modernization, disposal of the product.

[GOST 2.001-2013. paragraph 3.1.5]

3.1.4 object: An article of which the original article is an integral part.

purchased products: Purchased products include products that are not manufactured at this enterprise, but received by it in finished form, except for those obtained in the order of cooperation. To products. obtained in the order of cooperation include the components of the product being developed, manufactured at another enterprise according to the design documentation included in the set of documents of the product being developed.

[GOST 2.101-68. paragraph 7]

operational document: A design document that alone or in combination with other documents defines the rules for the operation of the product and / or reflects information. certifying the values ​​of the main parameters and characteristics (properties) of the product guaranteed by the manufacturer, guarantees and information on its operation during the established service life.

[GOST 2.601-2013, paragraph 3.1.1]

4 General provisions

4.1 A unified procedure for the use of purchased products is established in order to ensure the correct use of these products to achieve the established quality of the objects being developed.

Purchased products should be recorded in the specification of the object in which they are included, in the "Other products" section. For imported purchased products, the specification should indicate the accompanying technical documentation of foreign manufacturers (suppliers) (GOST 2.106).

4.2 Purchased products, the design documentation of which is developed in accordance with the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System, should be supplied with operational documentation in accordance with GOST 2.601. which must necessarily include either a form, or a passport, or a label, as well as, if necessary, an operating manual and other design documents (CD).

4.3 For purchased products that are used in facilities under development in full compliance with the requirements of standards, specifications, operational and other design documentation for these products, permission to use is not required.

4.4 The developer of the object is responsible for the validity and correctness of the use of purchased products.

Application - Evidence of compliance of the selected purchased product for the object being developed is the designation in the design documentation of the object being developed of the selected purchased product according to the design documentation of the manufacturer of the purchased product for guaranteeing its characteristics (standard, specifications, form, passport, label) indicating the organization (enterprise) of the manufacturer of the purchased product. The catalog number of the purchased product from the reseller's catalog is only information to facilitate the search for the purchased product and is not a guarantee of the conformity of the characteristics of the selected product.

4.5 If it is necessary to use purchased products in conditions and modes that expand the scope of their application, as well as if it is necessary to refine purchased products for installation in a facility under development, not related to the deterioration of the main technical parameters of purchased products, the use of purchased products is possible only with permission from:

a) the organization - the developer of the purchased product:

b) the organization that is responsible for issuing permission to use the purchased product;

c) organization (enterprise) - the holder of the original CD.

8 in the case when the developer organization (enterprise-producer, organization - holder of the original CD) is unknown, or known, but not available, or the organization issuing permission to use such a purchased product is not established, then the responsibility for the use of such a purchased product lies with the developer of the object , which unilaterally draws up a protocol of permission to use or a protocol of refusal to use such a purchased product.

4.6 Authorization protocol for the use of a purchased product (hereinafter - authorization protocol) for the cases specified in 4.5. obtained at any stage of development of the design documentation of an object is valid for all subsequent stages of development (according to GOST 2.103). as well as for the production, operation and repair of this facility.

4.7 The permitted conditions and modes of use of the purchased product are additional data to the guaranteed data specified in the documents for the supply of the purchased product.

4.8 An organization that gives permission for the use of purchased products in accordance with clause 4.5. is responsible for the correctness and validity of the issued permit.

4.9 When transferring the design documentation of an object (originals, copies) to another organization, permission protocols (respectively, a copy of the original or a copy thereof) for the use of purchased products included in these objects must be simultaneously transferred to another organization.

5 Procedure for issuing a permit for the use of purchased products

5.1 Permission to use purchased products in the cases specified in 4.5. should be drawn up in a protocol of permission, otherwise, a protocol of refusal to allow the use of the purchased product (hereinafter referred to as the protocol of refusal) should be drawn up.

5.2 The developer of the facility must draw up in four copies and send to the organization issuing the permit, a draft permit protocol, attaching to it the technical justification and data on the results of tests (checks) of the purchased product, carried out at the stand or as part of the facility, in the modes and conditions, according to which is being licensed.

A draft permission protocol or a refusal protocol can be made in paper or electronic form. The draft permission protocol should be drawn up in accordance with Appendix A. The refusal protocol - in accordance with Appendix B.

5.3 The developer of the facility must issue in four copies and send to the organization issuing the permit a draft permit protocol or a protocol of refusal, attaching a technical justification and data on the results of tests (checks) of the purchased product carried out at the stand or as part of the facility, in the modes and the conditions under which the permit is obtained.

When executed in electronic form, draft protocols should be certified in accordance with GOST 2.051 with established electronic signatures or an information and certifying sheet. The procedure and rules for issuing an authorization protocol and a refusal protocol in electronic form should be established by the standard of the organization.

When performed in paper form, four copies of the draft permission protocol or refusal protocol and one copy of the attached materials should be drawn up. When performed in electronic form, one copy of the draft authorization protocol or refusal protocol and attached materials should be drawn up.

5.4 In case of permission or refusal to use the purchased product, the organization (representative office). the issuer of permission or refusal, within a period of not more than three weeks, must coordinate with the representative (representative office) of the customer (if any) and approve the permission or refusal protocol, assign it a registration number and send it one copy to the following addressees:

a) the developer (manufacturer) of the object;

b) the holder of the original CD. for which the manufacture and delivery of the purchased product is carried out;

c) the manufacturer of the purchased product.

5.5 Addressees who have received approved and registered permission protocols or refusal protocols should take into account and store them in the manner established by the organization.

5.6 In case of refusal of permission, a protocol of refusal with its justification must be drawn up. 8, the failure protocol should indicate the reason for the failure and recommendations for replacing this purchased product with another one that is most suitable for use in the facility. Simultaneously with the response, the developer of the object should return three copies of the draft protocol of refusal and the materials attached to it (if executed in paper form), when drawing up the protocol of refusal to permit in electronic form, the draft permit protocol and the materials attached to it are not returned.

5.7 If, when reviewing the draft permit protocol and the materials attached to it, it is revealed that it is necessary to conduct additional tests (checks) of the purchased product, the organization (enterprise) issuing the permit, within a period of not more than two weeks from the date of receipt of the draft permit protocol, informs the developer of the object about this.

The program and timing of additional tests (carried out by both parties or one of the parties) should be established by the organization (enterprise) issuing the permit, in agreement with the developer of the facility and with the representative of the customer with them (if any).

Based on the results of additional tests (checks), the organization (enterprise) issuing the permit must make a decision on the use of the purchased product in the object being developed.

5.8 Based on the authorization protocols, the organization - the developer of the object or the organization - the holder of the original TIN and some design documentation for the object being developed must draw up a list of permissions for the use of purchased products in accordance with GOST 2.106.

Annex A (mandatory)

Form of the protocol of authorization for the use of the purchased product


(position, organization issuing permits)

(initials, surname)



permission to use the purchased product M "_

1 Name, as well as code or symbol of the purchased product_

on compliance with the document.

on which the production and delivery is carried out

2 Designation of the document according to which the delivery of the purchased product is carried out

GOST. OST.RST. STO.FO. PS. ETTU. ISO. IEC. document of an import company Z 11 Predlriyatib (s) - manufacturer (s) of the purchased product_

4 Permit issuer_

5 Organization - developer (enterprise - manufacturer) of the object or organization - holder of the original design documentation of the object_

7 Assignment of the purchased product in the object being developed in Designation of the design document of the object on which the installation of the purchased product is carried out

9 Reason for authorization to use (according to 4.5 of this standard)

1> Filling is carried out by the organization issuing the permit.

10 Conditions and mode of use of the purchased product

11 Attached Documents

From the organization - developer (enterprise - manufacturer) of the object.

1 Name, as well as the code and the symbol of the purchased product_

but in accordance with the document.

according to which the manufacture and delivery is carried out 2 Designation of the document according to which the delivery of the purchased item is carried out

GOST. OST. RST.STO. FO. PS.ET.TU. ISO. IEC. document of an import company Z 11 Enterprise (s) - manufacturer (s) of the purchased product_

A Organization issuing the permit_

5 Organization - developer (enterprise - manufacturer) of the object ipi organization - holder of the originals of the CD object_

6 Name, code or symbol of the object

7 Name of the purchased product in the object being developed in Designation of the design document of the object for which the installation of the purchased product is carried out 9 Declared conditions and mode of use of the purchased product

1> Filling out is carried out by the organization issuing the denial of permission

10 Reason for refusal of authorization to use (in accordance with 4.5 of this standard)

From the organization (enterprise) issuing the permit:

From the organization - developer (manufacturer) of the object:

(job title)

(job title)

(initials. surname)


(initials. surname)




Representation of the customer at the organization (enterprise) issuing the permit

Representation of the customer in the organization - developer (enterprise - manufacturer) of the object

(initials. surname)


(initials. surname)


11 Agreed if there is a representation of the customer.

UDC 62(084.11):006.354 MKS 01.100 OKSTU0002

Keywords: design documentation, purchased product, permission to use the purchased product

Editor T.N. Kustova Proofreader I.A. Koroleva Computer layout I.A. Naloykina

Handed over and set 11/10/2015. Signed for publication on 12/15/2016. Format 60*84/4 Headset Arma l. Uel. oven l. MO. Un.-over. clause 1.12. Tiram 350 eka. Eac. 3777.

Published and printed by FSUE STANDARTINFORM. 12399S Moscow. Garnet lane.. 4




GOST 2.124-85



Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation.
Sequence of purchased products application


Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 13, 1984 No. 123 established the introduction date


This standard establishes a uniform procedure for all industries for the use of purchased products in developed objects *.

** An object is a product in which a purchased product is used. The term "Purchased product" - by.

The standard does not regulate the delivery of purchased products.


1.1. A single procedure for the use of purchased products is established in order to ensure the correct use of these products to achieve the established quality of the objects being developed.

1.2. Purchased products that are used in facilities under development in full compliance with the requirements of standards and specifications for these products do not require permission to use.

1.3. 1.4.(Deleted, Rev. No. 1).

1.5. The developer of the object is responsible for the validity and correctness of the use of purchased products.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

1.7. Permission to use purchased products for the cases specified in clause , obtained at any stage of the development of the design documentation of the facility, is valid for all subsequent stages of development, as well as for the production and operation of the facility.

1.8. The permitted modes and conditions for the use of the purchased product are additional data to the guaranteed data specified in the documents for the supply of the purchased product.

The organization that gives permission for the use of purchased products is responsible for the correctness and validity of the issued permission.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

1.9. When transferring the original design documentation of an object to another enterprise, protocols of permission for the use of purchased products in these objects or their copies must be simultaneously transferred.


2.1. Permission to use purchased products in the cases specified in paragraph , is issued by a protocol for authorizing the use of purchased products (hereinafter referred to as the authorization protocol) (see the mandatory appendix).

2.2. The developer (manufacturer) of the object draws up in four copies and sends to the organization issuing the permit, a draft permit protocol, attaching to it the technical justification and data on the results of tests (checks) of the purchased product, carried out at the stand or as part of the facility, in the modes and conditions, for which a permit is being obtained.

2.3. In case of permission to use the purchased product, the organization issuing the permission, within a period of not more than 20 days, signs and approves the permission protocol, assigns a registration number to it and sends one copy to the following recipients:

a) the developer (manufacturer) of the object;

b) the holder of the original documents, according to which the manufacture and delivery of the purchased product is carried out;

c) the manufacturer of the purchased product.

2.4. Addressees who have received an approved and registered protocol of permission, take into account and store it in the manner established in the industries.

2.5. In the event of a refusal to permit the use of a purchased product, the organization issuing the permit draws up a written refusal agreed with the customer’s representative (if any) and sends it to the developer (manufacturer) of the facility within two weeks, indicating the reason for the refusal and recommendations for replacing this purchased product. products to another, most suitable for use in the facility. Simultaneously with the answer, three copies of the draft protocol and the materials attached to it are returned.

2.6. If, when considering the draft permit protocol and the materials attached to it, it is revealed that it is necessary to conduct additional tests (checks) of the purchased product, the organization issuing the permit, within a period of not more than 10 days from the date of receipt of the draft permit protocol, informs the developer of the object about this.

The program and timing of additional tests (carried out by both parties or one of the parties) are established by the organization issuing the permit, in agreement with the developer (manufacturer) of the object and with the customer's representatives in their presence (if any).

Based on the results of additional tests (checks), the permit issuing organization makes a decision on the use of the purchased product in the object being developed.

2.7. Based on the authorization protocols, the holder of the original design documentation for the object being developed draws up a statement of permission to use purchased products (VI) according to.




(position, organization issuing permits)



(the date)

PROTOCOL №_________

permission to use the purchased product

1. Name, as well as code or symbol of the purchased product ______

in accordance with the document according to which the manufacture and delivery is carried out

2. Designation of the document according to which the purchased product is manufactured and delivered __________________



3*. Enterprise (s) - manufacturer (s) of the purchased product ______________________

* Filling out is carried out by the organization issuing the permit.

4. Organization issuing the permit ______________________________________

5. Enterprise (organization) - developer (manufacturer) of the object or enterprise (organization) holder of the original design documentation of the object (manufacturer) _________________



6. Name, code or symbol of the object _______________________


7. Purpose of the purchased product in the object being developed ___________________


8. Designation of the drawing (diagram) of the object according to which the purchased product is installed


9. Reason for obtaining permission to use (in accordance with clause of this standard)


10. Conditions and modes of use of the purchased product _________________________

11. Attached documents ________________________________________________


From the issuing authority:

From the enterprise (organization) - the developer (manufacturer) of the object:


(job title)


(job title)

__________________________ (surname, name, o.)


___________________________ (surname, name, name)






customer representative at the organization issuing the permit

representative of the customer at the enterprise (organization) - the developer (manufacturer) of the object

______________________ (surname, and., o.)


______________________ (surname, and., o.)




* To be agreed if there is a representative of the customer.

GOST 2.124-85

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Sequence of purchased products application

ISS 01.110
OKSTU 0002

Introduction date 1985-04-01

By the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR on Standards of January 22, 1985 N 123, the introduction date was set to 1985-04-01

Edition (April 2011) with Amendment No. 1 approved in August 1995 (IUS 10-95)

Amendment N 2 GOST 2.124-85 Unified system for design documentation. The procedure for using purchased products

Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes N 33 dated 28.08.2008).

Registered by the IGU Standards Bureau N 5795

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to IEC (ISO 3166) 004]

The effective date of this change is determined by the designated national standards bodies*
* Date of entry into force on the territory of the Russian Federation - 2009-07-01.

By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 25, 2008 N 701-st, it was put into effect on the territory of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2009 with the right of early application

This standard establishes a uniform procedure for all industries for the use of purchased products of domestic and foreign production in the objects under development*.


* An object is a product in which a purchased product is used. The term "Purchased product" - according to GOST 2.101-68.

The standard does not regulate the delivery of purchased products.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards on the procedure for using purchased products, depending on the objects of specific types of equipment, taking into account their specifics.



1.1. A single procedure for the use of purchased products is established in order to ensure the correct use of these products to achieve the established quality of the objects being developed.

1.2. For purchased products that are used in the objects under development in full compliance with the requirements of standards, specifications and other technical documentation for these products, no authorization is required.

1.3, 1.4. (Excluded, Rev. N 1).

1.5. The developer of the object is responsible for the validity and correctness of the use of purchased products.

1.6. If it is necessary to use purchased products in modes and conditions that expand the scope of their application, as well as if it is necessary to refine the purchased products for installation in the facility being developed, not related to the deterioration of the main technical parameters of the purchased products, the use of purchased products is possible only with the permission of the enterprise - manufacturer of the purchased product or the organization that is responsible for issuing a permit for the use of purchased products.

In the event that the manufacturer is unknown, or known, but not available, or the organization issuing permission for the use of such a purchased product is not established, then the responsibility for the use of such a purchased product lies with the developer, who unilaterally draws up an authorization protocol in accordance with Appendix .

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

1.7. Permission to use purchased products for the cases specified in clause 1.6, obtained at any stage of the development of the design documentation of the facility, is valid for all subsequent stages of development, as well as for the production, operation and repair of the facility.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

1.8. The permitted modes and conditions for the use of the purchased product are additional data to the guaranteed data specified in the documents for the supply of the purchased product.

The organization that gives permission for the use of purchased products is responsible for the correctness and validity of the issued permission.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

1.9. When transferring the original design documentation of an object to another enterprise, protocols of permission for the use of purchased products in these objects or their copies must be simultaneously transferred.


2.1. Permission to use purchased products in the cases specified in clause 1.6 is issued by a protocol for authorizing the use of purchased products (hereinafter referred to as the authorization protocol) (see the mandatory appendix).

2.2. The developer (manufacturer) of the object draws up in four copies and sends to the organization issuing the permit, a draft permit protocol, attaching to it the technical justification and data on the results of tests (checks) of the purchased product, carried out at the stand or as part of the facility, in the modes and conditions, for which a permit is being obtained.

The draft permit protocol may be executed in electronic form. In this case, it is certified by the established electronic digital signatures or by an information and certification sheet made in accordance with GOST 2.051-2006. The procedure and rules for issuing a permit protocol in electronic form are established by the standard of the organization.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

2.3. In case of permission to use the purchased product, the organization issuing the permission, within a period of not more than 20 days, signs and approves the permission protocol, assigns a registration number to it and sends one copy to the following recipients:

a) the developer (manufacturer) of the object;

b) the holder of the original documents, according to which the manufacture and delivery of the purchased product is carried out;

c) the manufacturer of the purchased product.

2.4. Addressees who have received an approved and registered protocol of permission, take into account and store it in the manner established in the industries.

2.5. In case of refusal to permit the use of a purchased product, the organization issuing the permit, in writing or in electronic form, draws up a refusal agreed with the representative of the customer (if any), and sends it to the developer (manufacturer) of the object within two weeks, indicating the reason for the refusal and recommendations to replace this purchased product with another one that is more suitable for use in the facility. Simultaneously with the answer, three copies of the draft protocol and the materials attached to it are returned.

When registering a refusal to permit the use of a purchased product made in electronic form, the draft authorization protocol and the materials attached to it are not returned.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

2.6. If, when considering the draft permit protocol and the materials attached to it, it is revealed that it is necessary to conduct additional tests (checks) of the purchased product, the organization issuing the permit, within a period of not more than 10 days from the date of receipt of the draft permit protocol, informs the developer of the object about this.

The program and timing of additional tests (carried out by both parties or one of the parties) are established by the organization issuing the permit, in agreement with the developer (manufacturer) of the object and with the customer's representatives in their presence (if any).

Based on the results of additional tests (checks), the permit issuing organization makes a decision on the use of the purchased product in the object being developed.

2.7. Based on the authorization protocols, the holder of the original design documentation for the object being developed draws up a statement of permission to use purchased products (VI) in accordance with GOST 2.106-96.

APPENDIX (mandatory). PROTOCOL of approval of the use of the purchased product


PROTOCOL N_________
permission to use the purchased product

1. Name, as well as code or symbol of the purchased product _____________________

in accordance with the document


according to which production and delivery are carried out

2. Designation of the document according to which the purchased product is manufactured and delivered ___




3*. Enterprise (s) - manufacturer (s) of the purchased product ____________________________________


4. Organization issuing the permit _________________________________________________

5. Enterprise (organization) - developer (manufacturer) of an object or enterprise (organization)

holder of the object's original CDs (manufacturer) _____________________________________________

6. Name, code or symbol of the object ____________________________________


7. Purpose of the purchased product in the object being developed ________________________________


8. Designation of the design document of the object on which the installation of the purchased

products _____________________________________________________________________________

9. Reason for obtaining permission to use (in accordance with clause 1.6 of this standard) _____


10. Conditions and modes of use of the purchased product _______________________________________



* Filling out is carried out by the organization issuing the permit.

Parameter value

Name of permitted parameters or requirements

according to the document according to which the delivery of the purchased product is made

actually in the object

11. Attached documents ____________________________________________________________


From the issuing authority:


(job title)



customer representative at the organization issuing the permit



From the enterprise (organization) - the developer (manufacturer) of the object:


(job title)

_____________________________ (surname, name, o.)



representative of the customer at the enterprise (organization) - the developer (manufacturer) of the object

____________________ (surname, name, o.)


* To be agreed if there is a representative of the customer.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation.
Basic provisions: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2011




GOST 2.124-85



Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation.
Sequence of purchased products application


Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 13, 1984 No. 123 established the introduction date


This standard establishes a uniform procedure for all industries for the use of purchased products in developed objects *.

** An object is a product in which a purchased product is used. The term "Purchased product" - by.

The standard does not regulate the delivery of purchased products.


1.1. A single procedure for the use of purchased products is established in order to ensure the correct use of these products to achieve the established quality of the objects being developed.

1.2. Purchased products that are used in facilities under development in full compliance with the requirements of standards and specifications for these products do not require permission to use.

1.3. 1.4.(Deleted, Rev. No. 1).

1.5. The developer of the object is responsible for the validity and correctness of the use of purchased products.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

1.7. Permission to use purchased products for the cases specified in clause , obtained at any stage of the development of the design documentation of the facility, is valid for all subsequent stages of development, as well as for the production and operation of the facility.

1.8. The permitted modes and conditions for the use of the purchased product are additional data to the guaranteed data specified in the documents for the supply of the purchased product.

The organization that gives permission for the use of purchased products is responsible for the correctness and validity of the issued permission.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

1.9. When transferring the original design documentation of an object to another enterprise, protocols of permission for the use of purchased products in these objects or their copies must be simultaneously transferred.


2.1. Permission to use purchased products in the cases specified in paragraph , is issued by a protocol for authorizing the use of purchased products (hereinafter referred to as the authorization protocol) (see the mandatory appendix).

2.2. The developer (manufacturer) of the object draws up in four copies and sends to the organization issuing the permit, a draft permit protocol, attaching to it the technical justification and data on the results of tests (checks) of the purchased product, carried out at the stand or as part of the facility, in the modes and conditions, for which a permit is being obtained.

2.3. In case of permission to use the purchased product, the organization issuing the permission, within a period of not more than 20 days, signs and approves the permission protocol, assigns a registration number to it and sends one copy to the following recipients:

a) the developer (manufacturer) of the object;

b) the holder of the original documents, according to which the manufacture and delivery of the purchased product is carried out;

c) the manufacturer of the purchased product.

2.4. Addressees who have received an approved and registered protocol of permission, take into account and store it in the manner established in the industries.

2.5. In the event of a refusal to permit the use of a purchased product, the organization issuing the permit draws up a written refusal agreed with the customer’s representative (if any) and sends it to the developer (manufacturer) of the facility within two weeks, indicating the reason for the refusal and recommendations for replacing this purchased product. products to another, most suitable for use in the facility. Simultaneously with the answer, three copies of the draft protocol and the materials attached to it are returned.

2.6. If, when considering the draft permit protocol and the materials attached to it, it is revealed that it is necessary to conduct additional tests (checks) of the purchased product, the organization issuing the permit, within a period of not more than 10 days from the date of receipt of the draft permit protocol, informs the developer of the object about this.

The program and timing of additional tests (carried out by both parties or one of the parties) are established by the organization issuing the permit, in agreement with the developer (manufacturer) of the object and with the customer's representatives in their presence (if any).

Based on the results of additional tests (checks), the permit issuing organization makes a decision on the use of the purchased product in the object being developed.

2.7. Based on the authorization protocols, the holder of the original design documentation for the object being developed draws up a statement of permission to use purchased products (VI) according to.




(position, organization issuing permits)



(the date)

PROTOCOL №_________

permission to use the purchased product

1. Name, as well as code or symbol of the purchased product ______

in accordance with the document according to which the manufacture and delivery is carried out

2. Designation of the document according to which the purchased product is manufactured and delivered __________________



3*. Enterprise (s) - manufacturer (s) of the purchased product ______________________

* Filling out is carried out by the organization issuing the permit.

4. Organization issuing the permit ______________________________________

5. Enterprise (organization) - developer (manufacturer) of the object or enterprise (organization) holder of the original design documentation of the object (manufacturer) _________________



6. Name, code or symbol of the object _______________________


7. Purpose of the purchased product in the object being developed ___________________


8. Designation of the drawing (diagram) of the object according to which the purchased product is installed


9. Reason for obtaining permission to use (in accordance with clause of this standard)


10. Conditions and modes of use of the purchased product _________________________

Name of permitted parameters or requirements

Parameter value

according to the document according to which the delivery of the purchased product is made

actually in the object

11. Attached documents ________________________________________________


From the issuing authority:

From the enterprise (organization) - the developer (manufacturer) of the object:


(job title)


(job title)

__________________________ (surname, name, o.)


___________________________ (surname, name, name)






customer representative at the organization issuing the permit

representative of the customer at the enterprise (organization) - the developer (manufacturer) of the object

______________________ (surname, and., o.)


______________________ (surname, and., o.)




* To be agreed if there is a representative of the customer.