New business ideas. Business plan for a household appliance repair company Premises and location

One of the important conditions for any business is minimizing the initial capital. It is this factor that allows you to minimize possible risks. But there are very few such business ideas and all of them, as they say, are worth their weight in gold. One of these promising options is refrigerator repair. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of costs, but there is also no need to invest amounts, as when organizing a large engineering company (for example, Ingersoll Rand).

You should initially focus on household refrigerators, as well as refrigeration equipment for small businesses. It is the easiest to maintain and repair, and therefore does not require special knowledge and experience from you (and the specialists you hire). In most cases, refrigerators have a fairly simple design, and therefore repairs consist of identifying faults and replacing failed parts with new ones.

Minor faults can be corrected on the spot. To do this, you need to have with you not only a set of tools, but also several thermal relays and temperature sensors for various (the most common) models. They are the ones that most often fail.

More complex breakdowns can only be repaired in a workshop, and therefore you need to take care of the premises, part of which may serve as an office. When the level of orders becomes constant, part of the staff will always be busy in the workshop, and part - on the road. For repair company in a small town, 4 people are enough - 2 on the road, 2 in the workshop.

In order to organize the delivery of equipment, you will need transport. One cargo Gazelle will be enough. This can be either a personal car or cargo taxi with whom you enter into an oral (or written) agreement. If the city is small and there are not many orders (especially large ones), then it is not at all necessary to have a driver on staff.

It’s another matter if you have a large volume of orders, or you cooperate under a contract with authorized services. Then you will have to send some of the equipment that cannot be repaired in your workshop there, and for this you simply need transport.

It is quite difficult to make any profit calculations, but you can roughly estimate that with an average cost of home repairs of 500-700 rubles and repairs in a workshop of 1500-3000 rubles, provided there is a good number of orders, it is quite possible to receive 200-300 thousand in net income per year. a month, which even for 4 staff and one driver is a lot of money.
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Choose a business concept. All subsequent steps depend on this. Modern repair companies household appliances are divided into two types:

  1. Mono-brand are service centers of a specific manufacturer of household appliances. Here there is an additional division into types - completely dependent on the manufacturer, relatively independent and working on the terms of an equal partnership.
  2. Multi-brand – fulfill maintenance and repair of household appliances, mobile phones and computers of any brands.

The second type is preferable, because this way you expand target audience. But newcomers often start under the wing of a popular trademark, this significantly reduces risks and does not require significant initial investments in Mastara advertising. The choice depends on the qualifications of your craftsmen, the characteristics of the city and consumer demand.

Main risks

High-quality and prompt repair of household appliances is in constant demand. During periods of crisis, when consumers are forced to give up expensive purchases, the need for this service increases. The main risks are associated with subjective factors - low qualifications and irresponsibility of employees, lack of a clear and thoughtful business plan.

Competition in this area is very high. Repair of household appliances is carried out not only by officially operating companies and service centers of manufacturers. A lot of craftsmen work informally at home. You must offer clients high-quality and affordable services and find a reasonable balance between these factors to obtain a decent profit.

It is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, because to adequately diagnose breakdowns you need modern equipment. Much also depends on the quality of the parts - finding reliable suppliers offering reasonable prices is also an important point.


There is enough room for work total area 80 m², divided into a reception point and rooms for the work of craftsmen. If you plan to work in a small town, you can rent a room as close to the center as possible - the price per square meter is low here.

In large cities with high competition and rental costs, a beginner will have to look for compromise options. Pay attention to the new residential areas. The density of residents in them is quite high, but the infrastructure has not yet been established. An excellent option is a workshop in an area with low rental costs and several acceptance points scattered throughout the city. Payroll costs will increase, but you will gain a significant advantage by offering your services to as wide a range of potential clients as possible.

Beginners use another option. One large workshop is located in a densely populated residential area with low rental costs. The company offers services at the client's home. The technician comes out, conducts diagnostics and, if necessary, takes household appliances to the workshop for repair.


In the absence of a large start-up capital, many workshops start work with a minimum set - an oscilloscope, a tester, a soldering iron and hand tools. But for high-quality and prompt customer service, it is necessary to assemble a decent set of professional equipment:

Spectrum analyzer - about 40,000 rubles.
- Ampere-voltmeter - about 6,000 rubles.
- Frequency meter - high-quality models are offered at prices starting from 300,000 rubles.
- Professional set of tools and accessories - about 200,000 rubles.

To provide prompt customer service, it is necessary to equip the warehouse with at least a minimum set of the most popular spare parts. Ideally, for this you need to prepare about 1,000,000 rubles. This large amount, not all beginners have the opportunity to purchase everything they need at once. Experienced entrepreneurs advise finding a reliable supplier with a wide range of quality parts that provides fast delivery. But you must invest part of your profits in purchasing the most popular spare parts and forming your own warehouse.

You will also need comfortable furniture for the craftsmen to work with, good lighting, and modern ventilation. The workshop is also equipped with shelves for storing parts and household appliances awaiting repair or shipping to the client. This item of starting expenses will cost another 200,000-300,000 rubles.

Availability of transport for delivery of orders is required. Best choice a Gazelle pickup truck, a used car in good condition, can be bought for 120,000 rubles.


The most important employees for this business are skilled craftsmen. on their wages You can't save money. The best payment system is a fixed rate + a percentage of revenue, which depends on the volume of orders completed by each employee. At first, you can hire two craftsmen; as the number of orders increases, you can expand your staff.

At the initial stage, the business owner can deal with organizational issues, searching for new clients and quality control. But over time, it is advisable to hire a chief foreman and deal with business expansion issues.

Maintaining financial statements must be entrusted to an experienced accountant. The specific nature of the workshop’s work is such that it will not be possible to outsource this area.

Documents and licenses

A household appliance repair shop can operate as an individual entrepreneur and choose the UTII taxation system. But if you plan to work with legal entities, it is better to choose the simplified tax system. Registration of a company takes five working days, the state fee costs 800 rubles. Special requirements from SES is not expected. Fire supervision in this area is stricter. Find out these requirements in advance; they include reliability of wiring, ventilation and many other nuances that must be taken into account when searching for premises and carrying out repair work.

The specifics of the work of a workshop for repairing household appliances, which involves frequent visits to clients' homes, requires the use of strict reporting forms. They must be registered with the tax office.


Minimum starting investments to open a full-fledged workshop is about 6,000,000 rubles. In the first months of operation, the company's profitability will not exceed 10%. Many workshops only work on coating current expenses and acquisition necessary equipment 1-2 years. But with the right approach to pricing policy and a high level of service, you can gradually increase the profitability of your business. This direction is low-profit, but stable.


Advertising for the workshop should be very active. Use any available methods. Your sign should be visible from afar and attract the attention of passersby. Be sure to place a phone number on outdoor advertising - it should be simple and easy to remember. If a person breaks down household appliance, he will remember you and call.

Competent pricing policy is one of the most important factors. Offer your clients free diagnostics. You can immediately include the cost of a troubleshooting technician’s work in the cost of repairs. But availability free service always attracts customers.

The company's website and active efforts to popularize it in a modern city are a necessity. Provide the opportunity to call a repairman and describe the essence of the breakdown online. Many people look for a master on the Internet and choose a company whose website they saw among the first positions. Traditional advertisements, business cards, and advertising in local media also give good results. It is also worth thinking about buying old models of household appliances. This will allow you to create a warehouse of rare spare parts. Household appliances quickly become obsolete. Manufacturers offer new models, and after just a few years it is very difficult to find spare parts for the old one.


Repairing household appliances is not the best profitable business. But it has stable demand.

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A business in the installation and maintenance of split systems and air conditioners is a profitable and relatively simple undertaking for new entrepreneurs. Climate control technology is used everywhere, so there is no shortage of potential client, in need of high-quality installation and service of such equipment, will not be available.

Where to start a business

Initially, you need to register your future activities with the tax authorities, that is, register as individual entrepreneur. Why do you need these documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and application for state registration;
  • a receipt (cheque) confirming payment of the state duty,
  • scanned copy of TIN certificate.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is the least expensive in terms of finances and time. In this case, a simplified taxation system will be applied, in which 6 to 15% is levied in favor of the state (or with net profit, or from gross income). When submitting your application, please indicate the following OKVED codes:

  • 29.23.9, is responsible for the provision of installation, repair work and maintenance of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment;
  • 45.33, regulates sanitary and technical work at facilities.

The following additional codes may also be useful, which will allow you to expand the scope of the enterprise’s activities in the legal field:

  • 51.43.1 - Wholesale trade in household electrical goods;
  • 52.45.1 - Retail sale of household electrical goods;
  • 74.20.15 - Design in the field of air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, etc.

Licensing of activities

If we're talking about only about air conditioner maintenance (without installation work), then no permissions are required for this. When the activity also extends to the installation and repair of climate control equipment, which are equated to the construction industry, then to be admitted to such a business you need to be a participant self-regulatory organization(SRO). To enter the SRO, you must pay an entry fee, as well as prove a sufficient level of competence and the ability to competently carry out engineering surveys and installation work.

Office organization

At the beginning entrepreneurial activity You can do without an office by negotiating with clients on their or neutral territory, as well as by telephone. But in the future it is better to have your own representative office, and in an area where it will be convenient for you to serve the largest number of customers. To organize an office, a room of 20-30 square meters is sufficient; it will be possible to place office equipment, furniture, communications equipment, accept orders, and draw up service contracts.

It is advisable for a novice businessman to locate office space in a large residential area, where there will be a large volume of work in multi-apartment high-rises. It’s good if residential areas with developed infrastructure are being built nearby. Then it will be possible to receive orders for maintenance or installation of climate control not only in apartments, but shopping centers, beauty salons, pharmacies and other organizations.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The amount of primary investment depends on the climatic conditions of the region, local pricing policy and demand for the service. At the initial stage, you can only deal with servicing air conditioners and split systems. Your responsibilities: replacement, refilling of components and other services without dismantling/installing equipment. That's why starting capital will go to:

  • rent office space— 20,000 rubles;
  • advertising campaigns - 25,000 rubles;
  • purchase of office equipment, household expenses, office equipment - 8,000-10,000 rubles;
  • Fuel and lubricants and other expenses - 40,000 rubles.

If you plan to install purchased air conditioners or split systems, then it makes sense to purchase (order) several options of equipment in bulk of different price groups and configurations. To then resell them with installation. This will require, in dollar terms, from 20 to 50 thousand in the regions of the Russian Federation, and up to 150 thousand in Moscow and the region.

How profitable is the business?

The peak demand for services for installation, testing or repair of climate control equipment occurs in spring and summer. Prices for services depend on the device model. For example, diagnostics of a regular window air conditioner costs 1,150 rubles, and a split system (cassette) costs 1,300 rubles. Checking the operation of a multi-split system (both units) will cost the client 6,500 rubles. and so on. Cleaning the indoor unit (including the evaporator and drainage) in various modifications and without dismantling can cost from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. A service with dismantling costs up to 7 thousand rubles, and serious repairs have an upper price limit of about 20 thousand rubles.

Plus - refilling cooling systems with freon averages 1,200 rubles, and the price of freon is 1,000 rubles per kg. The average cost of delivery and installation of one air conditioner reaches 25-30 thousand rubles. By servicing two or three orders per week for installation and several for diagnostics, you can achieve an income of 300-700 thousand in the first month of activity.

In the future, having gained experience and clientele, it makes sense to expand the range of climate services, since business registration in accordance with OKVED codes allows this. Since it is not only air conditioning, but also ventilation and heating. In addition, reputable companies enter into contracts for year-round climate control service.

A one-time service during the operation of the equipment can cost the client between 3500-4000 rubles. Regular maintenance, for example, of 3 split systems under a contract, which includes refueling, can cost from 3 to 20 thousand per year. The price depends on how much service work the company undertakes to do and on the type of equipment.

Technology of installation and service of climate control equipment, installation equipment

Air conditioner maintenance service consists of: cleaning the filters in the indoor unit and in the drainage system, monitoring the temperature difference and cleaning the heat exchanger of the unit inside, checking the operating pressure in the system, charging with freon, as well as diagnosing various malfunctions. It is possible to dismantle equipment in order to detect malfunctions, repairs, and more.

The installation process of air conditioning equipment consists of: installing outdoor and indoor units, laying inter-unit communications. A fairly simple technology requires a certain professionalism from installers. Since dirt and dust getting into the refrigeration circuit will damage the unit. The aesthetic appearance of the entire system and its connecting elements is also important. Therefore, it is better to have your own trained staff rather than hire third-party workers who can create an unattractive image for your company.

To perform work on installing air conditioners, you will need the following list of tools:

  • hammer drills (at least 2 pcs.);
  • wall chaser, in as a last resort Bulgarian;
  • vacuum pump - removes moisture/air from the cooling circuit;
  • industrial concrete pump;
  • charging cylinder and pressure manifold;
  • apparatus for testing the cooling circuit for leaks;
  • tools for cutting, bending, scraping and rolling pipes;
  • equipment for soldering pipes.
  • kits for working with freon.

The cost of a set of tools (installation, repair, diagnostic) can range from five hundred to five thousand in dollar equivalent.

Advertising and promotion of climate services

When starting a business, you will need a large advertising campaign so that you are recognized in the services market. To do this you need to use banners, streamers, print media and online advertising. Distribution of booklets in residential and office areas, personal acquaintance with managers construction companies and so on. Do not skimp on the website, where information about the service, prices, contacts and the ability to order any work online will be presented in an accessible form.

If you are tech-savvy and comfortable with electronic devices, and can’t spend a day without fixing something, then the refrigerator restoration business is what you need! Or let's say you have friends refrigerator repairman, well, what about you, an entrepreneur with capital letters, it’s simply a sin not to take advantage of creating good capital on this. In this article we will try to explain how to start your own small business by repairing refrigeration units at home, and as a result, earn a good income.

What's the benefit?

In such a matter as repairing refrigerators, there is one big advantage - it is a minimum of costs and investments. This is especially important when you want to start, but you doubt whether it will trample or not. Of course, you will still have to spend a certain amount, at least to purchase a minimum quantity of the most popular spare parts for refrigerators, and of course, you can’t do without freon. But if you compare the costs of opening a cafe, hairdresser or store, then buying equipment for repairing refrigerators is a trifle. The advantages of working at the customer’s home are convenience for the client, since taking the refrigerator to a service center is quite problematic in terms of time and money. For the master, the advantage is that you don’t have to pay for renting the premises. After business goes up, you can, of course, rent a room and organize a workshop, hire not one, but several craftsmen, as well as buy a delivery vehicle. But all this will happen later, and at the beginning of opening a business, you will have to minimize costs.

Where to start?

first of all, you need good specialist for refrigerator repairs. If you have it, then 50% of success is in your pocket. Discuss the terms of cooperation with him. If this is a beginner, without tools, then it would be fair to share the profit from each order 50/50, since you need to buy everything you need. If the master is experienced and has his own tool, then offer 60-70% of the total income.

Your primary task will be to find a client, for this you need to launch a good advertising campaign - this is very important at the beginning of starting a business, and then word of mouth will significantly simplify the task of finding clients, but this is subject to good quality of work performed, service and a flexible pricing policy. To get started, try placing ads in local newspapers, radio and television. Banners around the city with the inscription, for example, “ refrigerator repair in Kharkov at the most low prices at home"will definitely do their job. It will be great if you advertise in public transport in your city, in trolleybuses, subways, minibuses, etc. Hire a person to post notices and hand out sheets of paper at the subway exit with a repair list. How well you succeed as an advertising agent will affect your income.