Creative research project on the World around: “The amazing world of mammals. Mammals presentation Biology project on the topic of mammals

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Class Mammals Includes more than 4 thousand species. This is the youngest and most highly developed group of vertebrates. It originated from primitive reptiles about 150 million years ago, but flourished only 80 million years ago.

Class Mammals Subclass Monotremes Subclass Viviparous Superorder Lower (Marsupials) Superorder Higher (Placental) 17 orders

Placental animals Order name Number Character traits Representatives

Order Insectivores Includes 370 species. The teeth are not differentiated. The brain is small, hemispheres without convolutions (this is a no brainer) hedgehog shrew mole

Order Chiroptera Includes 850 species. Capable of flight. Between the forelimbs, trunk and hind limbs there is a leathery membrane. Keel. echolocation of kalong hammerhead


Order Rodents Includes 1500 species. They eat plant foods. Large incisors that grow throughout life. Canines no squirrel beaver



Order Lagomorphs Includes 60 species. They eat plant foods. Above - two pairs of incisors (external and internal) hare rabbit

Squad Carnivora Includes 200 species. They feed on animal food, active predators. Fangs! The coat is long and thick. The hemispheres of the forebrain have convolutions - complex behavior

Panda bear family Polar bear

Family Wolf fox

Felidae family lion leopard

manul domestic cat

Order Pinnipeds Includes 30 species. Large predators. They live in the water, but have not lost touch with the land. The hind limbs are turned into flippers. Fat layer, thick skin

fur seal seal

Order Cetaceans. Lost contact with land. There are no glands and hairline on the body. Limbs modified into flippers Toothed cetaceans. Dolphins

Toothed Cetaceans: Sperm Whale Baleen Cetaceans. Blue whale.

Detachment Proboscis Experienced the heyday in the Tertiary period. Now represented by 2 species: Indian and African elephant. The upper lip and nose are turned into a trunk.

Order Odd-toed ungulates.

rhinoceros tapir

Order Artiodactyls. Includes two suborders: ruminant and non-ruminant Non-ruminant hippo boar

Ruminant giraffe

bison elk

Detachment Primates lemur Suborder Semi-monkeys - in their development they are an intermediate link between insectivores and monkeys.

gorilla The group of higher primates includes three families: Monkey-like, anthropoid, people

Olive baboon


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Control work in biology, grade 7, the program of I.N. Panomareva. Topic: "Class Mammals". Form: test tasks of various types....

Tasks:1. continue to introduce students to the diversity of mammals; 2. give a general description of the orders of artiodactyls and equids, 3 ....

Municipal educational institution

Pervomaiskaya secondary school

Scientific and practical conference of students "I know the world"

Creative research project:

"The Amazing World of Mammals"

Kurenkova Varvara

Shompolov Oleg


primary school teacher

Evteeva S.V.





    Theoretical part…………………………………………………..

Who are mammals………………………………………….

Blue whale…………………………………………………………….

African elephant……………………………………………………

Giraffe ………………………………………………………………..


Rocky squirrel……………………………………………………….



Monkey Marmoset……………………………………………………..

3. Organization and research methods …………………………………………………………….

    Research results and discussion ……………………………

    Conclusion and Conclusions……………………………………………………

    Bibliographic list of sources used…………….



Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of mammals and you will discover many new things. Here everyone, even a well-informed and erudite person, will find unknown and sometimes intriguing facts from the animal world. The relevance of the chosen topic can be revealed by one famous statement George Eliot "Animals are very nice friends..."

We undertook this work in order to expand our knowledge in such a section of the animal world as Mammals. In this work, we will describe some mammals, tell interesting information about them.

The purpose of the project: acquaintance with amazing mammals.


Find information about common features mammals;

Discover mammals you never knew existed

Collect interesting, unknown facts about mammals we already know

Before starting work on a project on this topic, we, students of grade 1a, assumed that mammals are four-legged animals, in which the body is raised high above the ground, and the limbs are located under the body. One of the hallmarks of mammals is the presence of hair. The habitat of mammals is land. To confirm our hypothesis, we used the following research methods:

1. Observation.

2. Study of literature.

3. Comparison.

4. Sociological survey

5. Systematization of knowledge, analysis and explanation of research data.

So, we begin our virtual journey through the world of mammals!

Theoretical part

All animals that feed their young with milk are called mammals. There are a lot of them, and they are very different: from a baby mouse to a giant elephant. Humans are also mammals.

Nowadays, about four thousand species of mammals live on the entire globe. Many of them inhabit vast expanses of land or the World Ocean and still number in the hundreds of thousands and millions, and some have become so rare and few in number that scientists count them in the thousands, hundreds and even tens.

Despite all the variety of forms, mammals have a number of common features.

Most mammals are quadrupeds with their torsos high above the ground and their limbs below their torso. This body structure contributes to their more perfect movement on land. Mammals have a well-defined neck, which allows the head to have a high degree of mobility. In connection with the adaptation to movement in different environments, the limbs of mammals have different shapes. For example, in whales and dolphins, the limbs are changed into flippers, and in bats, into wings.

Modern mammals are divided into 19 orders. Among them are: oviparous, marsupials, insectivores, bats, cetaceans, carnivores, paired and equids, primates.

We will name the most important orders of mammals:

Insectivores have medium or small body sizes (mole, hedgehog, shrew).

Rodents have a body of small or medium size, strongly developed, constantly growing incisors; have high fertility, mainly herbivores (squirrels, beavers, ground squirrels, mice, rats).

Lagomorphs have two pairs of incisors, body size is small (hare, rabbit, pika).

Carnivores have well-developed fangs and predatory teeth, feed mainly on animal food (wolves, bears, martens, tigers).

Pinnipeds spend most of their lives in the water, limbs are modified into flippers (walrus, seal, fur seal).

Cetaceans live in water, have a large body; the forelimbs are modified into flippers, while the hind limbs are absent; move with the help of a powerful tail; There are toothed whales (sperm whale, dolphins) and baleen whales (blue whale).

Artiodactyls have a body of medium or large size

(cow, elk, wild boar, hippopotamus).

Odd-toed ungulates have large body sizes, hooves (horse, donkey, zebra).

Primates have different body sizes, the most numerous family is monkey-like, which includes macaques, baboons, monkeys.

Now we will tell you about the most amazing mammals.

Blue whale

Among modern mammals, the largest is the blue whale, whose body length exceeds 33 meters and weighs up to 160 tons, which corresponds to the weight of 30 elephants or 150 bulls. One tongue of such a giant weighs 4 tons - like a big elephant!

Blue whale - the largest mammal not only of our time, but also ever lived on Earth. It is larger than even the largest dinosaur. Plus the blue whaleloudest mammal -

This. It can make sounds that can be heard at a distance of 850 km.

African elephant

largest land mammal

this is a male African elephant . The largest elephant had a height of 3.96 m and weighed over 12 tons. The amazing thing about elephants is that they can hear with their feet just as well as with their ears, picking up sounds passing through the ground. It is possible that elephants resort to this method of communication when there is too much noise above the ground, for example, airplanes fly by.


With tallest of mammals- Thisgiraffe having a height of 6.1 m. The neck of giraffes is unusually long, despite the fact that they, like almost all other mammals, have only seven cervical vertebrae. Giraffes can run fast and, in case of urgent need, reach a speed of 55 km / h at a gallop, that is, they can overtake a racehorse over short distances. However, giraffes walk slowly.


The smallest of the mammals is the bat from Thailand, which bears the name pig-nosed Kitty Bat, which has a length of only 2.9-3.3 cm and weighs only 1.7-2 g. This mouse is inferior in size to many insects and snails.

rocky squirrel

Rocky squirrel can live up to 100 days without water

The record for the ability to go without water is not held by a camel, but by a rocky squirrel from southern Mexico. This small animal can live without water for up to 100 days.


The fastest of mammals is cheetah, which develops a speed of 96 km per hour over short distances, there is also data on 105-115 km per hour.


The platypus, which lives in Australia, can be safely called one of the most amazing animals on our planet. When the first skin of a platypus first came to England (this happened in 1797), at first everyone thought that some joker had sewn a duck's beak onto the skin of an animal that looked like a beaver. When it turned out that the skin was not a fake, the scientists could not decide which group of animals to attribute this creature to. So, the platypus is an amazing mammal that lays eggs, but feeds its cubs with milk.

An amazing creation of nature - a mammal marmoset - the smallest monkey in the world, its body length is about 12cm 15cm tail length.

Organization and research methods

The main place of work on the project was office No. 2 of the MOU PSOSH. Under the guidance of our class teacher, we studied the literature on the topic "Amazing Mammals", conducted a sociological survey among primary school students, teachers, and parents. The students were asked the following questions:

Name the main hallmark mammals?

Is a bat a mammal? Why?

Are whales and dolphins mammals? Why?

Name the fastest mammal?

Name the largest mammal?

Name the smallest of the mammals?

What is the tallest mammal?

As a result, we have collected a wealth of material on this topic.

Research results

As a result of the study, we found that the students of the primary level of the MOU PSOSH are well aware of the distinguishing features of mammals. Many children can name the tallest mammal, the smallest mammal, the fastest, the largest mammal.

As a result of the study, we have expanded our knowledge of mammals. We learned that all mammals are united by the fact that they feed their cubs with milk. Our assumptions that mammals are quadrupeds, in which the body is raised high above the ground, and the limbs are located under the body, and that one of the distinguishing features of mammals is the presence of hair, were confirmed. We also learned that mammals live not only on land, but also in water. We discovered mammals we didn't even know existed; collected interesting facts unknown to us about mammals already familiar to us.


Having studied the materials of books, encyclopedias on our topic, we came to the conclusion that the world of mammals is large and diverse. No encyclopedia is able to tell even briefly about absolutely all representatives of the mammal class. It is possible that scientists have yet to discover new species that are still unknown to science. It is possible that we, students of grade 1a, will become these scientists.

While working on the project, we found out that many species of mammals are endangered. These are the Altai mountain sheep, the Amur tiger, the white-bellied seal, the East Siberian leopard, the polar bear, the bison and many others.

Protecting nature is our duty. All animals without exception have the right to live on this planet, regardless of their size and benefit to humans. Many species of animals have already disappeared from the face of the Earth with the active participation of man. Our task is to preserve the remaining species. Having fed the birds in winter or releasing the caught bug, even the smallest person will be able to make a small contribution to a big deal - nature protection.

Bibliographic list

    "The Great Encyclopedia of the Schoolchild". Publishing house Rosmen. M.2000 "A Child in a World of Search". Ed. Dybina O.V. M. 2009 Poglazova O. T. The world around, grade 1 Smolensk, "Association of the 21st century", 2012 Shkolnik Yu.K. Animals. Complete encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo, 2008 Encyclopedia "Secrets of wildlife", Moscow "Drofa", 2000. Internet resources

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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Wild and domestic Mammals Features of the structure, behavior and diversity Prepared by: a student of grade 9 "G" of the MBOU secondary school No. 189, Ksenia Nikitchenko Checked the work: biology teacher Kurta Oksana Viktorovna 2015

2 slide

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Plan 1. Introduction 2. Origin of mammals 3. Distinctive features of animals (types of covers) 4. Practical part Sources used

3 slide

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Introduction I chose this topic of work in 2014, after studying the Animal Biology course in the 7th grade. In 2015, I decided to get to know the Mammals Class in more detail. PURPOSE: to study the structural features of mammals and their skeleton. EQUIPMENT: illustrations of various representatives of the Mammals class, textbook drawings, technical equipment - a computer. Ruler, scales. living objects. “God created the Cat so that a person could have a tiger that can be stroked” V. Hugo.

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The study of the external and internal structure of mammals. MAMMALS - animals (Mammalia), a class of vertebrates, the most famous group of animals, including more than 4600 species of the world fauna. It includes cats, dogs, cows, elephants, mice, whales, people, etc. In the course of evolution, mammals have carried out the widest adaptive radiation, i.e. adapted to a variety of ecological niches.

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The origin of mammals The ancestors of mammals were undoubtedly ancient Paleozoic reptiles, which had not yet lost some of the structural features of amphibians: skin glands, the location of joints in the limbs (between the lower leg and tarsus and between the forearm and wrist) and, perhaps, a double occipital condyle. Such an ancestral group is considered a subclass of animal-like (Theromorpha).

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Origin of the domestic cat Where did the domestic cat come from? When did man domesticate this animal? Each of these questions cannot be answered unambiguously, because there are different versions of the origin of the domestic cat in the world. Someone, for example, seriously believes that these wonderful creatures came from outer space. Legend has it that the domestic cat was first born on Noah's Ark. Therefore, before the start of the global flood, such an animal did not exist at all. When the ark floated on the land flooded by the ocean, so many mice and rats bred on it that it began to threaten its other inhabitants. And then Noah turned to the king of beasts for help. According to one version, the lion sneezed and a cat jumped out of his nostril, after which he sneezed a second time and a cat jumped out of his second nostril. The rodents on the ark were having a hard time. According to another version, this pair appeared from the nostrils of a lion after Noah stroked the king of beasts on the forehead. It turns out that the first cats saved humanity from certain death.

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Origin of felines Origin of wild cats In the Paleocene, a family of primitive predators similar to martens - miacids (Miacidae) was formed. By the middle of the Tertiary period (in the Oligocene), they occupied a dominant position among other terrestrial carnivores, and among them there were seven main families of terrestrial and three families of aquatic predators that are part of the modern predatory order (Carnivora). The Oligocene includes the appearance of Proailurus, a transitional form between viverrids and cats. In the Miocene, it gave way to pseudoailurus (Pseudaelurus), from which two subfamilies of cats originated: cats proper saber-toothed tigers. The domestic cat belongs to the category of mammals, the cat family. This family includes both long-extinct and now existing representatives. In total, 37 species of cats are known. The origin of cats has a long history. About 30-35 million years ago, the ancient predators of the Viviera family reached a great diversity and wide distribution. Some of them served as the initial forms of modern species of wild and domestic cats. The ancient original and, apparently, the main ancestor of all breeds and varieties of domestic cats is considered to be the "wild North African buck" or "Libyan cat". It is also known as the “steppe”, “Nubian”, which received this name from the ancient state of Nubia, located on the territory of present-day Sudan. In the wild, this cat has survived to this day.

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Despite the centuries-old history of the relationship between a cat and a person, it has changed little, unlike other animals. By appearance the domestic cat is remarkably similar to its ancient ancestors. Only a few changes in the structure of the ear, a more pronounced bulge of the temporal bones, a shortening of the muzzle and variations in coloration can be seen. On the other hand, she retained her proud character and independent lifestyle. One can agree with the opinion of researchers that the modern domestic cat, with the exception of some decorative breeds, cannot be considered in the full sense of the home, since it almost completely retains the habits and behavior of wild relatives, only adapting them to new living conditions in the house. Cats are very good at navigating in unfamiliar surroundings, so that, as a rule, they always find their way home without much difficulty. But if it is impossible to return to her former home, she quickly adapts to new conditions and is even able to lead a wild lifestyle.

10 slide

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Practical part. Objective. Get to know the general characteristics and features external structure mammals as highly organized animals. Meet to distinctive features animals of the class mammals on the example of a pet.

11 slide

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1. Object of study: pets. 2. Subject of study: cats. Research methods: Observation, survey, experiment, conversation, questioning. The practical significance of the work: this work will help to form the ability of children to follow the rules for keeping cats and in cultivating a good attitude towards pets.

12 slide

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I want to tell you about one wonderful creature, about my beloved cat. Her name is Eugene. She is only eight months old. She is black, soft wool. From the age of three months, she was accustomed to buckwheat with meat, that is, they cook it separately for her. Kingdom Animals Type chordates Class mammals Detachment carnivores Family Feline Genus Cat Species Cat Domestic Breed British Name Eugene

13 slide

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1. Research and analysis of the behavior and habits of a domestic cat. Object of study: pet. Subject of study: cat. Research method: observation, survey, conversation, questioning, experiment. Questioning of children: 1. Name of the cat? 2. How did the cat appear in your house? 3. Breed of the cat? 4.Cat coloring? 5. How old is your cat? 6. Food preferences.

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The children and parents from the 9th grade were surveyed. The survey showed that 29 people have cats, but other children would also like to have cats. Among 35 cats the following breeds are represented: Persian - 2 Siberian - 1 British - 6 Sphynx - 2 Mongrel - 23 65% of cats prefer natural food, and only 35% - special food.

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Experiment: "What the cat eats" (14 days) The cat was changed food for 14 days. Alternating dry food with our usual food. Conclusion: the cat liked it the most, eating ordinary food.

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Experiment: "Who is the owner of the cat" All family members were at home, the cat was in another room. At the same time, everyone began to call the cat to him, but the cat ran to only one member of the family - to his mother, because she feeds and cooks for her. As a result of the experiment, we can conclude that the cat considers its mother to be its owner, because she feeds her. Conclusion: If you have got yourself a small pet, take care, feed him, love him, because he is like a family member.

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A distinctive feature of animals in terms of integument The presence of wool covering the body is a distinctive feature of animals: only they form hair, i.e. filamentous keratinized outgrowths of the skin (epidermis). The main function of the coat is to insulate the body, which facilitates thermoregulation, but it also serves many other purposes, in particular, it protects the skin from damage, and can mask the animal due to its color. Depending on the habitat conditions, the cover changes.

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SELF PRESERVATION Protective covers. Some animals, such as a hedgehog, are covered with needles and, in case of danger, curl up into a ball, exposing them in all directions. A similar method of protection is used by armadillos, which are able to completely fence themselves off from the outside world with a horny shell, which also protects the body from the sharp thorns of cacti, which are the most common vegetation in the habitats of these animals. The North American porcupine went even further in the development of protective covers. It is not only covered with jagged needles, which, stuck in the body of the enemy, can lead to his death, but also very deftly wields a prickly tail, inflicting quick and accurate blows on the enemy.

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self-preservation All mammals have developed certain mechanisms of self-preservation, and many have acquired special protective adaptations in the course of evolution. The THREE-BELT ARMADOLE curls up into a ball when an enemy approaches. Vulnerable parts of the body are completely surrounded by bone plates covering its back.

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The African Crested Porcupine is protected by a mane ("comb") of flexible spikes and sharp needles. Spreading them, he turns to the enemy with his tail and makes a sharp movement back, trying to prick the aggressor.

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The COMMON AMERICAN OPOSSUM, when frightened, falls into a state of temporary paralysis. This reaction, called imaginary death, saves him from many predators.

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The BLACK HORSE ANTELOPE has enough speed and stamina to outrun most predators. When she fails, she violently fights them off with long, strong horns.

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BLACK-TAILED prairie dog weeds around the hole to improve visibility. Noticing the danger, she emits piercing cries, warning the rest of the colony about it.

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Skeleton In mammals, as in all vertebrates, the skeleton consists of a large number of bones that develop independently and are interconnected by ligaments and connective tissue. In some species, it is deeply specialized, but the principle of its structure is the same for all representatives of the class. This fundamental similarity is clearly seen when comparing extreme variants, such as dolphins with a virtually absent neck, whose vertebrae are paper-thin, and giraffes with the same number, but very elongated cervical vertebrae. The skull of mammals is articulated with the vertebral column by two rounded bony protrusions in its back - the occipital condyles.

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The teeth of the vast majority of mammals are solid structures that develop from special connective tissue (mesoderm) cells - odontoblasts and consist mainly of calcium phosphate (apatite), i.e. chemically very similar to bones. However, calcium phosphate crystallizes and combines with other substances in different ways, so that various dental tissues are formed as a result - dentin, enamel and cementum. Basically, a tooth is made up of dentin. (Elephant tusks and, accordingly, ivory are solid dentin; a small amount of enamel that first covers the end of the tusk is quickly erased.) The cavity in the center of the tooth contains the “pulp” that feeds it from soft connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves.

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Lesson Mammals

Slides: 12 Words: 464 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

Biology. Lesson topic: And the external structure. Mammals". "Habitat. 1. Setting the goal of the lesson. 2. Organizational moment. 3. Studying a new topic. Stages of the lesson: Living objects (hamsters, mice, rats, etc.), Table "skin". Mammals have conquered all areas of the earth from the North Pole to the coast of Antarctica. In the water, in the air, on the trees; in all natural areas. Course of the lesson: Organizational moment. Exploring a New Topic: Through a variety of adaptations, mammals have gained a dominant position in the animal kingdom. On the board are photographs of various mammals. Based on the photos and text §63, make a table: - Lesson Mammals.ppt

Class Mammals

Slides: 17 Words: 459 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

Variety of placental mammals. Lesson goals. general characteristics mammals. Mammals (animals) are the most highly organized vertebrates. Mammal records. The cheetah can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. The killer whale in water develops speed up to 65 km/h. The rarest mammal is the Logman whale. The most important groups of mammals. Insectivores. Bats. Rodents. Lagomorphs. Predatory. Pinnipeds. cetaceans. Artiodactyls. Primates. Odd-toed ungulates. Detachments. Insectivores and bats. Rodents and hares. They eat plant foods. Unlike rodents, lagomorphs have 2 small incisors behind the 2 upper incisors. - Class Mammals.ppt

Mammals Grade 7

Slides: 24 Words: 678 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Class Mammals or Animals. Orders: Monotremes, Marsupials, Insectivores, Bats. You recognized me? Lesson topic: Class Mammals or Animals. The study of the external structure of mammals. Equipment: photographs and drawings on slides and textbook. General characteristics of the class Mammals: Class Mammals: Subclass Oviparous or first animals: 1. Detachment Monotremes. Odd-toed ungulates 11. Primates. Detachment Single pass. Platypus, two types of echidnas, three types of proechidnas. Signs of a detachment of monotremes. SQUAD MASSIONATES: Marsupial wolf, Koala, Kangaroo, Wombat. Signs of the order of marsupials. - Mammals Grade 7.ppt

Mammals Grade 8

Slides: 24 Words: 1129 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

Topic: Habitat and external structure of mammals. Show similarities and differences in the external structure of mammals, birds and reptiles. Platypus. Horse. Porcupine. Dolphins. Bat. Battleship. Mammals also vary in size. The smallest animal, the baby shrew, has a body weighing 2 grams: The blue whale is 65 million times heavier than the shrew! Lifestyle and behavior of animals. In a platypus, a cub hatches from eggs: \\ A kangaroo cub is born underdeveloped: Lifestyle and behavior of animals: Many animals are awake all year: And some spend almost half a year in hibernation: - Mammals Grade 8.ppt

Biology Mammals

Slides: 16 Words: 215 Sounds: 1 Effects: 28

Annotation The presentation has been prepared for the lesson of learning new material. Class Mammals. Characteristics. Constant body temperature. Four-chambered heart. The respiratory organs are the lungs. The digestive system is differentiated. Separation of teeth by structure. Brain improvement. Feeding babies with milk. Best friend". Entertaining stories from life: Artists; Rescuers; Friends. Interesting friendship. We are friends: you and me!!! Squad Predators. Characteristic features: Sensitive hearing; Soft step; Sharp talons. King of beasts. Brown bear. Detachment of ungulates. Deer. - Biology Mammals.ppt

mammals animals

Slides: 27 Words: 777 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

What is a zoo? There are over 850 zoos in the world. HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE ZOO? Most zoos in the world are dominated by mammals. Our brothers (mammals). There are about 4,500 species of living mammals today. Why "mammals"? The gestation period lasts a long time: in elephants - up to two years! Viviparous? Unlike other animals, mammals give birth to young already ready for life. But there are two exceptions. Both live in Australia. Which? The platypus and the echidna lay an egg, and then the hatchling is fed with milk… Is it cold? Mammals are warm-blooded. - Mammals.ppt

Mammals class lesson

Slides: 30 Words: 543 Sounds: 0 Effects: 118

Class Mammals. Class Mammals. Features of the structure, life as highly organized vertebrates. Lesson objectives: Tasks: Echidna. Horse. Dolphin. Gray seal. Dog. Cat. 86 species of mammals. Currently, 4500 species are known. Carl Line. Mammal sizes. Baby shrew Weight 2 grams. The smallest animal. The largest animal. Blue whale Weight 130 tons. Origin of mammals. Ancestors of mammals. Beast-toothed reptile. What are the environments of life on earth? Mammals inhabited all environments: ground, water, air, soil, ground-water. - Class Mammals lesson.ppt

Mammals or animals

Slides: 23 Words: 2425 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Mammals. Description of the class of mammals. Origin. Respiratory system. Digestive system. Nervous system. Starship. Tapirs. Ancient mammals. Arm. Squirrel. Lagomorphs. Artiodactyls. Bats. Insectivores. Predatory. cetaceans. The skin of cetaceans. Pinnipeds. marsupials. Odd-toed ungulates. - Mammals, or animals.ppt

Class Mammals or Animals

Slides: 13 Words: 425 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Small mammals are permanent inhabitants of the living corner. Mammals are warm-blooded animals. Animals have a special place in it. Animal world It is also used for scientific, cultural, educational and aesthetic purposes. Bioecological characteristics of the class of mammals. The Mammals class is divided into three subclasses: The placental subclass is divided into several orders: Children preschool age representatives of all the above groups are familiar. Classifications of small mammals: Based on relationship with humans Domestic wild. By way of eating. Predatory. - Class Mammals or Animals.ppt

mammal birds

Slides: 21 Words: 2144 Sounds: 4 Effects: 113

Project on. Biology and stories about animals. Content. Birds Mammals Test Author Purpose Bibliography and appendices End. Passenger doves. Hardly any birds gathered in such monstrous flocks. Birds. Introduction Stories about passenger pigeons Pigeons Eagle. Introduction. That is, birds are warm-blooded vertebrates. The bird skeleton has some features. Therefore, most of the bones are hollow, and some parts of the skeleton are fused. But the forelimbs have turned into wings. Pigeons. On the territory of the former USSR, 6 species of true pigeons live. The rocky dove usually lives in the mountains, for which it got its name. - Mammals Birds.ppt

General characteristics of mammals

Slides: 37 Words: 828 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Class Mammals or Animals. Animals. higher vertebrates. habitats. Ground-air environment. Soil habitat. Diversity of mammals. dominance on earth. Mammals. Sections of the body. The body of mammals. Horny scales. The skin of mammals. glands. Mammalian skeleton. Musculature. Digestive system. Mouth of animals. Baleen whales. Mammals breathe atmospheric air. circulatory systems. Warm-blooded animals. Paired kidneys. Large hemispheres of the forebrain. Sense organs. Separate animals. Caring for offspring. - General characteristics of mammals.ppt

General characteristics of the Mammals class

Slides: 20 Words: 405 Sounds: 0 Effects: 12

Habitat and external structure of mammals. Give a general description of animals of the class Mammals. Mammals also vary in size. In a platypus, a baby hatches from eggs. Lifestyle and behavior of animals. Think about the environments of life on Earth. Mammals have now mastered different habitats. Ecological groups of mammals. Study the features of the external structure of mammals. The external structure of the dog. The location of the limbs of reptiles and mammals. The structure of the skin of mammals. The presence of horny scales. Horns. - General characteristics of the class Mammals.pps

The external structure of mammals

Slides: 21 Words: 371 Sounds: 0 Effects: 50

Class Mammals. General characteristics and features of the external structure of mammals. Lesson Objectives: Lesson Objectives: Remember!!! What are the features of the external structure of reptiles? Problem question. How are mammals different from reptiles? Laboratory work. "Features of the external structure of mammals". Class Mammals or Animals. Thus, Mammals constitute the most highly organized class of vertebrates. Ecological groups of mammals. Habitats of mammals Soil Ground-air 3. Water. - The external structure of mammals.ppt

The internal structure of mammals

Slides: 10 Words: 155 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

The internal structure of mammals. Digestive system. Oral cavity. Esophagus. Stomach. Intestines. Anus. Respiratory system. Bronchi. The structure of the lung (alveoli). capillaries. nasal cavity. Trachea. Lungs. Alveoli. Circulatory system The structure of the heart. Four-chambered heart with a complete septum. Venous and arterial blood do not mix. Circulatory system. Large and small circles of blood circulation. excretory system. As a result of filtering the blood, urine is formed. Kidneys. Bladder. Urethra. Ureters. Isolation is the removal of harmful and unnecessary metabolic products of the cell. - The internal structure of mammals.ppt

mammalian reproduction

Slides: 28 Words: 555 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

The perfect model. Reproduction and development of mammals. Application for assessment: Put a punctuation mark after the topic of the lesson. Explain your choice. At the end of the lesson, answer: Why does today's lesson have such a name? Set the correspondence between the concepts 3 points. Establish a correspondence between concepts. Formulate the concepts: reproduction, development, find generic and specific concepts. (2+2 points). Match concepts with philosophical categories. Find the superfluous by establishing a logical connection between concepts. 1. oviduct, ovum, ovary, testicles. The ovum is a sex cell, the rest of the concepts are parts of the reproductive organs. - Reproduction of mammals.ppt

Reproduction and development of mammals

Slides: 13 Words: 263 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

The topic of the lesson is "Reproduction and development of mammals." To reveal features of reproduction and development of mammals. Learn Features life cycle mammals. Let's remember... What is reproduction? What are the reproductive organs of male and female vertebrates called? What are the sex cells of male and female called? What is fertilization? What are the types of fertilization? New terms. The placenta is the villi of the germinal membranes that have grown into the wall of the uterus. The uterus is the organ in the female reproductive system where the embryo develops. Pregnancy is the period of development of the fetus in the uterus. - Reproduction and development of mammals.ppt

The value of mammals

Slides: 16 Words: 499 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

The importance of mammals in nature and human life. Lesson Objectives: Chart: Large cattle. business groups. Breeds. The value of mammals in nature. Importance of mammals in human life: Importance in nature: Importance in human life: Conservation of mammals. List the measures you know to protect wild animals. What mammals are listed in the International Red Book and the Red Book of Russia? -

Veshchenya Alexey, Elsufiev Alexey, Zakharov Andrey, Kolosov Oleg.

To study the characteristic features of the family artiodactyls and equids, habitats, representatives and their significance.

1. Using additional literature and Internet resources, group the studied material and draw up a mini-project on this topic;

2. To identify protected species of the Tyumen region;

3. Reveal the meaning in nature and human life.

4. Pick up entertaining material.



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MINI-PROJECT ON THE THEME: Class Mammals Completed by: Vishchenya Alexey, Elsufiev Alexey, Zakharov Andrey, Kolosov Oleg.

Purpose: To study the characteristic features of the family artiodactyls and equids, habitats, representatives and their significance. Tasks: 1. Using additional literature and Internet resources, group the studied material and draw up a mini-project on this topic; 2. To identify protected species of the Tyumen region; 3. Reveal the meaning in nature and human life. 4. Pick up entertaining material.

Characteristic features Artiodactyls This order includes animals of medium and large size with thin long legs ending in two fingers, less often four. The ends of the fingers are dressed in horn covers - hooves. The first finger is always missing. The legs are adapted for movement in one plane parallel to the average longitudinal section of the body. Males (rarely females) of many ungulates have horns. This detachment unites ungulates, characterized by the fact that their third finger reaches the greatest development, through which the axis of the limb passes, while other fingers are poorly developed or completely absent. Odd-toed ungulates do not have clavicles; simple stomach. There is only one pair of nipples (in the inguinal region).

Habitats. Areas: They live in the steppes, in the forest-steppes, in deserts, are found in forests, in the tundra, live on the foothills, in the mountains, most of all are found on the plains and lowlands. Continents: Russia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Europe and Asia (Southeast), America (Central, South), in houses.

Camels, antelopes, saigas, giraffes, pigs, wild boars, goats, hippos, rams, elk, kudu, roe deer, bison, deer, tapirs, kulans, rhinos, horses, argali, donkeys, zebras, etc.

Species living in our area Boars, Deer, Goats, Elks, Pigs, Rams, Horses.

The role of artiodactyls and equids in nature in human life Regulate the growth of vegetation; Participate in the circulation of substances; Domesticated for food and household chores.

Protected species Antelope - some species are protected; Pigs -2 species are under the Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; Pygmy hippopotamus, listed in the International Red Book; Roe deer - In a number of places it is under protection; Deer - 11 species and 20 subspecies in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; Tapirs - 3 species in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources; Kulans - are protected everywhere, 2 species of Syrian and Indian kulan are listed in the International Red Book; Rhinos - all species are listed in the IUCN Red List.; Wild horses are listed in the International Red Book; Wild donkey - listed in the International Red Book; Zebras - many species are listed in the International Red Book.

The ruble is interesting Earlier in Russian, the word giraffe was used in the feminine gender - giraffe. People who work with horses are fifty percent less likely to develop diabetes than anyone else. The largest representative of wild horses was the zebra, which had one and a half meters at the withers and about two and a half meters in length. Due to the special location of the eyeballs on the head, horses see 360 ​​degrees, with the exception of two “dead” points: right in front of the forehead and a small area behind the neck. Horses see quite well in the dark, especially clearly distinguish bright objects.

Entertaining material Tearing flowers is easy and simple For children of small stature. But for someone who is so tall, It is not easy to pick a flower - (S. Ya. Marshak, "Giraffe".) Branches crunch in the forest, Here and there. Looking for acorns ... (boar) Two heads, six legs: two lie quietly, and four walk (rider on horseback) I am very funny, I jump and run, and in a color film I am always black and white (Zebra)

Literature: … teme- mlekopitayushchie -0