Tender platform for purchasing by networks. List of electronic platforms (ETP)

Exchange of a full range of electronic commercial documents accompanying all stages of ordering and delivery of goods, directly from customer accounting systems.

Full control of the goods delivery process

Exchange of a full range of electronic documents in the Federal Tax Service format, accompanying all stages of delivery and return of goods, mutual settlements, directly from customer accounting systems.

Storage of electronic accounting documents.

The manufacturer posts data about its products and creates its own sales channel for each distributor, fills it with an assortment and sets prices, provides distributors with access to their personal account with personal product catalogs and price conditions.

Distributors generate orders and reports on sales and balances in relation to the agreed assortment.

Allows you to quickly and reliably synchronize information about products in all sales channels: with retail chains, distributors, online stores, own retail.

Processes and stores logistics parameters, pricing conditions, consumer properties, media data and permitting documents.

Instant registration of batches of manufactured products Generation and cancellation of veterinary certificates directly at the time of shipment and acceptance of goods in connection with shipping documents

Monitoring and adjustments of documents in real time

Supporting the process of financing monetary claims with the participation of the buyer of the claim ( factoring company or bank), supplier of goods (creditor) and buyer of goods (debtor).

Transparent and secure automated three-way interaction between participants in a factoring transaction, assignment and confirmation of rights of monetary claim.

A complete set of electronic documents accompanying factoring operations in EDI and Federal Tax Service formats

Balance and others financial indicators

Government contracts won and placed

Report to cover risks to the Federal Tax Service and the head

Affiliates, connections between companies and their owners


Lawsuits, register of unscrupulous suppliers

Select and purchase tickets at the best prices, make hotel reservations, transfers, travel documents, generate accounting reports

Convenient travel management and control of travel expenses within the organization

Possibility of postpayment, all travel expenses are collected in one invoice

Procurement 44-FZ, 223-FZ

Commercial auctions, bankruptcy auctions

Registration of legal entities/individual entrepreneurs, cash desks

Submitting reports to government agencies, electronic document management

State portals and government services, federal customs service, EGAIS FSRAR

Doctor's electronic signature

A comprehensive solution for preparing for mandatory product labeling: release electronic signature for registration in the "Chestny ZNAK" system, setting up an accounting system for working with goods, exchange electronic documents with the corresponding marking code.

Each company, in the process of interaction with various suppliers of necessary goods, wants to carry out transactions while preserving its conditions and interests as much as possible. A guaranteed profitable option for any organization will be a trading tender platform, which allows using the Internet to supply/purchase batches of goods of any size and order various types of services.

List of sites (ETP)

With free access

  • sberbank-ast.ru
  • roseltorg.ru
  • rts-tender.ru
  • etp-micex.ru
  • zakazrf.ru

To participate in procurement on these sites, you must have accreditation at each of them. You can find out more about accreditation on the ETP on this page or by asking a question online consultant in the lower corner of the site.

In order to search for the necessary tenders across all sites at the same time, you can use our services.

With paid access

Site groups

  • Fabrikant.ru
  • NTK Altimeta
  • Norbit
  • iTender
  • Electronic trading platform ETPRF
  • OTS.RU

Commercial ETP

  • www.moitender.rf (Free platform for legal entities and individuals)
  • Auction Competitive House
  • ETP OJSC "Realization Center"
  • Baikal-Tender
  • ETP "InvestEnergoservice"
  • TZS Electra
  • RB2B LLC "Purchasing and marketing systems»
  • ETP "Tender.Pro"
  • SETonline - multifunctional system e-commerce
  • ETP OJSC Severstal
  • ETP BashZakaz.ru
  • System electronic trading- Sitno
  • Trade purchasing system "AMS-Service"
  • ETP "KamTender"
  • Electronic trading and purchasing platform AGC Glass Russia
  • ETP OboronPromTorg
  • All-Russian electronic trading platform Lot-online OJSC Russian Auction House
  • Trading and purchasing platform of OJSC TATNEFT
  • Ural Electronic Trading Platform
  • R-Sigma
  • 223ETP.ZakazRF
  • ETP 24tender.ru
  • ETP JSC "Mosvodokanal"
  • ETP Sakhaeltorg.ru
  • ETP CJSC "Siberian Agrarian Group"
  • ETP "Kommersant"
  • ETP "SMP Market"
  • ETP "Easy2Trade"
  • Black Sea unified trading platform
  • Electronic trading system iTorg24
  • Electronic trading platform for budgetary and autonomous institutions "BUDGET"
  • ETP "Etalon"
  • ETP "Augustina"
  • ETP "Eltorg"

What is a tender (trading) platform?

So, an electronic tender platform is a place where executors and customers of transactions meet and interact with each other, selecting suitable parameters for their implementation. Some sites include in their functions the development and preparation of the necessary tender documents, and also participate in the preparation of selection on a competitive basis of contractors.


Another important detail of the effectiveness and usefulness of the existence of such trading platforms is the ability of companies to track their place among competitors producing analogues of their products in the turnover ranking and, thereby, analyze the ability of their enterprise to compete with the existing product on the market. This allows the company to develop new marketing moves and improve your trading position.


Electronic trading platforms can be commercial or government. Today there are only 5 state sites. There are more than a dozen commercial ones. Among them there are more well-known large players, such as b2b-center, and lesser-known ones with a narrow profile or regional ETPs. Commercial sites, as a rule, have paid access to participate in auctions.

State tender sites



B2B center
Roseltorg Fabrikant
RTS-Tender Tender-Pro
ZakazRF A.K.D.
TZS Electra

Functions of tender platforms

Due to the variety of functions of tender platforms, they have many advantages. Thanks to the numerous list of bidders, the customer, turning to the electronic platform, has a wide and completely independent choice of order executors. At the same time, access to trading is possible from any corner of the world, working hours saves on collection required packages documents, and to select a suitable offer.

Companies offering a product or service at auction can significantly save money on advertising, and can also be confident in the transparency of the entire trade process.

The most important factor in the advantage of tender sites is the legal side: Russian laws are guaranteed to be observed in every procedure occurring at auctions.

Also many commercial sites provide tender support services for procurement participants. The cost of turnkey support varies from 12-15 thousand rubles to several tens of thousands per month.

The main functions of the ETP include:

  • search trading procedures according to various criteria;
  • review of tender documentation;
  • personal account for securing applications for participation in procedures;
  • automation of locking/unlocking cash on the account;
  • carrying out electronic auctions, requests for quotations, proposals, competitions;
  • submitting a request for clarification of tender documentation.

Tender sites in Russia

Trading platforms operating in Russian Federation, quite a lot, all of them are classified according to the types of services offered, the significance and purpose of transactions - these are platforms for international orders and supplies, for commercial purposes, federal tender sites For public procurement, as well as other specialized tender trading systems.

The industry division of electronic trading makes it easy to find orders that are profitable for the organization; the enterprise gets the opportunity to develop production, which will increase its profits and competitiveness.

Today, the largest state tender platform in Russia is Sberbank-AST. To participate in bidding on this site, neither the customer nor the contractor will pay anything, since state trading platforms provide their services free of charge; you just need to collect and fill out necessary documentation for accreditation.

Regional tender sites

Electronic platforms at the regional level are becoming the most convenient and recommended for effective work. Here auctions are held among companies located in any region of Russia. This system simplifies the search for the necessary orders, thanks to territorial restrictions for enterprises.

Let's sum it up

Electronic tender platforms help simplify the work of any purchasing or sales manager. Numerous opportunities open up for them to expand their list of clients, find a supplier with favorable conditions sales, simplify and speed up research into the level of efficiency of the enterprise, be confident in the safety and legality of all transactions made at auction. And for public procurement, electronic trading platforms make a huge contribution to simplify procurement procedures and reducing the corruption component to a minimum.

There are federal and commercial ones. Today there are only 6 federal ones. Only they can carry out procurement in accordance with 44-FZ. There are more than a hundred commercial services. All of them have paid access to participate in the auction. Commercial tenders free of charge without registration can be found on the official websites of companies that are purchased under 223-FZ, such as Rosneft, Gazprom or Lukoil.

Do not confuse an electronic trading platform with information portal. In the first case, there is a full search for a supplier; in the second case, it is just a selection of tenders from various trading platforms. For example, when requesting “Commercial tenders Moscow and Moscow region,” 9 out of 10 results will direct you to search services and only one link will lead to a trading platform.

All federal platforms, in addition to sections for procedures under 44-FZ, have separate platforms for trading under 223-FZ. And the largest players, and, offer individual sections of such corporations as Central Bank RF, VTB Group, Russian Post, .

Universal commercial platforms for tenders

Here you can find customers from all over the Russian Federation purchasing goods and services in any profile:

  • group of companies;
  • group of companies;
  • group electronic platforms OTC (otc.ru);
  • electronic trading platform (etprf.ru);
  • "TZS Electra", tzselektra.ru;
  • multifunctional ETP SETonline, setonline.ru.

Industry ETPs

They operate in specific industries or regions. The most popular:

  • independent ETP for petroleum products (nge.ru);
  • ETP Stroytorgi for construction industry companies throughout Russia (stroytorgi.ru);
  • the Workspace portal, which helps organize tenders for services related to business development on the Internet (workspace.ru);
  • Exchange "St. Petersburg" (spbex.ru).

ETP for small government procurement

Large portals offer markets that operate like online stores:

  • supplier portal “Supermarket B2B” (sverhmarket-b2b.ru);
  • Corporate online store (KIM) (roseltorg.ru/kim);
  • electronic store"RTS-MARKET" (zmo-mall.rts-tender.ru);
  • catalog of goods and services B2B-Center (b2b-center.ru/catalog);
  • OTS Market electronic store (otc.ru/market).

What is an electronic trading platform? Why is it needed, what types of electronic trading platforms are there? Electronic trading platforms(ETP) allow customers to organize electronic procurement procedures, and potential suppliers to participate in them, competing for the right to supply products to a given customer.

Another area of ​​activity is providing auction organizers with the opportunity to sell the property being sold in electronic form- in this case already potential buyers compete for the right to acquire the property being sold. The procedures carried out at each ETP are described in detail in their operating regulations, and these regulations are usually posted in the public domain on the websites of electronic trading platforms. Neither the regulations nor the rules for conducting site procedures can contradict the law.

ETP is necessary tool for carrying out procurement in electronic form. This is a software and hardware complex, which for the user looks like an Internet site, after registration on which authorized employees legal entity may, on behalf of this legal entity, announce purchases as a customer or participate in them as suppliers. Within the framework of current legislation, the platform provides users with a “line” of procurement methods, the algorithms of which are regulated by the regulations of this electronic platform and its internal rules.

The electronic platform is a procurement tool, and the platform operator is obliged to ensure the proper operation of this tool. At the same time, the operator of the electronic platform does not have the powers of a government body, nor the powers of an arbitrator, and therefore cannot and does not have the right to officially assess the legality of the actions of customers and suppliers, much less apply government measures to them. When conducting a procurement in electronic form, as with any procurement, the powers to suppress illegal actions of the customer or supplier rest exclusively with state regulatory authorities and the court.

Each procurement involves three parties - the procurement organizer, procurement participants and the operator of the electronic platform. In this case, potential suppliers are participants in the procurement, the customer is the organizer of the procurement, and the person ensuring the functioning of the electronic trading platform is the operator of the electronic trading platform.

How to choose an ETP? An electronic trading platform is an easy, convenient way to access the procurement procedures of large, promising customers. The advantages of ETP are obvious: procurement is open, public, transparent, there is objectivity in choosing the winner. It is also important that suppliers’ offers are anonymous for the customer.

If you want to become a supplier government organizations, you need to choose one of the officially accredited platforms for government procurement:

  • ETP of the Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan (Zakaz RF)

All information on state tenders can be found on the website zakupki.gov.ru.

Private companies and companies with state participation, operating under 223-FZ, purchase either through their own (“captive”) sites (Aeroflot, Rosneft, Russian Railways, etc.), or through independent commercial electronic trading platforms (B2B-Center, Fabrikant ", ETP "Gazprombank", etc.).

To work at the ETP, you must be accredited. Depending on the ETP, registration may be paid or free.

For those wishing to take part in government orders, accreditation is free, but it is necessary to provide a number of documents, a list of which is indicated on the website of each operator. Also a necessary condition is the presence of electronic digital signature, which operates on the selected trading platform.

After receiving the signature, you must provide the documents specified by the operator, certify them with an electronic signature and submit an application for accreditation in the correct format.

Pros and cons different types sites

Commercial ETP:

Pros. Ease of use, smart selection of tenders for each supplier, additional services, including financial ones. For example, B2B-Center provides clients with a range of financial services: bank guarantee, security deposit, loans. There are non-financial services such as consulting on procurement activities, legal support bidding Cons. Availability of subscription fee. Purchases are only commercial and under 223-FZ (no government purchases under 44-FZ).

"Captive" ETP:

Pros. Free for the supplier. Cons. They are organized for one buyer, the activities of the site are not transparent for the supplier, you need to get used to the algorithms of work on each individual ETP. The simultaneous use of several ETPs is a scattering of the supplier’s efforts.

State ETP:

Pros: Many suppliers, uniform rules procurement procedures (44-FZ)

Cons: Minimum ease of use and services, hidden fees in the form of reserving funds from suppliers.