What does the commercial offer include? Commercial proposal - its structure and types, tips for drafting

The commercial offer plays an important role in the promotion and development of the company.

With a correctly drawn up commercial offer, the volume of orders and sales increases, which, accordingly, increases profits.

Types of commercial offers

There are two types: “cold” and “hot” commercial offer.

  • With a “cold” commercial offer, the shipment is made to an unprepared client. In other words, it's spam. People most often are not particularly enthusiastic about such mailings, but the main task of a commercial proposal is to interest a potential client and get the letter to be read to the end. The most important advantage of a “cold” commercial offer is its mass appeal and large audience reach. However, in practice, responses are more responsive from commercial offers coming to a specific, specific person.
  • The second type of commercial offer is a “hot” offer, which is sent at the request of the client himself or with whom negotiations have already been conducted. Increasingly popular in lately uses a commercial offer in the form of a presentation.

Commercial offer structure

It is advisable for each company to have its own commercial proposal template.

  1. Title. It plays a huge role, especially with a “cold” commercial offer. The title should be catchy, intriguing, attract maximum attention and make you want to read the entire letter.
  2. Offer. At this stage, it is necessary to arouse the interest of the recipient of the letter with the potential benefit for him, so that he continues to read the offer letter.
  3. Belief. Here you need to convince the client that exactly this product(service) he needs, and he must place the order through the company that sent the letter.
  4. Limitation. Many people forget about this point, but it is necessary. On a subconscious level, it forces a person to study the product more carefully (if the quantity of goods in the commercial offer is limited) or to immediately focus on the timing (if the commercial offer is valid only for a certain period).
  5. Next comes the call. It should be short but strong, calling for a specific action.
  6. Don't forget about your contacts and provide as complete information as possible.

In your commercial proposal, try to include reviews of the company’s work, visual images, and photographs.

And remember that a correctly drawn up commercial proposal is already half the success!

Below is a standard form and a sample commercial proposal template, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

In 79% of cases, the client makes a purchase only after looking at 6 to 14 proposals - this data is provided by Denis Kaplunov, an expert in writing commercial proposals. We will tell you how to create an effective CP so that the client chooses you out of a dozen competitors. As a bonus, you will be able to download business proposal templates and also learn how to simplify their distribution using a CRM system.

What is a commercial offer?

A commercial offer is business letter customers with product advertising.

  • Cold commercial offer used for mass mailing to new clients.
  • Hot KP intended for those who have already been contacted by phone, email or in person.

Why do companies write CP?

  • Present a new or updated product (in the second case, demonstrating improvements);
  • Inform about promotions, sales, and individual offers. Distinctive feature such CP - restrictions on the validity period or quantity of the product;
  • They thank you for your previous purchase, ask for feedback, and unobtrusively offer another product. The client is already familiar with the company’s work, and it is easier to push him to a new deal;
  • They invite you to a presentation of a company or its product.

Commercial proposal: what should contain

Denis Kaplunov, copywriter and software development specialist in his book “An Effective Business Proposal” he identifies the main components of a proposal:

  • Title;
  • Offer;
  • Selling price;
  • Call to action.

Let's look at how to correctly compose a commercial proposal - section by section.

Letter header


Examples of how to write a lead CP:

1. Press on an important problem for the client - lack of clients, competition, lack of ideas for new products.

If you want to double the number of clients at your fitness club in 2 months, then this information is for you.

2. Draw a picture of a bright future when the client's problem is solved.

Imagine that your hotel is booked to capacity all year round, and room reservations are booked months in advance.

3. Mention the key benefit of the offer or outstanding customer results.

With us, you can reduce the cost of maintaining accounting documentation by half in the first month.

4. Intrigue with the novelty of the product - this always attracts attention.

Especially for the New Year, we are offering a new product - our branded sweets in gift sets, and much cheaper than when purchased separately.


Offer (from English offer) is a specific proposal, the heart of the CP. It must contain brief description your product with key characteristics, as well as customer benefits. You need to explain to the client why he should buy from you, and not from competitors. This means you need to show what else you can offer besides the product:

  • Discounts (seasonal, wholesale, holiday, cumulative, for pre-order or prepayment, etc.);
  • Efficiency and availability of service and/or delivery;
  • Convenient payment (installments, credit or deferred payment, combining cash and non-cash payments, settlement through payment systems);
  • Several product versions with different prices.
  • Present. Coupon for your next purchase, free equipment setup, kit Christmas decorations on New Year. Accompanying gifts work well: blinds when purchasing windows, a lock when ordering a door, etc.
  • Product warranty and free maintenance.

Important nuance: If you want to make your commercial proposal as attractive as possible, do not lie to your clients and do not promise the impossible. Such tactics will only do harm in the long run.

An example of an offer in a commercial proposal of a transport company
Source: https://kaplunoff.com/files/_portfolio_works/work_140.pdf


The most important thing is to indicate it. Otherwise, most potential clients will go to competitors, not wanting to waste time finding out the cost. Next, these numbers need to be justified. If the cost is significantly lower than that of competitors, this is already an excellent argument. If not, find something to stand out. These are all the same discounts and bonuses, product guarantee, speed and quality of service, gifts, exclusives.


Our taxi services are 5% more expensive than our competitors, but we have a child seat in every car and you can transport pets.

For expensive complex services, a detailed breakdown of the components of the package works great, as well as a detailed calculation that demonstrates great benefits for the client in the future. Another effective technique is splitting the price in terms of a short period of time.


A month of using the cloud CRM system on the “Start” tariff costs 1,100 rubles for 5 users - that works out to 220 rubles per month for each. And if you immediately pay for access for six months, you get a 20% discount, that is, access for each employee will cost only 176 rubles per month - that’s only 6 rubles per day. Agree, it’s a ridiculous amount of money for a program that automates business processes, integrates with mail, telephony and SMS messaging services, generates analytics and helps manage a business.

Call to action

Here you need to indicate what exactly do you want from the client: order, call, write, follow a link, visit the office, provide contact information. To hurry a person up, write down a limit on the duration of the offer or the quantity of the product. Or you can save some benefit for last: promise an additional discount or free shipping when you order right now.

How to make a commercial proposal for cooperation

How to write a proposal for cooperation? Similar to offering goods! If you would like to offer your professional services, prepare a tempting commercial offer.

The standard cooperation proposal template includes five blocks.

  1. Letter header. To prevent your letter from getting lost in a dozen advertising offers, write your real name and indicate how you can be useful.
  2. Lead. Tell the client what problem you can solve. Lead is not the place to list your credentials. The first person who interests the customer is himself.
  3. Offer. Tell us about your experience and how exactly you can help the client. An excellent option is to provide cases so that the customer can evaluate the results.
  4. Price. Don't hide your prices, talk about them directly. If you understand that you are asking more than other specialists, explain why this price is justified.
  5. Call. Invite the client to contact you in a convenient way: give links to social media, phone number or email. Offer to save your contact even if the service is not yet required.

The best commercial offers: examples

We have selected for you samples of commercial proposals that are high-quality in both form and content. Download CP templates, study and adapt them to your products.

A commercial proposal is a document that contains detailed information about your services or the goods you supply. His main task— interest a potential client, demonstrate all your capabilities and turn him from a potential client into a real one. Most often, a commercial proposal is made in the form of a presentation document, which indicates detailed characteristics and advantages of the product/service. We can say that KP is a small advertising campaign aimed at promoting your products and services.

But in order for the CP to work and truly have a positive impact on the trading process, it must be drawn up correctly and be targeted at a specific group of buyers. Commercial offers are divided into several types. So how to write a commercial proposal correctly? Where to start compiling it? How to arouse interest among potential clients? To do this, you need to understand all the nuances of its preparation.

Cold commercial offer

This type of CP is aimed at potential consumers who are not prepared to purchase a product or service - they are called “cold” consumers. The purpose of the so-called “cold” offer is to “hook” the client, interest him and force him to read the text of the offer, which proposes to purchase a product or service, to the end. The second name for such proposals is “basic”. If any mistake is made during the preparation of the CP, the guarantees that a potential client or partner will read it are minimal.

That is why the preparation of the proposal is focused on three risks in connection with which the proposal may end up in the trash can:

  1. The moment of receiving a commercial offer.
  2. The moment of discovery.
  3. Reading moment.

At the first stage, the most important thing is to arouse interest. If this does not happen, then your commercial proposal will end up among the garbage.

To attract the attention of a potential client, any acceptable means can be used, correctly used in a given situation. For example, if the CP is sent by email, you can “hook” a consumer or partner interesting topic, which will be presented in an original way. If the envelope with the offer is given in person, then you can attract the client’s attention with the scented paper from which the envelope will be made, a bright design, etc.

Next, it is important to present your proposal as interestingly as possible, but at the same time clearly and without unnecessary “water”. A proposal compiled in this way is called an “offer.” After the first two stages have worked on the client, the main thing is to bring strong convictions that this is an excellent option for him, the most profitable, and he will absolutely benefit from it, etc. Those. Next, you need to apply the current moves from your marketing strategy.

The advantage of the “cold” type of gearbox is that it is designed for mass consumers. But practice shows that personalized offers attract people more.

Hot commercial offer

This type of commercial proposal is sent to the type of consumers, clients or partners who are prepared for this action - they either themselves asked to send them a commercial proposal, or the manager had a conversation with them before. If a proposal of a “cold” type should be stated as briefly as possible, then in the case of a proposal of a “hot” type the situation is completely different. It can be presented in the form of a presentation made in multimedia programs of up to approximately fifteen sheets. Such CPs are also called “warm”.

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Components of a commercial proposal

A commercial proposal must be drawn up correctly.

It should inspire confidence and win over the representative company from the very beginning, as soon as a partner or potential client picks it up or starts reading it. How to write a commercial proposal correctly? To do this, it must contain the following components:

  1. A header that will indicate the name of the representative company, its individual tax number, as well as contacts through which you can contact its leader, manager, etc.
  2. Last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee for whom the proposal was made.
  3. An explanation of the purpose for which the paper or document was sent. email(i.e. it must indicate that it is a commercial offer).
  4. The day, month and year of the document, as well as its serial number. This is necessary so that the representative company can control the flow of documentation within the company.
  5. Favorable payment terms, the possibility of deferment, the possibility of delivering goods, etc.
  6. Delivery times for goods, as well as their full list and prices.
  7. Terms of provision of services, payment for each of them, additional services and the final cost of work calculated along with them.
  8. Photos of each product item, as well as a short description for each item.
  9. There must be a seal of the company presenting the commercial proposal, as well as the signature of the director or responsible person.
  10. The date before which this commercial offer is valid.
  11. Personal contact details of the person responsible for this CP.

How not to spoil the CP

How to write a commercial proposal in such a way as not to spoil anything? To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use the words “we”, “our”, etc. as little as possible. Focus on the client or partner as much as possible and write “you”, “your”, “thanks to you”. Thus, you draw the attention of the reader to his benefit from the transaction, etc.
  2. Don't send the CP to those who are not interested in it and don't waste your time and energy.
  3. The design of a commercial proposal, which does not make you want to even read the letter, is inappropriate.
  4. The volume of CP is too large.
  5. Providing a CP to a person who in no way influences the decision to conclude a transaction.

A business proposal template should ideally contain the following phrases:: call me; we are ready to answer all your questions, etc. It would be good if the commercial proposal included reviews from satisfied customers, as well as a list of them. A good example of a business proposal looks like this:

A high-quality sample commercial proposal for the provision of services looks like this:

Phrases that shouldn't exist

There are a number of features that must be adhered to when drawing up a proposal. Despite the fact that this document is intended specifically for the purpose of concluding a transaction on the sale of certain goods or services that is beneficial for the contractor, in no case should the following combinations of words be used in it:

  1. We invite you to cooperate with us.
  2. Our commercial offer will interest you.
  3. We offer to purchase from us, etc.

Such phrases immediately scare away both potential and actual clients.

Offer as the main component of the CP

The offer is the most important part of the CP. It should be aimed at arousing interest in the potential client, as well as in the partner, in the offer that he unobtrusively carries within himself. Unobtrusiveness is the main key to success in this case.

The compiled text should contain as little fluff as possible, be reader-oriented, and also present to him as profitably as possible all the terms of cooperation with the initiating company or private entrepreneur. In this part of the text, it is important to show the reader that, first of all, this offer is very beneficial for him, to indicate the reasons why he will receive the maximum benefit from concluding this transaction. You cannot directly write about purchasing certain goods from you or using the services you provide.

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A sales proposal is a letter that you send to potential clients in the hope of concluding a deal with them, or you send to everyone in an attempt to attract interest. It is important to write your CP correctly in order to get maximum response and not worry about low conversion. But how to do this and what should you avoid when creating a commercial proposal?

There are several types of compreds. They are divided depending on the degree of “warm-up” and preparedness of the potential recipient to receive information from your company. The more “hot” the reader is, the higher the chance of concluding a deal or performing a targeted action.

Basic or “cold” gearbox

This is an offer that is sent to literally anyone - only a minimal sample is made. For example, the CP is sent only to owners of petting zoos or directors of an atelier for sewing asbestos panties. A “cold” offer is a kind of spam with the only difference that it may actually be useful to some of the recipients. Sent to anyone who may (or may not) be interested in a product, service or product. The number of recipients exceeds thousands, if not tens of thousands.

The only advantage of a “cold” commercial offer is its huge audience reach. Out of hundreds of people, perhaps at least someone will be interested in the proposed service and respond to the letter.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. And they are significant:

  1. No personal offer. A potential client likes to be addressed directly. And if he sees that the letter is intended for a wide audience, it will probably go to the trash.
  2. High probability of failure. Nobody likes spam. Moreover, many workers and businessmen are afraid of him. What if there’s a terrible virus sitting there that will devour all your important work files and solitaire saves? Therefore, you should be prepared that at least half of the recipients will not even open the letter, but will immediately send it to the trash.
  3. Probability of ending up in Spam. It follows from the previous point. But it threatens with serious consequences for the company - the site may simply block the company’s mailbox, and it will be difficult to remove the ban.
  4. The need to immediately interest. Therefore, you need to cram maximum meaning into a minimum of text. And this is very difficult - no one will read long and tedious CP, and without a catchy title, no one will open it.

Advice: even “cold” proposals should be sent to a more or less prepared (or at least potentially interested) audience.

For example, if you sell pythons and vipers wholesale, then you should find a database of owners of petting zoos with terrariums and send them your offer. Having previously made it as informative and concise as possible (without compromising the meaning).

  1. More concise. No one will read a mini-book about how good your company is. 1-2 pages of informative text is enough.
  2. Brighter. No, this is not about unusual turns of phrase. These are facts and figures supported by eye-catching graphics. This will stick in your head. The most important thing is above. We work according to the “inverted pyramid” principle.
  3. More profitable. Think about how you can help the client. It is better to use the “you-principle”. Do not write what the service/product can do. And what will the acquisition give the buyer?
  4. During. If you offer, for example, writing coursework and theses– then you should not send out the CP in July-August. It is better to do this in October-November, when students have already decided on topics and are looking for ways to make the task easier for themselves.

Naturally, a good CP must contain all the structural elements (or at least most of them), which will be discussed below.

Personal or “hot” CP

This type of commercial proposal is sent to an already prepared client. For example, after a press conference or a direct conversation with the manager or owner of the company. An important plus is that you know what the recipient needs. And the recipient knows that you will send him an offer, and will wait for it.

A “hot” commercial offer can be much larger in volume – at least 15-20 pages. But it must be justified. For example, when you need to send specific items of goods or services with prices so that the client can familiarize himself.

The open rate of “hot” proposals and the number of responses to them is much higher than that of any other type of proposal. But to send it, it is important to establish preliminary contact with the client. For example, some event or “cold” calls/CP.

Before writing a proposal, it is worth talking with the client to find out as many of his “pains” as possible and find out what information is interesting to him. This will allow you to create a strictly individual product that will make you think about concluding a deal.

“Warm” CP: medium option

This option is something between a “cold” and “hot” offer. It is sent to a client who is already familiar with the company at least superficially. And you know that your proposal can solve some of his problems. But at the same time, the client himself does not show strong interest.

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The goal of a “warm” communication is to increase interest and encourage the recipient to make further contact (call or reply letter). This approach is considered personal, but is aimed more at increasing interest in the company, rather than directly concluding a deal.

It is necessary to observe two aspects at once when drawing up such a proposal:

  • from the “cold” CP: brevity, brightness, benefit;
  • from “hot” CP: focus on a specific client, knowledge of his “pains”.

You are much more likely to get a response. But remember, the client is still not entirely interested in your services, even though he is familiar with the company or has met/contacted the manager. And that’s why it’s important to interest him.

Structure of a good commercial proposal

Almost every CP of any degree of “heating” always corresponds to certain patterns. This is not a bad thing - after all, a good structure and the necessary elements always affect efficiency. Here are the sections that must be included in the CP.

It is important to highlight all blocks with design. Remember that your client may be a very busy person. And he simply won’t have time to read everything. It is important that with a quick glance you can highlight the most necessary things - USP/offer, contact details, any numbers and facts. Depending on the type of compressor, this list can be supplemented with additional blocks. But there is no point in removing anything from this list - these are time-tested blocks.

Of course, all this is more suitable for “cold” and “warm” checkpoints, since the client wants to see specific services, products and prices. But sometimes it is useful to combine.

What to think about before drawing up a proposal

Before you sit down and start writing a commercial proposal, you need to stop and think. You need to answer a few questions for yourself, as a person who offers a product or service to someone. This is important so as not to make mistakes when creating a CP.

What questions do you need to answer for yourself:

  1. What is the target audience?
  2. What pain does the potential recipient have?
  3. What can the company offer to solve this pain?
  4. How will this proposal help achieve what you want?
  5. Why does the reader actually need the product?
  6. What can help the recipient make a decision in favor of the company?
  7. What could prevent him from doing this and how can this be prevented in the text?
  8. How to motivate the recipient to perform the target action?

These eight questions will help you create a portrait target audience, highlight her problem and roughly imagine what proposal could remove it.

Remember what you offer potential client not just a product, but a solution to any pain.


It’s quite logical that you can’t go anywhere without him. The title should be bright, intriguing and unusual. It should immediately use a benefit for the reader or some catchy figure. But without yellowness. No one will fall for “99% of recipients earned a million in 24 hours!” Try it too!” Moderately, without overacting. What could the title be:

  1. Provocation to pain. “Why are you still sitting without clients?”
  2. Question and answer. “Are you missing buyers? We’ll show you how to attract attention to your company!”
  3. Mystery or intrigue. "Secret best advertising for your business."
  4. Number. “7 ways to make good advertising for your business.”
  5. Guarantee. " Advertising agency N: you will get a 23% conversion or we will refund your money!

Ideally, the title should already reflect the USP or offer. That is, the main benefit that will be of interest to the recipient is revealed. It is worth remembering that the header is placed in the subject line of the letter. This is the first thing the recipient will see. In the case of “cold” and some “warm” CP, it determines whether the client will open the letter.

Letter header

Formal preparation of a commercial proposal. You should place a logo with the company name here (in the left corner). On the right there must be a block of official data and contacts - the full name of the company, INN, OGRN, KPP, and so on.

It is advisable to indicate the full address and contact information (mail, telephone). It is worth remembering that this hat should not draw the main attention to itself. The main thing is to interest the reader. And he will always have time to scroll up and get acquainted with the contacts.


Comes after the header with contacts. Often it completely duplicates the title that is indicated in the subject line of the letter. This is a completely justified step - after all, it is important to “hook” the reader. But it will be better if the subtitle is made more widespread or continues the idea of ​​the title.

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It is important to highlight it graphically so that even with all the desire the reader does not miss this line of text.

Unique Selling Proposition

Otherwise called an offer. This is the main weapon in attracting a client. The essence for which the client will read the text. If there is no USP, then the compred can be safely thrown into the trash – there is no value in it. The closer to the beginning of the text the offer is located, the higher the interest. In fact, it needs to be highlighted with graphics so that even with a quick glance the reader will not miss it.

USP is what you offer to the client. At the same time, it is important to present it in such a way that the recipient feels all the benefits. That is, use the “you-principle”.

For example, “Working with us, you will save 36% advertising budget and get the same number of clients!”

Convincing the Reader

If the offer interests the reader, he begins to think: “yes, this really wouldn’t bother me.” But now the task is to interest him in the services of the company that sent the offer.

For this you can use:

  1. A short description of the company. Literally two or three lines. Without templates like “X years on the market”, “dynamic company” and others! It’s better to write that the company opened at such and such a time, or that so many clients left satisfied, and so on.
  2. Numbers. How much percent will the customer save, how many days will it take to get everything done, and so on. Important! It is better to use uneven numbers like 58, 14 and so on. They are unconventional, which makes them attractive.
  3. Facts. Often associated with numbers. For example, how many products do you produce, how much profit do they bring to your customers.
  4. Cases. Ready-made and completed projects that can be shown, or solutions to any issues.
  5. Social proof. This includes reviews from grateful customers and mentions of famous brands that cooperate with you. You can also use ratings or prizes in competitions.
  6. List of less significant benefits that were not included in the USP (2-3).
  7. Encouragement. For example, additional service at a discount or free of charge, or some product as a gift for ordering.
  8. Guarantee. Not just the banal “we’ll refund your money,” but something original, like “we’ll redo it for free if you don’t like it.”

It is important not to overdo it with persuasion. And under no circumstances lie. If you make a statement, then it must be possible to prove it.

This also includes closing the objection. While reading, the reader will most likely have questions. And it is important to answer them immediately. For example, after the expression “you will save 27% of the budget” you will immediately become interested - how exactly? And it’s worth answering this.

How do you determine which questions need to be answered? Write the CP itself, then give it to two or three people to read and ask what questions they had as they read it. Then answer the most frequent/important ones.


People love to compete and don't like it when they might not get something. Therefore, it is important to limit the time of the quotation. This will stimulate the desire to place an order or write to the manager if the client needs the service even a little.

Sales operate on this principle - not only the price reduction is important here, but also the limited availability of the goods being sold. The mechanism immediately turns on: “It’s so cheap, but I might not get it. I’ll take it urgently!”

There are two types of limiters:

  1. Timers. A certain time limit, after which the promotion will end, the price will increase, the service will stop, and so on.
  2. Quantity of goods. A certain limit of items/service packages, which will not be replenished.

The limiter is especially important for “cold” commercial offers. Because in the case of “hot” communications, the manager can simply call the client again, ask him if he received the letter, and clarify some points. For “cold” people, such luxury is not available, and the response remains only on the conscience of the client. The maximum that can be done is to repeat the mailing after some time. But this is risky because you can get caught by a spam filter.

Call to action

Now that you have interested and motivated the recipient, you need to finish it off. For this purpose, a specific call to action is used. There can only be one.

It is important to decide what the commercial proposal is aimed at - an order, a call, a response, and so on. And reflect this targeted action in the call. For example, “call us to clarify the details and order a service” or “just send your phone number in a reply letter and we will call you back.”

Important! Use the imperative mood. And no “ifs” or “coulds”! This gives the reader time and opportunity to consider whether they need your service. And for a targeted action it is like death.

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It is worth duplicating the main contact under the call to action. A motivated person acts impulsively. And an extra two seconds while he is looking for contacts in the header of the letter can distract him or cool him down. Therefore, it is worth indicating your email or phone number again.

P.S. Don't forget about him!

An important element of writing is the postscript. He gives the feeling that he wrote the letter real person, who also knows how to forget. P.S. allows you to duplicate any statement or benefit, reminding the reader of it and additionally motivating him.

You can also indicate some other bonus in the postscript. As, for example, I did Steve Jobs at presentations of new Apple products, after the presentation itself, as if remembering something and saying “and one more thing...”, after which he showed something really grandiose.

Additional gearbox blocks

Something that simply cannot be included in any proposal. But sometimes such blocks are irreplaceable. What does this include:

  1. List of products and their characteristics. It’s necessary for “hot” comps, but it’s not worth shoving it into “cold” and “warm” ones.
  2. List of satisfied clients. It’s especially good if among them there are famous brands or famous personalities.
  3. Questions and answers block. Well suited for closing objections, but not for every CP (in “hot” ones they almost no longer play a role; the client already knows what to expect from you).
  4. Links to reviews/ratings/articles in the media and so on. Completely optional, but sometimes it may be necessary so as not to be unfounded.

In principle, we can stop there. This will be enough to interest almost every reader.

8 sales pitch killers

If you want to create a really good CP, you should never make the following mistakes:

  1. Long description of the company. After all, you are offering to buy/order not the company itself, but a specific product or service. So write about it, and don’t reprint the company’s history!
  2. Template text. All sorts of " best products on the market”, “the company is in the top ten in the world” and others are no longer catchy. Nobody believes them. This way you don’t need to take up useful text space.
  3. Several goods and services in one CP, if they do not complement each other. A proposal is just a proposal to be specific. You cannot sell a bulldozer and a quadcopter at the same time - they have completely different target audiences.
  4. Flattery and excessive compliments. The client is not a fool. He will understand that you want to cajole or cajole him, and he will not like it. Of course, if he does not suffer from narcissism in an advanced stage.
  5. Complex style. The KP should be understandable to anyone - both the owner of an international corporation and the secretary of a small rural individual entrepreneur. Write simpler, shorter, clearer.
  6. Too much information. If every sentence contains some kind of figure or fact, or maybe even several, this is bad. Give only the most important data. Because otherwise the reader will get confused.
  7. Too little specificity. Leave water for students to write their diplomas. The commercial proposal must be specific and “dry”, with all the necessary information.
  8. Excessive length of the “cold”/“warm” gearbox. Nobody will read sheets of 5-7 sheets. The shorter (without sacrificing information content) the better.

By avoiding these eight mistakes, you'll write a truly killer business proposal. Of course, it is impossible to guarantee conversion - it depends on many factors. But by making the highest quality CP, you will increase the likelihood of a response. And don’t forget to format the text beautifully - this will increase the chances of success.

Samples of commercial proposals

Look at how other companies create CPs and make your own based on them. Download a sample commercial proposal and do as you please.

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Sample commercial proposal from an advertising agency
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Sample commercial proposal for website promotion

Finding partners in business is necessary, as ideas or projects may arise that will bring many new opportunities. But it often happens that the leader large enterprise or the company does not have enough time to meet with potential partners, and they ask to send them a commercial proposal (CP).

Why offer services

You should know how to write a commercial proposal correctly, since the success of the transaction may depend on its content. Often you want to include as much information as possible about your company or service in your commercial proposal, but too much text can alienate a potential partner or client. It is necessary to compose the proposal in such a way that the person who reads it becomes interested and wants to continue cooperation.

Knowing how to write a business proposal is important for both business newbies and those with more experience. It doesn't matter if you're the owner large company or a novice entrepreneur, everyone needs well-written proposals.

How to learn to write such letters

The main questions that arise when writing a CP relate to where to start writing, what information to include and how to finish. Sample commercial proposals make it possible to eliminate errors.

Basic rules

  1. First of all, you need to define the market segment.
  2. It is important to specify the CP - to write what type of cooperation will be discussed.
  3. You should try to interest the person to whom the proposal is addressed from the first lines.
  4. It is necessary to describe the advantages of the company.
  5. Important in simple language, without fanaticism, state the main thoughts of the commercial proposal. It should be borne in mind that the person who will read the text does not have sufficient knowledge about the specifics of the product or service being offered. Information needs to be presented in an accessible manner. It is also not recommended to use the phrases advertising nature, as this approach can be off-putting.
  6. You should not indicate possible risks; it is better to ignore them.
  7. The text must be written in business style, but at the same time simple, it is also recommended to exclude bright emotional coloring.
  8. No matter how much you would like to include as much information as possible in the text of the letter, you should highlight only the main points and present the remaining data as an announcement.
  9. You should consider answers to the client’s possible questions and doubts.

What needs to be done before writing a proposal

First of all, you need to make a list of those to whom these proposals will be sent. If you are confident that some organizations will refuse, then you should not waste time on them. Although, as practice shows, cooperation can be achieved with almost any company.

It is necessary to draw up a list of organizations that need the proposed product or service, and also specify what exactly the company can provide them.

The important point is that it is necessary to make two sentences, separately for the manager and for the specialist. You should think about where to highlight what points, since a manager is a person who makes decisions, and a specialist is a performer who will carry out the task. Therefore, for the latter, it is necessary to highlight those points that will simplify his work in future cooperation (for example, draw up a commercial proposal for the supply of something). And for the manager, development prospects and cost savings will be the most significant.

It is also recommended to practice before writing a proposal - make several sample letters for different companies. In each of them, you should outline the company’s activities and how you can help it. For example, in a commercial proposal from an insurance broker to a large insurer, you can use the following words:

Dear leader!

In the current economic situation, it is necessary to increase sales volumes. Your company is a leader in this service sector. There is always a need to attract new clients. Our brokerage agency is ready to help you. We want to sell your insurance products to our customers. Our agency specialists will provide competent advice in the field of insurance.

We will always answer by phone.

Sincerely, employee's name and position.

How to start writing

It is recommended to start drawing up the right commercial proposal directly from the essence. It is necessary to understand that in addition to this offer, the company to which it is sent receives a lot of similar letters. Therefore, there is no need to delve into the content; it is recommended that from the first sentences you reveal the essence of the commercial proposal and outline its goals. Under no circumstances should you start a letter with hackneyed phrases, be original!

Before writing a proposal, it is worth doing an analysis of the company for which it is being made and identifying the needs. For example, you can call and talk with a company representative, during the conversation remember a few phrases that will be included in the announcement of the commercial proposal. That is, if the head of a company says that he wants to increase office sales, then in the announcement of the commercial proposal it is recommended to write that your activities will increase office sales.

If you are unable to talk to the head of the company, you can go to the official website; as a rule, the main areas of activity and prospects for its development are reflected there.

KP writing style

First of all, you need to draw the client's attention to his problem, and then offer a solution to it. Developing a commercial proposal involves using simple sentences that are easily and quickly understood. If you think that this or that phrase is unnecessary, then it is better to remove it.

It is necessary for the text to be lively, it is recommended to add specifics to it - indicate specific numbers, name existing partners. You can also indicate the subtleties of production or the specifics of the work. Tell us how a process is optimized. There is no need to go deeper and describe the entire production system. It will be enough to highlight a couple of working moments.
