Business plan for raising chickens. Home chicken breeding as a type of business Which poultry business is the most profitable?

Breeding laying hens as a business is one of the most profitable directions in poultry farming. Egg breeds and crosses reach sexual maturity at the age of 4-5 months. The duration of egg production can be all year round and lasts for several years. To do this, the poultry farmer must provide proper housing and feeding conditions. The demand for poultry egg products is growing every year, which allows the farmer to receive a stable income.

To understand where to start, you need to understand what costs will be necessary in the first place. To do this, you will need a business plan describing each step. Having a plan will allow you to figure out at the first stages what problems may arise, as well as where to get the initial capital and how to organize this activity. The business plan specifies all costs and payback period. This kind of business is suitable not only for farmers living in rural areas, but also for people from cities.

Preparation stages

Of course, on earth it is always easier to organize such activities. As a rule, large areas are not needed for a chicken coop; a small area where chickens will be raised and a run will be located is suitable. It is also necessary to provide for possible expansion, an increase in livestock and territory for cultivation. In order to conduct business, you must officially register as a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur. This will make it easier to obtain certificates for your products and protect yourself from unnecessary headaches.

Next, you need to decide what type of rearing and maintenance is optimal for chickens: cage or floor. If cage housing is used, it is necessary to install special cages in the chicken coop, as well as think over a feeding, housing and watering system. Install a system for removing litter. This system is good because in a small space you can grow more birds, but purchasing cellular equipment is expensive.

Using the floor maintenance method

The cellular type is not budget-friendly enough. For laying hens, using the floor method is best for raising at home. The bird will walk in the fresh air and eat additional pasture. And the resulting products will be of high quality. For floor housing, preparing food at home is suitable, but for cage housing this type of feeding is not suitable; ready-made feed is used there. When a maintenance method is chosen, it is necessary to make a calculation. If cage equipment is used, then you need to understand that such a purchase will increase the cost of opening a business for breeding laying hens; it is more budgetary to use a homemade version of poultry cages.

Construction of a chicken coop and arrangement of the internal space

If there is already any building on the site, it can be used as a chicken coop. Using a ready-made premises will reduce the cost of starting this business and save money. If there is no ready-made room, it can be built from boards, blocks, slate. Gas silicate blocks are of course expensive, but they will provide reliable construction. The simplest option is this: in the corner (4 corners) holes are dug into which wooden logs 2 m high are installed. Then the distance between the boards is sewn up with any material and covered.

The roof must be made of a pitched type so that in winter the snow does not break it. Some kind of insulation is placed between the boards. It can be sawdust, straw, hay. The insulation must be mixed with lime (proportions of 1 part lime to 25 parts of the insulation used) so that various rodents and pests do not penetrate the chicken coop. The insulation should be 15 cm thick. Once a month, add a few more centimeters to the thickness of the insulation, so that by winter the width is 0.5 m. The work of microorganisms in the insulation will generate heat, and this will ensure the desired ambient temperature.

The chicken coop must have windows and additional light sources. Windows are placed on the south side. The chicken coop must have ventilation, a window, and a vent. In the far corner, perches are installed at a height of up to 1 meter from the floor level. They put out feeders and drinking bowls. They install nests in which the bird will lay its eggs. They can be made either multi-tiered or single-tiered. It is necessary to lay straw inside. For nests, you can use various wooden boxes, boxes and similar devices. Several nests are installed so that several birds can lay eggs at once.

Purchase of day-old young animals

The business plan involves the purchase of a certain number of heads. At first, you can buy several dozen heads. Of course, it all depends on how many heads will fit in the chicken coop. It is known that one adult chicken requires 0.5 m of area. And in one cage you can keep 6-7 heads. When raising chickens to produce eggs, the use of a rooster is not necessary.

It is necessary to choose the breed that will be used. It is known that chicken breeds are divided into three types: egg, meat and meat breeds. Meat and egg are a universal type. Birds can provide both meat and eggs. At the same time, chickens of egg breeds are capable of producing egg products of significantly greater volume and quality. You can buy both day-old young animals and grown ones. When purchasing day-old young animals, it is necessary to purchase breeds with sexual dimorphism from the first days of life in order to distinguish hens from cockerels. Buy raised young animals up to 4 months of age (until egg laying begins). Sellers must be selected carefully, with positive reviews and reputation.


The chicken coop must be maintained at a certain temperature. For adult birds it is 12-16 o C, for day-old young birds 27-32 o C. Ash and sand baths are placed in walking areas so that the bird can independently take care of the condition of its skin and feathers. The premises are cleaned of dirt and disinfected once a quarter. The bedding inside the room is removed, and the perch, walls, floor, and equipment are disinfected.

A business plan for breeding laying hens is drawn up taking into account the cost of feed. If you use ready-made mixed feed, then they are good because the problem of balancing the diet disappears, you don’t need to buy additional ones, , , since all this is already in the ready-made mixed feed. An adult bird can be fed boiled vegetables, tops, herbs, grass, etc. But to ensure that the birds do not have problems with productivity, it is better to use ready-made feed. In the summer, birds can reduce feed costs by eating pasture, obtaining grains, seeds, and insects. In summer, you can prepare green food and additionally include it in your diet in winter.


Breeding laying hens depends on how well the hen and rooster are selected for organizing the reproduction of the flock. Quality parents will produce good offspring. Chickens are selected according to their breed standards. It is believed that good hens have a good comb color, as well as an appropriate body structure, a calm character, which means the bird will be a good hen and will not leave the nest. It can also be used for breeding. The hatching egg must be clean, have a intact shell, without scratches or damage, and of average shape. If a brood hen incubates the eggs herself, then she is able to raise and care for her offspring for a month and a half. But it is necessary to choose a breed that has not lost its brooding instinct. After the chicks hatch, they can be sold as day-old young animals, as grown-up or already adult chickens. If you consider that the approximate cost of feed per kilogram is 14 rubles, then for a year 100 heads of chickens will cost an average of 50,400 rubles.

  • You also need to add veterinary costs for vitamins and antibiotics. Which for a year will be approximately 2400 rubles.
  • If you subtract the costs of building a poultry house and purchasing equipment if you use any available means to organize it. Then the purchase of 100 heads of laying hens and their rearing for a year will cost 62,800 rubles.
  • Profit calculation

    At proper organization feeding and maintenance on average from one egg hen you can get from 200 to 250 eggs per year. On average, 225 eggs are obtained.

    Hence, from 100 heads we will get 22500 eggs, which is 2250 dozen.

    It is known that domestic eggs are highly valued by consumers in the market. A dozen eggs are worth on the market from 60 to 120 rubles, on average 80 rubles. If you organize stable sales, then from 100 chickens per year you can get 180,000 rubles. Additionally, you can sell meat, chicken droppings, and fluff.

    Thus, the business of breeding laying hens for eggs is a profitable business. Especially for people living in rural areas. Consumers have an increasing need for poultry products, especially those grown at home, and they are willing to pay quite a lot of money for such a product.

    Kira Stoletova

    According to most poultry farmers, chicken breeding as a business is very profitable from the point of view of obtaining high profits. At the same time, there are several options for breeding this bird, each of which can bring good money. Each option has its own differences, advantages and disadvantages that are worth knowing about. When making a plan for a chicken business, it is also worth considering the conditions in which the poultry will be raised. The cost of feed, growing space, construction of a chicken coop - all this affects the final profit. And if everything is organized extremely correctly, then the chicken farm as a business will begin its successful existence.

    Various options for making a profit when breeding chickens

    There are many ways to run a business in home chicken breeding, and only large farms can do all of them. If you ask the question whether it is profitable or not to engage in such a business as raising laying hens for eggs as a business, the answer will always be positive, but only if you tackle it wisely, having calculated everything in advance. A chicken business can also become unprofitable if its owner, for example, did not build a proper chicken coop or bought low-quality feed. If we talk about the varieties of such a thing, here are what they are:

    • Business based on successful breeding of laying hens. Here the emphasis is on obtaining eggs, which are then used for food. Chickens are purchased for breeding as a business or they are also used for meat production.
    • Business on home breeding of chickens for meat. This method has a number of varieties, depending on the capabilities and preferences of the poultry farmer. This can be either breeding broilers or raising adult chickens for meat.
    • Obtaining chickens or eggs for further rearing. In essence, this is the same breeding of laying hens, but as laying hens as a business for selling chickens and eggs to other farmers. Examples of such breeding are the production of broilers or the sale of chickens for breeding. And each of these options has its own differences, just like the business of selling grilled chicken.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to create a ready-made business plan for breeding laying hens that every farmer could use. Much depends on the specific area, the financial capabilities of the poultry farmer and his preferences, while raising purebred chicken as a business directly affects all of this. We can only describe the basic requirements that must be observed when raising poultry at home. If you follow them, you can make a good profit and acquire a stable and stable income. However, there is one more factor to consider: local laws regulating trade such as the laying hen business.

    What to consider when drawing up a business plan for creating a poultry farm

    Business on a farm with laying hens can be very profitable, but only with a skillful and thoughtful approach to raising poultry. Fortunately, raising chickens is not that difficult; there are many on sale; even a beginner can handle it. First, you need to decide where the birds will be raised, since birds require a certain area and if it doesn’t exist, then you need to look for it. Although they say that you can raise chickens at home, city ​​apartment not suitable for these purposes. You need at least a small area where the flock will live, then you can say for sure whether it is profitable to keep laying hens as a business. After this, you need to think about it. There are many options here, each of which can be very convenient in certain conditions. When birds are raised in an area where there is a threat of flooding, the chicken coop is placed on poles or stilts. Some farmers prefer to save money and not make a foundation for their poultry house, but this is only permissible if the soil is not subject to erosion, otherwise such savings can result in big expenses in the future.

    When a drawing has already been selected and drawn up general plan chicken coop, you need to choose material for construction. The profitability of a poultry farm also depends on how much it costs to build. Where should you start when choosing building materials? The first step is to find out the price lists of local suppliers in order to know what prices are charged for a particular resource. Then you should go through local forums and ask for advice. Even those who are not very familiar with the concepts of various words, such as the word showtopic, can find the right forum.

    Breeding young animals

    The profitability of the farm as a whole depends on how well the little chickens are cared for. Without understatement, this is the most important part of chicken breeding. And it doesn’t matter whether the farmer raises broilers, laying hens, meat-egg breeds or grilled poultry. In any case, you will have to raise chickens and ensure that they are provided with decent living conditions. It should be taken into account that purebred chicks have worse survivability than hybrids of any two breeds.

    The first thing you need to think about is whether it is needed on the farm. Perhaps the farmer plans to buy chicks already hatched or entrust the breeding of the offspring to hens selected for this purpose. If an incubator is a necessary unit on the farm, it is worth looking at how quickly it will pay for itself, based on the cost of eggs and chicks. It is likely that profitability will be higher if the incubator is assembled by hand. It is advisable to take care of the calculations in advance in order to think through all possible expenses.

    Then you should think about such a thing as . This is a miniature chicken coop in which the farmer will raise chickens. Even a small business breeding these birds is impossible without a simple brooder. Anyone starting from scratch can get by with a small homemade box made from old furniture or wooden packaging. A finished brooder often costs unreasonably high, so it is more convenient and cheaper to make it yourself at home.

    Breeding laying hens for eggs

    One of the most common options for doing business using chickens is raising laying hens as a business to produce eggs. And the first thing you should do is choose the right breed to start your own business. The first thing to understand is that any meat-egg breed is not very well suited for professional breeding for profit, so you need to start by choosing a suitable egg-laying variety such that there are only laying hens for big business, moderately productive and unpretentious. It is worth watching those chickens that are suitable for a given area:

    For breeding, it is best to pay attention to breeds such as Hisex and Leghorn. It is worth choosing a breed before the chicken coop is built. But if we take Leghorns, for example, then we can safely use the standard design and run a business using laying hens. You should not chase fashion and buy new, untested varieties. When drawing up a business plan for breeding laying hens, it is better for a beginner to focus on well-known breeds and make calculations based on the fact that he will keep similar laying hens.

    And here it must be said right away: cage housing is not suitable for egg breeds, so they definitely need a properly equipped chicken coop for the business of laying hens to justify itself. We should not forget about nests for laying hens so that they can lay eggs in a calm environment. Drafts and temperature changes, high humidity, noise and other similar factors greatly reduce egg production. The whole idea is to provide the birds with the conditions in which the hatching of eggs will be as high as possible. The same applies to the choice of feed.

    The temperature in the chicken coop should be maintained at 23-25°C. This is the optimal level for most egg production birds. What temperature is considered acceptable? From 10 to 27°C, and sometimes within greater limits. But such changes have an extremely negative impact on the health of birds and the number of eggs laid. It is also advisable to make a separate pen for the birds for walking, since exercise is very useful for chickens and has a positive effect on egg production, making the business of raising and breeding laying hens easy.

    Feeding laying hens to increase egg production

    Poultry farming can be a very profitable business, but only if the owner manages to avoid unnecessary savings so that the business of breeding laying hens does not lead to losses. In particular, you should not give cheap or spoiled food to birds, much less try to replace the quality of food with its quantity: in this case, not only will egg production decrease, but the health of the entire flock will deteriorate. The daily feeding rate for most laying hens is 150 g, and feeding should be 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the type of chicken.

    Now you need to decide what will be included in the diet of the inhabitants of the chicken coop for such an enterprise as the business of breeding various laying hens. Firstly, they will need protein, which means they need food containing this component. A small amount of cottage cheese or fish meal, oil cakes, legumes and other similar products are just right. Carbohydrates are also needed, so the feed should include grain, fodder beets and potatoes, as well as a number based on them. At the same time, beets and other root vegetables are given boiled. It is better to boil them, grind them and serve them in the form of a kind of porridge.

    Laying hens will also benefit from vitamins and minerals. The easiest way to get vitamins is in the summer, when green, juicy grass and tops are used cultivated plants, fresh chopped vegetables that contain sufficient amounts of vitamins. For the winter, it is recommended to prepare silage from the same tops and green meadow grasses. Well, chalk, crushed river or sea shells, as well as limestone, as in the video, are suitable as a source of minerals. You can also use table salt, adding it to water or sprinkling it with other mineral supplements, and chicken eggs as a business will receive all the products necessary for full productivity.

    Business plan for breeding 100 chickens


    INCOME FROM LAYING CHICKENS FOR 2 YEARS - Full Payment on the farm on your own plot

    Laying hens as a business idea

    What to consider when calculating profitability

    Unfortunately, these calculations will only serve as an example, since prices for chickens, feed and construction vary depending on the region, so it will be compiled sample business plan for breeding laying hens. And every farmer will be able to adjust it independently. Before you open a business with laying birds, you need to calculate the cost of building a chicken coop. And here everything depends on the capabilities of the farmer. For example, someone who knows how to build himself and who has clay nearby can make an adobe poultry barn without spending virtually any money on the chicken business.

    A finished chicken coop can be very expensive: from 200 thousand rubles. for 40-50 chickens. But chickens are cheaper: small Leghorns will cost 100 rubles per chicken. Therefore, if you make a mini-farm for 50 birds, you will have to spend 5 thousand rubles. for pets and raise chickens for business. A kilogram of feed for laying hens costs between 15-20 rubles. If you harvest silage and grass, then an adult chicken will need 100 g of feed per day. The amount per year will be 27,500-37,500 rubles for the entire herd. Taking into account expenses on birds and a chicken coop - at least 60 thousand rubles. In the first year, therefore, a chicken farm as a business may at first seem like an unprofitable investment.

    It seems that this is a lot, because you will also have to add the expenses for decorating all necessary documents, taxes and so on in the same spirit to start breeding chickens for eggs as a business. But homemade eggs will cost at least 50 rubles per dozen. And if you consider that the same leghorns produce 250-300 eggs per year, this means, with proper maintenance, a profit of 1,250 rubles per bird. And from 50 birds it will cost 62,500 rubles a year with minimal profits, so already in the second year if you raise laying hens for business, such a business will completely pay for itself.

    Broiler chicken breeding business

    Another chicken business idea is raising them for meat. And here most people immediately think of broilers. Here we need to clarify that broilers are not a separate breed: they are crosses of various meat and meat-egg breeds. They grow quickly, are easy to fatten and are ready for slaughter at the age of 2 months, and sometimes earlier. But their egg production is very low, and the next generation no longer has the necessary properties, so they are obtained only by crossing so that raising laying hens as a business is profitable.

    To produce eggs and broiler chickens, breeds such as Brahma, Cornish or White Plymouth Rock are usually crossed. In this case, you can try to cross birds of the desired breeds yourself (for example, Cornish roosters and Plymouth Rock hens). The advantage here is that everything, from hatching to cutting, is done independently. But successful crossing requires some experience. To begin with, it is better to buy chicks or eggs from poultry farms that raise broiler chickens and do business on eggs and laying hens.

    Here you need to understand that chicks from their breeding stock cost less. The idea, as always, is to provide greater profits at lower costs. But here you need to understand that the costs of maintaining breeding birds will also be added. On the other hand, broilers do not require a large chicken coop - a room with 0.1 square meters per bird is sufficient. m means it will be convenient to raise these laying hens as a business. They do not need to walk and move a lot so as not to lose the weight they have gained.

    Calculations for feeding broilers

    Here you need to understand: anyone who decides to open a broiler breeding farm must spend a lot on feed in order to correctly calculate a business plan for successful chicken breeding. You can even watch the corresponding video, which shows approximate expenses. Chickens need the following feed: corn (30-50% of the diet), wheat (13-20%), soybeans (15-25%) and proteins. Bone or fish meal (5-6%) or milk powder are suitable as proteins. It is also worth adding chopped grass, and from 4-7 days - yeast. Here are the reviews broiler breeders leave on forums:

    “When raising broiler chickens, you must not forget about drinking: they require a lot of it. It is also worth giving your pets mineral supplements. And in order for the food to be used for future use, you need to gradually reduce the temperature in the room. Without cooled air, birds gain weight too slowly.”


    Successfully raising chickens is not a simple business. It requires certain investments and knowledge. But with the right approach and the ability to breed laying hens as a business, it can bring its owner good profits.

    Chicken meat and eggs are in year-round demand among consumers. This is due to the fact that these products are relatively inexpensive and contain many useful elements that are necessary for the human body. Chickens are unpretentious in care and food, so breeding them can bring good earnings.

    General characteristics of the business

    The business of raising chickens is a profitable activity, since in this case you can get not only meat, but also eggs. These products can always be sold in large quantities, receiving an impressive income.

    The popularity of the chicken breeding business is due to the following: positive aspects this type of activity:

    • relatively small;
    • rapid growth of the bird and ease of care for it;
    • the popularity of chicken meat and eggs on the market, which makes marketing these products easy;
    • waste-free production: in addition to eggs and meat, you can also sell feathers for the production of pillows, chicken droppings, which serve as an excellent fertilizer;
    • absence of a seasonal factor (poultry can be raised all year round and, accordingly, the products can be constantly sold);
    • no need for large areas and expensive equipment.

    This type of activity also has its disadvantages:

    • high level of competition in the market - that is why it is necessary to find sales channels in advance;
    • diseases among chickens, which often occur as epidemics;
    • The larger the livestock, the more chicken manure will need to be disposed of.

    Despite the disadvantages mentioned above, the chicken breeding business is considered a fairly profitable line of business.

    Start-up capital, profitability and payback

    Before you begin the process of registering a farm, you first need to calculate how profitable it is to raise a given bird. When deciding to breed laying hens, experienced farmers recommend starting with a population of at least 100, since keeping a smaller number may not produce results.

    On average, one laying hen can produce about 250 eggs per year. Thus, a flock of 100 chickens can produce 2,500 eggs per year. With an average cost of eggs of 60-70 rubles for 10 pieces, the annual profit can be 150,000-175,000 rubles.

    When drawing up plans for breeding broilers or laying hens, you should take into account expenses such as the construction of a poultry house and the purchase of equipment (about 100,000 rubles), the purchase of livestock (100 pieces - about 10,000 rubles). Purchasing feed for a year will cost approximately 35,000 rubles, registering a business will cost about 10,000 rubles. All expenses are approximately 140,000-160,000 rubles.

    According to farmers, it will be possible to recover the costs of building and launching a farm only after 1.5-2 years. Costs will be significantly lower if you have property in the form of a country house or cottage. In this case, there will be no cost to build a poultry house.

    What breeds of chickens should you raise?

    When choosing a breed for breeding, you first need to decide for what purpose they will be raised (for sale as meat or for the production of eggs).

    Among the meat breeds in demand are the following:

    • Cochin. The breed is especially popular in the northern part of Russia. This is due to the fact that chickens of this breed have good plumage and a fatty layer, which prevent the birds from freezing at low temperatures. Chickens of this breed reach a weight of up to 3.5 kg, roosters - up to 4.5 kg;
    • Cornish (Cornish chickens). The live weight of an adult rooster reaches 5 kg, chicken – up to 3.5-3.8 kg. They can produce no more than 130 eggs per year; the weight of one egg ranges from 55 to 60 g.
    • American white Plymouthrocks. The breed comes from the USA. Birds can have different colors (4 colors); white chickens are considered the most productive. An adult rooster can weigh up to 4 kg, chickens - about 3 kg. The egg production of chickens is about 180 eggs per year.

    The most popular egg breeds are:

    • Hysek. This is a Dutch breed, the egg production rate of which is more than 300 eggs per year. They are large in size and have high quality shells. The live weight of a chicken can reach only 1.5-1.8 kg.
    • Redbrough. A feature of this breed is its rapid adaptation to different climatic conditions. They gain weight very quickly. The weight of an adult rooster can reach only 2.5 kg, a chicken - 2 kg. Chickens of this breed are capable of producing about 300 eggs per year.
    • Chinese silk. The average weight of a chicken is up to 2 kg, a rooster – up to 2.5 kg. Chickens have a high egg production, the figure per year can exceed 350 pieces (the weight of one egg is about 62 g). The hatchability of offspring is 92%.

    There are also meat and egg breeds, from which the following can be distinguished:

    • Kuchin anniversary celebrations. This breed is popular in all central and southern parts of Russia. The live weight of a chicken is approximately 3 kg, a rooster - 3.7 kg. The egg production of Kuchin jubilee hens is 180-200 eggs per year, and the hatchability of chickens remains at 75%.
    • Moscow black. It has a characteristic black feather color. Birds are unpretentious in keeping. The weight of the chicken is about 2 kg. Females of this breed can produce up to 180 eggs per year. The weight of one egg is about 62 g.
    • New Hampshire. A popular breed in Russia, which is grown by both small and large enterprises. This is due to the fact that the birds are unpretentious in care and have good productivity. The average weight of an adult rooster can reach 3.5 kg, a chicken – up to 2.5 kg. The breed's egg production is about 220 eggs per year.

    To get the maximum benefit from raising chickens, it is recommended to have at least one egg-producing breed and one meat-producing breed on your farm. This will allow for efficient breeding of livestock and at the same time marketing of products.

    Required equipment

    At the initial stage of the business you will not need a lot of equipment. To get started you need:

    • feeders (2-4 pieces per section);
    • drinkers (per section - at least 5 pieces);
    • freezer for storing food;
    • lighting equipment;
    • containers for ash;
    • nests (1 nest per individual);
    • perches (they should be located 80 cm above floor level);
    • incubators.

    As the company grows, it will be necessary to purchase additional equipment.

    Arrangement of a poultry house and walking area, living conditions for chickens

    The constructed poultry house must have a room ventilation system, which will help avoid the development of certain diseases. This measure is also necessary to remove ammonia vapor from chicken droppings.

    All existing loopholes (ventilation, entrance and exit to the paddock for walking, windows) for the penetration of cold air in winter will need to be closed to avoid heat loss. In winter, it is necessary to insulate the floor by placing thermal insulation material(thickness - at least 15 cm) and covered with straw on top.

    Also in winter, additional heating of the poultry house will be required: the temperature should be at least 24 degrees. The same applies to lighting (the length of daylight hours for laying hens should be at least 16 hours): as daylight hours shorten in the autumn, fluorescent lamps must be turned on.

    The poultry house must have perches (per unit of livestock there should be 15-20 cm of perch timber, its cross-section is 5x5 cm). The nests must be placed at a height of 50-60 cm relative to the floor, their dimensions are 30x35x35 cm. The material for making the nests will be plywood and planks.

    The area for the bird to walk must be enclosed. This area can be covered with chain-link mesh. The height of the fence must be at least 1.5 m in height. It is necessary that the pen be closely attached to the poultry house; the entrance and exit must be common. If the fence for walking is located on the sunny side, it is necessary to pull a tarpaulin over the top to create shade.

    Feeding chickens

    Proper and high-quality nutrition determines how quickly the livestock will gain weight, how many eggs the laying hens will produce and, most importantly, how healthy the livestock will be.

    The feeding regime for chicks differs from that for adult birds. To satisfy all the vitamin needs of chickens, from the moment of their birth they need to be given easily digestible food: millet, corn, dairy products, wheat. They can also be given commercial feed mixed with milk powder.

    It is important to accustom broiler breeds to special feeding techniques from the first days. The level of the feeders should be up to the bird’s chest, and as it grows they must be raised. The feed to water ratio should be 1:1.6.

    Most farmers consider factory-made feed to be the most optimal and suitable feed for raising chickens at home. This is due to the fact that this product contains all the beneficial vitamins and microelements that chickens need daily. However, from the cost side, this is not a very budget option (its price is about 10 rubles per 1 kg).

    The feed must meet a high level of quality, since a low-quality product can lead to weakened immunity and the development of various diseases in the livestock.

    Water is also a very important aspect of proper nutrition: chickens should always have it in its pure form (contaminated water can cause the development of serious diseases).

    Experts in the field of poultry farming strongly recommend periodically adding grain, various mineral supplements (bone meal, shell, chalk, ground eggshells) and vitamin complexes to the diet of livestock. In addition, it is necessary to include greens, root vegetables, and potatoes in your diet.

    In the summer, chickens, provided they are allowed to walk, can eat fresh grass and insects. This will help significantly reduce feed costs.

    Breeding, caring for chicks

    Chicken breeding includes the purchase of hatching eggs, rearing of young individuals until puberty, culling of laying hens with low egg production, egg production, and slaughter of livestock for meat.

    The incubation cycle is 3 weeks. The growing stage lasts 18-20 weeks. Production cycle lasts 52 weeks.

    After the birth of the chicks, during the first month of life they should be kept in a warm room under heaters. In the first 10 days, the temperature in the room should remain between 22-25 degrees.

    Prevention and treatment of diseases

    The following diseases can develop among the chicken population:

    • fungal (aspergillosis, ringworm);
    • infectious (streptococcosis, smallpox, salmonellosis, respiratory mycoplasmosis);
    • helminthiases (singamosis, cestadosis, capillaridosis).

    The method of treatment depends on the specific disease. Can be used:

    • a disinfectant solution that is added to water;
    • terramycin;
    • a solution of potassium permanganate added to water;
    • antibiotics in aerosol form;
    • various nutritional supplements.

    Chickens have diseases that cannot be treated (encephalomyelitis, influenza, anaerobic diarrhea or diarrhea in chickens).

    To reduce the threat of disease development among birds, the following must be adhered to: preventive measures:

    • periodically disinfect premises;
    • get vaccinated (if necessary);
    • maintain hygiene in the poultry house;
    • feed the bird only high-quality food;
    • change the litter in a timely manner (it should always be dry);
    • include in your diet various supplements rich in beneficial vitamins and microelements.

    Legal registration of business

    Registering a chicken breeding business is an important aspect that should be given special attention. Without certain documentation, it is impossible to sell existing products. Also for absence necessary papers you may receive a fine.

    To register a business you need:

    • register or for legal work in this field of activity. He will tell you which is better to choose - an LLC or an individual entrepreneur;
    • issue a certificate confirming the safety of the product being sold;
    • obtain a certificate from a veterinarian; you can obtain it if your chicken meat and eggs are submitted for a special examination.

    Watch a video about the features of raising chickens, their breeds, arranging a poultry house and feeding the birds:

    Before you start setting up a chicken farming business, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is important to find markets and provide the right conditions for the full growth and development of poultry.

    Chicken eggs and meat are common food products. There is always a demand for them, which means that organizing a business with chickens will be a profitable business. Chicken farm: detailed plan And useful tips According to its organization, a description of all the upcoming expenses for a beginning farmer is presented below.

    Chicken breeding – promising business, but its growth rate, fruits depend on many factors. Thus, a household project can pay for itself within a year, but the impressive scale of work entails longer payback periods.

    Why is poultry farming profitable?

    • low initial investment;
    • low labor costs in the process of doing business;
    • unpretentiousness of birds in housing conditions and nutrition;
    • the ability to adjust the herd and work with it at any stage of business;
    • the presence of prospects for business expansion are not limited (working with incubators, breeding chickens of other breeds).

    What determines the profitability of a farm?

    1. Conditions for keeping poultry (cages or floor method, quality of buildings, lighting, ensuring cleanliness, etc.).
    2. Technologies involved on the farm (manual labor or automation).
    3. Feed for chickens and methods of obtaining them (purchase or self-cultivation).
    4. Seasonality (in winter, chickens lay eggs worse and gain weight).
    5. Livestock quality and methods of herd renewal.
    6. Ensuring the cleanliness and health of poultry.

    To plan the development of a farm, you need to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of this type of activity.

    Strengths may turn out to be:

    • presence of demand for eggs and chicken meat on the market;
    • availability of land and buildings from which a farm can be organized;
    • experience in poultry breeding or management agriculture in general, it will help to avoid pitfalls in the process of breeding chickens;
    • Having a personal car will help organize sales of products.

    An ordinary gazelle is perfect for delivering farm products

    Weaknesses of such a business are as follows:

    • high percentage of livestock mortality when purchasing day-old chicks as a start;
    • the likelihood of loss of profitability and even part of the livestock if poultry management standards are not met;
    • The lack of an incubator and experience in raising chicks increases the costs of the initial purchase of chickens and further renewal of the flock.

    Breeding egg-meat chickens is a labor-intensive process. If a poultry farmer works alone without hired workers, he becomes tied to the farm. Such a farm does not require constant presence in the chicken coop, but requires regular monitoring of all daily processes.

    Farm payback assessment

    Example 1. A farm for 50 units was built in a garage using scrap materials. There are no construction or arrangement costs. The daily feed consumption per bird per day is about 1 ruble 60 kopecks. Over the course of a month, this number turns into 50 rubles. With proper care, a chicken produces up to 25 eggs in 30 days. The price of one egg on the market today ranges from 4 to 5 rubles. Thus, the monthly income will be:

    25 eggs x 4 r/piece = 100 r.

    Considering that the farmer has 50 heads in his garage, the income will be: 100 rubles x 50 units. = 5000 rubles per month. And that's just on eggs. If we take into account that during the change of flock, the poultry farmer gets meat, and the waste product of the bird can be sold as fertilizer, a home farm will bring much more profit.

    Example 2. Mini poultry house for 1000 birds. Not counting the purchase of a plot and the construction of a chicken coop, the poultry farmer’s expenses are as follows:

    • purchase of young animals – 86,000 rub.
    • purchase of cells – 110,000 rub.
    • feed and water supply equipment – ​​61,000 rub.
    • renovation of the premises - 52,000 rub.

    Initial costs will be 309,000 rubles. To these should be added monthly expenses for purchasing food. On average, this is 70,000 rubles to provide 1,000 birds per month. With the cost of one egg being 4 - 5 rubles and the productivity of chickens being 20 - 5 eggs in 30 days, we have income:

    25 eggs x 4 r/piece x 1000 heads = 100,000 r per month.

    100,000 rubles of income – 70,000 rubles of expenses = 30,000 rubles net profit.

    With such profitability, the enterprise with all the initial costs will pay for itself within a year.

    Peak egg production in a chicken occurs at the age of 2 years. Then her productivity declines. Many farmers prefer to get rid of such layers. Some sell them at local markets. This productivity is quite enough for amateur poultry farmers and summer residents. Others prefer not to spend money on maintaining laying hens and slaughter them. Selling meat is much easier, since you can get rid of the entire volume of products at once on the wholesale market. Let's start with the calculations. The average weight of a meat-and-egg chicken is 3 kg. The meat yield after slaughter is 60–65% for most breeds, except broilers (yield up to 80%). Thus, from one bird we have a carcass weighing 1.5 - 2 kg. The retail cost of 1 kg of meat is about 120 rubles.

    1.5 kg x 120r = 180r – the lower threshold for the cost of one carcass.

    180 rubles * 50 chickens = 9000 rubles of net profit from the sale of carcasses of the farm herd.

    The cost of by-products should also be added here. The liver yield is 1.7% of the slaughter weight, and the heart yield is 0.5%. In other words, from a three-kilogram carcass the farmer will receive 5 g of liver and 15 g of heart.

    If there are 50 birds on the farm, we get the following data:

    • 0.05 kg x 50 heads = 2.55 kg of liver per slaughtered herd;
    • 2.55 kg x 150 r = 382 r profit;
    • 0.015 kg x 50 heads = 0.75 kg hearts from the whole herd;
    • 0.75 x 250 r = 187.5 r profit.

    Thus, in the event of slaughter of the parent flock, the poultry farmer will receive carcasses, hearts and livers. All together will bring him:

    9000 RUR + 382 RUR + 187.5 RUR = 9569.5 RUR

    Earnings from chicken droppings can also be calculated. An adult laying hen is capable of producing up to 190 g of litter per day, and a chicken meat breed produces up to 300 g. The cost of unprocessed feces is about 50 rubles per 7-liter bucket. This container holds 5–7 kg of fertilizer, depending on the density of the litter. An interesting fact for business is that some poultry farmers are engaged in further processing of feces. Enriched, long-acting granular fertilizers are made from feces. The processed product increases in price. Its cost on the market can reach 500 rubles per 1 kg. To obtain fertilizer of a certain composition, poultry farmers buy special feed and introduce into the poultry diet products that contribute to the formation of waste with the required content of certain substances.

    Let's calculate the potential profit from the sale of laying hen litter without processing:

    0.19 kg x 30 days = 5.7 kg per month.

    5.7 kg x 50 r = 285 r net profit from the litter of one hen.

    If we take into account the initial data of the previous examples, a flock of 50 chickens will bring the farmer 14,250 rubles per month.

    Initial costs are difficult to cover in a short time, especially if the farm was built from scratch. The costs of construction, equipment, purchase of the first livestock and feed will not pay off immediately, especially if you purchased not adult chickens, but day-old chicks. Their growth and development will depend on care, breeding conditions and possible diseases. If the farmer has not previously had experience in keeping birds, it is worth adding to these factors the margin of error for hypothetical errors in the future.

    Breeding chickens: where to start?

    Breed selection

    Depending on the desired results, the farmer will have to choose chickens to suit the needs of his farm. Meat breeds They produce few eggs, but produce a lot of meat at an early age. They are distinguished by a weak love of movement, good appetite, calm disposition and stocky build. Among such chickens, the breeds R, Brahma, Cornish, Cochin and others are in particular demand.

    Kubalaya meat chickens

    Egg-laying breeds are focused not on mass production, but on the number of eggs laid. Such specimens have more modest external characteristics and weigh up to 2.5 kg. They are distinguished by their mobility and desire to lay eggs already in the third month of life. Their productivity can reach 300 or more eggs per year. Famous breeds among laying hens are Russian White, Tetra, Highline and Minorca.

    Chickens meat-egg breeds They are considered the most hardy and unpretentious among their brothers. Due to their versatility, such birds are most often chosen for home farms. Already at the age of five months they are ready to lay eggs and have a live weight of more than 3 kg. The most popular breeds: , and Arschotz.

    Beginning farmers most often give preference to meat-egging breeds. This is due to their versatility and the ability to control the amount of the target product. Even if the chickens do not succeed as laying hens, you can always get meat and offal from them. Such properties allow even inexperienced entrepreneurs to avoid business losses.

    Which meat-eating breed is better?

    Experienced breeders who raise chickens in Russia have determined their own ranking of the best breeds of meat-egg chickens. Leadership positions are occupied by:

    The publication describes in detail how to build and equip a chicken coop (perches, “dining room”, nest, place for swimming and walking birds, ventilation and lighting in the room),

    To make the birds comfortable, the lighting in the finished chicken coop should be natural and additionally artificial. Increasing daylight hours has a beneficial effect on the health and desire of chickens to lay eggs. You also need to take care of the temperature. It should not fall below 16 ⁰С and should not exceed the threshold of 25 ⁰С. Any departure from these norms can significantly reduce egg production. Also, the room must be ventilated. The fresh air flow should be at least 11 cubic meters per hour.

    It is necessary to place chickens at the rate of 20 birds per 10 square meters with the floor method of keeping and 6 - 7 birds with the cage method. Exceeding the norm is called crowding. This condition greatly reduces egg production and has a detrimental effect on the weight gain of the livestock.

    If the birds do not live in cages, they need to arrange a perch at a height of about a meter from the ground and the nest. The place where the chicken will lay eggs should be in a place hidden from prying eyes. The nests are placed so that the hens cannot reach neighboring places and peck at their neighbor’s clutch.

    Think in advance where you will keep the roosters and young animals. This will require a separate room. Adult hens can trample their offspring, and unregulated proximity to roosters can turn laying hens into hens.

    Purchase of livestock

    When the organizational issues have been resolved, it’s time to purchase chickens. They can be taken as adults, a little older, or just chickens. In the first case, the fact that the bird is immediately ready for egg production is considered a plus. But adults cost much more and are more susceptible to stress due to poor nutrition and constant travel from home to market. Buying young animals also has its advantages: their mortality rate is significantly lower than that of day-old chicks, and the process of adaptation to a new home will not result in a loss in the form of eggs, since they are not yet ready for laying. The cheapest thing to buy is newborn chicks. The advantages here are, perhaps, only their cost and the experience that the farmer will gain in the process of raising young animals. The mortality rate of such chickens is very high; they require special care and living conditions. However, having once raised a chicken from a chicken, the farmer will not have to resort to buying poultry in the future.

    Experienced poultry farmers raise offspring within their own farm using an incubator. This is due to cost savings. The average cost of one day-old chicken is 50 rubles, young chickens are 350 rubles, and adult chickens are 500 rubles and more. At the same time, the cost for one egg is 1 ruble 60 kopecks. This is exactly how much food is required for one bird per day. A chicken can lay one egg in 24 hours. Thus, without taking into account the purchase of an incubator, raising day-old chicks from eggs on your farm is 33 times cheaper. True, the mortality rate of the livestock, the possibility of dummy eggs getting into the incubator and the probability of the birth of males are not taken into account here. But even if you take all these factors into account, the difference is still significant.

    Approximate farm work schedule

    The schedule of each poultry farm differs depending on the time of year, the intensity of nutrition, and the way poultry houses create a backyard. The main points occur approximately according to this schedule:

    • 6:00 – rise;
    • 7:00 – feeding the birds with a grain mixture;
    • 8:00 – check the availability of water for the chickens;
    • 12:00 – feeding wet mash with added various types flour;
    • 16:00 – cleaning of waste products;
    • 18:00 – feeding with grains, the variety of which is constantly alternating;
    • 21:00 – lights out.

    In conditions home farm In the intervals between main meals, you can feed the chickens with hand-picked green food or leftover food from the table. You can also add walking chickens to your schedule if the poultry farmer has a special yard for this. We must not forget about regular, but not daily, examinations of chickens for illness.

    What to feed domestic chickens

    Nutrition and living conditions are fundamental aspects of a home farm. These are the factors on which you cannot save. Errors in the process of their implementation can lead to a decrease in the chicken’s immunity, a reduction in the profitability of its egg production and difficulties with weight gain.

    High-quality chicken feed is a whole range of products optimized for a specific breed, age of birds and season. It should include cereals, food of plant and animal origin, as well as mineral supplements. When breeding meat-egging breeds, it should be taken into account that such birds require 20% more food than other species. This necessitates the need for three meals a day with different types of food.

    The daily diet of an adult laying hen includes the following amount of products:

    • mash: 60 – 75 g;
    • dry grain mixture: 35 – 40 g;
    • sprouted grains: 10 g;
    • root vegetables: 25 g;
    • additional products (shells, yeast, chalk, etc.): 2 g.

    Chickens are omnivorous birds. Many farmers add leftovers from the farmer's table to their diet. Bread, meat and fish offal can also be given to laying hens. The main thing is that they are not missing. Poor quality products can lead to intestinal problems and sometimes even diseases. You can also pamper poultry exotic fruits. Poultry farmers note that chickens liked orange the most in terms of taste.

    Video - Keeping chickens on a home mini-farm

    Documents for opening a chicken farm

    Raising chickens in a garage or barn does not require registration with the tax authorities. But if a farmer plans to expand his business and look for mass distribution channels, he will need to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur. OKVED code for such activity is 01.47.1 – “Growing and breeding of poultry”. In order to sell farm products in the form of eggs and meat, special permitting certificates will be required. They are issued at veterinary stations after checking the quality of the product. To sell live birds, you need vaccination cards that indicate that the chickens are vaccinated against common diseases.

    Documents for opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur

    To open an individual entrepreneur you will need:

    • fill out an application to the tax office in form P21001, which will indicate basic information about the planned activity (free of charge);
    • copies of all pages of the poultry farmer’s passport (50 rubles);
    • payment of the state fee for consideration of the application (800 rubles);
    • receive a response on activity permission (free of charge);
    • register with the Social Insurance Fund (free);
    • opening a bank account (free);
    • purchase of a seal if necessary (1000 rubles).

    Thus, the cost of opening an individual entrepreneur will not exceed 2000 rubles. Further initial and regular expenses are calculated individually depending on the goals set and the scale of the planned activities.

    To legally sell products from a home farm, a poultry farmer must have documents confirming the quality of his product:

    • for eggs – results of monthly analysis for salmonellosis and declaration of conformity;
    • for carcasses – results of analysis for toxicoinfections and veterinary certification of meat quality;
    • for live chickens - visual inspection by a veterinarian.

    Approximate cost of veterinary tests and certificates:

    • litter analysis – 700 RUR;
    • analysis of a dozen eggs – 500 rubles;
    • veterinary certificate – 200 rubles;
    • declaration of permission to trade eggs - 2000 rubles;
    • certificate of conformity technical specifications production - 2000 rub.

    Sales organization

    A chicken farm brings a lot of raw materials: meat, eggs, droppings, feathers. Their implementation can be carried out in different ways.

    Sales to wholesalers. Of course, not every company will be interested in a product if the farm does not have sufficient volumes. But some wholesalers are ready to purchase eggs daily in quantities of 300 or more. An undoubted advantage here is the sale of all raw materials at once. The downside is the price at which large companies are willing to purchase goods. It can be so low that the profitability of domestic poultry farming can drop to 10 - 12%.

    Sales in stores. This method requires a car and diligence. Farmer interviews owner restaurant business and large stores about the desire to purchase its products. This allows you to increase the cost of goods to the level of large wholesale companies and sell the entire volume of products at once.

    Direct sales. This does not mean organization own store or several retail outlets due to high costs. It's about about outbound trading at markets and working through word of mouth among relatives and friends. This method allows you to set your own price. Its disadvantages are that it will be difficult to get regular customers in the initial stages of work. High quality products will help speed up this process and create a name for the home chicken farm.

    Chicken manure, like meat and eggs, can be sold. You can offer such a product to summer residents or other farms. They use feces as fertilizer for their garden. You can also try to sell chicken feathers and down. They will be interested in them textile production, which are engaged in the manufacture of pillows or outerwear with down filling.

    We see that chicken is not only valuable meat and eggs. This is a source of food for the farmer's family and a good way to make a profit from high profitability. For raising a home farm, experienced poultry farmers recommend choosing meat-egg breeds of chickens to ensure the versatility of the raw materials obtained. Such birds are versatile, easy to care for and easy to feed according to standards.

    Is it profitable to raise chickens?

    Surely, few people imagine their life without chicken meat or chicken eggs - it is simply impossible to prepare most dishes without these products. Thanks to its excellent taste and relatively low price, chicken is a leader in sales on the meat market. A chicken eggs, in turn, are the most popular among all other eggs. And not all people who eat chicken and eggs rush to the supermarket to get them. Many people prefer homemade, and therefore more natural, products.

    Thanks to this, raising and breeding chickens at home is a relevant and profitable business, and the profit from it is considerable. To begin with, you can start with low speeds, it’s very good if you have private house or there is a building in a rural area. However, it is possible for a city resident to get into the chicken business if he wants to. The demand for the product promises to be consistently high, which obviously provides you with a huge target audience and benefits!

    Where to start and how to create a successful business?

    In order to ensure that every penny you invest in the business is not wasted and the business turns into a profit, you need to act in accordance with the strategy and plan you have developed. This will minimize possible economic risks.

    To begin with, we would advise you to decide what exactly you want to get from your chicken business and what breed of chickens you would like to keep at home. There are quite a lot of chicken breeds at the moment, and it’s up to you to decide which breed is most profitable. It is advisable to choose either egg or meat direction. But there are also breeds that combine the above qualities.

    Some rely on rare and unusual ornamental breeds of chickens. But in our country this direction is still the least developed; nevertheless, most farmers prefer to stick to more traditional directions. Some are engaged in the sale of young animals or hatching eggs. There are also craftsmen who find sales channels for chicken manure (a good and valuable fertilizer) or chicken fluff.

    After you have decided on your goals and drawn up a rough business plan for a chicken farm, you need to choose the place where your business will be located. You also need to clarify how many young animals you plan to take for the start.

    Choosing a location and building a chicken coop

    For the future chicken coop, a place on a hill that is sufficiently lit, dry and well ventilated, but without drafts, is suitable. If you don’t have any buildings more or less suitable for chickens, you will have to build a chicken coop from scratch. If you are not yet confident in your abilities and do not want to invest heavily in the construction of a poultry house, you can rent the premises. Also pay attention to wooden chicken coops, which are now in fashion. They are sold ready-made, and there are also many drawings and videos on the Internet for those who like to do everything with their own hands.

    Remember this rule: if you decide to breed chickens for eggs, take care of the pen; for laying hens it is important to keep active image life. If you keep chickens for meat, you can consider the option of keeping caged poultry. If your plans are to breed large livestock, cage batteries are a good option. This is very profitable, because you can place a large number of chickens in a relatively small area.

    Poultry house arrangement

    Your chicken coop must have windows, a ventilation and lighting system. Windows are recommended to be located on the south side, and their area should be related to the floor area as 1:12. The ventilation system is very important, since fresh air is the key to the health and high egg production of your chickens. Otherwise, your pets will suffocate daily in the ammonia fumes of their feces. Lighting is no less important, especially when breeding laying hens, which lay better with longer daylight hours.

    Monitor the temperature in the coop. Chickens and young animals react especially sharply to temperature fluctuations. Permissible temperature fluctuations are from -2 to +27 degrees. Therefore, try to insulate your chicken coop, as many chicken diseases can be a result of hypothermia. Among other things, your poultry house should be equipped with perches, nests, drinkers and feeders. All this must be in the right quantity and kept clean.

    What to feed the livestock?

    For your chicken business to thrive, your chickens must always be fed a balanced and healthy diet. Many farmers consider it optimal and profitable to raise chickens at home using commercial feed. It is balanced according to the needs of the bird, and the process of feeding with compound feed is the least labor-intensive on your part. On the other hand, this type of feeding is the most expensive, because the cheapest food costs approximately 9-10 rubles/kg.

    In addition, you need to carefully approach the choice of feed and its manufacturer. After all, low-quality chicken feed can lead to no less serious consequences than failure to comply with sanitary standards. Many chicken diseases are transmitted through feed and water. Our advice is to be sure to dilute your birds’ diet with greens and root vegetables. Grain and mineral supplements (chalk, shell, bone meal) are also required.

    Business plan

    Now we will try to draw up a rough business plan for a chicken farm. You can use it as a template and change it according to your own needs. individual conditions. Suppose you decide to keep 400 chickens at home, for this you will have to incur the following expenses.

    • Construction, refurbishment and arrangement of a chicken coop. If you choose conventional floor housing, for 400 chickens you will need a poultry house of approximately 100 square meters.
    • Purchase or self-production drinking bowls, feeders, perches, nests. Costs are individual and depend on what materials you choose to manufacture the listed equipment and whether you will use hired labor.
    • Next, you need to calculate the cost of purchasing young animals, depending on the breed, a chicken costs 80-100 rubles/piece, a pullet will cost about 300 rubles/piece.
    • It is very important to calculate the cost of feeding chickens. For one individual you need 120-150 g of food per day. We determined earlier that the most inexpensive feed will cost 10 rubles/kg, which means that one chicken will eat 1.5 rubles worth of feed per day. This expense item should include the costs of grain, vitamins, mineral supplements and premixes. Don’t forget to also vaccinate your chickens on time.

    Profit calculation is also very individual. You can start from the fact that the price of 1 dozen eggs is 70-100 rubles/dozen. Egg-laying breeds of chickens produce up to 300 eggs per year, which means that one chicken will bring you approximately 2,100 rubles in profit per year. The price of chicken meat fluctuates and averages 150-200 rubles/kg. So, count, compare and think whether it is profitable to keep chickens, breed them and raise them.