What does lot mean on the packaging? Marking

Every woman or girl has a wide range of cosmetics in her arsenal: creams and lotions, lipsticks and shadows, varnishes and masks. And when buying another jar or bottle, she, of course, needs to find out how long all the mentioned products will be safe. This is the basic information that interests the buyer after studying the composition of the product. Usually you notice some inscriptions and numbers on the packaging of cosmetic products. What can they say?

What does EXP mean on cosmetic packaging?

If you carefully examine the box or label on the jar, you will find the inscription EXP. Let's look at what EXP means on cosmetics packaging?

Let's try to decipher this abbreviation. It represents the first three letters of English expirations date, so EXP on the packaging when translated from English means “expiration date”.

It is specified in the format exp.MM.YYYY or exp.HHMMYY, where:

  • HH - number;
  • MM - month;
  • YY(YYYY) - year.

For example, record exp.08.2018 means that the cosmetics expiration date is until August 2019. Another example: exp.060617. This exp entry on the packaging means that the cosmetics can be used until June 6, 2017. Its use after this date is not recommended as it may be unsafe and may cause skin irritation or allergies.

Similar information is indicated for cosmetics whose shelf life does not exceed 30 months.

If the product has a longer shelf life, then the expiration date from the moment of opening is indicated on the packaging or jar. To do this, use the icon of a jar with an open lid and numbers. If M12 is indicated on a jar of cream, this indicates that from the moment the jar is opened, the cream can be used for twelve months.

Why is it important to know the expiration date?

Indication of the expiration date on the packaging of a cosmetic product is required by law. By applying this designation, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for quality and guarantees the preservation of the beneficial properties of the product until the expiration date.

Several factors influence shelf life:

  • the presence of preservatives that prevent the development of microorganisms;
  • the presence of active components that reduce the properties and quality of products;
  • moisture that can provoke bacterial growth;
  • packaging features (dispensers and pumps) that protect the contents of the container from exposure to oxygen and the ingress of microbes.

If the expiration date has already expired, the chemical composition of the cosmetic may change:

  • the acidic environment of the product changes (pH indicator);
  • active substances and components of the cosmetic product are destroyed;
  • Emulsion separation occurs.

EXP on the packaging indicates the period until which the cosmetic product can be safely used. If the expiration date has expired, but the cosmetic looks good and does not have any external changes, this does not guarantee that it has retained all its properties. beneficial properties. Therefore, you should not use such cosmetics.

Where can I find expiration date information on the packaging?

EXP on the packaging indicates the expiration date of the cosmetics, so this information must be found. There are no specific requirements for printing expiration dates. Such an inscription can be located anywhere:

  • at the bottom of the jar;
  • on the lid;
  • on a label that can be stuck anywhere;
  • on the seam of the tube.

You should not buy a jar of cosmetics if there are several months left before the expiration date. By choosing products with a long shelf life, it will be possible to ensure a long-lasting effect of beneficial active substances and obtain a visible effect of the purchased cosmetics.

If the expiration date has expired

If the expiration date of cosmetics has expired, then it must be thrown away! Such cosmetics will no longer be able to provide beauty and care, but there is a possibility of causing possible harm.

Due to the presence of moisture, oxidation by air, and exposure to sunlight, preservatives and active substances are destroyed, which provokes the intensive development of microbes.

It is necessary to stop using the cosmetic product as soon as possible. following cases appearance of external signs of deterioration of cosmetics:

  • separation of components is observed;
  • the color of the product has changed;
  • smell;
  • consistency.

It would be great if customers pay close attention to the information on cosmetics labels and under no circumstances use expired cosmetic products.

During the shelf life, drugs must fully retain their therapeutic activity, harmlessness and meet all the requirements of the scientific and technical documentation, in accordance with which they were released and stored under the conditions provided for by this documentation.

Production markings

Production markings include: series, lot, production date.

Series(in English Batch) is a certain amount of product produced without changing conditions from a certain amount of raw materials without stopping production (as if from one “batch”).

Batch – a certain amount of medicine obtained as a result of one technological process

Party(in English Lot) is the quantity of products (possibly of different series) simultaneously put up for sale (or sent to the buyer).

Series numbers may take into account the production date.

Here are examples of series designations on packages:

Series No. 601104 (last four digits indicate month and year of production);

Series No. 015-0505

Series No. 034100 (series does not take into account the production date)

Series No. 9710239 (the first four digits indicate the year and month of production);

Series: 146732/141372.

The word "series" is not always present on domestic packaging.

Sometimes a five-, six-, or seven-digit number is simply stamped.

Foreign version of the series designation:

B. No. 020603 (takes into account the month and year of production);

Charge - Nr.: 1530703 (takes into account the month and year of production).

No. 0301192 or B 0615.

Sometimes, instead of a series, a control number is indicated on the packaging of imported products, for example: “Control N 023079” or “O.N. 1109/56”.

The lot or batch number is indicated on imported packages.

Examples: LOT#0471; LOT Z31001FS: LOT 674HD; LOT 0529121; LOT No.67.

To indicate expiration dates can be used various options.

Best before date – this is the period of time during which the drug must fully meet all the requirements of the quality standard.

The shelf life is calculated from the date of production.

Therefore, labeling most often contains information about the production date (it can be included in the batch number) and (or) the expiration date.

Another option: the production date and the number of days, months or years during which the product is suitable for consumption are indicated.

For example: "The date of issue V is 2004. The shelf life is 5 years."

Expiration dates are often indicated by the words “Best before”, for example:

Expiration date: 10 08

Expiration date: 12/1/2007

Expiration date: 11 2004

Expiration date 04/07 or (simplified): until 04/11 or 03/2005.

The expiration date of imported medicines and dietary supplements is indicated using the word Expiry (English “expire”), and in German transcription - Verwendbar bis.

Examples of expiration date designations: EXP 7/06; EXPSEP 08; EXPIRY DATE: 02 12 06; Verwendbar bis: 02 03 06.

Sometimes the expiration date is indicated as follows: BEST BY 09/07 (better used before 9/07); USE BY 08/04 (use before 08/04).

The production date may be included in the batch number or may be indicated separately. In English transcription, a shortened version of the word "Manufactured" is often used - "Mfd" - produced (sometimes "Mfg").

In German transcription, the date of manufacture is Herstelldatum.

Examples of production date designations:

Manufacturer date: 08/04

Shelf life is calculated in months and/or years and is determined by subtracting:

Expiration date = shelf life – release date.

The expiration date can be determined by the labeling:

After the words “best before...” the month is written in Roman numerals, and the last two digits of the year in Arabic.

Shelf life – calendar date on the individual packaging of the drug, until which its properties, subject to proper storage, must meet the requirements of the quality standard. After this date, the drug cannot be used.

All discussed above production indicators stamped on the packaging. Only the names of the indicators themselves are indicated typographically.

Product number according to the manufacturer's catalog(or the company that has received distribution rights) is most often affixed to the packaging of imported dietary supplements and is designated, for example: PRODUCT NO. 13667. This inscription is affixed to facilitate work with distributors’ products when the company’s product range is represented by a large number of varieties.

If the drug is produced by a company under license, then on the packaging it is given license holder information(company name, trademark) and the license number may be indicated.

For example:

Tavegil® tablets are produced by the pharmaceutical plant EGIS A.O., Budapest, Hungary under license from Sandoz A.O. (Basel). This information is printed on a label with trademarks of both companies;

The license number is indicated on the packaging of the licensed product: "Manufacturer. Persons. No: K T K/25A/272/94" or "Mfg. Lie. No. 6/766" or "Lie. No. 1528"; The manufacturer of the drug provides information on the packaging that it is a licensed user of the product - “Licensed Used”.

In case of joint production the packaging bears an inscription like: “Produced in collaboration with the company...”.

Consumer packaging of medicines and dietary supplements may contain manufacturer's address(distributing company). The address may include the names of regions, cities, states, mailboxes, telephone, fax, and email addresses.

On transport packaging imported medicines are designated contract number and import permit.

Sometimes the label indicates quality control stamp(department technical control), which gives certain guarantees of product quality by the manufacturer. The Quality Control Department stamp is often present on packaging containing chemical reagents.

An integral part of the labeling of medical devices is A mark is a sign that certifies the quality of a product (QC, rejector number, personal mark, metal sample).

The mark informs that the product has been subjected to control, checked by quality control department workers, it certifies certain properties of the product, the materials from which it is made, and confirms that the product has been tested in accordance with established rules.

On packaging with pharmaceutical products there may be indicate the standard number or other document according to which this product manufactured.

Patient care items, dressings have on the packaging indication of grade.

There may also be typographical signs on the labels that are not related to the product (signs of the printing house that completed the order for printing labels; technological designations that are understandable to specialists producing packaging or markings).

TOproduction markings include:series, lot, production date.

Series (in EnglishBatch) is a certain amount of product produced without changing conditions from a certain amount of raw materials without stopping production (as if from one “batch”).

Party (in EnglishLot) is the number of products (possibly of different series) simultaneously put up for sale (or sent to the buyer).

Batch numbers may include production date. Here are examples of series designations on packages:

Series No. 601198 (last four digits indicate month and year of production);

Series No. 015-0589

Series No. 034100 (series does not take into account the production date)

Series No. 9710239 (the first four digits indicate the year and month of production);

Series: 146732/141372.

The word “series” is not always present on domestic packaging. Sometimes a five-, six-, or seven-digit number is simply stamped.

Foreign version of the series designation:

IN.No020693 (takes into account the month and year of production);

Ch.- V. 210053

Charge - Nr.: 1530799 ( takes into account the month and year of production)

No. 0301192 or B 0615.

Sometimes, instead of the series, the packaging of imported products indicatescontrol number, for example: “Control N 023079” or “O. N. 1109/56".

Lot orbatch number indicated on imported packaging. At­ measures: LOT#0471; LOTZ31001FS; LOT674HD; LOT 0529121; LOT No. 67.

To indicateexpiration dates Various options can be used. The shelf life is calculated from the date of production. Therefore, labeling most often contains information about the production date (it can be included in the batch number) and (or) the expiration date. Another option: the production date and the number of days, months or years during which the product is suitable for consumption are indicated. For example: "Release dateV- 1989 Shelf life: 5 years."

Expiration dates are often indicated by the words “Best before”, for example:

Best before: 10 95

Best before: 112 1997

Best before: 112000

Expiration date 07/98 or (simplified): until 11 02 or 03 2000.

The expiration date of imported medicines and dietary supplements is indicated using the wordExpiry (English “expire”), and in German transcription -Verwendbar bis . Examples of expiration date designations: EXP 7/94;EXPSEP93; EXPIRYDATE: 02 12 96; Verwendbarbis: 02 03 93. Sometimes the expiration date is indicated as follows:BESTBY09/00 (better to use before 9/99);USEBY08/02 (use before 08/02).

On labels for mineral waters, production (bottling) dates are indicated by notches on a special linear “months-years” scale located on one of the side stripes of the label, and the shelf life of the product is written in words (usually 12 months).

Very often, incompetent buyers mistake the inscription: U 1997 AN for the expiration date of imported dietary supplementsrightsreserved. Such a typographical inscription is present on many products that have brand (trade) names protected in accordance with the established procedure. Literally, this means that in 1997 all rights of the company were reserved for the use of brand names on the packaging of its products. This inscription has nothing to do with the expiration dates of the products. The expiration date should be looked for with a separate stamp on the same packaging.

Production date may be included in the series number, or may be indicated separately. In English transcription, a shortened version of the word "Manufactured« - « Mfd" - produced (sometimes "008 MFD1092.

Surely, many have seen the same product on store shelves with for different periods suitability. One product was produced a couple of days ago, while another will no longer be suitable for consumption in two days. Another example: you open a chocolate bar, and there is a strange white coating on it, although everything is in order with the expiration date. In this case, perhaps the problems lie in the shelf life. TAM.BY tried to sort out this confusion.

Best before date

Shelf life is the period after which the product (work result) is considered unsuitable for its intended use.

The expiration date can be indicated either as a specific date (Expired until: 05/01/2019) or as a time period (Expired within 12 months).

By law, the sale of expired goods is prohibited. We have already written about what to do if you find an expired product on the counter.

Shelf life

Shelf life – the period during which the product (result of work) is subject to established conditions storage retains the properties and characteristics specified in regulatory documents, establishing requirements for the quality of goods (work, services), and (or) in the contract.
(Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”)

Often buyers think that expiration date and shelf life are one and the same. But that's not true. Often both dates are indicated on the packaging. But after the expiration of the shelf life, the product may change some of its qualities, but will remain suitable for consumption.

The difference between shelf life and shelf life is easy to explain using the example of honey. On average, its shelf life does not exceed 12 months, as indicated on the packaging. But this does not mean that after a year this product cannot be eaten. He'll just change appearance. For example, it can be sugared. But it will not lose its beneficial properties.

But be careful about dairy and meat products and medications. If the shelf life has expired, it is better to refrain from consuming them.

Service life

Service life - a calendar period established in days, months, years, or operating time established in hours, operation cycles, kilometers or other similar indicators provided for by law or contract based on the functional purpose of the product (work result), during which the manufacturer ( the contractor) undertakes to provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the product (result of work) for its intended purpose and bear responsibility for shortcomings that arise through his fault.

In simple words: by setting the service life of the product, the manufacturer guarantees that during this time the product will be in good condition and will not cause harm to the life, health, or property of the buyer.

There are products that can be sold without a specified service life. In this case, the manufacturer is obliged to ensure the safety of the product for 10 years from the date of its sale.

Warranty period

Warranty period - a calendar period established in days, months, years, or operating time established in hours, operation cycles, kilometers or other similar indicators, provided for by law or contract, during which the product (work result, service) must meet the requirements for its quality, determined in the manner prescribed by law.
(Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”)

If we talk about the warranty period and service life, then here too consumers are often confused and I think that there is no difference between them. In fact, these concepts are different.

The service life is set by the manufacturer based on the functional purpose of the product. But the warranty period can be set by both the manufacturer and the seller. In this case, the purpose of the product does not matter.

Another difference is that the service life begins from the moment the product is manufactured, and the warranty period begins from the moment it is handed over to the client.

The specified service life obliges the manufacturer to bear obligations to the buyer. This applies, for example, to repair and maintenance, production and supply of spare parts to retail outlets and repair shops. He is also responsible for product defects caused by the manufacturer.

We discussed the nuances of returning goods under warranty in

Every woman or girl has a wide range of cosmetics in her arsenal: creams and lotions, lipsticks and shadows, varnishes and masks. And when buying another jar or bottle, she, of course, needs to find out how long all the mentioned products will be safe.

This is the basic information that interests the buyer after studying the composition of the product. Usually you notice some inscriptions and numbers on the packaging of cosmetic products. What can they say?

If you carefully examine the box or label on the jar, you will find the inscription EXP. Let's look at what EXP means on cosmetics packaging?

Let's try to decipher this abbreviation. It represents the first three letters of English expirations date, so EXP on the package when translated from English means “expiration date”.

It is specified in the format exp.MM.YYYY or exp.HHMMYY, where:

  • HH - number;
  • MM - month;
  • YY(YYYY) - year.

For example, the entry exp.08.2018 means that the expiration date of cosmetics is until August 2019.

Another example: exp.060617. This exp entry on the packaging means that the cosmetics can be used until June 6, 2017. Its use after this date is not recommended as it may be unsafe and may cause skin irritation or allergies.

Similar information is indicated for cosmetics whose shelf life does not exceed 30 months.

If the product has a longer shelf life, then the expiration date from the moment of opening is indicated on the packaging or jar.

To do this, use the icon of a jar with an open lid and numbers. If M12 is indicated on a jar of cream, this indicates that from the moment the jar is opened, the cream can be used for twelve months.

Why is it important to know the expiration date?

Indication of the expiration date on the packaging of a cosmetic product is required by law. By applying this designation, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for quality and guarantees the preservation of the beneficial properties of the product until the expiration date.

Several factors influence shelf life:

  • the presence of preservatives that prevent the development of microorganisms;
  • the presence of active components that reduce the properties and quality of products;
  • moisture that can provoke bacterial growth;
  • packaging features (dispensers and pumps) that protect the contents of the container from exposure to oxygen and the ingress of microbes.

If the expiration date has already expired, the chemical composition of the cosmetic may change:

  • the acidic environment of the product changes (pH indicator);
  • active substances and components of the cosmetic product are destroyed;
  • Emulsion separation occurs.

EXP on the packaging indicates the period until which the cosmetic product can be safely used. If the expiration date has expired, but the cosmetics look good and do not have any external changes, this does not guarantee that it has retained all its beneficial properties. Therefore, you should not use such cosmetics.

Where can I find expiration date information on the packaging?

EXP on the packaging indicates the expiration date of the cosmetics, so this information must be found. There are no specific requirements for printing expiration dates. Such an inscription can be located anywhere:

  • at the bottom of the jar;
  • on the lid;
  • on a label that can be stuck anywhere;
  • on the seam of the tube.

You should not buy a jar of cosmetics if there are several months left before the expiration date. By choosing products with a long shelf life, it will be possible to ensure a long-lasting effect of beneficial active substances and obtain a visible effect of the purchased cosmetics.

If the expiration date has expired

If the expiration date of cosmetics has expired, then it must be thrown away! Such cosmetics will no longer be able to provide beauty and care, but there is a possibility of causing possible harm.

Due to the presence of moisture, oxidation by air, and exposure to sunlight, preservatives and active substances are destroyed, which provokes the intensive development of microbes.

It is necessary to stop using a cosmetic product in the following cases when external signs of deterioration of the cosmetics appear:

  • separation of components is observed;
  • the color of the product has changed;
  • smell;
  • consistency.

It would be great if customers pay close attention to the information on cosmetics labels and under no circumstances use expired cosmetic products.

In the last post, we found out why expired cosmetics are dangerous. Now is the time to figure out how to determine its expiration date. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this.

After all, it is required to be indicated on all cosmetic products sold in our country. But in reality, its designation is not always easy to understand. In this post, I will tell you what the expiration date depends on, all the ways to mark it, how to determine it correctly and how to make sure that there are no expired cosmetics on your shelf.

So first things first...

What determines the shelf life

    Preservatives and their concentration. Preservatives prevent the growth of bacteria and protect active ingredients from destruction. The greater the number of different preservatives contained in the composition and the higher their concentration, the greater the number of different bacteria they can suppress.

    Number of active ingredients in the composition. Often, active ingredients (for example, in anti-wrinkle, anti-acne, sun protection products) are very capricious and significantly reduce the shelf life of the product.

    Availability of water. Water increases bacterial activity. Therefore, the shelf life of dry products is much longer.

    And finally - packaging form. Pumps and dispensers protect cosmetics from moisture and bacteria, and minimize contact with oxygen. Therefore, products in the correct packaging last much longer.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of factors. As a result, the shelf life of even the same type of products from different manufacturers varies greatly. Therefore, it is important to be able to quickly determine the expiration date of each product.

Determining the expiration date of cosmetics

Each cosmetic product has two expiration dates:

  • total shelf life - unopened;
  • and expiration date after opening.

Shelf life when unopened

First of all, we pay attention to the storage time when closed. To avoid a situation where a recently purchased product turns out to be expired or close to it, do not forget to check the expiration date before purchasing.


Different manufacturers use different formats for indicating expiration dates:

Application area

Information about the expiration date can be applied anywhere - on the label, the jar of the cosmetic product itself, the seal of the tube, etc., etc.

p. Therefore, quickly finding this information can be difficult. Here it is important to be patient and still get to the bottom of the truth.

Application method

Please note that the expiration date is printed in a reliable way - not glued on an additional sticker and not applied with washable and washable ink. The first questions the “consistency” of this information, and the second indicates that the expiration date was applied using an “artisanal” method, and casts doubt on the reliability of the manufacturer and compliance with sanitary standards when packaging the cosmetic product. The expiration date must be easily readable, printed in indelible ink, or embossed/engraved on the packaging of the cosmetic product.

Expiration date after opening

Second important point- everything I wrote about above relates to the shelf life of cosmetics when unopened.

After opening a cosmetic product, conditions are created to increase the activity of bacteria - contact with our skin, exposure to light and oxygen. As a result, the shelf life is sharply reduced. Therefore, the expiration date after opening is indicated separately.


A special sign in the form of an open cosmetic jar indicates how long after opening the use of this cosmetic product will be safe.

designation “PAO” - period after opening - period after opening). As a rule, the shelf life after opening is indicated in months (“m” on the package - from the English month) and their number may vary: 6 m, 12 m, 24 m, etc.

n. Less commonly, it can be indicated in years (“y” - from the English year - year).

This mark is most often found on creams and liquid cosmetics.

As I already wrote, water is one of the main factors in the development of bacteria. Therefore, liquid cosmetics deteriorate much faster when depressurized. Dry cosmetics do not have a shorter shelf life after opening.

Which term is more important?

So, we examined in detail both expiration dates: before and after opening. Now let's see how they work together.

If you opened the product very recently, and the total shelf life is already coming to an end, it is worth writing off the product according to its shelf life when unopened.

And the opposite situation: if the general expiration date has not yet expired, but the product has been open longer than indicated on the “storage after opening” icon, it is also considered expired and should not be used further.

That is, your cosmetics can be used until the earlier of the two expiration dates.

How to comply with expiration dates

And as a gift for everyone who read the post to the end, a little life hack from me on how to make sure that there are no expired funds on your shelf.

I hope this article was useful to you, and now you can quickly determine the expiration date of any cosmetic product and control the order on your cosmetic shelf.

How do you keep track of the expiration dates of cosmetics? Share your recipes and ask your questions in the comments.

Read our blog, improve your cosmetic literacy and always be irresistible.

Net weight sign

Indicates the weight of the product excluding packaging. If the contents of the package weigh less than 5 grams, then this mark does not apply (tea bags, shampoo samples, etc.).

"Best before opening" sign (PAO Symbol)

This sign indicates the expiration date of the product after the packaging has been opened for the first time. The sign shows an open jar indicating the expiration date in months.

In the example shown, the expiration date is 12 months.

Recyclable plastic sign

This sign is placed on plastic products, which can be industrially processed. The triangle may contain a number indicating the type of plastic to facilitate sorting: 1 - Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE), 2 - High density polyethylene (HDPE), 3 - Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 4 - Low density polyethylene (LDPE), 5 - Polypropylene (PP ), 6 - Polystyrene (PS), 7 - Other (OTHER) - a mixture of various plastics or polymers.

Also under the sign there may be a letter code of the plastic.

"Glass-fork (Non-toxic material)" sign

The mark means that the product is made of non-toxic material and may come into contact with food products, T.

e. the material is harmless. Sometimes it is put on household appliances or for food packaging.

The "Glass and Fork" sign is often applied to plastic (eg. disposable tableware), informing about suitability for contact with food.

Sign "Green Dot (from German: Der Grune Punkt)"

The mark must be placed on the packaging of their products by companies that provide financial support to the German waste recycling program "Eco Emballage" (Ecological Packaging) and are included in its recycling system, otherwise the presence of this mark on the packaging is meaningless and is an attempt to introduce consumers into misconception regarding the environmental friendliness of the product.

Recycled sign

A product made from recycled materials or suitable for recycling. The use of this mark is not controlled by any organization; anyone puts it on their products and, therefore, in practice, this mark may not have meaning.

Aerosol Can Capacity Sign

The sign is depicted on cans of aerosol, indicating the capacity of the can, and not the amount of substance contained in it.

Product insert or open book with hand sign

This icon indicates that inside the secondary packaging there must be an insert that provides more detailed information about the product - description, method of use, precautions. The sign depicts an open book and a hand pointing at the page.

Handle with care sign

The sign indicates that the product in the package requires careful handling. In Russia and Europe, the sign “Fragile” is more often used for the same purpose - the well-known “shot glass”.

The English name of the sign is “Handle with Care”. In America, it is customary to duplicate this sign, like many others, with a text signature.

Site sections

Do you often audit your cosmetics shelves and get rid of expired products?

Do you pay attention to the sell-by date of a product when buying an expensive cream or perfume at a discount? An expired product causes much more harm than good, and therefore you should clearly understand whether you will have time to use it on time. If you cannot figure out the product labeling or have already thrown away the packaging, checking the expiration date of cosmetics using a special code will help out.

Cosmetics are marked with the date of manufacture and maximum shelf life when sealed. During this period, the product may lie in a warehouse, in a store window or in its owner’s dressing table. Some manufacturers indicate a general period after which the product becomes unusable and deteriorates; others - the sale date, after which the buyer can use it for another 6–12 months.

Standard expiration date Korean cosmetics- 3 years. Asian manufacturers often put the production date on the label in the “YY/MM/DD” format, which is unusual for Russians.

In any case, after opening the sealed package, the expiration date changes.

Constant contact of the product with air environment promotes oxidation and development of microorganisms. Of course, there are preservatives in cosmetics, but their effect is limited to a certain period, and the more natural the ingredients, the shorter it is. After several months or years - depending on the type of product - the antibacterial components lose their protective properties.

The expiration date after opening can be found on the bottle or packaging - it corresponds to an international sign in the form of a jar with a raised lid and a designation of the number of months (6M, 12M, 24M).

Lifespan of cosmetics

Each type of product has its own period. Below are standard recommendations for most cosmetic products. Please note that “green” cosmetics deteriorate much faster - natural preservatives are noticeably inferior in effectiveness to synthetic ones.

  • Dry powder, blush, eye shadow - 12–18 months;
  • foundation, cream powder, liquid concealer - 6–18 months;
  • mascara - 3–6 months;
  • hard lipstick - up to 36 months;
  • gloss, lip balm - up to 24 months;
  • contour pencils for eyes and lips - up to 3 years;
  • nail polish - up to 24 months;
  • face/body/eyelid/hand cream - up to 24 months;
  • sunscreen lotions - up to 2 years;
  • shower gels and shampoos - 36–60 months;
  • perfume - 5 years.

The data given is relevant only under proper storage conditions: in a cool (up to 25° C) dry, dark place. Cosmetics should not be kept on a windowsill, under the rays of the sun, or exposed to heat, because... under the influence of excessive heat, its composition and properties change, and bacteria begin to rapidly multiply inside the tube. If your favorite product has acquired a strange color or an unpleasant rancid smell, it should be thrown away immediately.

When taking out mascara or your favorite balm from your cosmetic bag, which “just won’t run out,” look at the bottom of the bottle - is it time to get rid of it? After the expiration date, cosmetics lose their healing and protective properties - they can provoke the development of allergic reactions, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and staphylococcal infections.

Some creams, gels and lotions from pharmacy series contain anti-aging and regenerating complexes that “live” only at low temperatures - they should be stored in the refrigerator. If storage conditions differ from standard ones, the manufacturer is obliged to warn about this on the label.

How to check the expiration date of a cosmetic product

When ordering products from abroad, it often turns out that foreign labeling differs from Russian ones - some products indicate the production date, others indicate “best before,” on others “best before,” and on others there is no information at all.

You can find out the expiration date of cosmetics using a batch code. It is applied with indelible paint to the bottom of the tube or bottle - each produced batch of goods is assigned a multi-digit number consisting of Arabic numerals and Latin letters (from 3 to 10).

A batch code with a calculator will help you out during a home audit if you do not find marks with the production date on the opened bottles. It will only take you a couple of minutes to determine the expiration date of cosmetics.

The encoding principle is the same for all manufacturers - the symbols hide the date of manufacture of the product - but the symbols and their sequence vary. For example, the year of manufacture of Clinique is encrypted with the last digit of the batch code, while Nivea uses the first digit. A number of manufacturers indicate the year the batch was manufactured using alphabetic symbols.

How to determine the expiration date of cosmetics? There are several ways to find out what is hidden behind a set of characters:

  • contact the support service on the manufacturer’s website;
  • check with the seller (network retailers have data on decoding batch codes);
  • use an online calculator.

The last one is the most convenient. There are several sites - mostly in English - where you can get accurate information by entering the brand name and batch code in a special search form.

  • checkfresh.com- a resource with a clear interface and detailed reference information on all brands: what the code looks like, where to find it, acceptable periods of use of products after opening the package. The site allows you to calculate the production date of cosmetics.
  • checkcosmetic.net- determines the month and year of production, the total shelf life of cosmetics by code and the remaining period before its expiration.
  • cosmeticswizard.net- a simple calculator that gives an explanation of the release date of the product.

Russian-language versions of calculators can also be used, but with caution - not all of them are relevant. Website makeup-review.com.ua/decoder.php accurately determines the month of production of the cosmetic product and the remaining shelf life of the cosmetic, while the resource beauty-project.ru provides outdated information for a number of popular brands.

When buying cosmetics in an unfamiliar place, it is better to check it to eliminate the possibility of falsification. For this, a barcode is used, which encrypts: the country of manufacture of the product, manufacturer, product code and check digit.

You cannot check the expiration date of cosmetics using a barcode. When using an expiration date calculator, do not confuse it with a batch code.

You can check the originality of a product using simple mathematical calculations. They involve all the digits of the barcode, except for the last control one.

  1. Add up the even digits of the barcode and multiply the total by 3;
  2. sum odd numbers;
  3. add the numbers obtained in step 1 and step 2;
  4. subtract the last digit of the total number of item 3 from 10.

The figure obtained as a result of the calculation must coincide in value with the control one.

For example, let’s take a cosmetic oil marked with the barcode 4607086566831. To find out if we got a fake, let’s make the following calculations:

  • (6 + 7 + 8 + 5 + 6 + 3) * 3 = 105;
  • 4 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 6 + 8 = 24;
  • 105 + 24 = 129;
  • 10 - 9 = 1.

The check digit of the barcode coincides with the result of the calculations - this means that we are dealing with an original product.

It is not difficult for a savvy and competent consumer to obtain information about a product - it is always on the packaging of a cosmetic product, albeit in encrypted form.

Using symbols and an online calculator, you can determine the expiration date of cosmetics by code and find out the permissible period of its use. Regularly check the contents of your cabinet and promptly get rid of expired cosmetics.