Remote work for teenagers 14 years old. How a schoolchild can earn money without leaving home - vacancies for minors

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to find work on the Internet for teenagers. Young people aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old would happily start working part-time in order to get pocket money and not ask for financial help from their parents. And the World Wide Web can help with this.

Working on the Internet without investment has many advantages, but the most important thing is that it can be done at home. And, of course, there is also the fate that remote work can bring in a good income, which is doubly nice. Yes, it is also worth adding that absolutely any user, regardless of place of residence (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) can perform one or another activity on the Internet - that is, you can live in Kyiv and work in a Moscow online store.

Now let's directly look at some of the most interesting part-time online jobs that are suitable for schoolchildren.

I want to offer you vacancies that may interest you, and some of the options listed below provide the opportunity to earn extra money.

Working as a typist on the Internet

Many users agree that this type part-time jobs are deception and fraud. But believe me, you can find a conscientious employer. First of all, you should pay attention to sites that offer homework assignments, tests, coursework or theses for students for money.

By contacting directly the managers of these organizations, you can get remote part-time work. Typists in “offices” are required regularly, but still, you may have to look for a free vacancy.

The payment for typing is quite high, but at the same time it takes up a considerable amount of free time. Therefore, you will have to somehow combine work with study. At the same time, you will begin to get used to adult life.

By personal experience I can say that spring time is the peak of activity among students. They begin to actively look for people who could help them with typing texts and at this moment you will be provided with a large number of orders. The main thing is to complete them on time.

Teenagers can get a part-time job in... For example, an operator or an online consultant. Also a very interesting vacancy is creating descriptions for product cards. These texts are not very long (usually no more than 2 thousand characters) and directly describe the product itself, its advantages and technical characteristics.

Competently delivered speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts, draw conclusions and recommendations, knowledge of the rules of the Russian language are the main requirements for a consultant, operator or text writer.

You can search for similar vacancies on freelance exchanges, message boards, or in the Yandex.Work service. Employers will be happy to hire children and teenagers because they do not have to pay huge amounts. salaries. At the same time, I can tell you from personal experience that, as a school student, the pay, for example, for writing product descriptions, is quite high.

At the age of 17, I myself started working part-time in an online store (toys for children) and was paid 15-17 thousand rubles per month. At that time, this was a lot of money, but even now the amount of 250 dollars is impressive for a schoolchild.

If you graduated from art school or simply know how to draw well, then on freelance exchanges you can find offers to work part-time as a designer. Just keep in mind that this kind of work requires your skills and ability to work with graphic editors.

This type of part-time job is similar to writing texts for product cards, but most often the articles are longer. On average, customers require articles with more than 3 thousand characters. The average payment for such an article will be 135 – 150 rubles (copyright). Time required – 1-1.5 hours.

Of course, the above numbers may not correspond to the real picture, but again, I repeat that I have averaged the data that can be found in the public domain.

You can find customers on freelance exchanges and article exchanges. I would say the best of the last Advego , eTXT, Contentmonster and . Here, any user can become a customer, and perhaps even be able to collaborate with him on an ongoing basis. Registration on these sites is very simple - absolutely any user can handle it.

You can get a job as a copywriter or rewriter on any website you like. But here it is very important that you can prove your professional suitability to the owner of the web project. To do this, you need not only to write a resume, but also to attach several of your good texts– if the employer is satisfied with everything, then you will get a well-paid work from home writing articles.

Everyone knows that groups and communities make money from advertising. But in addition to advertising, the news feed should be filled with various interesting posts. It is for this work that the owners of communities and groups are looking for young enthusiasts who are ready to spend days on social networks and who will work with records.

Very often advertisements for such work can be found on freelance exchanges. Payment will depend on how often you need to add entries and how much time you spend online.

Working via the Internet at home without investment or deception is a pleasure, especially as a moderator. Most often, administrators hire moderators for . IN lately Streams on YouTube became popular, so channel owners began looking for moderators for the chat.

In addition, you can receive a small financial reward for performing simple actions on social networks by working on sites such as V-like, VKtarget, Socialtools and others.

In addition to texts for information sites and online stores, reviews are also required. Writing them can also bring you good monetary reward. You can find such tasks on the same content exchange Advego, which I mentioned above.

You can also search for tasks for commenting on the axleboxes:, Wmmail, SEO-fast and others. And, of course, it is worth mentioning such a service as QComment - a specialized comment exchange, to work with which you first need to undergo training, and then pass a special exam.

Working via the Internet for teenagers on social networks is, so to speak, one of the most ideal options. You can even moderate communities via telephone (although this is extremely inconvenient), and the money paid for this is decent, especially if you get a part-time job with a person who owns a “network of groups” (several popular pages on social networks).

Some of the most popular vacancies on the Internet are layout designer, web designer and SEO specialist. At the current moment in time, the Internet is experiencing a site-building boom and it would be a sin not to take advantage of this.

Of course, without the proper knowledge and experience, you will not be able to find a part-time job. But with a few years of careful study and practice, you can become good specialist in a certain area. What may also inspire you to engage in activities related to websites is that the payment for such work is quite high - for example, a SEO specialist can receive from 30 thousand rubles for a month of his work.

If you have little experience in website promotion, then I recommend that you start with a simple but very popular activity - link building. You will need to expand your customer link profile by writing and publishing posts on forums, blogs, social networks, etc. This is routine work, but you can easily earn 500 rubles a day (in a few hours), which is very good for teenagers.

Available only to users who have reached the age of majority. But you, as a teenager, can register an account in the name of your parents.

Such an activity does not take much time. It is enough to monitor the results of several teams in a particular championship, accumulate statistical data and make predictions based on them.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that you can start working with bookmakers without investment, thanks to no deposit bonuses, which provide all the top services.

Do not forget that gambling is a matter for adults, and therefore it is better if you still decide to earn extra money on your knowledge from the world of sports, then you need to do this under the supervision of your parents. Believe my personal experience, they will only be happy to help you in your endeavors.

This vacancy is also available on the RuNet. You have the opportunity to contact the administrators of online stores with an offer to sell their products for a certain financial reward.

In simple words, this functionality is trading platforms referred to as “affiliate program” or “dropshipping”. In the first case, you will need to distribute links on the product page, and in the second, advertise and sell the product through your contact information.

This is a fairly profitable and profitable activity, but it will require you to devote a fairly large amount of time to organizing sales and finding clients.

I think that as a teenager, this information was very useful and helped you decide on the type of activity on the Internet! Good luck!

During adolescence, boys and girls spend a significant part of their time in educational institutions. Therefore, working on the Internet for teenagers is the most attractive way to get at least some pocket money. Many people no longer want to depend financially on their parents.

Making money online for schoolchildren could be the beginning of a future entrepreneurial activity. There are a lot of options for earning income. You just need to choose the most suitable one.

Online work for teenagers

To decide on working on the Internet, it is recommended to consider the most popular options. Many of them do not require any special knowledge and skills. However, to increase your income you always need to improve.

Affiliate programs

You can earn good money by attracting clients for various organizations. They usually pay for clicking on a provided link or a certain percentage of the sale. You can find prices on their websites.

To make money this way, you need to distribute links on various forums and social networks. It is recommended to leave messages on sites with high traffic. In this case, the probability of clicking on the link will be higher. With 200-300 clicks per day you will be able to get good income.

Note: It wouldn’t hurt to compare the profit received with. With the right approach and proper organization working process amount may be close to it.

Filling out forms

There are organizations that conduct remote surveys. Carrying out marketing research commercial institutions order from them, for which the opinion of consumers plays a role important role in business planning. Part of the income is spent on paying people to fill out questionnaires.

The workflow is quite simple. First you need to find, and then register for them. Over time email Invitations will be sent to fill out forms. For one survey you can get at least 30-40 rubles.

Attention: usually not too many come paid online surveys. Therefore, it is recommended to combine this option with other ways of earning money.

Entering characters from captcha

One of the easiest ways to make money is to rewrite symbols from a picture. You can earn income immediately after registering on a special website that provides such an opportunity. For 1000 correctly entered characters, users receive an average of 50 rubles. It takes no more than 3-4 seconds to process one captcha.

Walkthrough of games

Schoolchildren can quite easily make money from games. The advantage of this method is a pleasant pastime. You can have fun and earn income at the same time. , a huge amount.

There are three main options:

  1. Over a certain period of time, a structure is developed (a castle, a farm, or some kind of establishment), after which it is sold in finished form to another participant.
  2. For bonuses and points, items of equipment for the game hero are obtained. Over time, they are sold to other players.
  3. During the passage, the necessary attributes are accumulated, after which they are converted into real money.

Important: many teenagers earn in . In it, you need to hire gnomes to mine ore, which, after processing, turns into gold. The final product can be exchanged for real money.

Article writing

Those teenagers who know Russian at a good level can take up writing texts. Articles are written for sale or to order. The level of income will depend on the quality of the texts. You can find customers on copywriting exchanges or directly through a newsletter containing commercial offer for potential clients.

Completing tasks on social networks

There are specialized services, where you can earn income for completing certain tasks. Money pays for many activities. During working hours, you will have to like, leave informational notes, add users as friends, and do much more. You don’t need to specifically study this, but to achieve normal earnings you will need high speed completing tasks.

Installing mobile applications

Quite relevant. It is based on the installation of mobile applications on Android or iOS. Sometimes you need to write a review about a downloaded program. To get started, you need to install a special program with which you will select and install paid applications.

Work as a moderator

Many sites need people who can check comments, news or messages for compliance with established requirements. To do this, they hire staff remotely. It is advisable to cooperate with several portals at once, then the income will be quite high.

Video creation

Making money on video hosting is very popular - you need to shoot interesting videos that will have a large number of views. Over time, advertisements are installed on them. It will begin to generate the main income. Getting your first money requires time and preliminary work.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Parents often limit their children's spending. Schoolchildren, compared to students and adults, have a lot of free time, so they can easily solve this problem.

They have various ways of earning income that can bring in up to 2,000 rubles per day. But first you need to get an answer to the main question - money for the student.

How can a teenager make money without the Internet?

Find a good part-time job without the Internet that can be combined with studies, quite difficult. Finding a suitable location, including interviews, will take a lot of time. The main task is to find a job with a convenient schedule so as not to miss classes.

But young people have a number of advantages: they are more active, work to the limit, they are easy to manage, they are versatile, and they adapt quickly.

Employers understand these benefits (for example, in paragraphs fast food), so the student only needs to show himself in a favorable light.


Perhaps this is an ideal job for teenagers aged 15-16 years. You just need to be able to get along with people, entertain the public, come up with useful and interesting games. Good health and attentiveness are required. The animator is employed all year round (in the same shopping centers or stores, for example).

Often animators create their own schedule, for example, it will be more convenient for a schoolchild to work on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Salary depends on the number of hours worked. You can receive approximately 1,000 rubles per day. If you are lucky with the customer, you can get bonuses.


Active work for teenagers from 14 years old. The main task is distributing sheets or posting advertisements to attract clients/customers. Such specialists work on the street or outside the office in a building.

You need to be prepared for the specifics of the profession:

  1. hot, cold, rain, hail - you will have to work in any weather;
  2. leaflets are sorted slowly, but I have to distribute the entire pack;
  3. Posters face many challenges.

Schoolchildren and students are often hired as promoters, so companies can easily create their own schedule. If you do this correctly, then such work will not interfere with your studies. You can get about 500 rubles per day, it all depends on the number of hours spent.


One of the most common hacks for teenagers over 15 years old. The courier’s task is to deliver papers/newspapers/goods specified address. You will have to move a lot, at your own expense, work in any weather, and carry heavy bags. Couriers earn 100-200 rubles per hour.

Hand Made

Creative work is especially popular among teenage girls. Original decorations made with your own hands during the summer are expensive. The main problem is finding buyers.

Parents can help in this regard: ask around at work, offer it to friends and acquaintances, put it up for sale on social networks. Income depends solely on the number of jewelry sold.


  1. Cleaning something (office, utility room, basement).
  2. Walking dogs for money.
  3. Selling unnecessary things on Avito, or speculation (buying and then selling, but more expensive).
  4. McDonald's and other fast food outlets.

Social media

It is difficult for the modern generation to imagine life without the Internet. It allows you to quickly find information, communicate with friends/colleagues, play games, watch movies and TV series. While some people are wasting time, others are making money on the Internet.

  1. Etxt. Suitable for both beginners and experienced copywriters. Every day, customers publish hundreds of orders, but competition is also incredibly high. Rating will help you stand out positive reviews, stars on one or more proficiency tests.
    To get a rating and the first reviews, you will have to carry out inexpensive orders, for example, 20-30 rubles per 1,000 characters. Gradual increase in prices and creation of a base regular customers will allow you to earn a decent income.
  2. Text. On weekdays there are approximately 300-400 orders, on weekends - up to 200. Much less than on Etxt, but also. There are two sections – copywriting (writing unique articles) and rewriting (writing someone else’s text in your own words while maintaining the original meaning).
    Money can be withdrawn by anyone in a convenient way, even to a bank card.
  3. Advego. Copywriting exchange with various types of tasks. There are tasks for copywriting, rewriting, translations, reposts, likes.
    Viral marketing, a type of posting paid at a higher rate, is also popular among teenagers here.

You can earn 5-10 thousand rubles a month by writing texts, working in your free time from school. At first you will have to write at a low rate, but the number of orders and their cost will gradually increase.


This term refers to the decoding of audio and video files into text. This is an excellent part-time job for schoolchildren for the summer, because they don’t even need to write their own text. The main task is to type the text verbatim or with minimal editing in Word.

If you decide to do transcription, you will need the following:

  1. Good headphones. You need to use headphones to translate audio and video files into texts, otherwise external noise will constantly distract you, and you will simply miss some words.
  2. . The faster you type, the more you can earn. The skill will develop, the typing speed will gradually increase. For training, there are special online simulators that make it possible to check your current typing speed and improve this skill.

Verbatim transcription is often required, which is why such work is very popular among schoolchildren. Sometimes they may ask you to edit the text a little to make it readable. For 1 minute they pay from 3 to 10 rubles.

For example, you received an order to transcribe a two-hour interview at a rate of 10 rubles per minute. If you complete the order in a day, you will earn 1,200 rubles.

Transcription orders can be searched on freelance exchanges (). The most accessible of them is Workzilla, where there are tasks that do not require initial skills.

Writing reviews and comments

There are several popular platforms for making money on reviews and comments:

Mobile applications for earning money

Most teenagers have smartphones of varying degrees of coolness. There is at least enough to pay for communications and the Internet, and with due diligence there will be enough for more. They pay for performing simple tasks such as installing programs, games, or watching videos.

So, among those applications that really pay more or less decently, is it worth highlighting?

Orders for this part-time job are given by the developers of these programs and games in order to increase installations of their software (or video views). They don't pay that much, but they pay.

You won’t find some of the applications described in Google Play (they are cheaters, which Google doesn’t like), but they can be installed from the developer’s website following simple instructions.

Paid surveys

There are many sites online that offer you to take surveys for money. For a teenager, the main thing when registering for them is not to indicate your real age, because the number of offers may decrease significantly.

And it’s a very good and dust-free job. I advise you to register on as many sites as possible so that you receive offers to take surveys constantly.

I have compiled this small list of services that you can trust:

I emphasize once again - think about what you write in the registration form and remember this, because the system will constantly check you for the veracity of the information you left about yourself.

You can find out what minimum wages and what withdrawal directions are available (see table).

All sorts of different things

There is an option to earn extra money on solving captcha(?). Yes, they pay for it. Not much, but they pay. With the right skills and perseverance, this will be a good option. Schoolchildren will have just the thing in class.

There are two (three) main sites that give money for such work:

The first two services are essentially the same thing, but in the first case you are paid in rubles, and in the second - in dollars.

Eat . There are tasks that any teenager can handle:


Is it possible for a schoolchild to earn money? Yes, you can. You just need to find a suitable type of activity or a reliable Internet platform. It’s better to start with the Internet in the summer. By the beginning of the school year, you can already earn some money, find permanent place, gain skills and create a convenient schedule for the duration of your studies.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Working on the Internet for teenagers - list of exchanges for earning money real money online.

It is not only a great way to earn money, but also to gain certain work skills.

It is important for every teenager to understand that money is paid for a reason, but for doing a certain job.

There are a large number of exchanges on the Internet where teenagers can earn real money.

Features of working on the Internet for teenagers

In order to start making money on the Internet, you need:

  1. Be confident in your abilities and know for sure that such work is the beginning of something bigger and new.
    Some businessmen who today have very large corporations also began to build their capital.
  2. You need to have a great desire to really make money.
  3. Carefully read the main page of the exchange you have chosen and decide whether this is what you need?
  4. You need to make sure that you have constant access to the Internet, because without it you won’t be able to make money.

The main advantages of working on the Internet for teenagers

Finding such a job is very easy, and most importantly, you don’t need to go to interviews and receive one refusal after another.

All you need to do is fill out the form during the registration process.

Also among the advantages of working on the Internet are:

  1. Possibility of working on a convenient schedule, combining with study or other part-time work, with walks and rest.
  2. The ability to choose the tasks that you like.
  3. Independent control of earnings, precisely known dates of receipt of money.
  4. Work in any convenient place: at your grandmother’s in the village, in a city cafe or park, at home on the sofa.

Exchanges providing online work for teenagers

Exchanges for making money on clicks:

    Ideal for those who want not only to earn money, but also to promote their personal website.
    You can earn about 400-500 rubles a day by completing completely simple tasks.

    It has a very large portfolio of customers, as a result of which there will always be orders for performers.
    You can also make money here by attracting referrals and receiving as much as 60% of their income, which is a very high figure.
    When you combine referrals and earnings from clicks, you can receive about 15,000 per month.

    It is analogous to
    The affiliate program can also bring good income, provided that the system attracts a large number of people who will not run away on the first day after registration, but will continue to work.
    The amount of earnings with due effort is also about 15,000 per month.

  • Here you can because in 30 seconds about 2-4 rubles drop into your account.
    Work takes place in a specially designated window, which can be easily minimized if necessary.
  • Allows you to earn from $500 per month.
    The exchange has existed for more than seven years, and during this time there have been practically no dissatisfied users. There are always a lot of orders.

Also a good option.

However, here you need to follow the invitation immediately after receiving the letter, otherwise it will become invalid.

There are a lot of people who want to earn money, and there are often not enough tasks.

This method of making money on the Internet is suitable for those teenagers who spend a lot of time near the computer, or those who have installed a notification system on their phone about letters arriving in their mailbox.

Exchanges for making money on surveys:

    Offers surveys to fill out with prices ranging from 15 to 500 rubles.
    You can save a pretty good amount per month with minimal time spent on work.
    However, it should be borne in mind that surveys are received rarely, so the site is best suited for combining with another way of making money on the Internet.

    Has a similar registration and payment procedure cash with all other questionnaires.
    A bonus of 10 rubles is immediately credited to your account.
    It’s very easy to make money – you just need to express your opinion about any product.

    It is considered the best website available today for making money on surveys.
    After registration, the teenager must fill out the proposed questionnaire, which indicates the main preferences and occupation.
    After filling out the questionnaire, a bonus of 50 rubles is sent to your account, and each survey costs approximately 40-50 rubles, taking 5 minutes.

Every teenager who wants to earn money must understand that the initial amounts will not be large.

Some resources require time to develop, while others, such as surveys, even if you want, you cannot take more than a certain number of surveys per week.

Internet work for teenagers on social networks

Every teenager today is registered on social networks and has a more or less promoted page, with a large number of friends and subscribers.

You can also make money from this.

First of all, you need to register on one or more exchanges:

    An excellent service for teenagers just starting to earn money.
    You can register from almost anyone.
    The monthly income is approximately 5,000 rubles, and if you participate in the affiliate program, you will get more.

    Allows you to complete the registration procedure using a special VKontakte application.
    The tasks for order executors are quite adequate, as is the payment for them.
    You can realistically earn about 7-8 thousand rubles a month.

    It differs from other services in its ability to quickly withdraw money.
    You can earn from 1 to 300 rubles per day.
    To start working, you need to register, attach your page to social network and start completing tasks.

    It has a powerful program for making money on referrals, which even brings more money than fulfilling simple orders.
    Together with attracting at least 5 people per month to the system and working for a total of 5 hours a day, you can earn about 14,000 rubles in 30 days.

Working on the Internet for teenagers in the humanities

Those teenagers who write essays well or dream of becoming journalists can try themselves as a copywriter.

In order for texts to be accepted, they must be interesting, unique and written without errors.

The most popular and reliable exchanges for copywriting:

    A very large exchange for making money by writing texts.
    About 35 thousand orders appear on the site per day, so no one will be left without tasks.
    Prices for articles vary - from 30 rubles to 10,000 or more.
    The advantage of the system is that you can sell written articles by setting the price for them yourself.

    A closed exchange, not as developed as Advego, but still allowing a teenager who can write to earn good money.
    Has its own affiliate program.
    The average price per article is 50 rubles.

    It is also a fairly common exchange for making money on the Internet, suitable for teenagers.
    The starting price for an article is 5 rubles.
    To immediately receive more expensive articles to order, you need to pass a literacy test, answering at least 7 questions out of 10, and improve your level of skill in rewriting or copywriting.
    After this, you can receive orders from 500 rubles to virtually unlimited amounts.

Internet work for teenagers may be the first step towards independence from parents.

More detailed review Vkserfing project for teenagers to make money on VK

presented in the video:

Even if at first the income will be small and unstable, it will still allow the teenager to buy what he himself wants, without asking permission from adults.

Besides this, every work activity strengthens character and prepares for the realities of real life.

Modern technologies allow not only adults, but also teenagers to find a job without investment and without leaving home. If there is a desire for a relatively short term everyone can do it without special effort save up a good amount. You can quickly find interesting tasks using special services.

Easy money on the Internet for teenagers

There are quite a few options for profitable work on the Internet for schoolchildren. You need to choose based not only on price, but also on your abilities and availability of time. As a rule, all methods do not require special knowledge or skills; anyone can do simple tasks. But in order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to work systematically and efficiently. What types of online tasks can a teenager easily complete?

  1. Internet surfing.
  2. Completing tasks for specialized exchanges.
  3. Installation of mobile applications.
  4. Mining.
  5. Posting videos on YouTube.
  6. Working in an affiliate program.
  7. Creation and promotion of a group on a social network to sell advertising space.

You can find an interesting task for yourself on special sites, and useful tips regarding earnings there are on forums, including professional ones, in thematic groups of social networks.

Working on the Internet for teenagers 15 years old

The easiest way is to offer your time and mental resources for money. A student will be able to make money on the Internet without any problems if he takes the matter seriously and wants to achieve his goal.

Internet surfing

Internet surfing is translated as “wandering around the Internet.” This term denotes a type of earnings that involves viewing pages, advertising, videos, opening links (each of the tasks is associated with moving to a new page). Making money this way is easy, but not fast. To accumulate a decent amount, you will have to spend a certain amount of time, since each task, due to its simplicity, does not pay very high (a few kopecks). The student will be able to find options for Internet surfing on special sites where advertisers and owners of web platforms place their applications (for example, VIPIP, IPGOLD, IPWEB, WMPUBLIC, HITHOST, SEO-FAST, PROFITCENTR). To get started, you need to register there and create a wallet in the electronic payment system with which the exchange cooperates: Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, etc. Next, select a task, collect the amount required for withdrawal and transfer it to a mobile account or wallet, and then to a bank card.

Advice: to increase income at home without investment, it is advisable to work simultaneously with several sites in 2-3 browsers. This way you will get more money per unit of time. In addition, you can simultaneously do other things on the network by reducing the size of the windows and clicking on the surfing windows from time to time.

Installing mobile applications

This is an easy way to earn money at home, which is available to every teenager who has an Android or iOS device. To advertise and promote mobile applications and Internet resources, company owners or intermediaries order free installation of mobile applications. You can find such tasks on special websites: AppRating, AppTools, MobiAff, PayForInstall, etc. To get started, you need to register, fill out a profile and download the mobile applications you like. On some sites, the contractor can set the price himself, and the customer approves the candidate he likes.

It is prohibited to create multiple accounts on the exchange. Ignoring this rule leads to blocking of the account and funds on the balance. Almost all exchanges offer to download their mobile application; tasks there are updated automatically. Some tasks, in addition to installation, require feedback about the software product (5 stars on Google Play and a positive comment). After collecting the minimum amount, money from the balance can be withdrawn to an electronic wallet or mobile account.

Advice: some users recommend trying your luck by playing games for money (, Golden Mines, Farm Neighbors, RobotCash, etc.). But teenagers, like adults, should not waste time on this. Such games, as a rule, require an initial investment and time to increase the rating. in this way is possible only due to a random coincidence of circumstances. Consider this way effective tool It's not worth it to make money online.

Working on the Internet at home for teenagers 16 years old

Even a 16-year-old schoolchild can find profitable ways to make money on the Internet without leaving home. Modern technologies allow you to effectively realize your intellectual potential.

Work on comment exchanges and social promotion

On specialized exchanges, a student can find many different tasks for working on websites and social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Types of tasks:

  • writing comments;
  • reviews;
  • registration on a forum, website;
  • tasks in social networks (comments, publishing posts, reposting, classes, likes, joining a community, event, following, retweeting, adding a tweet to favorites, rating a video, giving a 5 rating to an application on Google Play).

The level of homeownership without investment may vary. It depends on the complexity, service policy and ranges from a few kopecks to 10 or more rubles per task. To get started, you need to create an account on the exchange, select tasks and start completing them. The minimum withdrawal amount is different - on some resources it is 15 rubles, and on others it is more than 10 $. Find a lot interesting projects possible on such online services as Qcomment, VKtarget, Sarafanka, LikesRock, Smmok-FB, V-like, CASHbox,, etc.

Video card resource usage (mining)

If you have a video card with powerful characteristics (the best option is Radeon HD 5xxx, 7xxx and R9 xxx series), a student can try to earn money thanks to its resources. To do this, you need to install a special program (Rublik, Ltcraft, etc.). Another option is to register with special services that test the capabilities of software products, for example, Wmzona, MinerGate. Money from the balance is withdrawn to an electronic wallet or exchanged for VKontakte votes. Some services pay with Bitcoin and Litecoin cryptocurrencies. You can use a maximum of 8 cores and 8 video cards or 4 dual-processor video cards on one device. If you choose this method of earning money without investments, you should always adhere to the rules for using the video card: avoid prolonged overheating, check the quality of ventilation in the device case.

Working on the Internet for teenagers 17 years old

If desired, every student will be able to find profitable ways to make money on the Internet. Even without special knowledge and experience, there are many effective methods earn your own money.

Posting an original video on YouTube

Without deception it is quite possible. The most accessible way for a teenager is to create a high-quality original video. If you edit good video material that can interest a large number of users, in its context it will be possible to place advertising for money. But in order for a video to be accepted by an advertiser, it and the account must meet several parameters:

  • more than 3000 video views per month;
  • the channel must exist for at least 3 months;
  • do not contain prohibited scenes ( full list requirements can be found in Help - YouTube);
  • do not advertise a product or service.

You can also not expect approval from YouTube, but offer your video material to an intermediary site that has passed certification, for example, Wildo, AIR, FilmStudio, YouPartner. You will have to pay about 30% of the income received for services.

Affiliate programs

Another way for a student to make money on the Internet at home is to participate in affiliate programs. They are created with the aim of attracting new customers, expanding the scope of the company’s activities, and monetizing traffic. In order to start earning money, you need to distribute a special link containing a link to the site. Anyone who follows such a link and registers an account on the service (it can be paid or free) will bring a monetary reward to the referrer. It is distributed in in different forms: as a link with ID, text for E-mail newsletters, video or blog post, banners. You can try your hand at the following resources: Glopart, Admitad, Mixmarket, Ad1, Actionpay, etc.

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The methods listed will also help. Even teenagers who are just a few years old will be able to get the most out of them, but only if the approach is systematic. As an option for making money on the Internet, you can consider writing poetry to order.